module Ptr.Poking where import Ptr.Prelude hiding (length) import qualified Ptr.IO as A import qualified Ptr.Poke as C import qualified Ptr.PokeAndPeek as D import qualified Ptr.PokeIO as E import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B {-| An efficiently composable unmaterialised specification of how to populate a pointer. Once composed it can be materialized into a specific data-structure like ByteString or to directly populate a pointer in some low-level API. -} data Poking = {-| * Amount of bytes the encoded data will occupy. * Exception-free action, which populates the pointer to the encoded data. -} Poking !Int !(Ptr Word8 -> IO ()) instance Semigroup Poking where {-| When the pokings are both larger than 2048 bits, the serialization is performed concurrently. -} {-# INLINABLE (<>) #-} (<>) (Poking space1 action1) (Poking space2 action2) = Poking (space1 + space2) action where action = if space1 < 2048 || space2 < 2048 then E.sequentially space1 action1 action2 else E.concurrently space1 action1 action2 instance Monoid Poking where {-# INLINE mempty #-} mempty = Poking 0 (const (pure ())) {-# INLINE mappend #-} mappend = (<>) {-# INLINE null #-} null :: Poking -> Bool null = (== 0) . length {-# INLINE length #-} length :: Poking -> Int length (Poking size _) = size {-# INLINE word8 #-} word8 :: Word8 -> Poking word8 x = Poking 1 (flip A.pokeWord8 x) {-# INLINE leWord16 #-} leWord16 :: Word16 -> Poking leWord16 x = Poking 2 (flip A.pokeLEWord16 x) {-# INLINE leWord32 #-} leWord32 :: Word32 -> Poking leWord32 x = Poking 4 (flip A.pokeLEWord32 x) {-# INLINE leWord64 #-} leWord64 :: Word64 -> Poking leWord64 x = Poking 8 (flip A.pokeLEWord64 x) {-# INLINE beWord16 #-} beWord16 :: Word16 -> Poking beWord16 x = Poking 2 (flip A.pokeBEWord16 x) {-# INLINE beWord32 #-} beWord32 :: Word32 -> Poking beWord32 x = Poking 4 (flip A.pokeBEWord32 x) {-# INLINE beWord64 #-} beWord64 :: Word64 -> Poking beWord64 x = Poking 8 (flip A.pokeBEWord64 x) {-# INLINE bytes #-} bytes :: ByteString -> Poking bytes (B.PS bytesFPtr offset length) = Poking length (\ptr -> withForeignPtr bytesFPtr (\bytesPtr -> B.memcpy ptr (plusPtr bytesPtr offset) length)) {-# INLINE poke #-} poke :: C.Poke input -> input -> Poking poke (C.Poke space poke) input = Poking space (\ptr -> poke ptr input) {-# INLINE pokeAndPeek #-} pokeAndPeek :: D.PokeAndPeek input output -> input -> Poking pokeAndPeek (D.PokeAndPeek space poke _) input = Poking space (\ptr -> poke ptr input) {-# INLINABLE asciiIntegral #-} asciiIntegral :: Integral a => a -> Poking asciiIntegral = \case 0 -> word8 48 x -> bool ((<>) (word8 45)) id (x >= 0) $ loop mempty $ abs x where loop builder remainder = case remainder of 0 -> builder _ -> case quotRem remainder 10 of (quot, rem) -> loop (word8 (48 + fromIntegral rem) <> builder) quot {-# INLINE asciiChar #-} asciiChar :: Char -> Poking asciiChar = word8 . fromIntegral . ord {-# INLINABLE asciiPaddedAndTrimmedIntegral #-} asciiPaddedAndTrimmedIntegral :: Integral a => Int -> a -> Poking asciiPaddedAndTrimmedIntegral !length !integral = if length > 0 then if integral >= 0 then case quotRem integral 10 of (quot, rem) -> asciiPaddedAndTrimmedIntegral (pred length) quot <> word8 (48 + fromIntegral rem) else stimes length (word8 48) else mempty {-# INLINABLE asciiUtcTimeInIso8601 #-} {- 2017-02-01T05:03:58Z -} asciiUtcTimeInIso8601 :: UTCTime -> Poking asciiUtcTimeInIso8601 utcTime = asciiPaddedAndTrimmedIntegral 4 year <> word8 45 <> asciiPaddedAndTrimmedIntegral 2 month <> word8 45 <> asciiPaddedAndTrimmedIntegral 2 day <> word8 84 <> asciiPaddedAndTrimmedIntegral 2 hour <> word8 58 <> asciiPaddedAndTrimmedIntegral 2 minute <> word8 58 <> asciiPaddedAndTrimmedIntegral 2 (round second) <> word8 90 where LocalTime date (TimeOfDay hour minute second) = utcToLocalTime utc utcTime (year, month, day) = toGregorian date {-# INLINE list #-} list :: (element -> Poking) -> [element] -> Poking list element = loop mempty where loop state = \ case head : tail -> loop (state <> word8 1 <> element head) tail _ -> state <> word8 0