{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

-- |
-- The top-level type checker, which checks all declarations in a module.
module Language.PureScript.TypeChecker (
    module T,
) where

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad as T
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Kinds as T
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Types as T
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Synonyms as T

import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (nub, (\\), sort, group)
import Data.Foldable (for_, traverse_)

import qualified Data.Map as M

import Control.Monad (when, unless, void, forM, forM_)
import Control.Monad.Supply.Class (MonadSupply)
import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState(..), modify)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class (MonadWriter(..))

import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.Types
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.AST
import Language.PureScript.TypeClassDictionaries
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Errors

  :: (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> DataDeclType
  -> ProperName 'TypeName
  -> [(String, Maybe Kind)]
  -> [(ProperName 'ConstructorName, [Type])]
  -> Kind
  -> m ()
addDataType moduleName dtype name args dctors ctorKind = do
  env <- getEnv
  putEnv $ env { types = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (ctorKind, DataType args dctors) (types env) }
  for_ dctors $ \(dctor, tys) ->
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInDataConstructor dctor)) $
      addDataConstructor moduleName dtype name (map fst args) dctor tys

  :: (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> DataDeclType
  -> ProperName 'TypeName
  -> [String]
  -> ProperName 'ConstructorName
  -> [Type]
  -> m ()
addDataConstructor moduleName dtype name args dctor tys = do
  env <- getEnv
  traverse_ checkTypeSynonyms tys
  let retTy = foldl TypeApp (TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just moduleName) name)) (map TypeVar args)
  let dctorTy = foldr function retTy tys
  let polyType = mkForAll args dctorTy
  let fields = [Ident ("value" ++ show n) | n <- [0..(length tys - 1)]]
  putEnv $ env { dataConstructors = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) dctor) (dtype, name, polyType, fields) (dataConstructors env) }

  :: (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> ProperName 'TypeName
  -> [(String, Maybe Kind)]
  -> Type
  -> Kind
  -> m ()
addTypeSynonym moduleName name args ty kind = do
  env <- getEnv
  checkTypeSynonyms ty
  putEnv $ env { types = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (kind, TypeSynonym) (types env)
               , typeSynonyms = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (args, ty) (typeSynonyms env) }

  :: (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> Ident
  -> m ()
valueIsNotDefined moduleName name = do
  env <- getEnv
  case M.lookup (moduleName, name) (names env) of
    Just _ -> throwError . errorMessage $ RedefinedIdent name
    Nothing -> return ()

  :: (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> Ident
  -> Type
  -> NameKind
  -> m ()
addValue moduleName name ty nameKind = do
  env <- getEnv
  putEnv (env { names = M.insert (moduleName, name) (ty, nameKind, Defined) (names env) })

  :: (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> ProperName 'ClassName
  -> [(String, Maybe Kind)]
  -> [Constraint]
  -> [Declaration]
  -> m ()
addTypeClass moduleName pn args implies ds =
  let members = map toPair ds in
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { typeClasses = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) pn) (args, members, implies) (typeClasses . checkEnv $ st) } }
  toPair (TypeDeclaration ident ty) = (ident, ty)
  toPair (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = toPair d
  toPair _ = internalError "Invalid declaration in TypeClassDeclaration"

  :: (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => Maybe ModuleName
  -> M.Map (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) (M.Map (Qualified Ident) TypeClassDictionaryInScope)
  -> m ()
addTypeClassDictionaries mn entries =
  modify $ \st -> st { checkEnv = (checkEnv st) { typeClassDictionaries = insertState st } }
  where insertState st = M.insertWith (M.unionWith M.union) mn entries (typeClassDictionaries . checkEnv $ st)

  :: (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => [String]
  -> m ()
checkDuplicateTypeArguments args = for_ firstDup $ \dup ->
  throwError . errorMessage $ DuplicateTypeArgument dup
  firstDup :: Maybe String
  firstDup = listToMaybe $ args \\ nub args

  :: (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> Type
  -> m ()
checkTypeClassInstance _ (TypeVar _) = return ()
checkTypeClassInstance _ (TypeConstructor ctor) = do
  env <- getEnv
  when (ctor `M.member` typeSynonyms env) . throwError . errorMessage $ TypeSynonymInstance
  return ()
checkTypeClassInstance m (TypeApp t1 t2) = checkTypeClassInstance m t1 >> checkTypeClassInstance m t2
checkTypeClassInstance _ ty = throwError . errorMessage $ InvalidInstanceHead ty

-- |
-- Check that type synonyms are fully-applied in a type
  :: (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => Type
  -> m ()
checkTypeSynonyms = void . replaceAllTypeSynonyms

