module Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage
, messageWithLengthSize,messageWithLengthPut,messageWithLengthGet,messageWithLengthPutM,messageWithLengthGetM
, messageAsFieldSize,messageAsFieldPutM,messageAsFieldGetM
, Put,Get,runPut,runGet,runGetOnLazy,getFromBS
, Wire(..)
, size'WireTag,toWireType,toWireTag,toPackedWireTag,mkWireTag
, prependMessageSize,putSize,putVarUInt,getVarInt,putLazyByteString,splitWireTag,fieldIdOf
, wireSizeReq,wireSizeOpt,wireSizeRep,wireSizePacked
, wirePutReq,wirePutOpt,wirePutRep,wirePutPacked
, wireSizeErr,wirePutErr,wireGetErr
, getMessageWith,getBareMessageWith,wireGetEnum,wireGetPackedEnum
, unknownField,unknown,wireGetFromWire
, castWord64ToDouble,castWord32ToFloat,castDoubleToWord64,castFloatToWord32
, zzEncode64,zzEncode32,zzDecode64,zzDecode32
) where
import Control.Monad(when)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class(throwError)
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.ST(newArray,readArray)
import Data.Array.Unsafe(castSTUArray)
import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS (length)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F(foldl',forM_)
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import Data.Sequence ((|>))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq(length,empty)
import qualified Data.Set as Set(delete,null)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable(..))
import Data.Binary.Put (Put,runPut,putWord8,putWord32le,putWord64le,putLazyByteString)
import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Basic
import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Get as Get (Result(..),Get,runGet,runGetAll,bytesRead,isReallyEmpty,decode7unrolled
import Text.ProtocolBuffers.Reflections(ReflectDescriptor(reflectDescriptorInfo,getMessageInfo)
trace :: a -> b -> b
trace _ = id
messageSize :: (ReflectDescriptor msg,Wire msg) => msg -> WireSize
messageSize msg = wireSize 10 msg
messageWithLengthSize :: (ReflectDescriptor msg,Wire msg) => msg -> WireSize
messageWithLengthSize msg = wireSize 11 msg
messageAsFieldSize :: (ReflectDescriptor msg,Wire msg) => FieldId -> msg -> WireSize
messageAsFieldSize fi msg = let headerSize = size'WireTag (toWireTag fi 11)
in headerSize + messageWithLengthSize msg
messagePut :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => msg -> ByteString
messagePut msg = runPut (messagePutM msg)
messageWithLengthPut :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => msg -> ByteString
messageWithLengthPut msg = runPut (messageWithLengthPutM msg)
messagePutM :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => msg -> Put
messagePutM msg = wirePut 10 msg
messageWithLengthPutM :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => msg -> Put
messageWithLengthPutM msg = wirePut 11 msg
messageAsFieldPutM :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => FieldId -> msg -> Put
messageAsFieldPutM fi msg = let wireTag = toWireTag fi 11
in wirePutReq wireTag 11 msg
messageGet :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => ByteString -> Either String (msg,ByteString)
messageGet bs = runGetOnLazy messageGetM bs
messageWithLengthGet :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => ByteString -> Either String (msg,ByteString)
messageWithLengthGet bs = runGetOnLazy messageWithLengthGetM bs
messageGetM :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => Get msg
messageGetM = wireGet 10
messageWithLengthGetM :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => Get msg
messageWithLengthGetM = wireGet 11
messageAsFieldGetM :: (ReflectDescriptor msg, Wire msg) => Get (FieldId,msg)
