{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {- | Email messages. Deals specifically with RFC 5322, which is stricter than RFC 822 or RFC 2822. If you have to deal with messages that comply with the older specifications but not RFC 5322, preprocess the input and massage it to be RFC 5322 compliant. This parser allows LF line endings in addition to CRLF (RFC 5322 demands CRLF but LF-only is common in on-disk formats). The main parsing function is 'message'. It takes a second function that can inspect the headers to determine how to parse the body. @ 'message' :: ('Headers' -> Parser a) -> Parser (Message ctx a) @ The 'Message' type is parameterised over the body type, and a phantom type that can be used for context. @ data 'Message' ctx a = Message 'Headers' a @ Headers and body can be accessed via the 'headers', 'header' and 'body' optics. @ 'headers' :: Lens' (Message ctx a) Headers 'header' :: CI B.ByteString -> Fold Headers B.ByteString 'body' :: Lens (Message ctx a) (Message ctx' b) a b @ The following example program parses an input, interpreting the body as a raw @ByteString@, and prints the subject (if present), the number of headers and the body length. The message context type is @()@. @ analyse :: B.ByteString -> IO () analyse input = case 'parse' ('message' (const takeByteString)) of Left errMsg -> hPutStrLn stderr errMsg *> exitFailure Right (msg :: Message () B.ByteString) -> do B.putStrLn $ "subject: " <> foldOf ('headers' . 'header' "subject") msg putStrLn $ "num headers: " <> show (length (view 'headers' msg)) putStrLn $ "body length: " <> show (B.length (view 'body' msg)) @ -} module Data.RFC5322 ( -- * Message types Message(..) , message , MessageContext , body , EqMessage(..) -- ** Headers , Header , HasHeaders(..) , header , headerList , Headers(..) -- ** Addresses , Address(..) , address , addressList , AddrSpec(..) , Domain(..) , Mailbox(..) , mailbox , mailboxList -- * Parsers , parse , parsed , parsePrint , crlf , quotedString -- * Helpers , field , rfc5422DateTimeFormat -- * Serialisation , renderRFC5422Date , buildFields , buildField , renderMailbox , renderMailboxes , renderAddress , renderAddresses ) where import Control.Applicative import Data.Foldable (fold) import Data.List (findIndex, intersperse) import Data.List.NonEmpty (intersperse) import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import Data.Word (Word8) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) import Control.Lens import Control.Lens.Cons.Extras (recons) import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A hiding (parse, take) import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (char8) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as AL import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime) import Data.Time.Format (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime) import Data.RFC5322.Internal import Data.RFC5322.Address.Types import Data.MIME.Charset (decodeLenient) type Header = (CI B.ByteString, B.ByteString) newtype Headers = Headers [Header] deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData) instance Semigroup Headers where Headers a <> Headers b = Headers (a <> b) instance Monoid Headers where mempty = Headers [] class HasHeaders a where headers :: Lens' a Headers instance HasHeaders Headers where headers = id type instance Index Headers = CI B.ByteString type instance IxValue Headers = B.ByteString instance Ixed Headers where ix = header hdriso :: Iso' Headers [(CI B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] hdriso = iso (\(Headers xs) -> xs) Headers -- | Acts upon the first occurrence of the header only. -- instance At Headers where at k = hdriso . l where l :: Lens' [(CI B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] (Maybe B.ByteString) l f kv = let