{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}

-- |
-- Type class entailment
module Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Entailment
  ( InstanceContext
  , replaceTypeClassDictionaries
  , newDictionaries
  ) where

import Prelude.Compat

import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Supply.Class (MonadSupply(..))
import Control.Monad.Writer

import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (minimumBy, nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S

import Language.PureScript.AST
import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Unify
import Language.PureScript.TypeClassDictionaries
import Language.PureScript.Types
import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants as C

-- | The 'InstanceContext' tracks those constraints which can be satisfied.
type InstanceContext = M.Map (Maybe ModuleName)
                         (M.Map (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName))
                           (M.Map (Qualified Ident)

-- | A type substitution which makes an instance head match a list of types.
-- Note: we store many types per type variable name. For any name, all types
-- should unify if we are going to commit to an instance.
type Matching a = M.Map String a

combineContexts :: InstanceContext -> InstanceContext -> InstanceContext
combineContexts = M.unionWith (M.unionWith M.union)

-- | Replace type class dictionary placeholders with inferred type class dictionaries
  :: forall m
   . (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m)
  => Bool
  -> Expr
  -> m (Expr, [(Ident, Constraint)])
replaceTypeClassDictionaries shouldGeneralize expr = flip evalStateT M.empty $ do
    -- Loop, deferring any unsolved constraints, until there are no more
    -- constraints which can be solved, then make a generalization pass.
    let loop e = do
          (e', solved) <- deferPass e
          if getAny solved
            then loop e'
            else return e'
    loop expr >>= generalizePass
    -- This pass solves constraints where possible, deferring constraints if not.
    deferPass :: Expr -> StateT InstanceContext m (Expr, Any)
    deferPass = fmap (second fst) . runWriterT . f where
      f :: Expr -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) Expr
      (_, f, _) = everywhereOnValuesTopDownM return (go True) return

    -- This pass generalizes any remaining constraints
    generalizePass :: Expr -> StateT InstanceContext m (Expr, [(Ident, Constraint)])
    generalizePass = fmap (second snd) . runWriterT . f where
      f :: Expr -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) Expr
      (_, f, _) = everywhereOnValuesTopDownM return (go False) return

    go :: Bool -> Expr -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) Expr
    go deferErrors dict@(TypeClassDictionary _ _ hints) =
      rethrow (addHints hints) $ entails shouldGeneralize deferErrors dict
    go _ other = return other

-- | Three options for how we can handle a constraint, depending on the mode we're in.
data EntailsResult a
  = Solved a TypeClassDictionaryInScope
  -- ^ We solved this constraint
  | Unsolved Constraint
  -- ^ We couldn't solve this constraint right now, it will be generalized
  | Deferred
  -- ^ We couldn't solve this constraint right now, so it has been deferred

-- |
-- Check that the current set of type class dictionaries entail the specified type class goal, and, if so,
-- return a type class dictionary reference.
  :: forall m
   . (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m)
  => Bool
  -> Bool
  -> Expr
  -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) Expr
entails shouldGeneralize deferErrors (TypeClassDictionary constraint context hints) =
    solve constraint
    forClassName :: InstanceContext -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> [Type] -> [TypeClassDictionaryInScope]
    forClassName ctx cn@(Qualified (Just mn) _) tys = concatMap (findDicts ctx cn) (nub (Nothing : Just mn : map Just (mapMaybe ctorModules tys)))
    forClassName _ _ _ = internalError "forClassName: expected qualified class name"

    ctorModules :: Type -> Maybe ModuleName
    ctorModules (TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just mn) _)) = Just mn
    ctorModules (TypeConstructor (Qualified Nothing _)) = internalError "ctorModules: unqualified type name"
    ctorModules (TypeApp ty _) = ctorModules ty
    ctorModules _ = Nothing

    findDicts :: InstanceContext -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> Maybe ModuleName -> [TypeClassDictionaryInScope]
    findDicts ctx cn = maybe [] M.elems . (>>= M.lookup cn) . flip M.lookup ctx

    valUndefined :: Expr
    valUndefined = Var (Qualified (Just (ModuleName [ProperName C.prim])) (Ident C.undefined))

