module ProjectM36.StaticOptimizer where
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.RelationalExpression
import ProjectM36.Relation
import ProjectM36.Error
import qualified ProjectM36.AttributeNames as AS
import ProjectM36.TupleSet
import Control.Monad.State hiding (join)
import Data.Either (rights, lefts)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import qualified Data.Map as M

-- the static optimizer performs optimizations which need not take any specific-relation statistics into account
-- apply optimizations which merely remove steps to become no-ops: example: projection of a relation across all of its attributes => original relation

--should optimizations offer the possibility to return errors? If they perform the up-front type-checking, maybe so
applyStaticRelationalOptimization :: RelationalExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError RelationalExpr)
applyStaticRelationalOptimization e@(MakeStaticRelation _ _) = return $ Right e

applyStaticRelationalOptimization e@(MakeRelationFromExprs _ _) = return $ Right e

applyStaticRelationalOptimization e@(ExistingRelation _) = return $ Right e

applyStaticRelationalOptimization e@(RelationVariable _ _) = return $ Right e

--remove project of attributes which removes no attributes
applyStaticRelationalOptimization (Project attrNameSet expr) = do
  relType <- typeForRelationalExpr expr
  case relType of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right relType2 
      | AS.all == attrNameSet ->                
        applyStaticRelationalOptimization expr
      | AttributeNames (attributeNames relType2) == attrNameSet ->
        applyStaticRelationalOptimization expr
      | otherwise -> do
        optimizedSubExpression <- applyStaticRelationalOptimization expr 
        case optimizedSubExpression of
          Left err -> pure $ Left err
          Right optSubExpr -> pure $ Right $ Project attrNameSet optSubExpr
applyStaticRelationalOptimization (Union exprA exprB) = do
  optExprA <- applyStaticRelationalOptimization exprA
  optExprB <- applyStaticRelationalOptimization exprB
  case optExprA of 
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right optExprAx -> case optExprB of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right optExprBx -> if optExprAx == optExprBx then                          
                          return (Right optExprAx)
                            return $ Right $ Union optExprAx optExprBx
applyStaticRelationalOptimization (Join exprA exprB) = do
  optExprA <- applyStaticRelationalOptimization exprA
  optExprB <- applyStaticRelationalOptimization exprB
  case optExprA of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right optExprA2 -> case optExprB of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right optExprB2 -> if optExprA == optExprB then --A join A == A
                           return optExprA
                           return $ Right (Join optExprA2 optExprB2)
applyStaticRelationalOptimization (Difference exprA exprB) = do
  optExprA <- applyStaticRelationalOptimization exprA
  optExprB <- applyStaticRelationalOptimization exprB
  case optExprA of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right optExprA2 -> case optExprB of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right optExprB2 -> if optExprA == optExprB then do --A difference A == A where false
                           eEmptyRel <- typeForRelationalExpr optExprA2
                           case eEmptyRel of
                             Left err -> pure (Left err)
                             Right emptyRel -> pure (Right (ExistingRelation emptyRel))
                           return $ Right (Difference optExprA2 optExprB2)
applyStaticRelationalOptimization e@Rename{} = return $ Right e

applyStaticRelationalOptimization (Group oldAttrNames newAttrName expr) =
  return $ Right $ Group oldAttrNames newAttrName expr
applyStaticRelationalOptimization (Ungroup attrName expr) =
  return $ Right $ Ungroup attrName expr
--remove restriction of nothing
applyStaticRelationalOptimization (Restrict predicate expr) = do
  optimizedPredicate <- applyStaticPredicateOptimization predicate
  case optimizedPredicate of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right optimizedPredicate2 
      | optimizedPredicate2 == TruePredicate -> applyStaticRelationalOptimization expr
      | optimizedPredicate2 == NotPredicate TruePredicate -> do
        attributesRel <- typeForRelationalExpr expr
        case attributesRel of 
          Left err -> return $ Left err
          Right attributesRelA -> return $ Right $ MakeStaticRelation (attributes attributesRelA) emptyTupleSet
      | otherwise -> do
        optimizedSubExpression <- applyStaticRelationalOptimization expr
        case optimizedSubExpression of
          Left err -> return $ Left err
          Right optSubExpr -> return $ Right $ Restrict optimizedPredicate2 optSubExpr
applyStaticRelationalOptimization e@(Equals _ _) = return $ Right e 