messageAsFieldGetM = do
wireTag <- fmap WireTag getVarInt
let (fieldId,wireType) = splitWireTag wireTag
when (wireType /= 2) (throwError $ "messageAsFieldGetM: wireType was not 2 "++show (fieldId,wireType))
msg <- wireGet 11
return (fieldId,msg)
getFromBS :: Get r -> ByteString -> r
getFromBS parser bs = case runGetOnLazy parser bs of
Left msg -> error msg
Right (r,_) -> r
runGetOnLazy :: Get r -> ByteString -> Either String (r,ByteString)
runGetOnLazy parser bs = resolve (runGetAll parser bs)
where resolve :: Result r -> Either String (r,ByteString)
resolve (Failed i s) = Left ("Failed at "++show i++" : "++s)
resolve (Finished bsOut _i r) = Right (r,bsOut)
resolve (Partial op) = resolve (op Nothing)
prependMessageSize :: WireSize -> WireSize
prependMessageSize n = n + size'WireSize n
wirePutReq :: Wire v => WireTag -> FieldType -> v -> Put
wirePutReq wireTag 10 v = let startTag = getWireTag wireTag
endTag = succ startTag
in putVarUInt startTag >> wirePut 10 v >> putVarUInt endTag
wirePutReq wireTag fieldType v = putVarUInt (getWireTag wireTag) >> wirePut fieldType v
wirePutOpt :: Wire v => WireTag -> FieldType -> Maybe v -> Put
wirePutOpt _wireTag _fieldType Nothing = return ()
wirePutOpt wireTag fieldType (Just v) = wirePutReq wireTag fieldType v
wirePutRep :: Wire v => WireTag -> FieldType -> Seq v -> Put
wirePutRep wireTag fieldType vs = F.forM_ vs (\v -> wirePutReq wireTag fieldType v)
wirePutPacked :: Wire v => WireTag -> FieldType -> Seq v -> Put
wirePutPacked wireTag fieldType vs = do
putVarUInt (getWireTag wireTag)
let size = F.foldl' (\n v -> n + wireSize fieldType v) 0 vs
putSize size
F.forM_ vs (\v -> wirePut fieldType v)
wireSizeReq :: Wire v => Int64 -> FieldType -> v -> Int64
wireSizeReq tagSize 10 v = tagSize + wireSize 10 v + tagSize
wireSizeReq tagSize fieldType v = tagSize + wireSize fieldType v
wireSizeOpt :: Wire v => Int64 -> FieldType -> Maybe v -> Int64
wireSizeOpt _tagSize _i Nothing = 0
wireSizeOpt tagSize i (Just v) = wireSizeReq tagSize i v
wireSizeRep :: Wire v => Int64 -> FieldType -> Seq v -> Int64
wireSizeRep tagSize i vs = F.foldl' (\n v -> n + wireSizeReq tagSize i v) 0 vs
wireSizePacked :: Wire v => Int64 -> FieldType -> Seq v -> Int64
wireSizePacked tagSize i vs = tagSize + prependMessageSize (F.foldl' (\n v -> n + wireSize i v) 0 vs)
putSize :: WireSize -> Put
putSize = putVarUInt
toPackedWireTag :: FieldId -> WireTag
toPackedWireTag fieldId = mkWireTag fieldId 2
toWireTag :: FieldId -> FieldType -> WireTag
toWireTag fieldId fieldType
= mkWireTag fieldId (toWireType fieldType)
mkWireTag :: FieldId -> WireType -> WireTag
mkWireTag fieldId wireType
= ((fromIntegral . getFieldId $ fieldId) `shiftL` 3) .|. (fromIntegral . getWireType $ wireType)
splitWireTag :: WireTag -> (FieldId,WireType)
splitWireTag (WireTag wireTag) = ( FieldId . fromIntegral $ wireTag `shiftR` 3
, WireType . fromIntegral $ wireTag .&. 7 )
fieldIdOf :: WireTag -> FieldId
fieldIdOf = fst . splitWireTag
wireGetPackedEnum :: (Typeable e,Enum e) => (Int -> Maybe e) -> Get (Seq e)
wireGetPackedEnum toMaybe'Enum = do
packedLength <- getVarInt
start <- bytesRead
let stop = packedLength+start
next !soFar = do
here <- bytesRead
case compare stop here of
EQ -> return soFar
LT -> tooMuchData packedLength soFar start here
GT -> do
value <- wireGetEnum toMaybe'Enum
seq value $ next (soFar |> value)
next Seq.empty
Just e = undefined `asTypeOf` (toMaybe'Enum undefined)
tooMuchData packedLength soFar start here =
throwError ("Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage.wireGetPackedEnum: overran expected length."