    solve :: Constraint -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) Expr
    solve con = go 0 con
        go :: Int -> Constraint -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) Expr
        go work (Constraint className' tys' _) | work > 1000 = throwError . errorMessage $ PossiblyInfiniteInstance className' tys'
        go work con'@(Constraint className' tys' conInfo) = WriterT . StateT . (withErrorMessageHint (ErrorSolvingConstraint con') .) . runStateT . runWriterT $ do
            -- We might have unified types by solving other constraints, so we need to
            -- apply the latest substitution.
            latestSubst <- lift . lift $ gets checkSubstitution
            let tys'' = map (substituteType latestSubst) tys'
            -- Get the inferred constraint context so far, and merge it with the global context
            inferred <- lift get
            -- We need information about functional dependencies, so we have to look up the class
            -- name in the environment:
            let findClass = fromMaybe (internalError "entails: type class not found in environment") . M.lookup className'
            TypeClassData{ typeClassDependencies } <- lift . lift $ gets (findClass . typeClasses . checkEnv)
            let instances =
                  [ (substs, tcd)
                  | tcd <- forClassName (combineContexts context inferred) className' tys''
                    -- Make sure the type unifies with the type in the type instance definition
                  , substs <- maybeToList (matches typeClassDependencies tcd tys'')
            solution <- lift . lift $ unique tys'' instances
            case solution of
              Solved substs tcd -> do
                -- Note that we solved something.
                tell (Any True, mempty)
                -- Make sure the substitution is valid:
                lift . lift . for_ substs $ pairwiseM unifyTypes
                -- Now enforce any functional dependencies, using unification
                -- Note: we need to generate fresh types for any unconstrained
                -- type variables before unifying.
                let subst = fmap head substs
                currentSubst <- lift . lift $ gets checkSubstitution
                subst' <- lift . lift $ withFreshTypes tcd (fmap (substituteType currentSubst) subst)
                lift . lift $ zipWithM_ (\t1 t2 -> do
                  let inferredType = replaceAllTypeVars (M.toList subst') t1
                  unifyTypes inferredType t2) (tcdInstanceTypes tcd) tys''
                currentSubst' <- lift . lift $ gets checkSubstitution
                let subst'' = fmap (substituteType currentSubst') subst'
                -- Solve any necessary subgoals
                args <- solveSubgoals subst'' (tcdDependencies tcd)
                let match = foldr (\(superclassName, index) dict -> subclassDictionaryValue dict superclassName index)
                                  (mkDictionary (tcdName tcd) args)
                                  (tcdPath tcd)
                return match
              Unsolved unsolved -> do
                -- Generate a fresh name for the unsolved constraint's new dictionary
                ident <- freshIdent ("dict" ++ runProperName (disqualify (constraintClass unsolved)))
                let qident = Qualified Nothing ident
                -- Store the new dictionary in the InstanceContext so that we can solve this goal in
                -- future.
                newDicts <- lift . lift $ newDictionaries [] qident unsolved
                let newContext = mkContext newDicts
                modify (combineContexts newContext)
                -- Mark this constraint for generalization
                tell (mempty, [(ident, unsolved)])
                return (Var qident)
              Deferred ->
                -- Constraint was deferred, just return the dictionary unchanged,
                -- with no unsolved constraints. Hopefully, we can solve this later.
                return (TypeClassDictionary (Constraint className' tys'' conInfo) context hints)
            -- | When checking functional dependencies, we need to use unification to make
            -- sure it is safe to use the selected instance. We will unify the solved type with
            -- the type in the instance head under the substition inferred from its instantiation.
            -- As an example, when solving MonadState t0 (State Int), we choose the
            -- MonadState s (State s) instance, and we unify t0 with Int, since the functional
            -- dependency from MonadState dictates that t0 should unify with s\[s -> Int], which is
            -- Int. This is fine, but in some cases, the substitution does not remove all TypeVars
            -- from the type, so we end up with a unification error. So, any type arguments which
            -- appear in the instance head, but not in the substitution need to be replaced with
            -- fresh type variables. This function extends a substitution with fresh type variables
            -- as necessary, based on the types in the instance head.
              :: TypeClassDictionaryInScope
              -> Matching Type
              -> m (Matching Type)
            withFreshTypes TypeClassDictionaryInScope{..} subst = do
                let onType = everythingOnTypes S.union fromTypeVar
                    typeVarsInHead = foldMap onType tcdInstanceTypes
                                  <> foldMap (foldMap (foldMap onType . constraintArgs)) tcdDependencies
                    typeVarsInSubst = S.fromList (M.keys subst)
                    uninstantiatedTypeVars = typeVarsInHead S.\\ typeVarsInSubst
                newSubst <- traverse withFreshType (S.toList uninstantiatedTypeVars)
                return (subst <> M.fromList newSubst)
                fromTypeVar (TypeVar v) = S.singleton v
                fromTypeVar _ = S.empty

