module ProjectM36.Tuple where
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.Error
import ProjectM36.Attribute
import ProjectM36.Atom
import ProjectM36.AtomType
import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Primitive

import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Either (rights)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Maybe

emptyTuple :: RelationTuple
emptyTuple = RelationTuple V.empty V.empty

tupleSize :: RelationTuple -> Int
tupleSize (RelationTuple tupAttrs _) = V.length tupAttrs

tupleAttributeNameSet :: RelationTuple -> S.Set AttributeName
tupleAttributeNameSet (RelationTuple tupAttrs _) = S.fromList $ V.toList $ attributeName tupAttrs

tupleAttributes :: RelationTuple -> Attributes
tupleAttributes (RelationTuple tupAttrs _) = tupAttrs

tupleAssocs :: RelationTuple -> [(AttributeName, Atom)]
tupleAssocs (RelationTuple attrVec tupVec) = V.toList $ (first attributeName) ( attrVec tupVec)

-- return atoms in some arbitrary but consistent key order
tupleAtoms :: RelationTuple -> V.Vector Atom
tupleAtoms (RelationTuple _ tupVec) = tupVec

atomForAttributeName :: AttributeName -> RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError Atom
atomForAttributeName attrName (RelationTuple tupAttrs tupVec) = case V.findIndex (\attr -> attributeName attr == attrName) tupAttrs of
  Nothing -> Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError (S.singleton attrName))
  Just index -> case tupVec V.!? index of
    Nothing -> Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError (S.singleton attrName))
    Just atom -> Right atom

{- -- resolve naming clash with Attribute and Relation later
atomTypeForAttributeName :: AttributeName -> RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError Atom
atomTypeForAttributeName attrName tup = do
  atom <- atomForAttributeName attrName tup
  return $ atomTypeForAtom atom

atomsForAttributeNames :: V.Vector AttributeName -> RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError (V.Vector Atom)
atomsForAttributeNames attrNames tuple = do
  vindices <- vectorIndicesForAttributeNames attrNames (tupleAttributes tuple)
  return $ (\index -> tupleAtoms tuple V.! index) vindices
vectorIndicesForAttributeNames :: V.Vector AttributeName -> Attributes -> Either RelationalError (V.Vector Int)
vectorIndicesForAttributeNames attrNameVec attrs = if not $ V.null unknownAttrNames then
                                                     Left $ NoSuchAttributeNamesError (S.fromList (V.toList unknownAttrNames))
                                                     Right $ mapper attrNameVec
    unknownAttrNames = V.filter (`V.notElem` attributeNames attrs) attrNameVec
    mapper attrName = fromMaybe (error "logic failure in vectorIndicesForAttributeNames") (V.elemIndex attrName ( attributeName attrs))

relationForAttributeName :: AttributeName -> RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError Relation
relationForAttributeName attrName tuple = do
  aType <- atomTypeForAttributeName attrName (tupleAttributes tuple)
  if not (isRelationAtomType aType) then
    Left $ AttributeIsNotRelationValuedError attrName
    else do
     atomVal <- atomForAttributeName attrName tuple
     relationForAtom atomVal

--in case the oldattr does not exist in the tuple, then return the old tuple
tupleRenameAttribute :: AttributeName -> AttributeName -> RelationTuple -> RelationTuple
tupleRenameAttribute oldattr newattr (RelationTuple tupAttrs tupVec) = RelationTuple newAttrs tupVec
    newAttrs = renameAttributes oldattr newattr tupAttrs

mkRelationTuple :: Attributes -> V.Vector Atom -> RelationTuple
mkRelationTuple = RelationTuple 

mkRelationTuples :: Attributes -> [V.Vector Atom] -> [RelationTuple]
mkRelationTuples attrs = map mapper
    mapper = mkRelationTuple attrs
mkRelationTupleFromMap :: M.Map AttributeName Atom -> RelationTuple
mkRelationTupleFromMap attrMap = RelationTuple attrs ( (\attrName -> attrMap M.! attrName) attrNames)
    attrNames = V.fromList (M.keys attrMap)
    attrs = (\attrName -> Attribute attrName (atomTypeForAtom (attrMap M.! attrName))) attrNames

--return error if attribute names match but their types do not
singleTupleSetJoin :: Attributes -> RelationTuple -> RelationTupleSet -> Either RelationalError [RelationTuple]
singleTupleSetJoin joinAttrs tup tupSet = 
    foldM tupleJoiner [] (asList tupSet) 
    tupleJoiner :: [RelationTuple] -> RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError [RelationTuple]
    tupleJoiner accumulator tuple2 = case singleTupleJoin joinAttrs tup tuple2 of
        Right Nothing -> Right accumulator
        Right (Just relTuple) -> Right $ relTuple : accumulator
        Left err -> Left err
singleTupleSetJoin :: RelationTuple -> RelationTupleSet -> RelationTupleSet
singleTupleSetJoin tup1 tupSet = HS.union 
    mapper tup2 = singleTupleJoin tup1 tup2
-- if the keys share some keys and values, then merge the tuples
-- if there are shared attributes, if they match, create a new tuple from the atoms of both tuples based on the attribute ordering argument
singleTupleJoin :: Attributes -> RelationTuple -> RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError (Maybe RelationTuple)
singleTupleJoin joinedAttrs tup1@(RelationTuple tupAttrs1 _) tup2@(RelationTuple tupAttrs2 _) = if
  V.null keysIntersection || atomsForAttributeNames keysIntersection tup1 /= atomsForAttributeNames keysIntersection tup2
    return Nothing
    return $ Just $ RelationTuple joinedAttrs newVec
    keysIntersection = attributeName attrsIntersection
    attrsIntersection = V.filter (`V.elem` tupAttrs1) tupAttrs2
    newVec = (findAtomForAttributeName . attributeName) joinedAttrs
    --search both tuples for the attribute
    findAtomForAttributeName attrName = head $ rights $ fmap (atomForAttributeName attrName) [tup1, tup2]