++ "\n The type and count of values so far is " ++ show (typeOf (undefined `asTypeOf` e),Seq.length soFar)
++ "\n at (packedLength,start,here) == " ++ show (packedLength,start,here))
genericPacked :: Wire a => FieldType -> Get (Seq a)
genericPacked ft = do
packedLength <- getVarInt
start <- bytesRead
let stop = packedLength+start
next !soFar = do
here <- bytesRead
case compare stop here of
EQ -> return soFar
LT -> tooMuchData packedLength soFar start here
GT -> do
value <- wireGet ft
seq value $! next $! soFar |> value
next Seq.empty
tooMuchData packedLength soFar start here =
throwError ("Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage.genericPacked: overran expected length."
++ "\n The FieldType and count of values so far are " ++ show (ft,Seq.length soFar)
++ "\n at (packedLength,start,here) == " ++ show (packedLength,start,here))
getMessageWith :: (Default message, ReflectDescriptor message)
=> (WireTag -> message -> Get message)
-> Get message
getMessageWith updater = do
messageLength <- getVarInt
start <- bytesRead
let stop = messageLength+start
go reqs !message | Set.null reqs = go' message
| otherwise = do
here <- bytesRead
case compare stop here of
EQ -> notEnoughData messageLength start
LT -> tooMuchData messageLength start here
GT -> do
wireTag <- fmap WireTag getVarInt
reqs' = Set.delete wireTag reqs
updater wireTag message >>= go reqs'
go' !message = do
here <- bytesRead
case compare stop here of
EQ -> return message
LT -> tooMuchData messageLength start here
GT -> do
wireTag <- fmap WireTag getVarInt
updater wireTag message >>= go'
go required initialMessage
initialMessage = defaultValue
(GetMessageInfo {requiredTags=required}) = getMessageInfo initialMessage
notEnoughData messageLength start =
throwError ("Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage.getMessageWith: Required fields missing when processing "
++ (show . descName . reflectDescriptorInfo $ initialMessage)
++ "\n at (messageLength,start) == " ++ show (messageLength,start))
tooMuchData messageLength start here =
throwError ("Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage.getMessageWith: overran expected length when processing"
++ (show . descName . reflectDescriptorInfo $ initialMessage)
++ "\n at (messageLength,start,here) == " ++ show (messageLength,start,here))
getBareMessageWith :: (Default message, ReflectDescriptor message)
=> (WireTag -> message -> Get message)
-> Get message
getBareMessageWith updater = go required initialMessage
go reqs !message | Set.null reqs = go' message
| otherwise = do
done <- isReallyEmpty
if done then notEnoughData
else do
wireTag <- fmap WireTag getVarInt
let (_fieldId,wireType) = splitWireTag wireTag
if wireType == 4 then notEnoughData
else let reqs' = Set.delete wireTag reqs
in updater wireTag message >>= go reqs'
go' !message = do
done <- isReallyEmpty
if done then return message
else do
wireTag <- fmap WireTag getVarInt
let (_fieldId,wireType) = splitWireTag wireTag
if wireType == 4 then return message
else updater wireTag message >>= go'
initialMessage = defaultValue
(GetMessageInfo {requiredTags=required}) = getMessageInfo initialMessage
notEnoughData = throwError ("Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage.getBareMessageWith: Required fields missing when processing "
++ (show . descName . reflectDescriptorInfo $ initialMessage))
unknownField :: Typeable a => a -> FieldId -> Get a
unknownField msg fieldId = do
here <- bytesRead
throwError ("Impossible? Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage.unknownField"
++"\n Updater for "++show (typeOf msg)++" claims there is an unknown field id on wire: "++show fieldId
++"\n at a position just before byte location "++show here)