-- |
-- Type check all declarations in a module
-- At this point, many declarations will have been desugared, but it is still necessary to
--  * Kind-check all types and add them to the @Environment@
--  * Type-check all values and add them to the @Environment@
--  * Bring type class instances into scope
--  * Process module imports
  :: forall m
   . (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => ModuleName
  -> [DeclarationRef]
  -> [Declaration]
  -> m [Declaration]
typeCheckAll moduleName _ ds = traverse go ds <* traverse_ checkFixities ds
  go :: Declaration -> m Declaration
  go (DataDeclaration dtype name args dctors) = do
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInTypeConstructor name)) $ do
      when (dtype == Newtype) $ checkNewtype dctors
      checkDuplicateTypeArguments $ map fst args
      ctorKind <- kindsOf True moduleName name args (concatMap snd dctors)
      let args' = args `withKinds` ctorKind
      addDataType moduleName dtype name args' dctors ctorKind
    return $ DataDeclaration dtype name args dctors
    checkNewtype :: [(ProperName 'ConstructorName, [Type])] -> m ()
    checkNewtype [(_, [_])] = return ()
    checkNewtype [(_, _)] = throwError . errorMessage $ InvalidNewtype name
    checkNewtype _ = throwError . errorMessage $ InvalidNewtype name
  go (d@(DataBindingGroupDeclaration tys)) = do
    warnAndRethrow (addHint ErrorInDataBindingGroup) $ do
      let syns = mapMaybe toTypeSynonym tys
      let dataDecls = mapMaybe toDataDecl tys
      (syn_ks, data_ks) <- kindsOfAll moduleName syns (map (\(_, name, args, dctors) -> (name, args, concatMap snd dctors)) dataDecls)
      for_ (zip dataDecls data_ks) $ \((dtype, name, args, dctors), ctorKind) -> do
        checkDuplicateTypeArguments $ map fst args
        let args' = args `withKinds` ctorKind
        addDataType moduleName dtype name args' dctors ctorKind
      for_ (zip syns syn_ks) $ \((name, args, ty), kind) -> do
        checkDuplicateTypeArguments $ map fst args
        let args' = args `withKinds` kind
        addTypeSynonym moduleName name args' ty kind
    return d
    toTypeSynonym (TypeSynonymDeclaration nm args ty) = Just (nm, args, ty)
    toTypeSynonym (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d') = toTypeSynonym d'
    toTypeSynonym _ = Nothing
    toDataDecl (DataDeclaration dtype nm args dctors) = Just (dtype, nm, args, dctors)
    toDataDecl (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d') = toDataDecl d'
    toDataDecl _ = Nothing
  go (TypeSynonymDeclaration name args ty) = do
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInTypeSynonym name)) $ do
      checkDuplicateTypeArguments $ map fst args
      kind <- kindsOf False moduleName name args [ty]
      let args' = args `withKinds` kind
      addTypeSynonym moduleName name args' ty kind
    return $ TypeSynonymDeclaration name args ty
  go (TypeDeclaration{}) = internalError "Type declarations should have been removed"
  go (ValueDeclaration name nameKind [] (Right val)) =
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInValueDeclaration name)) $ do
      valueIsNotDefined moduleName name
      [(_, (val', ty))] <- typesOf moduleName [(name, val)]
      addValue moduleName name ty nameKind
      return $ ValueDeclaration name nameKind [] $ Right val'
  go (ValueDeclaration{}) = internalError "Binders were not desugared"
  go (BindingGroupDeclaration vals) =
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInBindingGroup (map (\(ident, _, _) -> ident) vals))) $ do
      for_ (map (\(ident, _, _) -> ident) vals) $ \name ->
        valueIsNotDefined moduleName name
      tys <- typesOf moduleName $ map (\(ident, _, ty) -> (ident, ty)) vals
      vals' <- forM [ (name, val, nameKind, ty)
                    | (name, nameKind, _) <- vals
                    , (name', (val, ty)) <- tys
                    , name == name'
                    ] $ \(name, val, nameKind, ty) -> do
        addValue moduleName name ty nameKind
        return (name, nameKind, val)
      return $ BindingGroupDeclaration vals'
  go (d@(ExternDataDeclaration name kind)) = do
    env <- getEnv
    putEnv $ env { types = M.insert (Qualified (Just moduleName) name) (kind, ExternData) (types env) }
    return d
  go (d@(ExternDeclaration name ty)) = do
    warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInForeignImport name)) $ do
      env <- getEnv
      kind <- kindOf ty
      guardWith (errorMessage (ExpectedType ty kind)) $ kind == Star
      case M.lookup (moduleName, name) (names env) of
        Just _ -> throwError . errorMessage $ RedefinedIdent name
        Nothing -> putEnv (env { names = M.insert (moduleName, name) (ty, External, Defined) (names env) })
    return d
  go (d@(FixityDeclaration{})) = return d
  go (d@(ImportDeclaration{})) = return d
  go (d@(TypeClassDeclaration pn args implies tys)) = do
    addTypeClass moduleName pn args implies tys
    return d
  go (d@(TypeInstanceDeclaration dictName deps className tys body)) = rethrow (addHint (ErrorInInstance className tys)) $ do
    traverse_ (checkTypeClassInstance moduleName) tys
    forM_ deps $ traverse_ (checkTypeClassInstance moduleName) . snd
    checkOrphanInstance dictName className tys
    _ <- traverseTypeInstanceBody checkInstanceMembers body
    let dict = TypeClassDictionaryInScope (Qualified (Just moduleName) dictName) [] className tys (Just deps)
    addTypeClassDictionaries (Just moduleName) . M.singleton className $ M.singleton (tcdName dict) dict
    return d
  go (PositionedDeclaration pos com d) =
    warnAndRethrowWithPosition pos $ PositionedDeclaration pos com <$> go d

