{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric , FlexibleInstances , FlexibleContexts , DeriveAnyClass , ScopedTypeVariables , TypeApplications , DataKinds , TypeOperators , AllowAmbiguousTypes , DerivingVia #-} import Test.HUnit import ProjectM36.Tupleable.Deriving import ProjectM36.Atomable import ProjectM36.Attribute import ProjectM36.Error import ProjectM36.Base import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Set as S import System.Exit import Data.Proxy import Codec.Winery {-# ANN module ("Hlint: ignore Use newtype instead of data" :: String) #-} data Test1T = Test1C { attrA :: Integer } deriving (Generic, Eq, Show) deriving Serialise via WineryRecord Test1T data Test2T = Test2C { attrB :: Integer, attrC :: Integer } deriving (Generic, Eq, Show) deriving Serialise via WineryRecord Test2T data Test3T = Test3C Integer deriving (Generic, Eq, Show) deriving Serialise via WineryVariant Test3T data Test4T = Test4C deriving (Generic, Eq, Show) deriving Serialise via WineryVariant Test4T data Test5T = Test5C1 Integer | Test5C2 Integer deriving (Generic, Eq, Show) deriving Serialise via WineryVariant Test5T data Test6T = Test6C T.Text Integer Double deriving (Generic, Eq, Show) data Test7A = Test7AC Integer deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, NFData, Atomable) deriving Serialise via WineryVariant Test7A data Test7T = Test7C Test7A deriving (Generic, Show, Eq) deriving Serialise via WineryVariant Test7T data Test8T = Test8C deriving (Generic, Show, Eq) deriving Serialise via WineryVariant Test8T data Test9T = Test9C { attr9A :: Integer, attr9B :: T.Text, attr9C :: Double } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq) deriving Serialise via WineryRecord Test9T data Test10T = Test10C { longAttrNameA10 :: Integer, long_attr_name_b10 :: Integer, longMixed_attr_NameC10 :: Integer } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq) deriving Serialise via WineryRecord Test10T instance Tupleable Test1T instance Tupleable Test2T instance Tupleable Test3T instance Tupleable Test4T --instance Tupleable Test5T -- should fail at compile time- sum types not supported instance Tupleable Test6T instance Tupleable Test7T instance Tupleable Test8T instance Tupleable Test9T main :: IO () main = do tcounts <- runTestTT testList if errors tcounts + failures tcounts > 0 then exitFailure else exitSuccess testList :: Test testList = TestList [testADT1, testADT2, testADT3, testADT4, testADT6, testADT7, testADT8, testInsertExpr, testDefineExpr, testUpdateExpr, testUpdateExprEmptyAttrs, testDeleteExpr, testUpdateExprWrongAttr, testReorderedTuple, testAddPrefixField, testDropPrefixField, testAddSuffixField, testDropSuffixField, testUpperCaseField, testLowerCaseField, testTitleCaseField, testCamelCaseField, testPascalCaseField, testSnakeCaseField, testSpinalCaseField, testTrainCaseField, testAsIsCodec, testAsIsField, testComposeRLCodec, testComposeRLField, testComposeLRCodec, testComposeLRField] testADT1 :: Test testADT1 = TestCase $ assertEqual "one record constructor" (Right example) (fromTuple (toTuple example)) where example = Test1C {attrA = 3} testADT2 :: Test testADT2 = TestCase $ do let example = Test2C { attrB = 4, attrC = 6 } assertEqual "two record constructor" (Right example) (fromTuple (toTuple example)) --this was a tricky case that was throwing the undefined exception because of insufficient laziness in the :*: matching- see ProjectM36.Tupleable let expectedAttributes = attributesFromList [Attribute "attrB" IntegerAtomType, Attribute "attrC" IntegerAtomType] assertEqual "two record constructor toAttributes" expectedAttributes (toAttributes (Proxy :: Proxy Test2T)) testADT3 :: Test testADT3 = TestCase $ assertEqual "one arg constructor" (Right example) (fromTuple (toTuple example)) where example = Test3C 4 testADT4 :: Test testADT4 = TestCase $ assertEqual "zero arg constructor" (Right example) (fromTuple (toTuple example)) where example = Test4C --testADT5 should not compile testADT6 :: Test testADT6 = TestCase $ assertEqual "mixed types" (Right example) (fromTuple (toTuple example)) where example = Test6C "testo" 3 4.0 testADT7 :: Test testADT7 = TestCase $ do let example = Test7C (Test7AC 3) assertEqual "atom type" (Right example) (fromTuple (toTuple example)) let expectedAttrs = V.singleton (Attribute "" (ConstructedAtomType "Test7A" M.empty)) assertEqual "adt atomtype" expectedAttrs (toAttributes (Proxy :: Proxy Test7T)) testADT8 :: Test testADT8 = TestCase $ assertEqual "single value" (Right example) (fromTuple (toTuple example)) where example = Test8C testInsertExpr :: Test testInsertExpr = TestCase $ assertEqual "insert expr" expected (toInsertExpr [Test9C { attr9A = 4, attr9B = "a", attr9C = 3.4}] "rv") where expected = Right (Insert "rv" (MakeStaticRelation attrs tuples)) attrs = attributesFromList [Attribute "attr9A" IntegerAtomType, Attribute "attr9B" TextAtomType, Attribute "attr9C" DoubleAtomType] tuples = RelationTupleSet [RelationTuple attrs (V.fromList [IntegerAtom 4, TextAtom "a", DoubleAtom 3.4])] testDefineExpr :: Test testDefineExpr = TestCase $ assertEqual "define expr" expected actual where expected = Define "rv" (map NakedAttributeExpr attrs) attrs = [Attribute "attr9A" IntegerAtomType, Attribute "attr9B" TextAtomType, Attribute "attr9C" DoubleAtomType] actual = toDefineExpr (Proxy :: Proxy Test9T) "rv" testUpdateExpr :: Test testUpdateExpr = TestCase $ do let expected = Right (Update "rv" updateMap restriction) updateMap = M.fromList [("attr9B", NakedAtomExpr (TextAtom "b")), ("attr9C", NakedAtomExpr (DoubleAtom 5.5))] restriction = AttributeEqualityPredicate "attr9A" (NakedAtomExpr (IntegerAtom 5)) actual = toUpdateExpr "rv" ["attr9A"] Test9C {attr9A = 5, attr9B = "b", attr9C = 5.5} assertEqual "update expr1" expected actual testUpdateExprEmptyAttrs :: Test testUpdateExprEmptyAttrs = TestCase $ do let expected = Left EmptyAttributesError actual = toUpdateExpr "rv" [] Test9C {attr9A = 5, attr9B = "b", attr9C = 5.5} assertEqual "update with empty attrs" expected actual testUpdateExprWrongAttr :: Test testUpdateExprWrongAttr = TestCase $ do --currently, passing in the wrong attribute replaces the whole relvar with a single tuple- is this what we want? let expected = Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError (S.singleton "nonexistentattr")) actual = toUpdateExpr "rv" ["nonexistentattr"] Test9C {attr9A = 5, attr9B = "b", attr9C = 5.5} assertEqual "update with wrong attr" expected actual testDeleteExpr :: Test testDeleteExpr = TestCase $ do let expected = Right (Delete "rv" (AndPredicate (AttributeEqualityPredicate "attr9A" (NakedAtomExpr (IntegerAtom 5))) (AttributeEqualityPredicate "attr9B" (NakedAtomExpr (TextAtom "b"))))) actual = toDeleteExpr "rv" ["attr9A", "attr9B"] Test9C {attr9A = 5, attr9B = "b", attr9C = 5.5} assertEqual "delete expr" expected actual --discovered in #184 by ruhatch testReorderedTuple :: Test testReorderedTuple = TestCase $ do let tupleRev :: RelationTuple -> RelationTuple tupleRev (RelationTuple v1 v2) = RelationTuple (V.reverse