-- | -- Module: Data.ProtoBuf.WireFormat -- Copyright: (c) 2015-2016 Martijn Rijkeboer -- License: MIT -- Maintainer: Martijn Rijkeboer -- -- Functions for converting Haskell to wire format and back. module Data.ProtoBuf.WireFormat ( module Data.ProtoBuf.Default , module Data.ProtoBuf.FieldNumber , module Data.ProtoBuf.Mergeable , module Data.ProtoBuf.Required , module Data.ProtoBuf.WireEnum , module Data.ProtoBuf.WireMessage , module Data.ProtoBuf.WireTag , module Data.ProtoBuf.WireType , decode , encode , getBool , getBoolOpt , getBoolPacked , getBytes , getBytesOpt , getDouble , getDoubleOpt , getDoublePacked , getEnum , getEnumOpt , getEnumPacked , getFixed32 , getFixed32Opt , getFixed32Packed , getFixed64 , getFixed64Opt , getFixed64Packed , getFloat , getFloatOpt , getFloatPacked , getGroup , getGroupOpt , getInt32 , getInt32Opt , getInt32Packed , getInt64 , getInt64Opt , getInt64Packed , getMessage , getMessageOpt , getSFixed32 , getSFixed32Opt , getSFixed32Packed , getSFixed64 , getSFixed64Opt , getSFixed64Packed , getSInt32 , getSInt32Opt , getSInt32Packed , getSInt64 , getSInt64Opt , getSInt64Packed , getString , getStringOpt , getUInt32 , getUInt32Opt , getUInt32Packed , getUInt64 , getUInt64Opt , getUInt64Packed , getUnknown , getWireTag , putBool , putBoolList , putBoolOpt , putBoolPacked , putBytes , putBytesList , putBytesOpt , putDouble , putDoubleList , putDoubleOpt , putDoublePacked , putEnum , putEnumList , putEnumOpt , putEnumPacked , putFixed32 , putFixed32List , putFixed32Opt , putFixed32Packed , putFixed64 , putFixed64List , putFixed64Opt , putFixed64Packed , putFloat , putFloatList , putFloatOpt , putFloatPacked , putGroup , putGroupOpt , putInt32 , putInt32List , putInt32Opt , putInt32Packed , putInt64 , putInt64List , putInt64Opt , putInt64Packed , putSFixed32 , putSFixed32List , putSFixed32Opt , putSFixed32Packed , putSFixed64 , putSFixed64List , putSFixed64Opt , putSFixed64Packed , putSInt32 , putSInt32List , putSInt32Opt , putSInt32Packed , putSInt64 , putSInt64List , putSInt64Opt , putSInt64Packed , putMessage , putMessageList , putMessageOpt , putString , putStringList , putStringOpt , putUInt32 , putUInt32List , putUInt32Opt , putUInt32Packed , putUInt64 , putUInt64List , putUInt64Opt , putUInt64Packed , putWireTag ) where import Data.Binary.Get (Get, getLazyByteString, getWord8, getWord32le, getWord64le, isEmpty, runGetOrFail) import Data.Binary.IEEE754 (getFloat32le, getFloat64le, putFloat32le, putFloat64le) import Data.Binary.Put ( Put, putLazyByteString, putWord8, putWord32le, putWord64le, runPut) import Data.Bits (Bits, (.|.), (.&.), shiftL, shiftR, setBit, testBit) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Data.Foldable (forM_) import Data.Int (Int32, Int64) import Data.ProtoBuf.Default (Default(..)) import Data.ProtoBuf.FieldNumber (fromFieldNumber, toFieldNumber, FieldNumber(..)) import Data.ProtoBuf.Mergeable (Mergeable(..)) import Data.ProtoBuf.Required (Required(..)) import Data.ProtoBuf.WireEnum (WireEnum(..)) import Data.ProtoBuf.WireMessage (WireMessage(..)) import Data.ProtoBuf.WireTag (fromWireTag, toWireTag, WireTag(..)) import Data.ProtoBuf.WireType (fromWireType, toWireType, WireType(..)) import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>)) import Data.Text.Lazy (Text) import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (decodeUtf8', encodeUtf8) import Data.Word (Word8, Word32, Word64) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import qualified Data.ProtoBuf.ZigZag as ZZ import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Set as Set -- | Decode a ByteString into either the data-type or an error message. -- -- Decode CustomType: -- -- > decCustomType :: ByteString -> Either String CustomType -- > decCustomType = decode decode :: (Default a, Required a, WireMessage a) => ByteString -> Either String a decode bytes = case runGetOrFail getGroup bytes of Left (_, _, err) -> Left err Right (_, _, obj) -> Right obj -- | Encode a data-type into a ByteString. -- -- Encode CustomType: -- -- > encCustomType :: CustomType -> ByteString -- > encCustomType = encode encode :: (WireMessage a) => a -> ByteString encode obj = runPut (putGroup obj) -- | Decode a required bool field. getBool :: Get Bool getBool = do val <- getVarInt :: Get Word8 if val == 0 then return False else return True -- | Decode an optional bool field. getBoolOpt :: Get (Maybe Bool) getBoolOpt = getOpt getBool -- | Decode a packed repeated bool field. getBoolPacked :: Get (Seq Bool) getBoolPacked = getPacked getBool -- | Decode a required bytes field. getBytes :: Get ByteString getBytes = do len <- getVarInt getLazyByteString len -- | Decode an optional bytes field. getBytesOpt :: Get (Maybe ByteString) getBytesOpt = getOpt getBytes -- | Decode a required double field. getDouble :: Get Double getDouble = getFloat64le -- | Decode an optional double field. getDoubleOpt :: Get (Maybe Double) getDoubleOpt = getOpt getDouble -- | Decode a packed repeated double field. getDoublePacked :: Get (Seq Double) getDoublePacked = getPacked getDouble -- | Decode a required enum field. getEnum :: (WireEnum a) => Get a getEnum = intToEnum <$> getInt32 -- | Decode an optional enum field. getEnumOpt :: (WireEnum a) => Get (Maybe a) getEnumOpt = getOpt getEnum -- | Decode a packed repeated enum field. getEnumPacked :: (WireEnum a) => Get (Seq a) getEnumPacked = getPacked getEnum -- | Decode a required fixed32 field. getFixed32 :: Get Word32 getFixed32 = getWord32le -- | Decode an optional fixed32 field. getFixed32Opt :: Get (Maybe Word32) getFixed32Opt = getOpt getFixed32 -- | Decode a packed repeated fixed32 field. getFixed32Packed :: Get (Seq Word32) getFixed32Packed = getPacked getFixed32 -- | Decode a required fixed64 field. getFixed64 :: Get Word64 getFixed64 = getWord64le -- | Decode an optional fixed64 field. getFixed64Opt :: Get (Maybe Word64) getFixed64Opt = getOpt getFixed64 -- | Decode a packed repeated fixed64 field. getFixed64Packed :: Get (Seq Word64) getFixed64Packed = getPacked getFixed64 -- | Decode a required float field. getFloat :: Get Float getFloat = getFloat32le -- | Decode an optional float field. getFloatOpt :: Get (Maybe Float) getFloatOpt = getOpt getFloat -- | Decode a packed repeated float field. getFloatPacked :: Get (Seq Float) getFloatPacked = getPacked getFloat -- | Decode a required group field. getGroup :: (Default a, Required a, WireMessage a) => Get a getGroup = loop defaultMsg reqTagSet where loop msg reqs | Set.null reqs = do done <- isEmpty if done then return msg else do tag <- getWireTag msg' <- fieldToValue tag msg loop msg' reqs loop msg reqs = do done <- isEmpty if done then fail "Missing required field(s)" else do tag <- getWireTag msg' <- fieldToValue tag msg loop msg' (Set.delete tag reqs) defaultMsg = defaultVal reqTagSet = reqTags defaultMsg -- | Decode an optional group field. getGroupOpt :: (Default a, Required a, WireMessage a) => Get (Maybe a) getGroupOpt = getOpt getGroup -- | Decode a required int32 field. getInt32 :: Get Int32 getInt32 = getVarInt -- | Decode an optional int32 field. getInt32Opt :: Get (Maybe Int32) getInt32Opt = getOpt getInt32 -- | Decode a packed repeated int32 field. getInt32Packed :: Get (Seq Int32) getInt32Packed = getPacked getInt32 -- | Decode a required int64 field. getInt64 :: Get Int64 getInt64 = getVarInt -- | Decode an optional int64 field. getInt64Opt :: Get (Maybe Int64) getInt64Opt = getOpt getInt64 -- | Decode a packed repeated int64 field. getInt64Packed :: Get (Seq Int64) getInt64Packed = getPacked getInt64 -- | Decode a required message field. getMessage :: (Default a, Required a, WireMessage a) => Get a getMessage = do bytes <- getBytes case runGetOrFail getGroup bytes of Left (_, _, err) -> fail err Right (_, _, obj) -> return obj -- | Decode an optional message field. getMessageOpt :: (Default a, Required a, WireMessage a) => Get (Maybe a) getMessageOpt = getOpt getMessage -- | Decode a required sfixed32 field. getSFixed32 :: Get Int32 getSFixed32 = fromIntegral <$> getWord32le -- | Decode an optional sfixed32 field. getSFixed32Opt :: Get (Maybe Int32) getSFixed32Opt = getOpt getSFixed32 -- | Decode a packed repeated sfixed32 field. getSFixed32Packed :: Get (Seq Int32) getSFixed32Packed = getPacked getSFixed32 -- | Decode a required sfixed64 field. getSFixed64 :: Get Int64 getSFixed64 = fromIntegral <$> getWord64le -- | Decode an optional sfixed64 field. getSFixed64Opt :: Get (Maybe Int64) getSFixed64Opt = getOpt getSFixed64 -- | Decode a packed repeated sfixed64 field. getSFixed64Packed :: Get (Seq Int64) getSFixed64Packed = getPacked getSFixed64 -- | Decode a required sint32 field. getSInt32 :: Get Int32 getSInt32 = ZZ.decode32 <$> getVarInt -- | Decode an optional sint32 field. getSInt32Opt :: Get (Maybe Int32) getSInt32Opt = getOpt getSInt32 -- | Decode a packed repeated sint32 field. getSInt32Packed :: Get (Seq Int32) getSInt32Packed = getPacked getSInt32 -- | Decode a required sint64 field. getSInt64 :: Get Int64 getSInt64 = ZZ.decode64 <$> getVarInt -- | Decode an optional sint64 field. getSInt64Opt :: Get (Maybe Int64) getSInt64Opt = getOpt getSInt64 -- | Decode a packed repeated sint64 field. getSInt64Packed :: Get (Seq Int64) getSInt64Packed = getPacked getSInt64 -- | Decode a required string. getString :: Get Text getString = do bytes <- getBytes case decodeUtf8' bytes of Right text -> return text Left err -> fail $ "Invalid UTF8: " ++ show err -- | Decode an optional string. getStringOpt :: Get (Maybe Text) getStringOpt = getOpt getString -- | Decode a required uint32 field. getUInt32 :: Get Word32 getUInt32 = getVarInt -- | Decode an optional uint32 field. getUInt32Opt :: Get (Maybe Word32) getUInt32Opt = getOpt getUInt32 -- | Decode a packed repeated uint32 field. getUInt32Packed :: Get (Seq Word32) getUInt32Packed = getPacked getUInt32 -- | Decode a required uint64 field. getUInt64 :: Get Word64 getUInt64 = getVarInt -- | Decode an optional uint64 field. getUInt64Opt :: Get (Maybe Word64) getUInt64Opt = getOpt getUInt64 -- | Decode a packed repeated uint64 field. getUInt64Packed :: Get (Seq Word64) getUInt64Packed = getPacked getUInt64 -- | Skip an unknown field. getUnknown :: WireTag -> a -> Get a getUnknown (WireTag _ VarInt) a = (getVarInt :: Get Int64) >> return a getUnknown (WireTag _ Bit64) a = getWord64le >> return a getUnknown (WireTag _ LenDelim) a = getBytes >> return a getUnknown (WireTag _ Bit32) a = getWord32le >> return a -- | Decode a wire tag. getWireTag :: Get WireTag getWireTag = do int <- getVarInt case toWireTag int of Right