{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {- test client/server interaction -} import Test.HUnit import ProjectM36.Client import qualified ProjectM36.Client as C import ProjectM36.Server import ProjectM36.Server.Config import ProjectM36.Relation import ProjectM36.TupleSet import ProjectM36.IsomorphicSchema import ProjectM36.Base import System.Exit import Network.Socket (SockAddr(..)) import Control.Concurrent import Data.Either (isRight) import Control.Exception import System.IO.Temp import System.FilePath #if defined(linux_HOST_OS) import System.Directory #endif import Debug.Trace type Timeout = Int testList :: SessionId -> Connection -> MVar () -> Test testList sessionId conn notificationTestMVar = TestList $ serverTests ++ sessionTests where sessionTests = map (\t -> t sessionId conn) [ testRelationalExpr, testSchemaExpr, testTypeForRelationalExpr, testDatabaseContextExpr, testGraphExpr, testPlanForDatabaseContextExpr, testTransactionGraphAsRelation, testHeadTransactionId, testHeadName, testSession, testRelationVariableSummary, testNotification notificationTestMVar ] serverTests = [testRequestTimeout, testFileDescriptorCount] main :: IO () main = do (serverAddress, _) <- launchTestServer 0 notificationTestMVar <- newEmptyMVar eTestConn <- testConnection serverAddress notificationTestMVar case eTestConn of Left err -> print err >> exitFailure Right (session, testConn) -> do tcounts <- runTestTT (testList session testConn notificationTestMVar) if errors tcounts + failures tcounts > 0 then exitFailure else exitSuccess {-main = do tcounts <- runTestTT (TestList [testRequestTimeout]) if errors tcounts + failures tcounts > 0 then exitFailure else exitSuccess-} testDatabaseName :: DatabaseName testDatabaseName = "test" testConnection :: Port -> MVar () -> IO (Either ConnectionError (SessionId, Connection)) testConnection serverPort mvar = do let connInfo = RemoteConnectionInfo testDatabaseName "" (show serverPort) (testNotificationCallback mvar) --putStrLn ("testConnection: " ++ show serverAddress) eConn <- connectProjectM36 connInfo case eConn of Left err -> pure $ Left err Right conn -> do eSessionId <- createSessionAtHead conn defaultHeadName case eSessionId of Left _ -> error "failed to create session" Right sessionId -> pure $ Right (sessionId, conn) -- | A version of 'launchServer' which returns the port on which the server is listening on a secondary thread launchTestServer :: Timeout -> IO (Port, ThreadId) launchTestServer ti = do addressMVar <- newEmptyMVar tid <- forkIO $ withSystemTempDirectory "projectm36test" $ \tempdir -> do let config = defaultServerConfig { databaseName = testDatabaseName, persistenceStrategy = CrashSafePersistence (tempdir "db"), perRequestTimeout = ti, testMode = True, bindPort = 0, checkFS = False --not stricly needed for these tests } launchServer config (Just addressMVar) >> pure () (SockAddrInet port _) <- takeMVar addressMVar --liftIO $ putStrLn ("launched server on " ++ show endPointAddress) pure (fromIntegral port, tid) testRelationalExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testRelationalExpr sessionId conn = TestCase $ do relResult <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId conn (RelationVariable "true" ()) assertEqual "invalid relation result" (Right relationTrue) relResult eitherFail :: (Show e) => Either e a -> IO () eitherFail (Left err) = assertFailure (show err) eitherFail (Right _) = pure () -- test adding an removing a schema against true/false relations testSchemaExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testSchemaExpr sessionId conn = TestCase $ do result <- executeSchemaExpr sessionId conn (AddSubschema "test-schema" [IsoRename "table_dee" "true", IsoRename "table_dum" "false"]) assertEqual "executeSchemaExpr" (Right ()) result result' <- executeSchemaExpr sessionId conn (RemoveSubschema "test-schema") assertEqual "executeSchemaExpr2" (Right ()) result' testDatabaseContextExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testDatabaseContextExpr sessionId conn = TestCase $ do let attrExprs = [AttributeAndTypeNameExpr "x" (PrimitiveTypeConstructor "Text" TextAtomType) ()] attrs = attributesFromList [Attribute "x" TextAtomType] testrv = "testrv" executeDatabaseContextExpr sessionId conn (Define testrv attrExprs) >>= eitherFail eRel <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId conn (RelationVariable testrv ()) let expected = mkRelation attrs emptyTupleSet case eRel of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right rel -> assertEqual "dbcontext definition failed" expected (Right rel) testGraphExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testGraphExpr sessionId conn = TestCase (executeGraphExpr sessionId conn (JumpToHead "master") >>= eitherFail) testTypeForRelationalExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testTypeForRelationalExpr sessionId