v1) (V.reverse v2) expected = Test2C {attrB = 3, attrC = 4} actual = fromTuple . tupleRev . toTuple $ expected assertEqual "reordered tuple" (Right expected) actual testCodec :: forall tag. ModifyOptions tag => String -> [AttributeName] -> Test testCodec msg expected = TestCase $ assertEqual msg (S.fromList expected) actual where actual = attributeNameSet $ toAttributes (Proxy :: Proxy (Codec tag Test10T)) testAddPrefixField :: Test testAddPrefixField = testCodec @(Field (AddPrefix "prefix_")) "codec field add prefix attributes" ["prefix_longAttrNameA10", "prefix_long_attr_name_b10", "prefix_longMixed_attr_NameC10"] testDropPrefixField :: Test testDropPrefixField = testCodec @(Field (DropPrefix "long")) "codec field drop prefix" ["AttrNameA10", "_attr_name_b10", "Mixed_attr_NameC10"] testAddSuffixField :: Test testAddSuffixField = testCodec @(Field (AddSuffix "_suffix")) "codec field add suffix" ["longAttrNameA10_suffix", "long_attr_name_b10_suffix", "longMixed_attr_NameC10_suffix"] testDropSuffixField :: Test testDropSuffixField = testCodec @(Field (DropSuffix "10")) "codec field drop suffix" ["longAttrNameA", "long_attr_name_b", "longMixed_attr_NameC"] testUpperCaseField :: Test testUpperCaseField = testCodec @(Field UpperCase) "codec field uppercase" ["LONGATTRNAMEA10", "LONG_ATTR_NAME_B10", "LONGMIXED_ATTR_NAMEC10"] testLowerCaseField :: Test testLowerCaseField = testCodec @(Field LowerCase) "codec field lowercase" ["longattrnamea10", "long_attr_name_b10", "longmixed_attr_namec10"] testTitleCaseField :: Test testTitleCaseField = testCodec @(Field TitleCase) "codec field title case" ["Long Attr Name A10", "Long Attr Name B10", "Long Mixed Attr Name C10"] testCamelCaseField :: Test testCamelCaseField = testCodec @(Field CamelCase) "codec field camel case" ["longAttrNameA10", "longAttrNameB10", "longMixedAttrNameC10"] testPascalCaseField :: Test testPascalCaseField = testCodec @(Field PascalCase) "codec field pascal case" ["LongAttrNameA10", "LongAttrNameB10", "LongMixedAttrNameC10"] testSnakeCaseField :: Test testSnakeCaseField = testCodec @(Field SnakeCase) "codec field snake case" ["long_attr_name_a10", "long_attr_name_b10", "long_mixed_attr_name_c10"] testSpinalCaseField :: Test testSpinalCaseField = testCodec @(Field SpinalCase) "codec field spinal case" ["long-attr-name-a10", "long-attr-name-b10", "long-mixed-attr-name-c10"] testTrainCaseField :: Test testTrainCaseField = testCodec @(Field TrainCase) "codec field train case" ["Long-Attr-Name-A10", "Long-Attr-Name-B10", "Long-Mixed-Attr-Name-C10"] testAsIsCodec :: Test testAsIsCodec = testCodec @AsIs "codec as is" ["longAttrNameA10", "long_attr_name_b10", "longMixed_attr_NameC10"] testAsIsField :: Test testAsIsField = testCodec @(Field AsIs) "codec field as is" ["longAttrNameA10", "long_attr_name_b10", "longMixed_attr_NameC10"] testComposeRLCodec :: Test testComposeRLCodec = testCodec @(Field UpperCase <<< Field (DropPrefix "long")) "codec (<<<)" ["ATTRNAMEA10", "_ATTR_NAME_B10", "MIXED_ATTR_NAMEC10"] testComposeRLField :: Test testComposeRLField = testCodec @(Field (UpperCase <<< DropPrefix "long")) "codec field (<<<)" ["ATTRNAMEA10", "_ATTR_NAME_B10", "MIXED_ATTR_NAMEC10"] testComposeLRCodec :: Test testComposeLRCodec = testCodec @(Field (DropPrefix "long") >>> Field UpperCase) "codec (>>>)" ["ATTRNAMEA10", "_ATTR_NAME_B10", "MIXED_ATTR_NAMEC10"] testComposeLRField :: Test testComposeLRField = testCodec @(Field (DropPrefix "long" >>> UpperCase)) "codec field (>>>)" ["ATTRNAMEA10", "_ATTR_NAME_B10", "MIXED_ATTR_NAMEC10"]