# Protobuf-simple An Haskell implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers version 2 with an emphasis on simplicity. The implementation consists of a library for encoding and decoding of data and the `protobuf-simple-protoc` executable for generating Haskell types from proto files. In fact, the types that are used in the tests are generated with the following command: ``` $ protobuf-simple-protoc data/Types.proto ``` In the example below, the `CustomType` is a Haskell type that was generated with the `protobuf-simple-protoc` executable. The `encCustomType` function encodes a CustomType into a ByteString. The `decCustomType` function decodes a ByteString into either a CustomType or an error. ``` module Codec where import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Data.ProtoBuf (decode, encode) import Types.CustomType (CustomType(..)) encCustomType :: CustomType -> ByteString encCustomType = encode decCustomType :: ByteString -> Either String CustomType decCustomType = decode ``` The library exposes two modules, Data.ProtoBuf, which is used for encoding and decoding and Data.ProtoBufInt, which is an internal module that is used by the generated types. ## Supported Data Types The following Protocol Buffer types, with their Haskell counterparts, are supported: - bool: Bool - bytes: ByteString (lazy) - double: Double - enum: Sum-type - fixed32: Word32 - fixed64: Word64 - float: Float - int32: Int32 - int64: Int64 - message: Product-type or newtype - sfixed32: Int32 - sfixed64: Int64 - sint32: Int32 - sint64: Int64 - string: Text (lazy) - uint32: Word32 - uint64: Word64 ## Compatibility Besides testing that decoding inverses encoding, the compatibility with other implementations is tested by decoding binary files that were created with protobuf-net (C#). ## Other Implementations There are currently multiple Protocol Buffers implementations available. This library was created for the following reasons. Firstly, I wanted to use Data.Text for the string type instead of Data.ByteString as the protocol-buffers library does. Secondly, I wanted to use newtypes for messages with only one field. Finally, I wanted to use simpler data types than the protobuf library does. For example, the protobuf library uses the following (example from the manual): ``` data Foo = Foo { field1 :: Required 1 (Value Int64) , field2 :: Optional 2 (Value Text) , field3 :: Repeated 3 (Value Bool) } deriving (Generic, Show) ``` Whereas protobuf-simple would use the following: ``` data Foo = Foo { field1 :: Int64 , field2 :: Maybe Text , field3 :: Seq Bool } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) ``` ## Not Implemented The following Protocol Buffers features are currently not implemented: - Importing definitions - Groups - Declaring extensions in messages - Declaring nested extensions in messages - Oneof feature - Associative maps - Defining services - Custom options ## License Protobuf-simple is released under the MIT License.