{-# LANGUAGE GADTs,ExistentialQuantification #-}
module ProjectM36.Relation where
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Map as M
import ProjectM36.AtomType
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.Tuple
import qualified ProjectM36.Attribute as A
import qualified ProjectM36.AttributeNames as AS
import ProjectM36.TupleSet
import ProjectM36.Error
import qualified Control.Parallel.Strategies as P
import qualified ProjectM36.TypeConstructorDef as TCD
import qualified ProjectM36.DataConstructorDef as DCD
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Either (isRight)
import System.Random.Shuffle
import Control.Monad.Random

attributes :: Relation -> Attributes
attributes (Relation attrs _ ) = attrs

attributeNames :: Relation -> S.Set AttributeName
attributeNames (Relation attrs _) = A.attributeNameSet attrs

attributeForName :: AttributeName -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Attribute
attributeForName attrName (Relation attrs _) = A.attributeForName attrName attrs

attributesForNames :: S.Set AttributeName -> Relation -> Attributes
attributesForNames attrNameSet (Relation attrs _) = A.attributesForNames attrNameSet attrs

atomTypeForName :: AttributeName -> Relation -> Either RelationalError AtomType
atomTypeForName attrName (Relation attrs _) = A.atomTypeForAttributeName attrName attrs

mkRelationFromList :: Attributes -> [[Atom]] -> Either RelationalError Relation
mkRelationFromList attrs atomMatrix = do
  tupSet <- mkTupleSetFromList attrs atomMatrix
  return $ Relation attrs tupSet
emptyRelationWithAttrs :: Attributes -> Relation  
emptyRelationWithAttrs attrs = Relation attrs emptyTupleSet

mkRelation :: Attributes -> RelationTupleSet -> Either RelationalError Relation
mkRelation attrs tupleSet = do
  --check that all tuples have the same keys
  --check that all tuples have keys (1-N) where N is the attribute count
  case verifyTupleSet attrs tupleSet of
    Left err -> Left err
    Right verifiedTupleSet -> return $ Relation attrs verifiedTupleSet
--less safe version of mkRelation skips verifyTupleSet
--useful for infinite or thunked tuple sets
--instead of returning a Left RelationalError, if a tuple does not match the relation's attributes, the tuple is simply removed
--duplicate tuples are NOT filtered by this creation method
mkRelationDeferVerify :: Attributes -> RelationTupleSet -> Either RelationalError Relation
mkRelationDeferVerify attrs tupleSet = return $ Relation attrs (RelationTupleSet (filter tupleFilter (asList tupleSet)))
    tupleFilter tuple = isRight (verifyTuple attrs tuple)

mkRelationFromTuples :: Attributes -> [RelationTuple] -> Either RelationalError Relation
mkRelationFromTuples attrs tupleSetList = do
   tupSet <- mkTupleSet attrs tupleSetList
   mkRelation attrs tupSet

relationTrue :: Relation
relationTrue = Relation A.emptyAttributes singletonTupleSet

relationFalse :: Relation
relationFalse = Relation A.emptyAttributes emptyTupleSet

--if the relation contains one tuple, return it, otherwise Nothing
singletonTuple :: Relation -> Maybe RelationTuple
singletonTuple rel@(Relation _ tupleSet) = if cardinality rel == Finite 1 then
                                         Just $ head $ asList tupleSet

union :: Relation -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
union (Relation attrs1 tupSet1) (Relation attrs2 tupSet2) =
  if not (A.attributesEqual attrs1 attrs2)
     then Left $ AttributeNamesMismatchError (A.attributeNameSet (A.attributesDifference attrs1 attrs2))
    Right $ Relation attrs1 newtuples
    newtuples = RelationTupleSet $ HS.toList . HS.fromList $ (asList tupSet1) ++ (map (reorderTuple attrs1) (asList tupSet2))

project :: AttributeNames -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
project projectionAttrNames rel =
  case AS.projectionAttributesForAttributeNames (attributes rel) projectionAttrNames of
    Left err -> Left err
    Right newAttrs -> relFold (folder newAttrs) (Right $ Relation newAttrs emptyTupleSet) rel
    folder newAttrs tupleToProject acc = case acc of
      Left err -> Left err
      Right acc2 -> union acc2 (Relation newAttrs (RelationTupleSet [tupleProject (A.attributeNameSet newAttrs) tupleToProject]))

rename :: AttributeName -> AttributeName -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
rename oldAttrName newAttrName rel@(Relation oldAttrs oldTupSet) =
  if not attributeValid
       then Left $ AttributeNamesMismatchError (S.singleton oldAttrName)
  else if newAttributeInUse
       then Left $ AttributeNameInUseError newAttrName
    mkRelation newAttrs newTupSet
    newAttributeInUse = A.attributeNamesContained (S.singleton newAttrName) (attributeNames rel)
    attributeValid = A.attributeNamesContained (S.singleton oldAttrName) (attributeNames rel)
    newAttrs = A.renameAttributes oldAttrName newAttrName oldAttrs
    newTupSet = RelationTupleSet $ map tupsetmapper (asList oldTupSet)
    tupsetmapper tuple = tupleRenameAttribute oldAttrName newAttrName tuple

--the algebra should return a relation of one attribute and one row with the arity
arity :: Relation -> Int
arity (Relation attrs _) = A.arity attrs

degree :: Relation -> Int
degree = arity

cardinality :: Relation -> RelationCardinality --we need to detect infinite tuple sets- perhaps with a flag
cardinality (Relation _ tupSet) = Finite (length (asList tupSet))

--find tuples where the atoms in the relation which are NOT in the AttributeNameSet are equal
-- create a relation for each tuple where the attributes NOT in the AttributeNameSet are equal
--the attrname set attrs end up in the nested relation

