{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {- test client/server interaction -} import Test.HUnit import ProjectM36.Client import qualified ProjectM36.Client as C import ProjectM36.Server.EntryPoints import ProjectM36.Server import ProjectM36.Server.Config import ProjectM36.Relation import ProjectM36.TupleSet import ProjectM36.IsomorphicSchema import ProjectM36.Base import System.Exit import Control.Concurrent import Network.Transport (EndPointAddress) import Network.Transport.TCP (encodeEndPointAddress, decodeEndPointAddress) import Data.Either (isRight) import Control.Exception import System.IO.Temp import System.FilePath #if defined(linux_HOST_OS) import System.Directory #endif testList :: SessionId -> Connection -> MVar () -> Test testList sessionId conn notificationTestMVar = TestList $ serverTests ++ sessionTests where sessionTests = map (\t -> t sessionId conn) [ testRelationalExpr, testSchemaExpr, testTypeForRelationalExpr, testDatabaseContextExpr, testGraphExpr, testPlanForDatabaseContextExpr, testTransactionGraphAsRelation, testHeadTransactionId, testHeadName, testSession, testRelationVariableSummary, testNotification notificationTestMVar ] serverTests = [testRequestTimeout, testFileDescriptorCount] main :: IO () main = do (serverAddress, _) <- launchTestServer 0 notificationTestMVar <- newEmptyMVar eTestConn <- testConnection serverAddress notificationTestMVar case eTestConn of Left err -> print err >> exitFailure Right (session, testConn) -> do tcounts <- runTestTT (testList session testConn notificationTestMVar) if errors tcounts + failures tcounts > 0 then exitFailure else exitSuccess {-main = do tcounts <- runTestTT (TestList [testRequestTimeout]) if errors tcounts + failures tcounts > 0 then exitFailure else exitSuccess-} testDatabaseName :: DatabaseName testDatabaseName = "test" testConnection :: EndPointAddress -> MVar () -> IO (Either ConnectionError (SessionId, Connection)) testConnection serverAddress mvar = do let Just (host, service, _) = decodeEndPointAddress serverAddress serverAddress' = encodeEndPointAddress host service 1 let connInfo = RemoteProcessConnectionInfo testDatabaseName (NodeId serverAddress') (testNotificationCallback mvar) --putStrLn ("testConnection: " ++ show serverAddress) eConn <- connectProjectM36 connInfo case eConn of Left err -> pure $ Left err Right conn -> do eSessionId <- createSessionAtHead conn defaultHeadName case eSessionId of Left _ -> error "failed to create session" Right sessionId -> pure $ Right (sessionId, conn) -- | A version of 'launchServer' which returns the port on which the server is listening on a secondary thread launchTestServer :: Timeout -> IO (EndPointAddress, ThreadId) launchTestServer ti = do addressMVar <- newEmptyMVar tid <- forkIO $ withSystemTempDirectory "projectm36test" $ \tempdir -> do let config = defaultServerConfig { databaseName = testDatabaseName, persistenceStrategy = CrashSafePersistence (tempdir "db"), perRequestTimeout = ti, testMode = True, bindPort = 0 } launchServer config (Just addressMVar) >> pure () endPointAddress <- takeMVar addressMVar --liftIO $ putStrLn ("launched server on " ++ show endPointAddress) pure (endPointAddress, tid) testRelationalExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testRelationalExpr sessionId conn = TestCase $ do relResult <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId conn (RelationVariable "true" ()) assertEqual "invalid relation result" (Right relationTrue) relResult eitherFail :: (Show e) => Either e a -> IO () eitherFail (Left err) = assertFailure (show err) eitherFail (Right _) = pure () -- test adding an removing a schema against true/false relations testSchemaExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testSchemaExpr sessionId conn = TestCase $ do result <- executeSchemaExpr sessionId conn (AddSubschema "test-schema" [IsoRename "table_dee" "true", IsoRename "table_dum" "false"]) assertEqual "executeSchemaExpr" (Right ()) result result' <- executeSchemaExpr sessionId conn (RemoveSubschema "test-schema") assertEqual "executeSchemaExpr2" (Right ()) result' testDatabaseContextExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testDatabaseContextExpr sessionId conn = TestCase $ do let attrExprs = [AttributeAndTypeNameExpr "x" (PrimitiveTypeConstructor "Text" TextAtomType) ()] attrs = attributesFromList [Attribute "x" TextAtomType] testrv = "testrv" executeDatabaseContextExpr sessionId conn (Define testrv attrExprs) >>= eitherFail eRel <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId conn (RelationVariable testrv ()) let expected = mkRelation attrs emptyTupleSet case eRel of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right rel -> assertEqual "dbcontext definition failed" expected (Right rel) testGraphExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testGraphExpr sessionId conn = TestCase (executeGraphExpr sessionId conn (JumpToHead "master") >>= eitherFail) testTypeForRelationalExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testTypeForRelationalExpr sessionId conn = TestCase $ do relResult <- typeForRelationalExpr sessionId conn (RelationVariable "true" ()) case relResult of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right rel -> assertEqual "typeForRelationalExpr failure" relationFalse rel testPlanForDatabaseContextExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testPlanForDatabaseContextExpr sessionId conn = TestCase $ do let attrExprs = [AttributeAndTypeNameExpr "x" (PrimitiveTypeConstructor "Int" IntAtomType) ()] testrv = "testrv" dbExpr = Define testrv attrExprs planResult <- planForDatabaseContextExpr sessionId conn dbExpr case planResult of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right plan -> assertEqual "planForDatabaseContextExpr failure" dbExpr plan testTransactionGraphAsRelation :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testTransactionGraphAsRelation sessionId conn = TestCase $ do eGraph <- transactionGraphAsRelation sessionId conn case eGraph of Left err -> assertFailure (show err) Right _ -> pure () testHeadTransactionId :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testHeadTransactionId sessionId conn = TestCase $ do uuid <- headTransactionId sessionId conn assertBool "invalid head transaction uuid" (isRight uuid) pure () testHeadName :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testHeadName sessionId conn = TestCase $ do eHeadName <- headName sessionId conn assertEqual "headName failure" (Right "master") eHeadName testRelationVariableSummary :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testRelationVariableSummary sessionId conn = TestCase $ do eRel <- C.relationVariablesAsRelation sessionId conn case eRel of Left err -> assertFailure ("relvar summary failed " ++ show err) Right rel -> assertBool "invalid tuple count in relvar summary" (cardinality rel == Finite 2) testSession :: SessionId -> Connection -> Test testSession _ conn = TestCase $ do -- create and close a new session using AtHead and AtCommit eSessionId1 <- createSessionAtHead conn defaultHeadName case eSessionId1 of Left _ -> assertFailure "invalid session" Right sessionId1 -> do eHeadId <- headTransactionId sessionId1 conn case eHeadId of Left err -> assertFailure ("invalid head id: " ++ show err) Right headId -> do eSessionId2 <- createSessionAtCommit conn headId assertBool ("invalid session: " ++ show eSessionId2) (isRight eSessionId2) closeSession sessionId1 conn testNotificationCallback :: MVar () -> NotificationCallback testNotificationCallback mvar _ _ = putMVar mvar () -- create a relvar x, add a notification on x, update x and wait for the notification testNotification :: MVar () -> SessionId -> Connection -> Test testNotification mvar sess conn = TestCase $ do let relvarx = RelationVariable "x" () executeDatabaseContextExpr sess conn (Assign "x" (ExistingRelation relationTrue)) >>= eitherFail executeDatabaseContextExpr sess conn (AddNotification "test notification" relvarx relvarx relvarx) >>= eitherFail commit sess conn >>= eitherFail executeDatabaseContextExpr sess conn (Assign "x" (ExistingRelation relationFalse)) >>= eitherFail commit sess conn >>= eitherFail takeMVar mvar testRequestTimeout :: Test testRequestTimeout = TestCase $ do (serverAddress, serverTid) <- launchTestServer 1000 unusedMVar <- newEmptyMVar eTestConn <- testConnection serverAddress unusedMVar --eTestConn <- testConnection (encodeEndPointAddress "" "10000" 1) unusedMVar case eTestConn of Left err -> putStrLn ("failed to connect: " ++ show err) >> exitFailure Right (session, testConn) -> do res <- catchJust (\exc -> if exc == RequestTimeoutException then Just exc else Nothing) (callTestTimeout_ session testConn) (const (pure False)) assertBool "exception was not thrown" (not res) killThread serverTid testFileDescriptorCount :: Test #if defined(linux_HOST_OS) --validate that creating a server, connecting a client, and then disconnecting doesn't leak file descriptors testFileDescriptorCount = TestCase $ do (serverAddress, serverTid) <- launchTestServer 1000 unusedMVar <- newEmptyMVar startCount <- fdCount Right (sess, testConn) <- testConnection serverAddress unusedMVar --add a test commit to trigger the fsync machinery executeDatabaseContextExpr sess testConn (Assign "x" (ExistingRelation relationFalse)) >>= eitherFail commit sess testConn >>= eitherFail close testConn endCount <- fdCount let fd_diff = endCount - startCount assertBool ("fd leak: " ++ show fd_diff) (fd_diff <= 0) killThread serverTid -- returns the number of open file descriptors -- linux only /proc usage fdCount :: IO Int fdCount = do fds <- getDirectoryContents "/proc/self/fd" pure (length fds) #else --pass on non-linux platforms testFileDescriptorCount = TestCase (pure ()) #endif