unknown :: (Typeable a,ReflectDescriptor a) => FieldId -> WireType -> a -> Get a
unknown fieldId wireType initialMessage = do
here <- bytesRead
throwError ("Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage.unknown: Unknown field found or failure parsing field (e.g. unexpected Enum value):"
++ "\n (message type name,field id number,wire type code,bytes read) == "
++ show (typeOf initialMessage,fieldId,wireType,here)
++ "\n when processing "
++ (show . descName . reflectDescriptorInfo $ initialMessage))
castWord32ToFloat :: Word32 -> Float
castWord32ToFloat x = runST (newArray (0::Int,0) x >>= castSTUArray >>= flip readArray 0)
castFloatToWord32 :: Float -> Word32
castFloatToWord32 x = runST (newArray (0::Int,0) x >>= castSTUArray >>= flip readArray 0)
castWord64ToDouble :: Word64 -> Double
castWord64ToDouble x = runST (newArray (0::Int,0) x >>= castSTUArray >>= flip readArray 0)
castDoubleToWord64 :: Double -> Word64
castDoubleToWord64 x = runST (newArray (0::Int,0) x >>= castSTUArray >>= flip readArray 0)
wireSizeErr :: Typeable a => FieldType -> a -> WireSize
wireSizeErr ft x = error $ concat [ "Impossible? wireSize field type mismatch error: Field type number ", show ft
, " does not match internal type ", show (typeOf x) ]
wirePutErr :: Typeable a => FieldType -> a -> Put
wirePutErr ft x = fail $ concat [ "Impossible? wirePut field type mismatch error: Field type number ", show ft
, " does not match internal type ", show (typeOf x) ]
wireGetErr :: Typeable a => FieldType -> Get a
wireGetErr ft = answer where
answer = throwError $ concat [ "Impossible? wireGet field type mismatch error: Field type number ", show ft
, " does not match internal type ", show (typeOf (undefined `asTypeOf` typeHack answer)) ]
typeHack :: Get a -> a
typeHack = undefined
class Wire b where
wireSize :: FieldType -> b -> WireSize
wirePut :: FieldType -> b -> Put
wireGet :: FieldType -> Get b
wireGetPacked :: FieldType -> Get (Seq b)
wireGetPacked ft = throwError ("Text.ProtocolBuffers.ProtoCompile.Basic: wireGetPacked default:"
++ "\n There is no way to get a packed FieldType of "++show ft
++ ".\n Either there is a bug in this library or the wire format is has been updated.")
instance Wire Double where
wireSize 1 _ = 8
wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
wirePut 1 x = putWord64le (castDoubleToWord64 x)
wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
wireGet 1 = fmap castWord64ToDouble getWord64le
wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft
wireGetPacked 1 = genericPacked 1
wireGetPacked ft = wireGetErr ft
instance Wire Float where
wireSize 2 _ = 4
wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
wirePut 2 x = putWord32le (castFloatToWord32 x)
wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
wireGet 2 = fmap castWord32ToFloat getWord32le
wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft
wireGetPacked 2 = genericPacked 2
wireGetPacked ft = wireGetErr ft
instance Wire Int64 where
wireSize 3 x = size'Int64 x
wireSize 18 x = size'Word64 (zzEncode64 x)
wireSize 16 _ = 8
wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
wirePut 3 x = putVarSInt x
wirePut 18 x = putVarUInt (zzEncode64 x)
wirePut 16 x = putWord64le (fromIntegral x)
wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
wireGet 3 = getVarInt
wireGet 18 = fmap zzDecode64 getVarInt
wireGet 16 = fmap fromIntegral getWord64le
wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft
wireGetPacked 3 = genericPacked 3
wireGetPacked 18 = genericPacked 18
wireGetPacked 16 = genericPacked 16
wireGetPacked ft = wireGetErr ft
instance Wire Int32 where
wireSize 5 x = size'Int32 x
wireSize 17 x = size'Word32 (zzEncode32 x)
wireSize 15 _ = 4
wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
