-- |
-- This module optimizes code in the simplified-Javascript intermediate representation.
-- The following optimizations are supported:
--  * Collapsing nested blocks
--  * Tail call elimination
--  * Inlining of (>>=) and ret for the Eff monad
--  * Removal of unnecessary thunks
--  * Eta conversion
--  * Inlining variables
--  * Inline Prelude.($), Prelude.(#), Prelude.(++), Prelude.(!!)
--  * Inlining primitive Javascript operators
module Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.Optimizer (optimize) where

import Prelude.Compat

import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ask, asks)
import Control.Monad.Supply.Class (MonadSupply)

import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.AST
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.Optimizer.Blocks
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.Optimizer.Common
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.Optimizer.Inliner
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.Optimizer.MagicDo
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.Optimizer.TCO
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.Optimizer.Unused
import Language.PureScript.Options

-- |
-- Apply a series of optimizer passes to simplified Javascript code
optimize :: (MonadReader Options m, MonadSupply m) => JS -> m JS
optimize js = do
  noOpt <- asks optionsNoOptimizations
  if noOpt then return js else optimize' js

optimize' :: (MonadReader Options m, MonadSupply m) => JS -> m JS
optimize' js = do
  opts <- ask
  js' <- untilFixedPoint (inlineFnComposition . inlineUnsafePartial . tidyUp . applyAll
    [ inlineCommonValues
    , inlineCommonOperators
    ]) js
  untilFixedPoint (return . tidyUp) . tco opts . magicDo opts $ js'
  tidyUp :: JS -> JS
  tidyUp = applyAll
    [ collapseNestedBlocks
    , collapseNestedIfs
    , removeCodeAfterReturnStatements
    , removeUnusedArg
    , removeUndefinedApp
    , unThunk
    , etaConvert
    , evaluateIifes
    , inlineVariables

untilFixedPoint :: (Monad m, Eq a) => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
untilFixedPoint f = go
  go a = do
   a' <- f a
   if a' == a then return a' else go a'