applyStaticRelationalOptimization e@(NotEquals _ _) = return $ Right e 
applyStaticRelationalOptimization e@(Extend _ _) = return $ Right e  

applyStaticDatabaseOptimization :: DatabaseContextExpr -> DatabaseState (Either RelationalError DatabaseContextExpr)
applyStaticDatabaseOptimization x@NoOperation = pure $ Right x
applyStaticDatabaseOptimization x@(Define _ _) = pure $ Right x

applyStaticDatabaseOptimization x@(Undefine _) = pure $ Right x

applyStaticDatabaseOptimization (Assign name expr) = do
  context <- getStateContext
  let optimizedExpr = runReader (applyStaticRelationalOptimization expr) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
  case optimizedExpr of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right optimizedExpr2 -> return $ Right (Assign name optimizedExpr2)
applyStaticDatabaseOptimization (Insert name expr) = do
  context <- getStateContext
  let optimizedExpr = runReader (applyStaticRelationalOptimization expr) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
  case optimizedExpr of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right optimizedExpr2 -> return $ Right (Insert name optimizedExpr2)
applyStaticDatabaseOptimization (Delete name predicate) = do  
  context <- getStateContext
  let optimizedPredicate = runReader (applyStaticPredicateOptimization predicate) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
  case optimizedPredicate of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right optimizedPredicate2 -> return $ Right (Delete name optimizedPredicate2)

applyStaticDatabaseOptimization (Update name upmap predicate) = do 
  context <- getStateContext
  let optimizedPredicate = runReader (applyStaticPredicateOptimization predicate) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
  case optimizedPredicate of
      Left err -> return $ Left err
      Right optimizedPredicate2 -> return $ Right (Update name upmap optimizedPredicate2)
applyStaticDatabaseOptimization dep@(AddInclusionDependency _ _) = return $ Right dep

applyStaticDatabaseOptimization (RemoveInclusionDependency name) = return $ Right (RemoveInclusionDependency name)

applyStaticDatabaseOptimization (AddNotification name triggerExpr resultOldExpr resultNewExpr) = do
  context <- getStateContext
  let eTriggerExprOpt = runReader (applyStaticRelationalOptimization triggerExpr) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
  case eTriggerExprOpt of
         Left err -> pure $ Left err
         Right triggerExprOpt -> --it doesn't make sense to optimize queries when we don't have their proper contexts
           pure (Right (AddNotification name triggerExprOpt resultOldExpr resultNewExpr))

applyStaticDatabaseOptimization notif@(RemoveNotification _) = pure (Right notif)

applyStaticDatabaseOptimization c@(AddTypeConstructor _ _) = pure (Right c)
applyStaticDatabaseOptimization c@(RemoveTypeConstructor _) = pure (Right c)
applyStaticDatabaseOptimization c@(RemoveAtomFunction _) = pure (Right c)
applyStaticDatabaseOptimization c@(RemoveDatabaseContextFunction _) = pure (Right c)
applyStaticDatabaseOptimization c@(ExecuteDatabaseContextFunction _ _) = pure (Right c)

--optimization: from pgsql lists- check for join condition referencing foreign key- if join projection project away the referenced table, then it does not need to be scanned

--applyStaticDatabaseOptimization (MultipleExpr exprs) = return $ Right $ MultipleExpr exprs
--for multiple expressions, we must evaluate
applyStaticDatabaseOptimization (MultipleExpr exprs) = do
  context <- getStateContext
  let optExprs = evalState substateRunner (contextWithEmptyTupleSets context, M.empty, False)
  let errors = lefts optExprs
  if not (null errors) then
    return $ Left (head errors)
      return $ Right $ MultipleExpr (rights optExprs)
     substateRunner = forM exprs $ \expr -> do
                                    --a previous expression could create a relvar, we don't want to miss it, so we clear the tuples and execute the expression to get an empty relation in the relvar                                
       _ <- evalDatabaseContextExpr expr    
       applyStaticDatabaseOptimization expr
  --this error handling could be improved with some lifting presumably
  --restore original context

applyStaticPredicateOptimization :: RestrictionPredicateExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError RestrictionPredicateExpr)
applyStaticPredicateOptimization predicate = return $ Right predicate