                withFreshType s = do
                  t <- freshType
                  return (s, t)

            unique :: [Type] -> [(a, TypeClassDictionaryInScope)] -> m (EntailsResult a)
            unique tyArgs []
              | deferErrors = return Deferred
              -- We need a special case for nullary type classes, since we want
              -- to generalize over Partial constraints.
              | shouldGeneralize && (null tyArgs || any canBeGeneralized tyArgs) = return (Unsolved (Constraint className' tyArgs conInfo))
              | otherwise = throwError . errorMessage $ NoInstanceFound (Constraint className' tyArgs conInfo)
            unique _      [(a, dict)] = return $ Solved a dict
            unique tyArgs tcds
              | pairwiseAny overlapping (map snd tcds) = do
                  tell . errorMessage $ OverlappingInstances className' tyArgs (map (tcdName . snd) tcds)
                  return $ uncurry Solved (head tcds)
              | otherwise = return $ uncurry Solved (minimumBy (compare `on` length . tcdPath . snd) tcds)

            canBeGeneralized :: Type -> Bool
            canBeGeneralized TUnknown{} = True
            canBeGeneralized Skolem{} = True
            canBeGeneralized _ = False

            -- |
            -- Check if two dictionaries are overlapping
            -- Dictionaries which are subclass dictionaries cannot overlap, since otherwise the overlap would have
            -- been caught when constructing superclass dictionaries.
            overlapping :: TypeClassDictionaryInScope -> TypeClassDictionaryInScope -> Bool
            overlapping TypeClassDictionaryInScope{ tcdPath = _ : _ } _ = False
            overlapping _ TypeClassDictionaryInScope{ tcdPath = _ : _ } = False
            overlapping TypeClassDictionaryInScope{ tcdDependencies = Nothing } _ = False
            overlapping _ TypeClassDictionaryInScope{ tcdDependencies = Nothing } = False
            overlapping tcd1 tcd2 = tcdName tcd1 /= tcdName tcd2

            -- Create dictionaries for subgoals which still need to be solved by calling go recursively
            -- E.g. the goal (Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b) can be satisfied if the current type
            -- unifies with Either a b, and we can satisfy the subgoals Show a and Show b recursively.
            solveSubgoals :: Matching Type -> Maybe [Constraint] -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) (Maybe [Expr])
            solveSubgoals _ Nothing = return Nothing
            solveSubgoals subst (Just subgoals) =
              Just <$> traverse (go (work + 1) . mapConstraintArgs (map (replaceAllTypeVars (M.toList subst)))) subgoals

            -- Make a dictionary from subgoal dictionaries by applying the correct function
            mkDictionary :: Qualified Ident -> Maybe [Expr] -> Expr
            mkDictionary fnName Nothing = Var fnName
            mkDictionary fnName (Just []) = Var fnName
            mkDictionary fnName (Just dicts) = foldl App (Var fnName) dicts

        -- Turn a DictionaryValue into a Expr
        subclassDictionaryValue :: Expr -> Qualified (ProperName a) -> Integer -> Expr
        subclassDictionaryValue dict superclassName index =
          App (Accessor (C.__superclass_ ++ showQualified runProperName superclassName ++ "_" ++ show index)
entails _ _ _ = internalError "entails: expected TypeClassDictionary"

