title: Prosidy README --- Prosidy is a small language for writing documents. Like #link[url='https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/']{Markdown}, Prosidy's syntax is lightweight; it doesn't get in the way of your text. Like #link[url='https://www.w3.org/XML/']{XML}, Prosidy is extensible: it doesn't make any assumptions about your content. You'll never have to fight to make your data fit a structure that wasn't designed for it. #=src[lang='prosidy']:end recipe: A simple roux --- In a #ware{medium saucepan}, heat #ingredient[amount='25', unit='g']{oil} until dropping a pinch of flour into the oil causes it to bubble. #ware{Whisk} #ingredient[amount='25', unit='g']{flour} into the oil until the roux is the desired color. #:end All of the code here is under #b{heavy} development; be careful before using it for anything critical! That said, feedback is more than welcome! Reach me at #link[url='mailto:alex@fldcr.com']{alex@fldcr.com}. #-h{Developing Prosidy} This project sets up an environment using direnv and Nix. We'd recommend you have both installed before building, although it may work without both.