Error 1 of 2: at tests/purs/failing/NonAssociativeError.purs:7:10 - 7:12 (line 7, column 10 - line 7, column 12) Cannot parse an expression that uses multiple instances of the non-associative operator Data.Eq.(==). Use parentheses to resolve this ambiguity. See for more information, or to contribute content related to this error. Error 2 of 2: at tests/purs/failing/NonAssociativeError.purs:8:19 - 8:21 (line 8, column 19 - line 8, column 21) Cannot parse an expression that uses multiple non-associative operators of the same precedence: Data.Eq.(/=) Data.Eq.(==) Use parentheses to resolve this ambiguity. See for more information, or to contribute content related to this error.