-- Check if an instance matches our list of types, allowing for types
-- to be solved via functional dependencies. If the types match, we return a
-- substitution which makes them match. If not, we return 'Nothing'.
matches :: [FunctionalDependency] -> TypeClassDictionaryInScope -> [Type] -> Maybe (Matching [Type])
matches deps TypeClassDictionaryInScope{..} tys = do
    -- First, find those types which match exactly
    let matched = zipWith typeHeadsAreEqual tys tcdInstanceTypes
    -- Now, use any functional dependencies to infer any remaining types
    guard $ covers matched
    -- Verify that any repeated type variables are unifiable
    let determinedSet = foldMap (S.fromList . fdDetermined) deps
        solved = map snd . filter ((`S.notMember` determinedSet) . fst) $ zipWith (\(_, ts) i -> (i, ts)) matched [0..]
    verifySubstitution (M.unionsWith (++) solved)
    -- | Find the closure of a set of functional dependencies.
    covers :: [(Bool, subst)] -> Bool
    covers ms = finalSet == S.fromList [0..length ms - 1]
        initialSet :: S.Set Int
        initialSet = S.fromList . map snd . filter (fst . fst) $ zip ms [0..]

        finalSet :: S.Set Int
        finalSet = untilFixedPoint applyAll initialSet

        untilFixedPoint :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
        untilFixedPoint f = go
          go a | a' == a = a'
               | otherwise = go a'
            where a' = f a

        applyAll :: S.Set Int -> S.Set Int
        applyAll s = foldr applyDependency s deps

        applyDependency :: FunctionalDependency -> S.Set Int -> S.Set Int
        applyDependency FunctionalDependency{..} xs
          | S.fromList fdDeterminers `S.isSubsetOf` xs = xs <> S.fromList fdDetermined
          | otherwise = xs

    -- Check whether the type heads of two types are equal (for the purposes of type class dictionary lookup),
    -- and return a substitution from type variables to types which makes the type heads unify.
    typeHeadsAreEqual :: Type -> Type -> (Bool, Matching [Type])
    typeHeadsAreEqual (TUnknown u1)        (TUnknown u2)        | u1 == u2 = (True, M.empty)
    typeHeadsAreEqual (Skolem _ s1 _ _)    (Skolem _ s2 _ _)    | s1 == s2 = (True, M.empty)
    typeHeadsAreEqual t                    (TypeVar v)                     = (True, M.singleton v [t])
    typeHeadsAreEqual (TypeConstructor c1) (TypeConstructor c2) | c1 == c2 = (True, M.empty)
    typeHeadsAreEqual (TypeLevelString s1) (TypeLevelString s2) | s1 == s2 = (True, M.empty)
    typeHeadsAreEqual (TypeApp h1 t1)      (TypeApp h2 t2)                 =
      both (typeHeadsAreEqual h1 h2) (typeHeadsAreEqual t1 t2)
    typeHeadsAreEqual REmpty REmpty = (True, M.empty)
    typeHeadsAreEqual r1@RCons{} r2@RCons{} =
        foldr both (go sd1 r1' sd2 r2') (map (uncurry typeHeadsAreEqual) int)
        (s1, r1') = rowToList r1
        (s2, r2') = rowToList r2

        int = [ (t1, t2) | (name, t1) <- s1, (name', t2) <- s2, name == name' ]
        sd1 = [ (name, t1) | (name, t1) <- s1, name `notElem` map fst s2 ]
        sd2 = [ (name, t2) | (name, t2) <- s2, name `notElem` map fst s1 ]

        go :: [(String, Type)] -> Type -> [(String, Type)] -> Type -> (Bool, Matching [Type])
        go [] REmpty             [] REmpty             = (True, M.empty)
        go [] (TUnknown u1)      [] (TUnknown u2)      | u1 == u2 = (True, M.empty)
        go [] (TypeVar v1)       [] (TypeVar v2)       | v1 == v2 = (True, M.empty)
        go [] (Skolem _ sk1 _ _) [] (Skolem _ sk2 _ _) | sk1 == sk2 = (True, M.empty)
        go sd r                  [] (TypeVar v)        = (True, M.singleton v [rowFromList (sd, r)])
        go _  _                  _  _                  = (False, M.empty)
    typeHeadsAreEqual _ _ = (False, M.empty)

    both :: (Bool, Matching [Type]) -> (Bool, Matching [Type]) -> (Bool, Matching [Type])
    both (b1, m1) (b2, m2) = (b1 && b2, M.unionWith (++) m1 m2)

    -- Ensure that a substitution is valid
    verifySubstitution :: Matching [Type] -> Maybe (Matching [Type])
    verifySubstitution = traverse meet where
      meet ts | pairwiseAll typesAreEqual ts = Just ts
              | otherwise = Nothing