  checkFixities :: Declaration -> m ()
  checkFixities (FixityDeclaration _ name (Just alias)) = do
    ty <- lookupVariable moduleName alias
    addValue moduleName (Op name) ty Public
  checkFixities (FixityDeclaration _ name _) = do
    env <- getEnv
    guardWith (errorMessage (OrphanFixityDeclaration name)) $ M.member (moduleName, Op name) $ names env
  checkFixities (PositionedDeclaration pos _ d) =
    warnAndRethrowWithPosition pos $ checkFixities d
  checkFixities _ = return ()

  checkInstanceMembers :: [Declaration] -> m [Declaration]
  checkInstanceMembers instDecls = do
    let idents = sort . map head . group . map memberName $ instDecls
    for_ (firstDuplicate idents) $ \ident ->
      throwError . errorMessage $ DuplicateValueDeclaration ident
    return instDecls
    memberName :: Declaration -> Ident
    memberName (ValueDeclaration ident _ _ _) = ident
    memberName (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = memberName d
    memberName _ = internalError "checkInstanceMembers: Invalid declaration in type instance definition"

    firstDuplicate :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Maybe a
    firstDuplicate (x : xs@(y : _))
      | x == y = Just x
      | otherwise = firstDuplicate xs
    firstDuplicate _ = Nothing

  checkOrphanInstance :: Ident -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> [Type] -> m ()
  checkOrphanInstance dictName className@(Qualified (Just mn') _) tys'
    | moduleName == mn' || any checkType tys' = return ()
    | otherwise = throwError . errorMessage $ OrphanInstance dictName className tys'
    checkType :: Type -> Bool
    checkType (TypeVar _) = False
    checkType (TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just mn'') _)) = moduleName == mn''
    checkType (TypeConstructor (Qualified Nothing _)) = internalError "Unqualified type name in checkOrphanInstance"
    checkType (TypeApp t1 _) = checkType t1
    checkType _ = internalError "Invalid type in instance in checkOrphanInstance"
  checkOrphanInstance _ _ _ = internalError "Unqualified class name in checkOrphanInstance"

  -- |
  -- This function adds the argument kinds for a type constructor so that they may appear in the externs file,
  -- extracted from the kind of the type constructor itself.
  withKinds :: [(String, Maybe Kind)] -> Kind -> [(String, Maybe Kind)]
  withKinds []                  _               = []
  withKinds (s@(_, Just _ ):ss) (FunKind _   k) = s : withKinds ss k
  withKinds (  (s, Nothing):ss) (FunKind k1 k2) = (s, Just k1) : withKinds ss k2
  withKinds _                   _               = internalError "Invalid arguments to peelKinds"

