Error found: in module Main at tests/purs/failing/3329.purs:24:8 - 24:11 (line 24, column 8 - line 24, column 11) No type class instance was found for    Main.Inject g0   (Either f1 g0)   The following instance partially overlaps the above constraint, which means the rest of its instance chain will not be considered: Main.injectLeft while checking that type forall (f :: Type) (g :: Type). Inject f g => f -> g is at least as general as type g0 -> Either f1 g0 while checking that expression inj has type g0 -> Either f1 g0 in value declaration injR where f1 is a rigid type variable bound at (line 24, column 8 - line 24, column 11) g0 is a rigid type variable bound at (line 24, column 8 - line 24, column 11) See for more information, or to contribute content related to this error.