import Test.HUnit import ProjectM36.Base import ProjectM36.Persist (DiskSync(NoDiskSync)) import ProjectM36.TransactionGraph.Persist import ProjectM36.TransactionGraph import ProjectM36.Transaction import ProjectM36.DateExamples import ProjectM36.Client import ProjectM36.Relation import System.IO.Temp import System.Exit import Data.Either import Data.UUID.V4 (nextRandom) import System.FilePath import TutorialD.Interpreter.DatabaseContextExpr import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.Calendar main :: IO () main = do tcounts <- runTestTT testList if errors tcounts + failures tcounts > 0 then exitFailure else exitSuccess testList :: Test testList = TestList [testBootstrapDB, testDBSimplePersistence, testFunctionPersistence] stamp :: UTCTime stamp = UTCTime (fromGregorian 1980 01 01) (secondsToDiffTime 1000) {- bootstrap a database, ensure that it can be read -} testBootstrapDB :: Test testBootstrapDB = TestCase $ withSystemTempDirectory "m36testdb" $ \tempdir -> do let dbdir = tempdir "dbdir" freshId <- nextRandom _ <- bootstrapDatabaseDir NoDiskSync dbdir (bootstrapTransactionGraph stamp freshId dateExamples) loadedGraph <- transactionGraphLoad dbdir emptyTransactionGraph Nothing assertBool "transactionGraphLoad" $ isRight loadedGraph {- create a database with several transactions, ensure that all transactions can be read -} testDBSimplePersistence :: Test testDBSimplePersistence = TestCase $ withSystemTempDirectory "m36testdb" $ \tempdir -> do let dbdir = tempdir "dbdir" freshId <- nextRandom let graph = bootstrapTransactionGraph stamp freshId dateExamples _ <- bootstrapDatabaseDir NoDiskSync dbdir graph case transactionForHead "master" graph of Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to retrieve head transaction for master branch." Just headTrans -> case interpretDatabaseContextExpr (concreteDatabaseContext headTrans) "x:=s" of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right context' -> do freshId' <- nextRandom let newdiscon = DisconnectedTransaction (transactionId headTrans) (Schemas context' M.empty) True addTrans = addDisconnectedTransaction stamp freshId' "master" newdiscon graph --add a transaction to the graph case addTrans of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right (_, graph') -> do --persist the new graph _ <- transactionGraphPersist NoDiskSync dbdir [freshId'] graph' --reload the graph from the filesystem and confirm that the transaction is present graphErr <- transactionGraphLoad dbdir emptyTransactionGraph Nothing let mapEq graphArg = transactionId (transactionsForGraph graphArg) case graphErr of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right graph'' -> assertBool "graph equality" (mapEq graph'' == mapEq graph') --only Haskell-scripted dbc and atom functions can be serialized testFunctionPersistence :: Test testFunctionPersistence = TestCase $ withSystemTempDirectory "m36testdb" $ \tempdir -> do let dbdir = tempdir "dbdir" connInfo = InProcessConnectionInfo (MinimalPersistence dbdir) emptyNotificationCallback [] conn <- assertIOEither $ connectProjectM36 connInfo sess <- assertIOEither $ createSessionAtHead conn "master" let intTCons = PrimitiveTypeConstructor "Int" IntAtomType addfunc = AddAtomFunction "testdisk" [ intTCons, ADTypeConstructor "Either" [ADTypeConstructor "AtomFunctionError" [], intTCons]] "(\\(x:_) -> pure x) :: [Atom] -> Either AtomFunctionError Atom" _ <- assertIOEither $ executeDatabaseContextIOExpr sess conn addfunc _ <- assertIOEither $ commit sess conn --close conn - pauses indefinitely on Windows --re-open the connection to reload the graph conn2 <- assertIOEither $ connectProjectM36 connInfo sess2 <- assertIOEither $ createSessionAtHead conn2 "master" res <- executeRelationalExpr sess2 conn2 (MakeRelationFromExprs Nothing [TupleExpr (M.singleton "a" (FunctionAtomExpr "testdisk" [NakedAtomExpr (IntAtom 3)] ()))]) let expectedRel = mkRelationFromList (attributesFromList [Attribute "a" IntAtomType]) [[IntAtom 3]] assertEqual "testdisk dbc function run" expectedRel res assertIOEither :: (Show a) => IO (Either a b) -> IO b assertIOEither x = do ret <- x case ret of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) >> undefined Right val -> pure val