-- | Functions for converting PureScript ASTs into values of the data types
-- from Language.PureScript.Docs.

module Language.PureScript.Docs.Convert
  ( convertModules
  , convertModulesInPackage
  , collectBookmarks
  ) where

import Prelude.Compat

import Control.Arrow ((&&&), second)
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError)
import Control.Monad.State (runStateT)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (runWriterT)
import Data.List (find)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)

import Language.PureScript.Docs.Convert.ReExports (updateReExports)
import Language.PureScript.Docs.Convert.Single (convertSingleModule, collectBookmarks)
import Language.PureScript.Docs.Types
import qualified Language.PureScript as P
import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants as C

import Text.Parsec (eof)

-- |
-- Like convertModules, except that it takes a list of modules, together with
-- their dependency status, and discards dependency modules in the resulting
-- documentation.
convertModulesInPackage ::
  (MonadError P.MultipleErrors m) =>
  [InPackage P.Module] ->
  m [Module]
convertModulesInPackage modules =
  go modules
  localNames =
    map P.getModuleName (takeLocals modules)
  go =
    map ignorePackage
     >>> convertModules withPackage
     >>> fmap (filter ((`elem` localNames) . modName))

  withPackage :: P.ModuleName -> InPackage P.ModuleName
  withPackage mn =
    case find ((== mn) . P.getModuleName . ignorePackage) modules of
      Just m ->
        fmap P.getModuleName m
      Nothing ->
        P.internalError $ "withPackage: missing module:" ++
          show (P.runModuleName mn)

-- |
-- Convert a group of modules to the intermediate format, designed for
-- producing documentation from. It is also necessary to pass an Env containing
-- imports/exports information about the list of modules, which is needed for
-- documenting re-exports.
-- Note that the whole module dependency graph must be included in the list; if
-- some modules import things from other modules, then those modules must also
-- be included.
-- For value declarations, if explicit type signatures are omitted, or a
-- wildcard type is used, then we typecheck the modules and use the inferred
-- types.
convertModules ::
  (MonadError P.MultipleErrors m) =>
  (P.ModuleName -> InPackage P.ModuleName) ->
  [P.Module] ->
  m [Module]
convertModules withPackage =
    >>> fmap (fst >>> map importPrim)
    >=> convertSorted withPackage

importPrim :: P.Module -> P.Module
importPrim = P.addDefaultImport (P.ModuleName [P.ProperName C.prim])

-- |
-- Convert a sorted list of modules.
convertSorted ::
  (MonadError P.MultipleErrors m) =>
  (P.ModuleName -> InPackage P.ModuleName) ->
  [P.Module] ->
  m [Module]
convertSorted withPackage modules = do
  (env, convertedModules) <- second (map convertSingleModule) <$> partiallyDesugar modules

  modulesWithTypes <- typeCheckIfNecessary modules convertedModules
  let moduleMap = Map.fromList (map (modName &&& id) modulesWithTypes)

  let traversalOrder = map P.getModuleName modules
  pure (Map.elems (updateReExports env traversalOrder withPackage moduleMap))

-- |
-- If any exported value declarations have either wildcard type signatures, or
-- none at all, then typecheck in order to fill them in with the inferred
-- types.
typeCheckIfNecessary ::
  (MonadError P.MultipleErrors m) =>
  [P.Module] ->
  [Module] ->
  m [Module]
typeCheckIfNecessary modules convertedModules =
  if any hasWildcards convertedModules
    then go
    else pure convertedModules

  hasWildcards = any (isWild . declInfo) . modDeclarations
  isWild (ValueDeclaration P.TypeWildcard{}) = True
  isWild _ = False

  go = do
    checkEnv <- snd <$> typeCheck modules
    pure (map (insertValueTypes checkEnv) convertedModules)

-- |
-- Typechecks all the modules together. Also returns the final 'P.Environment',
-- which is useful for adding in inferred types where explicit declarations
-- were not provided.
typeCheck ::
  (MonadError P.MultipleErrors m) =>
  [P.Module] ->
  m ([P.Module], P.Environment)
typeCheck =
  (P.desugar [] >=> check)
  >>> fmap (second P.checkEnv)
  >>> P.evalSupplyT 0
  >>> ignoreWarnings

  check ms =
      (traverse P.typeCheckModule ms)
      (P.emptyCheckState P.initEnvironment)

  ignoreWarnings =
    fmap fst . runWriterT

-- |
-- Updates all the types of the ValueDeclarations inside the module based on
-- their types inside the given Environment.
insertValueTypes ::
  P.Environment -> Module -> Module
insertValueTypes env m =
  m { modDeclarations = map go (modDeclarations m) }
  go (d@Declaration { declInfo = ValueDeclaration P.TypeWildcard{} }) =
      ident = parseIdent (declTitle d)
      ty = lookupName ident
      d { declInfo = ValueDeclaration ty }
  go other =

  parseIdent =
    either (err . ("failed to parse Ident: " ++)) id . runParser P.parseIdent

  lookupName name =
    let key = P.Qualified (Just (modName m)) name
    in case Map.lookup key (P.names env) of
      Just (ty, _, _) ->
      Nothing ->
        err ("name not found: " ++ show key)

  err msg =
    P.internalError ("Docs.Convert.insertValueTypes: " ++ msg)

runParser :: P.TokenParser a -> Text -> Either String a
runParser p s = either (Left . show) Right $ do
  ts <- P.lex "" s
  P.runTokenParser "" (p <* eof) ts

-- |
-- Partially desugar modules so that they are suitable for extracting
-- documentation information from.
partiallyDesugar ::
  (MonadError P.MultipleErrors m) =>
  -> m (P.Env, [P.Module])
partiallyDesugar = P.evalSupplyT 0 . desugar'
  desugar' =
    traverse P.desugarDoModule
      >=> traverse P.desugarCasesModule
      >=> traverse P.desugarTypeDeclarationsModule
      >=> ignoreWarnings . P.desugarImportsWithEnv []

  ignoreWarnings = fmap fst . runWriterT