wirePut 5 x = putVarSInt x
wirePut 17 x = putVarUInt (zzEncode32 x)
wirePut 15 x = putWord32le (fromIntegral x)
wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
wireGet 5 = getVarInt
wireGet 17 = fmap zzDecode32 getVarInt
wireGet 15 = fmap fromIntegral getWord32le
wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft
wireGetPacked 5 = genericPacked 5
wireGetPacked 17 = genericPacked 17
wireGetPacked 15 = genericPacked 15
wireGetPacked ft = wireGetErr ft
instance Wire Word64 where
wireSize 4 x = size'Word64 x
wireSize 6 _ = 8
wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
wirePut 4 x = putVarUInt x
wirePut 6 x = putWord64le x
wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
wireGet 6 = getWord64le
wireGet 4 = getVarInt
wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft
wireGetPacked 6 = genericPacked 6
wireGetPacked 4 = genericPacked 4
wireGetPacked ft = wireGetErr ft
instance Wire Word32 where
wireSize 13 x = size'Word32 x
wireSize 7 _ = 4
wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
wirePut 13 x = putVarUInt x
wirePut 7 x = putWord32le x
wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
wireGet 13 = getVarInt
wireGet 7 = getWord32le
wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft
wireGetPacked 13 = genericPacked 13
wireGetPacked 7 = genericPacked 7
wireGetPacked ft = wireGetErr ft
instance Wire Bool where
wireSize 8 _ = 1
wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
wirePut 8 False = putWord8 0
wirePut 8 True = putWord8 1
wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
wireGet 8 = do
x <- getVarInt :: Get Int32
case x of
0 -> return False
_ -> return True
wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft
wireGetPacked 8 = genericPacked 8
wireGetPacked ft = wireGetErr ft
instance Wire Utf8 where
wireSize 9 x = prependMessageSize $ BS.length (utf8 x)
wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
wirePut 9 x = putVarUInt (BS.length (utf8 x)) >> putLazyByteString (utf8 x)
wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
wireGet 9 = getVarInt >>= getLazyByteString >>= verifyUtf8
wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft
instance Wire ByteString where
wireSize 12 x = prependMessageSize $ BS.length x
wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
wirePut 12 x = putVarUInt (BS.length x) >> putLazyByteString x
wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
wireGet 12 = getVarInt >>= getLazyByteString
wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft
instance Wire Int where
wireSize 14 x = size'Int x
wireSize ft x = wireSizeErr ft x
wirePut 14 x = putVarSInt x
wirePut ft x = wirePutErr ft x
wireGet 14 = getVarInt
wireGet ft = wireGetErr ft
wireGetPacked 14 = genericPacked 14
wireGetPacked ft = wireGetErr ft
verifyUtf8 :: ByteString -> Get Utf8
verifyUtf8 bs = case isValidUTF8 bs of
Nothing -> return (Utf8 bs)
Just i -> throwError $ "Text.ProtocolBuffers.WireMessage.verifyUtf8: ByteString is not valid utf8 at position "++show i
wireGetEnum :: (Typeable e, Enum e) => (Int -> Maybe e) -> Get e
wireGetEnum toMaybe'Enum = do
int <- wireGet 14
case toMaybe'Enum int of
Just !v -> return v
Nothing -> throwError (msg ++ show int)
where msg = "Bad wireGet of Enum "++show (typeOf (undefined `asTypeOf` typeHack toMaybe'Enum))++", unrecognized Int value is "
typeHack :: (Int -> Maybe e) -> e
typeHack f = fromMaybe undefined (f undefined)
size'WireTag :: WireTag -> Int64
size'WireTag = size'Word32 . getWireTag
size'Word32 :: Word32 -> Int64
size'Word32 b | b <= 0x7F = 1
| b <= 0x3FFF = 2
| b <= 0x1FFFFF = 3
| b <= 0xFFFFFFF = 4
| otherwise = 5
size'Int32 :: Int32 -> Int64
size'Int32 b | b < 0 = 10
| b <= 0x7F = 1
| b <= 0x3FFF = 2
