# Changelog for `proto-lens` ## v0.7.1.1 - Relax upper bounds for ghc-9.2 ## v0.7.1.0 - Support GHC 9.0. - Fixed parsing of UTF8 chars in text format proto string literals. - Support all valid text format boolean field values - Remove redundant (.&. 127) from putVarInt (#396) ## v0.7.0.0 - Support GHC 8.10. - Add a method to `Data.ProtoLens.Message` for getting the `DescriptorProto` of a given message. For a simpler API, see `Data.ProtoLens.Descriptor` from `proto-lens-protobuf-types`. - Bump ghc-source-gen to version - Bump upper bound to allow base-4.14. - Bump upper bound to allow ghc-prim-0.6. ## v0.6.0.0 ### Breaking Changes - Bump lower bounds to base-4.10 (ghc-8.2). - Move `Proto.Google.Protobuf.Descriptor` and `Proto.Google.Protobuf.Compiler.Plugin` to the `proto-lens-protobuf-types` package. ### Backwards-Compatible Changes - Bump upper bound to allow profunctors-5.5. - Support dependencies on base-4.13 (ghc-8.8) and lens-family-2.0. ## v0.5.1.0 - Add `decodeMessageDelimitedH` to decode delimited messages from a file handle (#61). ## v0.5.0.1 - Bump the upper bound on `profunctors` to allow 5.4. - Bump the upper bound on `primitive` to allow 0.7. - Allow text format protobuf strings to contain unescaped quote characters different from the delimiters (#320). ### Breaking Changes - Merge the `lens-labels` library into `proto-lens`: - `Lens.Labels` => `Data.ProtoLens.Fields` - `Lens.Labels.Unwrapped` => `Data.ProtoLens.Labels` - `Lens.Labels.Prism` => `Data.ProtoLens.Prism` - Simplify the API of `Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Wire`, using a plain ADT rather than a GADT to represent unknown field values. - If fields have the wrong wire type, store them in `unknownFields` rather than failing the parse. (#125) ### Backwards-Compatible Changes - Merge proto-lens-combinators into the proto-lens library. - Use generated Haskell code to encode/decode proto messages more quickly. In particular: - Add the methods `parseMessage` and `buildMessage` to `Data.ProtoLens.Message` - Expose an opaque `Parser` monad, which is used by the generated code. - Expose the module `Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Bytes`, which is used by the generated code. - Various other, related performance optimizations. - Add functionality for storing unknown fields as `Vector`s. (See the changelog of `proto-lens-protoc` for more details.) Exposes the `Growing` type for mutable vectors of growing capacity. - Export the new function `parseMessageDelimited`. (#61) ## v0.4.0.1 - Bump the dependencies on `base` and `containers` to ``. ## v0.4.0.0 - Don't use `data-default` for default proto values (#194). - Update the proto descriptors to protobuf-3.6.1. - Use simplified lens-labels instances. (#208) ## v0.3.1.1 - Bump the lower bound on `base` to indicate we require `ghc>=8.0`. ## v0.3.1.0 - Improve references to types/fields in decoding error messages (#187). - Bump the dependency on `base` for `ghc-8.4.2`. - Make `Registry` an instance of `Semigroup`. ## v0.3.0.0 - Remove support for `ghc-7.10`. (#136) - Use a `.cabal` file that's auto-generated from `hpack`. (#138) - Add buildMessageDelimited: size-delimited streams of Messages (#102) - Add support for parsing `Any` messages in google protobuf text format (#124) - Use the Tag newtype consistently. (#127) - Add support for tracking unknown fields. (#129) - Improve an error message. (#132) - Bundle enum pattern synonyms with their type. (#136) - Implement proto3-style "open" enums. (#137) - Consolidate `proto-lens-descriptors` into `proto-lens`. (#140) - Split the `Message` class into separate methods. (#139) - Improve an error message when decoding Anys. (#146) - Refactor the `FieldDescriptorType. (#147) - Improve text format error messages. (#148) - Add module `Data.ProtoLens.Service.Types`. (#154) - Add Haddock comments to fields. (#172) ## v0.2.2.0 - Bump the dependency on `base` to support `ghc-8.2.1`. ## v0.2.1.0 - Include `base`'s modules in the reexport list. - Use custom-setup in packages that depend on `proto-lens-protoc`. - Allow `.proto` files to import between Haskell packages. - Add the `proto-lens-protobuf-types` package. ## v0.2.0.1 - Make the libraries '-Wall -Werror'-clean for the latest version of GHC. ## v0.2.0.0 - Support OverloadedLabels with the new `lens-labels` package. - Fix codegen for field names that are already camel-cased. - Increase version bounds to work with Stackage lts-8. ## v0.1.0.5 - Fix the handling of packed repeated fields (#38) - Improve space usage and time of decoding (#63) - Print fields ordered by tag number (#40) ## v0.1.0.4 - Relaxed dependency constraints on data-default-class for new stackage LTS. ## v0.1.0.3 - In printing and parsing protocol buffers use/interpret escape sequences in a way compatible with the Protocol Buffer distribution's C/C++ escaping style, closing Issues #44 and #45. This makes the text output incompatible with previous versions; earlier versions will misinterpret text written by this version and this version will misinterpret text written by previous versions. - Support reading text protocol buffers with single quote characters (') for string delimiters, closing Issue #20. ## v0.1.0.2 - Expose more of protoc-gen-haskell to plugins. - Support enum aliases. - TextFormat prints enum names instead of numbers. ## v0.1.0.1 - Support ghc-8. - Handle .proto files without a "package" declaration (#11). ## v0.1.0.0 - Initial version.