      -- Note that unknowns are only allowed to unify if they came from a type
      -- which was _not_ solved, i.e. one which was inferred by a functional
      -- dependency.
      typesAreEqual :: Type -> Type -> Bool
      typesAreEqual (TUnknown u1)        (TUnknown u2)        | u1 == u2 = True
      typesAreEqual (Skolem _ s1 _ _)    (Skolem _ s2 _ _)    = s1 == s2
      typesAreEqual (TypeVar v1)         (TypeVar v2)         = v1 == v2
      typesAreEqual (TypeLevelString s1) (TypeLevelString s2) = s1 == s2
      typesAreEqual (TypeConstructor c1) (TypeConstructor c2) = c1 == c2
      typesAreEqual (TypeApp h1 t1)      (TypeApp h2 t2)      = typesAreEqual h1 h2 && typesAreEqual t1 t2
      typesAreEqual REmpty               REmpty               = True
      typesAreEqual r1                   r2                   | isRCons r1 || isRCons r2 =
          let (s1, r1') = rowToList r1
              (s2, r2') = rowToList r2

              int = [ (t1, t2) | (name, t1) <- s1, (name', t2) <- s2, name == name' ]
              sd1 = [ (name, t1) | (name, t1) <- s1, name `notElem` map fst s2 ]
              sd2 = [ (name, t2) | (name, t2) <- s2, name `notElem` map fst s1 ]
          in all (uncurry typesAreEqual) int && go sd1 r1' sd2 r2'
          go :: [(String, Type)] -> Type -> [(String, Type)] -> Type -> Bool
          go [] (TUnknown u1)     [] (TUnknown u2)     | u1 == u2 = True
          go [] (Skolem _ s1 _ _) [] (Skolem _ s2 _ _) = s1 == s2
          go [] REmpty            [] REmpty            = True
          go [] (TypeVar v1)      [] (TypeVar v2)      = v1 == v2
          go _  _                 _  _                 = False
      typesAreEqual _ _ = False

      isRCons :: Type -> Bool
      isRCons RCons{}    = True
      isRCons _          = False

-- | Add a dictionary for the constraint to the scope, and dictionaries
-- for all implied superclass instances.
  :: MonadState CheckState m
  => [(Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName), Integer)]
  -> Qualified Ident
  -> Constraint
  -> m [TypeClassDictionaryInScope]
newDictionaries path name (Constraint className instanceTy _) = do
    tcs <- gets (typeClasses . checkEnv)
    let TypeClassData{..} = fromMaybe (internalError "newDictionaries: type class lookup failed") $ M.lookup className tcs
    supDicts <- join <$> zipWithM (\(Constraint supName supArgs _) index ->
                                      newDictionaries ((supName, index) : path)
                                                      (Constraint supName (instantiateSuperclass (map fst typeClassArguments) supArgs instanceTy) Nothing)
                                  ) typeClassSuperclasses [0..]
    return (TypeClassDictionaryInScope name path className instanceTy Nothing : supDicts)
    instantiateSuperclass :: [String] -> [Type] -> [Type] -> [Type]
    instantiateSuperclass args supArgs tys = map (replaceAllTypeVars (zip args tys)) supArgs

mkContext :: [TypeClassDictionaryInScope] -> InstanceContext
mkContext = foldr combineContexts M.empty . map fromDict where
  fromDict d = M.singleton Nothing (M.singleton (tcdClassName d) (M.singleton (tcdName d) d))

-- | Check all pairs of values in a list match a predicate
pairwiseAll :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
pairwiseAll _ [] = True
pairwiseAll _ [_] = True
pairwiseAll p (x : xs) = all (p x) xs && pairwiseAll p xs

-- | Check any pair of values in a list match a predicate
pairwiseAny :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
pairwiseAny _ [] = False
pairwiseAny _ [_] = False
pairwiseAny p (x : xs) = any (p x) xs || pairwiseAny p xs

pairwiseM :: Applicative m => (a -> a -> m ()) -> [a] -> m ()
pairwiseM _ [] = pure ()
pairwiseM _ [_] = pure ()
pairwiseM p (x : xs) = traverse (p x) xs *> pairwiseM p xs