--Test Atomable typeclass which allows users to use existing Haskell datatypes to marshal them to and from the database as ConstructedAtoms. {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass, OverloadedStrings #-} import Test.HUnit import ProjectM36.Client import Data.Binary import Control.DeepSeq import System.Exit import TutorialD.Interpreter.TestBase import GHC.Generics import ProjectM36.Relation import ProjectM36.Base import Data.Time.Calendar (fromGregorian) import Data.Text import qualified Data.Map as M {-# ANN module ("Hlint: ignore Use newtype instead of data" :: String) #-} data Test1T = Test1C Int deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Binary, NFData, Atomable) data Test2T x = Test2C x deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Binary, NFData, Atomable) data Test3T = Test3C Int Int deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Binary, NFData, Atomable) data Test4T = Test4Ca Int | Test4Cb Int deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Binary, NFData, Atomable) data TestListT = TestListC [Int] deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Binary, NFData, Atomable) data Test5T = Test5C { con1 :: Int, con2 :: Int } deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Binary, NFData, Atomable) main :: IO () main = do tcounts <- runTestTT testList if errors tcounts + failures tcounts > 0 then exitFailure else exitSuccess testList :: Test testList = TestList [testHaskell2DB, testADT1, testADT2, testADT3, testADT4, testADT5, testBasicMarshaling, testListInstance] -- test some basic data types like int, day, etc. testBasicMarshaling :: Test testBasicMarshaling = TestCase $ do assertEqual "to IntAtom" (IntAtom 5) (toAtom (5 :: Int)) assertEqual "from IntAtom" (5 :: Int) (fromAtom (IntAtom 5)) assertEqual "to BoolAtom" (BoolAtom False) (toAtom False) assertEqual "from BoolAtom" False (fromAtom (BoolAtom False)) let day = fromGregorian 2012 10 19 assertEqual "to DayAtom" (DayAtom day) (toAtom day) assertEqual "from DayAtom" day (fromAtom (DayAtom day)) --test marshaling of Generics-derived Atom to database ADT testHaskell2DB :: Test testHaskell2DB = TestCase $ do --validate generated database context expression (sessionId, dbconn) <- dateExamplesConnection emptyNotificationCallback let test1TExpr = toAddTypeExpr (undefined :: Test1T) expectedTest1TExpr = AddTypeConstructor (ADTypeConstructorDef "Test1T" []) [DataConstructorDef "Test1C" [DataConstructorDefTypeConstructorArg (PrimitiveTypeConstructor "Int" IntAtomType)]] assertEqual "simple ADT1" expectedTest1TExpr test1TExpr checkExecuteDatabaseContextExpr sessionId dbconn test1TExpr --execute some expressions involving Atomable data types let createRelExpr = Assign "x" rel rel = MakeRelationFromExprs Nothing [TupleExpr (M.singleton "a1" (NakedAtomExpr atomVal))] atomVal = toAtom exampleVal exampleVal = Test1C 10 checkExecuteDatabaseContextExpr sessionId dbconn createRelExpr let retrieveValExpr = Restrict (AttributeEqualityPredicate "a1" (NakedAtomExpr atomVal)) (RelationVariable "x" ()) ret <- executeRelationalExpr sessionId dbconn retrieveValExpr let expectedRel = mkRelationFromList (attributesFromList [Attribute "a1" (toAtomType exampleVal)]) [[atomVal]] assertEqual "retrieve atomable atom" expectedRel ret testADT1 :: Test testADT1 = TestCase $ do let example = Test1C 3 assertEqual "one arg constructor" example (fromAtom (toAtom example)) testADT2 :: Test testADT2 = TestCase $ do let sampletext = "text" :: Text example = Test2C sampletext assertEqual "polymorphic type constructor" example (fromAtom (toAtom example)) testADT3 :: Test testADT3 = TestCase $ do let example = Test3C 3 4 assertEqual "product type" example (fromAtom (toAtom example)) testADT4 :: Test testADT4 = TestCase $ do let example = Test4Ca 3 example2 = Test4Cb 4 assertEqual "sum type + one constructor arg 1" example (fromAtom (toAtom example)) assertEqual "sum type + one constructor arg 2" example2 (fromAtom (toAtom example2)) testADT5 :: Test testADT5 = TestCase $ do let example = Test5C {con1=3, con2=4} assertEqual "record-based ADT" example (fromAtom (toAtom example)) checkExecuteDatabaseContextExpr :: SessionId -> Connection -> DatabaseContextExpr -> IO () checkExecuteDatabaseContextExpr sessionId dbconn expr = executeDatabaseContextExpr sessionId dbconn expr >>= either (assertFailure . show) (const (pure ())) testListInstance :: Test testListInstance = TestCase $ do let example = TestListC [3,4,5] assertEqual "List instance" example (fromAtom (toAtom example))