-- |
-- Type check an entire module and ensure all types and classes defined within the module that are
-- required by exported members are also exported.
  :: forall m
   . (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
  => Module
  -> m Module
typeCheckModule (Module _ _ _ _ Nothing) = internalError "exports should have been elaborated"
typeCheckModule (Module ss coms mn decls (Just exps)) = warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInModule mn)) $ do
  modify (\s -> s { checkCurrentModule = Just mn })
  decls' <- typeCheckAll mn exps decls
  for_ exps $ \e -> do
    checkTypesAreExported e
    checkClassMembersAreExported e
    checkClassesAreExported e
    checkNonAliasesAreExported e
  return $ Module ss coms mn decls' (Just exps)

  checkMemberExport :: (Type -> [DeclarationRef]) -> DeclarationRef -> m ()
  checkMemberExport extract dr@(TypeRef name dctors) = do
    env <- getEnv
    case M.lookup (Qualified (Just mn) name) (typeSynonyms env) of
      Nothing -> return ()
      Just (_, ty) -> checkExport dr extract ty
    case dctors of
      Nothing -> return ()
      Just dctors' -> for_ dctors' $ \dctor ->
        case M.lookup (Qualified (Just mn) dctor) (dataConstructors env) of
          Nothing -> return ()
          Just (_, _, ty, _) -> checkExport dr extract ty
    return ()
  checkMemberExport extract dr@(ValueRef name) = do
    ty <- lookupVariable mn (Qualified (Just mn) name)
    checkExport dr extract ty
  checkMemberExport _ _ = return ()

  checkExport :: DeclarationRef -> (Type -> [DeclarationRef]) -> Type -> m ()
  checkExport dr extract ty = case filter (not . exported) (extract ty) of
    [] -> return ()
    hidden -> throwError . errorMessage $ TransitiveExportError dr hidden
    exported e = any (exports e) exps
    exports (TypeRef pn1 _) (TypeRef pn2 _) = pn1 == pn2
    exports (ValueRef id1) (ValueRef id2) = id1 == id2
    exports (TypeClassRef pn1) (TypeClassRef pn2) = pn1 == pn2
    exports (PositionedDeclarationRef _ _ r1) r2 = exports r1 r2
    exports r1 (PositionedDeclarationRef _ _ r2) = exports r1 r2
    exports _ _ = False

  -- Check that all the type constructors defined in the current module that appear in member types
  -- have also been exported from the module
  checkTypesAreExported :: DeclarationRef -> m ()
  checkTypesAreExported = checkMemberExport findTcons
    findTcons :: Type -> [DeclarationRef]
    findTcons = everythingOnTypes (++) go
      go (TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just mn') name)) | mn' == mn = [TypeRef name (internalError "Data constructors unused in checkTypesAreExported")]
      go _ = []

  -- Check that all the classes defined in the current module that appear in member types have also
  -- been exported from the module
  checkClassesAreExported :: DeclarationRef -> m ()
  checkClassesAreExported = checkMemberExport findClasses
    findClasses :: Type -> [DeclarationRef]
    findClasses = everythingOnTypes (++) go
      go (ConstrainedType cs _) = mapMaybe (fmap TypeClassRef . extractCurrentModuleClass . fst) cs
      go _ = []
    extractCurrentModuleClass :: Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> Maybe (ProperName 'ClassName)
    extractCurrentModuleClass (Qualified (Just mn') name) | mn == mn' = Just name
    extractCurrentModuleClass _ = Nothing

  checkClassMembersAreExported :: DeclarationRef -> m ()
  checkClassMembersAreExported dr@(TypeClassRef name) = do
    let members = ValueRef `map` head (mapMaybe findClassMembers decls)
    let missingMembers = members \\ exps
    unless (null missingMembers) $ throwError . errorMessage $ TransitiveExportError dr members
    findClassMembers :: Declaration -> Maybe [Ident]
    findClassMembers (TypeClassDeclaration name' _ _ ds) | name == name' = Just $ map extractMemberName ds
    findClassMembers (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = findClassMembers d
    findClassMembers _ = Nothing
    extractMemberName :: Declaration -> Ident
    extractMemberName (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = extractMemberName d
    extractMemberName (TypeDeclaration memberName _) = memberName
    extractMemberName _ = internalError "Unexpected declaration in typeclass member list"
  checkClassMembersAreExported _ = return ()

  checkNonAliasesAreExported :: DeclarationRef -> m ()
  checkNonAliasesAreExported dr@(ValueRef (Op name)) =
    case listToMaybe (mapMaybe getAlias decls) of
      Just alias ->
        when (not $ any (== ValueRef alias) exps) $
          throwError . errorMessage $ TransitiveExportError dr [ValueRef alias]
      _ -> return ()
    getAlias :: Declaration -> Maybe Ident
    getAlias (PositionedDeclaration _ _ d) = getAlias d
    getAlias (FixityDeclaration _ name' (Just (Qualified (Just mn') alias)))
      | mn == mn' && name == name' = Just alias
    getAlias _ = Nothing
  checkNonAliasesAreExported _ = return ()