tag -> return tag Left err -> fail err -- | Encode a required bool field. putBool :: WireTag -> Bool -> Put putBool tag val = do putWireTag tag putVarInt $ boolToWord8 val -- | Encode a repeated bool field. putBoolList :: WireTag -> Seq Bool -> Put putBoolList = putList putBool -- | Encode an optional bool field. putBoolOpt :: WireTag -> Maybe Bool -> Put putBoolOpt = putOpt putBool -- | Encode a packed repeated bool field. putBoolPacked :: WireTag -> Seq Bool -> Put putBoolPacked = putPacked (putVarInt . boolToWord8) -- | Encode a required bytes field. putBytes :: WireTag -> ByteString -> Put putBytes tag bs = do putWireTag tag putVarInt $ BSL.length bs putLazyByteString bs -- | Encode a repeated bytes field. putBytesList :: WireTag -> Seq ByteString -> Put putBytesList = putList putBytes -- | Encode an optional bytes field. putBytesOpt :: WireTag -> Maybe ByteString -> Put putBytesOpt = putOpt putBytes -- | Encode a required double field. putDouble :: WireTag -> Double -> Put putDouble tag d = do putWireTag tag putFloat64le d -- | Encode a repeated double field. putDoubleList :: WireTag -> Seq Double -> Put putDoubleList = putList putDouble -- | Encode an optional double field. putDoubleOpt :: WireTag -> Maybe Double -> Put putDoubleOpt = putOpt putDouble -- | Encode a packed repeated double field. putDoublePacked :: WireTag -> Seq Double -> Put putDoublePacked = putPacked putFloat64le -- | Encode a required enum field. putEnum :: WireEnum a => WireTag -> a -> Put putEnum tag a = putInt32 tag $ enumToInt a -- | Encode a repeated enum field. putEnumList :: WireEnum a => WireTag -> Seq a -> Put putEnumList = putList putEnum -- | Encode an optional enum field. putEnumOpt :: WireEnum a => WireTag -> Maybe a -> Put putEnumOpt = putOpt putEnum -- | Encode a packed repeated enum field. putEnumPacked :: WireEnum a => WireTag -> Seq a -> Put putEnumPacked = putPacked (putVarInt . enumToInt) -- | Encode a required fixed32 field. putFixed32 :: WireTag -> Word32 -> Put putFixed32 tag f = do putWireTag tag putWord32le f -- | Encode a repeated fixed32 field. putFixed32List :: WireTag -> Seq Word32 -> Put putFixed32List = putList putFixed32 -- | Encode an optional fixed32 field. putFixed32Opt :: WireTag -> Maybe Word32 -> Put putFixed32Opt = putOpt putFixed32 -- | Encode a packed repeated fixed32 field. putFixed32Packed :: WireTag -> Seq Word32 -> Put putFixed32Packed = putPacked putWord32le -- | Encode a required fixed64 field. putFixed64 :: WireTag -> Word64 -> Put putFixed64 tag f = do putWireTag tag putWord64le f -- | Encode a repeated fixed64 field. putFixed64List :: WireTag -> Seq Word64 -> Put putFixed64List = putList putFixed64 -- | Encode an optional fixed64 field. putFixed64Opt :: WireTag -> Maybe Word64 -> Put putFixed64Opt = putOpt putFixed64 -- | Encode a packed repeated fixed64 field. putFixed64Packed :: WireTag -> Seq Word64 -> Put putFixed64Packed = putPacked putWord64le -- | Encode a required float field. putFloat :: WireTag -> Float -> Put putFloat tag f = do putWireTag tag putFloat32le f -- | Encode a repeated float field. putFloatList :: WireTag -> Seq Float -> Put putFloatList = putList putFloat -- | Encode an optional float field. putFloatOpt :: WireTag -> Maybe Float -> Put putFloatOpt = putOpt putFloat -- | Encode a packed repeated float field. putFloatPacked :: WireTag -> Seq Float -> Put putFloatPacked = putPacked putFloat32le -- | Encode a required group field. putGroup :: WireMessage a => a -> Put putGroup = messageToFields -- | Encode an optional