i = findIndex ((== k) . fst) kv g Nothing = maybe kv (\j -> take j kv <> drop (j + 1) kv) i g (Just v) = maybe ((k,v):kv) (\j -> set (ix j) (k,v) kv) i in g <$> f (lookup k kv) -- | Target all values of the given header header :: HasHeaders a => CI B.ByteString -> Traversal' a B.ByteString header k = headerList . traversed . filtered ((k ==) . fst) . _2 -- | Message type, parameterised over context and body type. The -- context type is not used in this module but is provided for uses -- such as tracking the transfer/charset encoding state in MIME -- messages. -- data Message s a = Message Headers a deriving (Show, Generic, NFData) instance HasHeaders (Message s a) where headers f (Message h b) = fmap (`Message` b) (f h) instance Functor (Message s) where fmap f (Message h a) = Message h (f a) -- | How to compare messages with this body type. -- -- This class arises because we may want to tweak the headers, -- possibly in response to body data, or vice-versa, when -- comparing messages. -- class EqMessage a where eqMessage :: Message s a -> Message s a -> Bool instance EqMessage a => Eq (Message s a) where (==) = eqMessage -- | Access headers as a list of key/value pairs. headerList :: HasHeaders a => Lens' a [(CI B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] headerList = headers . coerced body :: Lens (Message ctx a) (Message ctx' b) a b body f (Message h b) = fmap (\b' -> Message h b') (f b) {-# ANN body ("HLint: ignore Avoid lambda" :: String) #-} isSpecial :: Word8 -> Bool isSpecial = inClass "()<>[]:;@\\,.\"" special :: Parser Word8 special = satisfy isSpecial -- §3.3 Date and Time Specification -- Sat, 29 Sep 2018 12:51:05 +1000 rfc5422DateTimeFormat :: String rfc5422DateTimeFormat = "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z" renderRFC5422Date :: UTCTime -> B.ByteString renderRFC5422Date = Char8.pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc5422DateTimeFormat -- §3.4 Address Specification buildMailbox :: Mailbox -> Builder.Builder buildMailbox (Mailbox n a) = maybe a' (\n' -> renderDisplayName n' <> "<" <> a' <> ">") n where a' = renderAddressSpec a renderDisplayName :: T.Text -> Builder.Builder renderDisplayName x = mconcat [ "\"" , Builder.byteString (T.encodeUtf8 x) , "\" "] renderMailboxes :: [Mailbox] -> B.ByteString renderMailboxes = toStrict . Builder.toLazyByteString . buildMailboxes buildMailboxes :: [Mailbox] -> Builder.Builder buildMailboxes = fold . Data.List.intersperse ", " . fmap buildMailbox renderMailbox :: Mailbox -> B.ByteString renderMailbox = toStrict . Builder.toLazyByteString . buildMailbox mailbox :: Parser Mailbox mailbox = Mailbox <$> optional displayName <*> angleAddr <|> Mailbox Nothing <$> addressSpec displayName :: Parser T.Text displayName = decodeLenient <$> phrase angleAddr :: Parser AddrSpec angleAddr = optionalCFWS *> char8 '<' *> addressSpec <* char8 '>' <* optionalCFWS renderAddressSpec :: AddrSpec -> Builder.Builder renderAddressSpec (AddrSpec lp (DomainDotAtom b)) | " " `B.isInfixOf` lp = "\"" <> buildLP <> "\"" <> rest | otherwise = buildLP <> rest where buildLP = Builder.byteString lp rest = "@" <> foldMap Builder.byteString (Data.List.NonEmpty.intersperse "." b) renderAddressSpec (AddrSpec lp (DomainLiteral b)) = foldMap Builder.byteString [lp, "@", b] addressSpec :: Parser AddrSpec addressSpec = AddrSpec <$> localPart <*> (char8 '@' *> domain) -- | Printable US-ASCII excl "[", "]", or "\" isDtext :: Word8 -> Bool isDtext c = (c >= 33 && c <= 90) || (c >= 94 && c <= 126) domain :: Parser Domain domain = (DomainDotAtom <$> dotAtom) <|> (DomainLiteral <$> domainLiteral) mailboxList :: Parser [Mailbox] mailboxList = mailbox `sepBy` char8 ',' renderAddresses :: [Address] -> B.ByteString renderAddresses xs = B.intercalate ", " $ renderAddress <$> xs renderAddress :: Address -> B.ByteString renderAddress (Single m) = renderMailbox m renderAddress (Group name xs) = T.encodeUtf8 name <> ":" <> renderMailboxes xs <> ";" addressList :: Parser [Address] addressList = address `sepBy` char8 ',' group :: Parser Address group = Group <$> displayName <* char8 ':' <*> mailboxList <* char8 ';' <* optionalCFWS address :: Parser Address address = group <|> Single <$> mailbox -- §3.5. Overall Message Syntax -- | Parse a message, given function from headers to body parser -- -- This parser does not handle the legitimate but obscure case -- of a message with no body (empty body is fine, though). -- message :: (Headers -> Parser a) -> Parser (Message (MessageContext a) a) message f = fields >>= \hdrs -> Message hdrs <$> (crlf *> f hdrs) type family MessageContext a fields :: Parser Headers fields = Headers <$> many field -- Header serialisation buildFields :: Headers -> Builder.Builder buildFields = foldMapOf (hdriso . traversed) buildField buildField :: (CI B.ByteString, B.ByteString) -> Builder.Builder buildField (k,v) = let key = original k in Builder.byteString key <> ": " <> Builder.byteString (foldUnstructured (B.length key) v) <> "\r\n" -- | Render a field body with proper folding -- -- Algorithm: -- * Break the string on white space -- * Use a counter which indicates a new folding line if it exceeds 77 characters -- * Whenever we create a new line, concatenate all words back with white space and push it into the result -- * The result is a list of byte strings, which is concatenated with \r\n\s -- -- Notes: -- * First take at this, so possibly very inefficient -- * No other delimiters (e.g. commas, full stops, etc) are considered for -- folding other than whitespace -- * Attaches an additional whitespace when joining -- foldUnstructured :: Int -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString foldUnstructured i b = let xs = chunk (i + 2) (Char8.words b) [] [] in B.intercalate "\r\n " xs chunk :: Int -> [B.ByteString] -> [B.ByteString] -> [B.ByteString] -> [B.ByteString] chunk _ [] xs result = result <> [Char8.unwords xs] chunk max' (x:rest) xs result = if (max' + B.length x + 1) >= 77 then result <> [Char8.unwords xs] <> chunk (B.length x + 1) rest [x] [] else result <> chunk (max' + B.length x + 1) rest (xs <> [x]) result -- | Printable ASCII excl. ':' isFtext :: Word8 -> Bool isFtext c = (c >= 33 && c <= 57) || (c >= 59 && c <= 126) field :: Parser (CI B.ByteString, B.ByteString) field = (,) <$> ci (takeWhile1 isFtext) <* char8 ':' <* many wsp <*> unstructured <* crlf unstructured :: Parser B.ByteString unstructured = foldMany (optionalFWS <<>> (B.singleton <$> vchar)) <<>> A.takeWhile isWsp -- | Given a parser, construct a 'Fold' -- -- See 'parse' for discussion of performance. -- parsed :: (Cons s s Word8 Word8) => Parser a -> Fold s a parsed p = to (parse p) . folded {-# INLINE parsed #-} -- | Construct a prism from a parser and a printer parsePrint :: Parser a -> (a -> B.ByteString) -> Prism' B.ByteString a parsePrint fwd rev = prism' rev (AL.maybeResult . AL.parse fwd . view recons) -- | Parse an @a@. -- -- The input is convered to a /lazy/ @ByteString@. -- Build with rewrite rules enabled (@-O@, cabal's default) -- to achieve the following conversion overheads: -- -- * Lazy @ByteString@: no conversion -- * Strict @ByteString@: /O(1)/ conversion -- * @[Word8]@: /O(n)/ conversion -- -- It is __recommended to use strict bytestring__ input. Parsing a -- lazy bytestring will cause numerous parser buffer resizes. The -- lazy chunks in the input can be GC'd but the buffer keeps growing -- so you don't actually keep the memory usage low by using a lazy -- bytestring. -- parse :: (Cons s s Word8 Word8) => Parser a -> s -> Either String a parse p = AL.eitherResult . AL.parse p . view recons {-# INLINE parse #-}