--same consideration as Data.List.union- duplicates in v1 are not de-duped
vectorUnion :: (Eq a) => V.Vector a -> V.Vector a -> V.Vector a
vectorUnion v1 v2 = V.foldr folder v1 v2
    folder e acc = if V.elem e v1 then
                     V.snoc acc e

--precondition- no overlap in attributes
tupleExtend :: RelationTuple -> RelationTuple -> RelationTuple
tupleExtend (RelationTuple tupAttrs1 tupVec1) (RelationTuple tupAttrs2 tupVec2) = RelationTuple newAttrs newVec
    newAttrs = tupAttrs1 V.++ tupAttrs2
    newVec = tupVec1 V.++ tupVec2

tupleAtomExtend :: AttributeName -> Atom -> RelationTuple -> RelationTuple
tupleAtomExtend newAttrName atom tupIn = tupleExtend tupIn newTup
    newTup = RelationTuple (V.singleton $ Attribute newAttrName (atomTypeForAtom atom)) (V.singleton atom)

{- sort the associative list to match the header sorting -}
tupleSortedAssocs :: RelationTuple -> [(AttributeName, Atom)]
tupleSortedAssocs (RelationTuple tupAttrs tupVec) = V.toList $ (\(index,attr) -> (attributeName attr, tupVec V.! index)) $ V.indexed tupAttrs

--this could be cheaper- it may not be wortwhile to update all the tuples for projection, but then the attribute management must be slightly different- perhaps the attributes should be a vector of association tuples [(name, index)]
tupleProject :: S.Set AttributeName -> RelationTuple -> RelationTuple
tupleProject projectAttrs (RelationTuple attrs tupVec) = RelationTuple newAttrs newTupVec
    deleteIndices = V.findIndices (\attr -> S.notMember (attributeName attr) projectAttrs) attrs
    indexDeleter = V.ifilter (\index _ -> V.notElem index deleteIndices)
    newAttrs = indexDeleter attrs
    newTupVec = indexDeleter tupVec

--return the attributes and atoms which are equal in both vectors
tupleIntersection :: RelationTuple -> RelationTuple -> RelationTuple
tupleIntersection tuple1 tuple2 = RelationTuple newAttrs newTupVec
    attrs1 = tupleAttributes tuple1
    attrs2 = tupleAttributes tuple2
    matchingIndices = V.findIndices (\attr -> V.elem attr attrs2 &&
                                              atomForAttributeName (attributeName attr) tuple1 ==
                                              atomForAttributeName (attributeName attr) tuple2
                                    ) attrs1
    indexFilter = V.ifilter (\index _ -> V.elem index matchingIndices)
    newAttrs = indexFilter attrs1
    newTupVec = indexFilter (tupleAtoms tuple1)

-- | An optimized form of tuple update which updates vectors efficiently.
updateTupleWithAtoms :: M.Map AttributeName Atom -> RelationTuple -> RelationTuple
updateTupleWithAtoms updateMap (RelationTuple attrs tupVec) = RelationTuple attrs newVec
    updateKeysSet = M.keysSet updateMap
    updateKeysIVec = V.filter (\(_,attr) -> S.member (attributeName attr) updateKeysSet) (V.indexed attrs)
    newVec = V.update tupVec updateVec
    updateVec = (\(index, attr) -> (index, updateMap M.! attributeName attr)) updateKeysIVec

tupleToMap :: RelationTuple -> M.Map AttributeName Atom
tupleToMap (RelationTuple attrs tupVec) = M.fromList assocList
    assocList = V.toList $ (\(index, attr) -> (attributeName attr, tupVec V.! index)) (V.indexed attrs)

verifyTuple :: Attributes -> RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError RelationTuple
verifyTuple attrs tuple = let attrsTypes = atomType attrs
                              tupleTypes = atomTypeForAtom (tupleAtoms tuple) in
  if V.length attrs /= V.length tupleTypes then
    Left $ TupleAttributeCountMismatchError 0
  else do
    mapM_ (uncurry atomTypeVerify) ( attrsTypes tupleTypes)
    Right tuple

--two tuples can be equal but the vectors of attributes could be out-of-order
--reorder if necessary- this is useful during relMogrify so that all the relation's tuples have identical atom/attribute ordering
reorderTuple :: Attributes -> RelationTuple -> RelationTuple
reorderTuple attrs tupIn = if tupleAttributes tupIn == attrs then
                             RelationTuple attrs ( mapper attrs)
    mapper attr = case atomForAttributeName (attributeName attr) tupIn of
      Left _ -> error "logic failure in reorderTuple"
      Right atom -> atom

--used in Generics derivation for ADTs without named attributes
trimTuple :: Int -> RelationTuple -> RelationTuple
trimTuple index (RelationTuple attrs vals) = RelationTuple (V.drop index attrs) (V.drop index vals)