group field. putGroupOpt :: WireMessage a => Maybe a -> Put putGroupOpt (Just val) = putGroup val putGroupOpt Nothing = return () -- | Encode a required int32 field. putInt32 :: WireTag -> Int32 -> Put putInt32 tag i = do putWireTag tag putVarInt i -- | Encode a repeated int32 field. putInt32List :: WireTag -> Seq Int32 -> Put putInt32List = putList putInt32 -- | Encode an optional int32 field. putInt32Opt :: WireTag -> Maybe Int32 -> Put putInt32Opt = putOpt putInt32 -- | Encode a packed repeated int32 field. putInt32Packed :: WireTag -> Seq Int32 -> Put putInt32Packed = putPacked putVarInt -- | Encode a required int64 field. putInt64 :: WireTag -> Int64 -> Put putInt64 tag i = do putWireTag tag putVarInt i -- | Encode a repeated int64 field. putInt64List :: WireTag -> Seq Int64 -> Put putInt64List = putList putInt64 -- | Encode an optional int64 field. putInt64Opt :: WireTag -> Maybe Int64 -> Put putInt64Opt = putOpt putInt64 -- | Encode a packed repeated int64 field. putInt64Packed :: WireTag -> Seq Int64 -> Put putInt64Packed = putPacked putVarInt -- | Encode a required sfixed32 field. putSFixed32 :: WireTag -> Int32 -> Put putSFixed32 tag f = do putWireTag tag putWord32le $ fromIntegral f -- | Encode a repeated sfixed32 field. putSFixed32List :: WireTag -> Seq Int32 -> Put putSFixed32List = putList putSFixed32 -- | Encode an optional sfixed32 field. putSFixed32Opt :: WireTag -> Maybe Int32 -> Put putSFixed32Opt = putOpt putSFixed32 -- | Encode a packed repeated sfixed32 field. putSFixed32Packed :: WireTag -> Seq Int32 -> Put putSFixed32Packed = putPacked (putWord32le . fromIntegral) -- | Encode a required sfixed64 field. putSFixed64 :: WireTag -> Int64 -> Put putSFixed64 tag f = do putWireTag tag putWord64le $ fromIntegral f -- | Encode a repeated sfixed64 field. putSFixed64List :: WireTag -> Seq Int64 -> Put putSFixed64List = putList putSFixed64 -- | Encode an optional sfixed64 field. putSFixed64Opt :: WireTag -> Maybe Int64 -> Put putSFixed64Opt = putOpt putSFixed64 -- | Encode a packed repeated sfixed64 field. putSFixed64Packed :: WireTag -> Seq Int64 -> Put putSFixed64Packed = putPacked (putWord64le . fromIntegral) -- | Encode a required sint32 field. putSInt32 :: WireTag -> Int32 -> Put putSInt32 tag i = do putWireTag tag putVarInt $ ZZ.encode32 i -- | Encode a repeated sint32 field. putSInt32List :: WireTag -> Seq Int32 -> Put putSInt32List = putList putSInt32 -- | Encode an optional sint32 field. putSInt32Opt :: WireTag -> Maybe Int32 -> Put putSInt32Opt = putOpt putSInt32 -- | Encode a packed repeated sint32 field. putSInt32Packed :: WireTag -> Seq Int32 -> Put putSInt32Packed = putPacked (putVarInt . ZZ.encode32) -- | Encode a required sint64 field. putSInt64 :: WireTag -> Int64 -> Put putSInt64 tag i = do putWireTag tag putVarInt $ ZZ.encode64 i -- | Encode a repeated sint64 field. putSInt64List :: WireTag -> Seq Int64 -> Put putSInt64List = putList putSInt64 -- | Encode an optional sint64 field. putSInt64Opt :: WireTag -> Maybe Int64 -> Put putSInt64Opt = putOpt putSInt64 -- | Encode a packed repeated sint64 field. putSInt64Packed :: WireTag -> Seq Int64 -> Put putSInt64Packed = putPacked (putVarInt . ZZ.encode64) -- | Encode a required message field. putMessage :: WireMessage a => WireTag -> a -> Put putMessage tag a = putBytes tag $ runPut (putGroup a) -- | Encode a repeated message field. putMessageList :: WireMessage a => WireTag -> Seq a -> Put putMessageList = putList putMessage -- | Encode an optional message field. putMessageOpt :: WireMessage