Error found: in module X at tests/purs/failing/2806.purs:6:1 - 6:29 (line 6, column 1 - line 6, column 29) A case expression could not be determined to cover all inputs. The following additional cases are required to cover all inputs: _ Alternatively, add a Partial constraint to the type of the enclosing value. while applying a function $__unused of type Partial => t1 -> t1 to argument case e of   e | L x <- e -> x while checking that expression $__unused (case e of   e | L x <- e -> x  )  has type a0 in value declaration g where a0 is a rigid type variable bound at (line 0, column 0 - line 0, column 0) t1 is an unknown type See for more information, or to contribute content related to this error.