import Test.HUnit import ProjectM36.Base import TutorialD.Interpreter.Import.TutorialD import System.Exit import qualified Data.Text as T import System.IO.Temp import System.FilePath import qualified Data.Map as M import System.IO import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import Text.URI hiding (makeAbsolute) main :: IO () main = do tcounts <- runTestTT $ TestList [testTutdFileImport ,testTutdHTTPSImport ] if errors tcounts + failures tcounts > 0 then exitFailure else exitSuccess testTutdFileImport :: Test testTutdFileImport = TestCase $ withSystemTempFile "m.tutd" $ \tempPath handle -> do BS.hPut handle (TE.encodeUtf8 "x:=relation{tuple{a 5,b \"spam\"}}; y:=relation{tuple{b \"漢字\"}}") hClose handle let expectedExpr = MultipleExpr [ Assign "x" (MakeRelationFromExprs Nothing $ TupleExprs () [TupleExpr (M.fromList [("a", NakedAtomExpr $ IntegerAtom 5), ("b", NakedAtomExpr $ TextAtom "spam")])]), Assign "y" (MakeRelationFromExprs Nothing $ TupleExprs () [TupleExpr (M.fromList [("b", NakedAtomExpr (TextAtom "漢字"))])])] --on Windows, the file URI should not include the drive letter "/c/Users..." -> "/Users" let uri = "file://" <> map (\c -> if c == '\\' then '/' else c) ( joinDrive "/" (dropDrive tempPath)) fileURI <- mkURI (T.pack uri) imported <- importTutorialDFromFile fileURI Nothing assertEqual "import tutd" (Right expectedExpr) imported testTutdHTTPSImport :: Test testTutdHTTPSImport = TestCase $ do uri <- mkURI "" let hash = "effe32b247586dc3ac0079fc241b9618d41d189afcaeb7907edbe5a8b45992a4" expected = Right (MultipleExpr [Assign "x" (RelationVariable "true" ()),Assign "y" (RelationVariable "false" ())]) actual <- importTutorialDViaHTTP uri (Just hash) assertEqual "github https" expected actual