a => WireTag -> Maybe a -> Put putMessageOpt = putOpt putMessage -- | Encode a required string field. putString :: WireTag -> Text -> Put putString tag txt = putBytes tag $ encodeUtf8 txt -- | Encode a repeated string field. putStringList :: WireTag -> Seq Text -> Put putStringList = putList putString -- | Encode an optional string field. putStringOpt :: WireTag -> Maybe Text -> Put putStringOpt = putOpt putString -- | Encode a required uint32 field. putUInt32 :: WireTag -> Word32 -> Put putUInt32 tag i = do putWireTag tag putVarInt i -- | Encode a repeated uint32 field. putUInt32List :: WireTag -> Seq Word32 -> Put putUInt32List = putList putUInt32 -- | Encode an optional uint32 field. putUInt32Opt :: WireTag -> Maybe Word32 -> Put putUInt32Opt = putOpt putUInt32 -- | Encode a packed repeated uint32 field. putUInt32Packed :: WireTag -> Seq Word32 -> Put putUInt32Packed = putPacked putVarInt -- | Encode a required uint64 field. putUInt64 :: WireTag -> Word64 -> Put putUInt64 tag i = do putWireTag tag putVarInt i -- | Encode a repeated uint64 field. putUInt64List :: WireTag -> Seq Word64 -> Put putUInt64List = putList putUInt64 -- | Encode an optional uint64 field. putUInt64Opt :: WireTag -> Maybe Word64 -> Put putUInt64Opt = putOpt putUInt64 -- | Encode a packed repeated uint64 field. putUInt64Packed :: WireTag -> Seq Word64 -> Put putUInt64Packed = putPacked putVarInt -- | Encode a wire tag. putWireTag :: WireTag -> Put putWireTag = putVarInt . fromWireTag {- Internal -} getOpt :: Get a -> Get (Maybe a) getOpt = fmap Just getPacked :: Get a -> Get (Seq a) getPacked f = do bytes <- getBytes case runGetOrFail (loop Seq.empty) bytes of Left (_, _, err) -> fail err Right (_, _, obj) -> return obj where loop xs = do done <- isEmpty if done then return xs else do val <- f loop (xs |> val) getVarInt :: (Bits a, Integral a) => Get a getVarInt = getVarIntBytes 0 0 type Shift = Int getVarIntBytes :: (Bits a, Integral a) => a -> Shift -> Get a getVarIntBytes prev shift = do (isLast, newVal, newShift) <- getVarIntByte prev shift if isLast then return newVal else getVarIntBytes newVal newShift getVarIntByte :: (Bits a, Integral a) => a -> Shift -> Get (Bool, a, Shift) getVarIntByte prev shift = do byte <- getWord8 let isLast = not $ testBit byte 7 let newVal = prev .|. (fromIntegral (byte .&. 0x7F) `shiftL` shift) let newShift = shift + 7 return (isLast, newVal, newShift) putVarInt :: (Bits a, Integral a) => a -> Put putVarInt i | i < 0 = putNegVarInt i | otherwise = putPosVarInt i putNegVarInt :: (Bits a, Integral a) => a -> Put putNegVarInt i = putNegVarInt' i 10 putNegVarInt' :: (Bits a, Integral a) => a -> Int -> Put putNegVarInt' i 1 = putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ i .&. 1 putNegVarInt' i n = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ setBit (i .&. 0x7F) 7) putNegVarInt' (shiftR i 7) (n - 1) putPosVarInt :: (Bits a, Integral a) => a -> Put putPosVarInt i | i < 128 = putWord8 $ fromIntegral i | otherwise = do putWord8 (fromIntegral $ setBit (i .&. 0x7F) 7) putPosVarInt (shiftR i 7) putList :: (WireTag -> a -> Put) -> WireTag -> Seq a -> Put putList f tag = mapM_ (f tag) putPacked :: (a -> Put) -> WireTag -> Seq a -> Put putPacked f tag xs | len == 0 = return () | otherwise = putBytes tag $ runPut (forM_ xs f) where len = Seq.length xs putOpt :: (WireTag -> a -> Put) -> WireTag -> Maybe a -> Put putOpt f tag (Just val) = f tag val putOpt _ _ Nothing = return () boolToWord8 :: Bool -> Word8 boolToWord8 True = 1 boolToWord8 False = 0