| b <= 0x1FFFFF = 3
| b <= 0xFFFFFFF = 4
| otherwise = 5
size'Word64 :: Word64 -> Int64
size'Word64 b | b <= 0x7F = 1
| b <= 0x3FFF = 2
| b <= 0x1FFFFF = 3
| b <= 0xFFFFFFF = 4
| b <= 0X7FFFFFFFF = 5
| b <= 0x3FFFFFFFFFF = 6
| b <= 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFF = 7
| otherwise = 10
size'Int :: Int -> Int64
size'Int b | b < 0 = 10
| b <= 0x7F = 1
| b <= 0x3FFF = 2
| b <= 0x1FFFFF = 3
| b <= 0xFFFFFFF = 4
| b <= 0x7FFFFFFF = 5
| b <= 0x7FFFFFFFF = 5
| b <= 0x3FFFFFFFFFF = 6
| b <= 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFF = 7
| otherwise = 9
size'Int64,size'WireSize :: Int64 -> Int64
size'WireSize = size'Int64
size'Int64 b | b < 0 = 10
| b <= 0x7F = 1
| b <= 0x3FFF = 2
| b <= 0x1FFFFF = 3
| b <= 0xFFFFFFF = 4
| b <= 0x7FFFFFFFF = 5
| b <= 0x3FFFFFFFFFF = 6
| b <= 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFF = 7
| otherwise = 9
zzEncode32 :: Int32 -> Word32
zzEncode32 x = fromIntegral ((x `shiftL` 1) `xor` (x `shiftR` 31))
zzEncode64 :: Int64 -> Word64
zzEncode64 x = fromIntegral ((x `shiftL` 1) `xor` (x `shiftR` 63))
zzDecode32 :: Word32 -> Int32
zzDecode32 w = (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 1)) `xor` (negate (fromIntegral (w .&. 1)))
zzDecode64 :: Word64 -> Int64
zzDecode64 w = (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 1)) `xor` (negate (fromIntegral (w .&. 1)))
getVarInt :: (Show a, Integral a, Bits a) => Get a
getVarInt = do
a <- decode7unrolled
trace ("getVarInt: "++show a) $ return a
putVarSInt :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> Put
putVarSInt bIn =
case compare bIn 0 of
LT -> let b :: Int64
b = fromIntegral bIn
len :: Int
len = 10
last'Mask = 1
go !i 1 = putWord8 (fromIntegral (i .&. last'Mask))
go !i n = putWord8 (fromIntegral (i .&. 0x7F) .|. 0x80) >> go (i `shiftR` 7) (pred n)
in go b len
EQ -> putWord8 0
GT -> putVarUInt bIn
putVarUInt :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> Put
putVarUInt i | i < 0x80 = putWord8 (fromIntegral i)
| otherwise = putWord8 (fromIntegral (i .&. 0x7F) .|. 0x80) >> putVarUInt (i `shiftR` 7)
wireGetFromWire :: FieldId -> WireType -> Get ByteString
wireGetFromWire fi wt = getLazyByteString =<< calcLen where
calcLen = case wt of
0 -> highBitRun
1 -> return 8
2 -> lookAhead $ do
here <- bytesRead
len <- getVarInt
there <- bytesRead
return ((therehere)+len)
3 -> lenOf (skipGroup fi)
4 -> throwError $ "Cannot wireGetFromWire with wireType of STOP_GROUP: "++show (fi,wt)
5 -> return 4
wtf -> throwError $ "Invalid wire type (expected 0,1,2,3,or 5) found: "++show (fi,wtf)
lenOf g = do here <- bytesRead
there <- lookAhead (g >> bytesRead)
trace (":wireGetFromWire.lenOf: "++show ((fi,wt),(here,there,therehere))) $ return (therehere)
skipGroup :: FieldId -> Get ()
skipGroup start_fi = go where
go = do
(fieldId,wireType) <- fmap (splitWireTag . WireTag) getVarInt
case wireType of
0 -> spanOf (>=128) >> skip 1 >> go
1 -> skip 8 >> go
2 -> getVarInt >>= skip >> go
3 -> skipGroup fieldId >> go
4 | start_fi /= fieldId -> throwError $ "skipGroup failed, fieldId mismatch bewteen START_GROUP and STOP_GROUP: "++show (start_fi,(fieldId,wireType))
| otherwise -> return ()
5 -> skip 4 >> go
wtf -> throwError $ "Invalid wire type (expected 0,1,2,3,4,or 5) found: "++show (fieldId,wtf)
toWireType :: FieldType -> WireType
toWireType 1 = 1
toWireType 2 = 5
toWireType 3 = 0
toWireType 4 = 0
toWireType 5 = 0
toWireType 6 = 1
toWireType 7 = 5
toWireType 8 = 0
toWireType 9 = 2
toWireType 10 = 3
toWireType 11 = 2
toWireType 12 = 2
toWireType 13 = 0
toWireType 14 = 0
toWireType 15 = 5
toWireType 16 = 1
toWireType 17 = 0
toWireType 18 = 0
toWireType x = error $ "Text.ProcolBuffers.Basic.toWireType: Bad FieldType: "++show x