module ProjectM36.Relation.Parse.CSV where
--parse Relations from CSV
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.Error
import ProjectM36.Relation
import ProjectM36.AtomType
import qualified ProjectM36.Attribute as A

import Data.Csv.Parser
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Char (ord, isUpper, isSpace)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as APBL
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as APT
import Control.Arrow
import Text.Read hiding (parens)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Either

data CsvImportError = CsvParseError String |
                      AttributeMappingError RelationalError |
                      HeaderAttributeMismatchError (S.Set AttributeName)
                    deriving (Show)

csvDecodeOptions :: DecodeOptions
csvDecodeOptions = DecodeOptions {decDelimiter = fromIntegral (ord ',')}

csvAsRelation :: Attributes -> TypeConstructorMapping -> BS.ByteString -> Either CsvImportError Relation
csvAsRelation attrs tConsMap inString = case APBL.parse (csvWithHeader csvDecodeOptions) inString of
  APBL.Fail _ _ err -> Left (CsvParseError err)
  APBL.Done _ (headerRaw,vecMapsRaw) -> do
    let strHeader = decodeUtf8 headerRaw
        strMapRecords = convertMap vecMapsRaw
        convertMap hmap = HM.fromList $ (decodeUtf8 *** (T.unpack . decodeUtf8)) (HM.toList hmap)
        attrNames = A.attributeName attrs
        attrNameSet = S.fromList (V.toList attrNames)
        headerSet = S.fromList (V.toList strHeader)
        parseAtom attrName aType textIn = case APT.parseOnly (parseCSVAtomP attrName tConsMap aType <* APT.endOfInput) textIn of
          Left err -> Left (ParseError (T.pack err))
          Right eAtom -> eAtom 
        makeTupleList :: HM.HashMap AttributeName String -> [Either CsvImportError Atom]
        makeTupleList tupMap = V.toList $ (\attr -> 
                                                  either (Left . AttributeMappingError) Right $ 
                                                  parseAtom (A.attributeName attr) (A.atomType attr) (T.pack $ tupMap HM.! A.attributeName attr)) attrs
    if attrNameSet == headerSet then do
      tupleList <- mapM sequence $ V.toList ( makeTupleList strMapRecords)
      case mkRelationFromList attrs tupleList of
        Left err -> Left (AttributeMappingError err)
        Right rel -> Right rel
      Left $ HeaderAttributeMismatchError (S.difference attrNameSet headerSet)

parseCSVAtomP :: AttributeName -> TypeConstructorMapping -> AtomType -> APT.Parser (Either RelationalError Atom)
parseCSVAtomP _ _ IntegerAtomType = (Right . IntegerAtom) <$> APT.decimal
parseCSVAtomP _ _ IntAtomType = Right . IntAtom <$> APT.decimal
parseCSVAtomP _ _ DoubleAtomType = Right . DoubleAtom <$> APT.double
parseCSVAtomP _ _ TextAtomType = do 
  s <- quotedString <|> takeToEndOfData
  pure (Right (TextAtom s))
parseCSVAtomP _ _ DayAtomType = do
  dString <- T.unpack <$> takeToEndOfData
  case readMaybe dString of
    Nothing -> fail ("invalid Day string: " ++ dString)
    Just date -> pure (Right (DayAtom date))
parseCSVAtomP _ _ DateTimeAtomType = do    
  dString <- T.unpack <$> takeToEndOfData
  case readMaybe dString of
    Nothing -> fail ("invalid Date string: " ++ dString)
    Just date -> pure (Right (DateTimeAtom date))
parseCSVAtomP _ _ ByteStringAtomType = do    
  bsString <- T.unpack <$> takeToEndOfData
  case readMaybe bsString of
    Nothing -> fail ("invalid ByteString string: " ++ bsString)
    Just bs -> pure (Right (ByteStringAtom bs))
parseCSVAtomP _ _ BoolAtomType = do    
  bString <- T.unpack <$> takeToEndOfData
  case readMaybe bString of
    Nothing -> fail ("invalid BoolAtom string: " ++ bString)
    Just b -> pure (Right (BoolAtom b))
parseCSVAtomP attrName tConsMap (IntervalAtomType iType) = do
  begin <- (APT.char '[' >> pure False) <|> (APT.char '(' >> pure True)
  eBeginv <- parseCSVAtomP attrName tConsMap iType
  case eBeginv of
    Left err -> pure (Left err)
    Right beginv -> do
      _ <- APT.char ','
      eEndv <- parseCSVAtomP attrName tConsMap iType
      case eEndv of
        Left err -> pure (Left err)
        Right endv -> do
          end <- (APT.char ']' >> pure False) <|> (APT.char ')' >> pure True)
          pure (Right (IntervalAtom beginv endv begin end))
parseCSVAtomP attrName tConsMap typ@(ConstructedAtomType _ tvmap) = do
  dConsName <- capitalizedIdentifier
  --we need to look up the name right away in order to determine the types of the following arguments
  -- grab the data constructor
  case findDataConstructor dConsName tConsMap of
    Nothing -> pure (Left (NoSuchDataConstructorError dConsName))
    Just (_, dConsDef) -> 
      -- identify the data constructor's expected atom type args
      case resolvedAtomTypesForDataConstructorDefArgs tConsMap tvmap dConsDef of
        Left err -> pure (Left err)
        Right argAtomTypes -> do
              atomArgs <- mapM (\argTyp -> let parseNextAtom = parseCSVAtomP attrName tConsMap argTyp <* APT.skipSpace in
                                 case argTyp of
                                   ConstructedAtomType _ _ -> 
                                     parens parseNextAtom <|>
                                   _ -> parseNextAtom
                               ) argAtomTypes
              case lefts atomArgs of
                [] -> pure (Right (ConstructedAtom dConsName typ (rights atomArgs)))
                errs -> pure (Left (someErrors errs))
parseCSVAtomP attrName _ (RelationAtomType _) = pure (Left (RelationValuedAttributesNotSupportedError [attrName]))
parseCSVAtomP _ _ (TypeVariableType x) = pure (Left (TypeConstructorTypeVarMissing x))
capitalizedIdentifier :: APT.Parser T.Text
capitalizedIdentifier = do
  fletter <- APT.satisfy isUpper APT.<?> "capitalized data constructor letter"
  rest <- APT.takeWhile (\c -> not (isSpace c || c == ')')) APT.<?> "data constructor name"
  pure (fletter `T.cons` rest)
--read data for Text.Read parser but be wary of end of interval blocks  
takeToEndOfData :: APT.Parser T.Text
takeToEndOfData = APT.takeWhile (APT.notInClass ",)]")
parens :: APT.Parser a -> APT.Parser a  
parens p = do
  APT.skip (== '(')
  v <- p
  APT.skip (== ')')
  pure v
quotedString :: APT.Parser T.Text
quotedString = do
  let escapeMap = [('"','"'), ('n', '\n'), ('r', '\r')]
  APT.skip (== '"')
  (_, s) <- APT.runScanner [] (\prevl nextChar -> case prevl of
                             [] -> Just [nextChar]
                             chars | last chars == '\\' ->
                                        case lookup nextChar escapeMap of 
                                          Nothing -> Just (chars ++ [nextChar]) --there is no escape sequence, so leave backslash + char
                                          Just escapeVal -> Just (init chars ++ [escapeVal]) -- nuke the backslash and add the escapeVal
                                   | nextChar == '"' -> Nothing
                                   | otherwise -> Just (chars ++ [nextChar]))
  APT.skip (== '"')
  pure (T.pack s)