-- | Unit and property tests for our custom parsing monad. module Main (main) where import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Either (isLeft) import Test.QuickCheck import Test.Tasty (defaultMain, testGroup, TestTree) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty) import Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Bytes import Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Parser main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "tests" [ testGroup "Parser" testParser , testGroup "getWord8" testGetWord8 , testGroup "getBytes" testGetBytes , testGroup "getWord32le" testGetWord32le , testGroup "failure" testFailure , testGroup "isolate" testIsolate ] testParser :: [TestTree] testParser = -- Test out the Applicative instance by using "traverse" to read the same number of bytes -- as in the input. -- "traverse (const f) g" runs f once for every element of g. [ testProperty "traverse" $ \ws -> runParser (traverse (const getWord8) ws) (B.pack ws) === Right ws ] testGetWord8 :: [TestTree] testGetWord8 = [ testProperty "atEnd" $ \ws -> runParser atEnd (B.pack ws) === Right (null ws) , testProperty "manyTillEnd" $ \ws -> runParser (manyTillEnd getWord8) (B.pack ws) === Right ws ] testGetBytes :: [TestTree] testGetBytes = [ testProperty "many" $ \ws -> let packed = map B.pack ws in runParser (mapM (getBytes . B.length) packed) (B.concat packed) === Right packed , testProperty "negative length" $ \n ws -> n < 0 ==> counterexampleF isLeft (runParser (getBytes n) $ B.pack ws) ] testGetWord32le :: [TestTree] testGetWord32le = [ testProperty "align" $ \ws -> length ws `mod` 4 /= 0 ==> counterexampleF isLeft (runParser (manyTillEnd getWord32le) (B.pack ws)) , testProperty "manyTillEnd" $ \ws -> runParser (manyTillEnd getWord32le) (runBuilder $ foldMap putFixed32 ws) === Right ws ] testFailure :: [TestTree] testFailure = [ testProperty "fail-fast" $ \bs -> runParser (fail "abcde") (B.pack bs) === (Left "abcde" :: Either String ()) , testProperty "" $ \bs -> runParser (fail "abcde" "fghij") (B.pack bs) === (Left "fghij: abcde" :: Either String ()) ] testIsolate :: [TestTree] testIsolate = [ testProperty "many" $ \bs bs' -> runParser ((,) <$> (isolate (length bs) $ manyTillEnd getWord8) <*> (manyTillEnd getWord8)) (B.pack (bs ++ bs')) == Right (bs, bs') , testProperty "negative length" $ \n ws -> n < 0 ==> counterexampleF isLeft $ runParser (isolate n getWord8) $ B.pack ws ] -- Since this is a test, just implement the slow stack-heavy way. manyTillEnd :: Parser a -> Parser [a] manyTillEnd p = do end <- atEnd if end then return [] else do x <- p xs <- manyTillEnd p return $ x : xs counterexampleF :: (Testable prop, Show a) => (a -> prop) -> a -> Property counterexampleF f x = counterexample (show x) $ f x