Error found: in module Main at tests/purs/failing/CoercibleRepresentational7.purs:8:10 - 8:16 (line 8, column 10 - line 8, column 16) No type class instance was found for    Prim.Coerce.Coercible (N a0)  a0    Solving this instance requires the newtype constructor N to be in scope. while checking that type forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type). Coercible @Type a b => a -> b is at least as general as type N a0 -> a0 while checking that expression coerce has type N a0 -> a0 in value declaration unwrap where a0 is a rigid type variable bound at (line 8, column 10 - line 8, column 16) See for more information, or to contribute content related to this error.