import Test.HUnit import ProjectM36.Base import ProjectM36.Relation import ProjectM36.Error import ProjectM36.DateExamples import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Primitive import ProjectM36.RelationalExpression import ProjectM36.Tuple import qualified ProjectM36.DatabaseContext as DBC import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader import qualified ProjectM36.Attribute as A import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Set as S import System.Exit testList :: Test testList = TestList [testRelation "relationTrue" relationTrue, testRelation "relationFalse" relationFalse, testMkRelation1, testRename1, testRename2, testRelation "suppliers" suppliersRel, testRelation "products" productsRel, testRelation "supplierProducts" supplierProductsRel, testMkRelationFromExprsBadAttrs] main :: IO () main = do tcounts <- runTestTT testList if errors tcounts + failures tcounts > 0 then exitFailure else exitSuccess testRelation :: String -> Relation -> Test testRelation testName rel = TestCase $ assertEqual testName relationValidation (Right rel) where relationValidation = validateRelation rel -- run common relation checks validateRelation :: Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation validateRelation rel = do _ <- validateAttrNamesMatchTupleAttrNames rel validateAttrTypesMatchTupleAttrTypes rel validateAttrNamesMatchTupleAttrNames :: Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation validateAttrNamesMatchTupleAttrNames rel@(Relation _ tupSet) | null invalidSet = Right rel | otherwise = Left $ AttributeNamesMismatchError S.empty where nameCheck tuple = attributeNames rel == tupleAttributeNameSet tuple invalidSet = filter (not . nameCheck) (asList tupSet) validateAttrTypesMatchTupleAttrTypes :: Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation validateAttrTypesMatchTupleAttrTypes rel@(Relation attrs tupSet) = foldr (\tuple acc -> if tupleAttributes tuple == attrs && tupleAtomCheck tuple then acc else Left $ TupleAttributeTypeMismatchError A.emptyAttributes ) (Right rel) (asList tupSet) where tupleAtomCheck tuple = V.all (== True) (attrChecks tuple) attrChecks tuple = (\attr -> case atomForAttributeName (A.attributeName attr) tuple of Left _ -> False Right atom -> (Right $ atomTypeForAtom atom) == A.atomTypeForAttributeName (A.attributeName attr) attrs) (attributes rel) simpleRel :: Relation simpleRel = case mkRelation attrs tupleSet of Right rel -> rel Left _ -> undefined where attrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" TextAtomType, Attribute "b" TextAtomType] tupleSet = RelationTupleSet [mkRelationTuple attrs (V.fromList [TextAtom "spam", TextAtom "spam2"])] --rename tests testRename1 :: Test testRename1 = TestCase $ assertEqual "attribute invalid" (rename "a" "b" relationTrue) (Left $ AttributeNamesMismatchError (S.singleton "a")) testRename2 :: Test testRename2 = TestCase $ assertEqual "attribute in use" (rename "b" "a" simpleRel) (Left $ AttributeNameInUseError "a") --mkRelation tests --test tupleset key mismatch failure testMkRelation1 :: Test testMkRelation1 = TestCase $ assertEqual "key mismatch" expectedError (mkRelation testAttrs testTupSet) -- the error attribute set is empty due to an optimization- the tuple attrs do not match the atoms' types where expectedError = Left (AtomTypeMismatchError TextAtomType IntAtomType) testAttrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "a" TextAtomType] testTupSet = RelationTupleSet [mkRelationTuple testAttrs $ V.fromList [TextAtom "v"], mkRelationTuple testAttrs $ V.fromList [IntAtom 2]] testMkRelationFromExprsBadAttrs :: Test testMkRelationFromExprsBadAttrs = TestCase $ do let context = DBC.empty case runReader (evalRelationalExpr (MakeRelationFromExprs (Just [AttributeAndTypeNameExpr "badAttr1" (PrimitiveTypeConstructor "Int" IntAtomType) ()]) [TupleExpr (M.singleton "badAttr2" (NakedAtomExpr (IntAtom 1)))])) (mkRelationalExprState context) of Left err -> assertEqual "tuple type mismatch" (TupleAttributeTypeMismatchError (A.attributesFromList [Attribute "badAttr2" IntAtomType])) err Right _ -> assertFailure "expected tuple type mismatch"