conn = TestCase $ do relResult <- typeForRelationalExpr sessionId conn (RelationVariable "true" ()) case relResult of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right rel -> assertEqual "typeForRelationalExpr failure" relationFalse rel testPlanForDatabaseContextExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testPlanForDatabaseContextExpr sessionId conn = TestCase $ do let attrExprs = [AttributeAndTypeNameExpr "x" (PrimitiveTypeConstructor "Int" IntAtomType) ()] testrv = "testrv" dbExpr = Define testrv attrExprs expected = Define testrv [AttributeAndTypeNameExpr "x" (PrimitiveTypeConstructor "Int" IntAtomType) UncommittedContextMarker] planResult <- planForDatabaseContextExpr sessionId conn dbExpr case planResult of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right plan -> assertEqual "planForDatabaseContextExpr failure" expected plan testTransactionGraphAsRelation :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testTransactionGraphAsRelation sessionId conn = TestCase $ do eGraph <- transactionGraphAsRelation sessionId conn case eGraph of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right _ -> pure () testHeadTransactionId :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testHeadTransactionId sessionId conn = TestCase $ do uuid <- headTransactionId sessionId conn assertBool "invalid head transaction uuid" (isRight uuid) pure () testHeadName :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testHeadName sessionId conn = TestCase $ do eHeadName <- headName sessionId conn assertEqual "headName failure" (Right "master") eHeadName testRelationVariableSummary :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testRelationVariableSummary sessionId conn = TestCase $ do eRel <- C.relationVariablesAsRelation sessionId conn case eRel of Left err -> assertFailure ("relvar summary failed " ++ show err) Right rel -> assertBool "invalid tuple count in relvar summary" (cardinality rel == Finite 2) testSession :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testSession _ conn = TestCase $ do -- create and close a new session using AtHead and AtCommit eSessionId1 <- createSessionAtHead conn defaultHeadName case eSessionId1 of Left _ -> assertFailure "invalid session" Right sessionId1 -> do eHeadId <- headTransactionId sessionId1 conn case eHeadId of Left err -> assertFailure ("invalid head id: " ++ show err) Right headId -> do eSessionId2 <- createSessionAtCommit conn headId assertBool ("invalid session: " ++ show eSessionId2) (isRight eSessionId2) closeSession sessionId1 conn testNotificationCallback :: MVar () -> NotificationCallback testNotificationCallback mvar _ _ = putMVar mvar () -- create a relvar x, add a notification on x, update x and wait for the notification testNotification :: MVar () -> SessionId -> Connection -> Test testNotification mvar sess conn = TestCase $ do let relvarx = RelationVariable "x" () executeDatabaseContextExpr sess conn (Assign "x" (ExistingRelation relationTrue)) >>= eitherFail executeDatabaseContextExpr sess conn (AddNotification "test notification" relvarx relvarx relvarx) >>= eitherFail commit sess conn >>= eitherFail executeDatabaseContextExpr sess conn (Assign "x" (ExistingRelation relationFalse)) >>= eitherFail commit sess conn >>= eitherFail takeMVar mvar testRequestTimeout :: Test testRequestTimeout = TestCase $ do (serverAddress, serverTid) <- launchTestServer 1000 unusedMVar <- newEmptyMVar eTestConn <- testConnection serverAddress unusedMVar --eTestConn <- testConnection (encodeEndPointAddress "" "10000" 1) unusedMVar case eTestConn of Left err -> putStrLn ("failed to connect: " ++ show err) >> exitFailure Right (session, testConn) -> do res <- catchJust (\exc -> if traceShowId exc == RequestTimeoutException then Just exc else Nothing) (callTestTimeout_ session testConn) (const (pure False)) assertBool "timeout exception was not thrown" (not res) killThread serverTid testFileDescriptorCount :: Test #if defined(linux_HOST_OS) --validate that creating a server, connecting a client, and then disconnecting doesn't leak file descriptors testFileDescriptorCount = TestCase $ do (serverAddress, serverTid) <- launchTestServer 0 unusedMVar <- newEmptyMVar startCount <- fdCount Right (sess, testConn) <- testConnection serverAddress unusedMVar --add a test commit to trigger the fsync machinery executeDatabaseContextExpr sess testConn (Assign "x" (ExistingRelation relationFalse)) >>= eitherFail commit sess testConn >>= eitherFail close testConn endCount <- fdCount let fd_diff = endCount - startCount assertBool ("fd leak: " ++ show fd_diff) (fd_diff <= 0) killThread serverTid -- returns the number of open file descriptors -- linux only /proc usage fdCount :: IO Int fdCount = do fds <- getDirectoryContents "/proc/self/fd" pure (length fds) #else --pass on non-linux platforms testFileDescriptorCount = TestCase (pure ()) #endif