-- map projection of non-grouped attributes to restriction of matching grouped attribute tuples and then project on grouped attributes to construct the sub-relation
group :: S.Set AttributeName -> AttributeName -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
group groupAttrNames newAttrName rel@(Relation oldAttrs tupleSet) = do
  nonGroupProjection <- project nonGroupAttrNames rel
  relFold folder (Right (Relation newAttrs emptyTupleSet)) nonGroupProjection
    newAttrs = M.union (attributesForNames nonGroupAttrNames rel) groupAttr
    groupAttr = Attribute newAttrName RelationAtomType (invertedAttributeNames groupAttrNames (attributes rel))
    nonGroupAttrNames = invertAttributeNames (attributes rel) groupAttrNames
    --map the projection to add the additional new attribute
    --create the new attribute (a new relation) by filtering and projecting the tupleSet
    folder tupleFromProjection acc = case acc of
      Left err -> Left err
      Right acc -> union acc (Relation newAttrs (HS.singleton (tupleExtend tupleFromProjection (matchingRelTuple tupleFromProjection))))

--algorithm: self-join with image relation
group :: AttributeNames -> AttributeName -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
group groupAttrNames newAttrName rel = do
  let nonGroupAttrNames = AS.invertAttributeNames groupAttrNames
  nonGroupProjectionAttributes <- AS.projectionAttributesForAttributeNames (attributes rel) nonGroupAttrNames
  groupProjectionAttributes <- AS.projectionAttributesForAttributeNames (attributes rel) groupAttrNames
  let groupAttr = Attribute newAttrName (RelationAtomType groupProjectionAttributes)
      matchingRelTuple tupIn = case imageRelationFor tupIn rel of
        Right rel2 -> RelationTuple (V.singleton groupAttr) (V.singleton (RelationAtom rel2))
        Left _ -> undefined
      mogrifier tupIn = pure (tupleExtend tupIn (matchingRelTuple tupIn))
      newAttrs = A.addAttribute groupAttr nonGroupProjectionAttributes
  nonGroupProjection <- project nonGroupAttrNames rel
  relMogrify mogrifier newAttrs nonGroupProjection

--help restriction function
--returns a subrelation of
restrictEq :: RelationTuple -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
restrictEq tuple rel = restrict rfilter rel
    rfilter :: RelationTuple -> Bool
    rfilter tupleIn = tupleIntersection tuple tupleIn == tuple

-- unwrap relation-valued attribute
-- return error if relval attrs and nongroup attrs overlap
ungroup :: AttributeName -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
ungroup relvalAttrName rel = case attributesForRelval relvalAttrName rel of
  Left err -> Left err
  Right relvalAttrs -> relFold relFolder (Right $ Relation newAttrs emptyTupleSet) rel
    newAttrs = A.addAttributes relvalAttrs nonGroupAttrs
    nonGroupAttrs = A.deleteAttributeName relvalAttrName (attributes rel)
    relFolder :: RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
    relFolder tupleIn acc = case acc of
        Left err -> Left err
        Right accRel -> do
                        ungrouped <- tupleUngroup relvalAttrName newAttrs tupleIn
                        union accRel ungrouped

--take an relval attribute name and a tuple and ungroup the relval
tupleUngroup :: AttributeName -> Attributes -> RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError Relation
tupleUngroup relvalAttrName newAttrs tuple = do
  relvalRelation <- relationForAttributeName relvalAttrName tuple
  relFold folder (Right $ Relation newAttrs emptyTupleSet) relvalRelation
    nonGroupTupleProjection = tupleProject nonGroupAttrNames tuple
    nonGroupAttrNames = A.attributeNameSet newAttrs
    folder tupleIn acc = case acc of
      Left err -> Left err
      Right accRel -> union accRel $ Relation newAttrs (RelationTupleSet [tupleExtend nonGroupTupleProjection tupleIn])

attributesForRelval :: AttributeName -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Attributes
attributesForRelval relvalAttrName (Relation attrs _) = do
  atomType <- A.atomTypeForAttributeName relvalAttrName attrs
  case atomType of
    (RelationAtomType relAttrs) -> Right relAttrs
    _ -> Left $ AttributeIsNotRelationValuedError relvalAttrName

restrict :: (RelationTuple -> Bool) -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
--restrict rfilter (Relation attrs tupset) = Right $ Relation attrs $ HS.filter rfilter tupset
restrict rfilter (Relation attrs tupset) = Right $ Relation attrs processedTupSet
    processedTupSet = RelationTupleSet ((filter rfilter (asList tupset)) `P.using` (P.parListChunk 1000 P.rdeepseq))

--joins on columns with the same name- use rename to avoid this- base case: cartesian product
--after changing from string atoms, there needs to be a type-checking step!
--this is a "nested loop" scan as described by the postgresql documentation
join :: Relation -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
join (Relation attrs1 tupSet1) (Relation attrs2 tupSet2) = do
  newAttrs <- A.joinAttributes attrs1 attrs2
  let tupleSetJoiner accumulator tuple1 = do
        joinedTupSet <- singleTupleSetJoin newAttrs tuple1 tupSet2
        return $ joinedTupSet ++ accumulator
  newTupSetList <- foldM tupleSetJoiner [] (asList tupSet1)
  newTupSet <- mkTupleSet newAttrs newTupSetList
  return $ Relation newAttrs newTupSet
-- | Difference takes two relations of the same type and returns a new relation which contains only tuples which appear in the first relation but not the second.
difference :: Relation -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation  
difference relA relB = 
  if not (A.attributesEqual (attributes relA) (attributes relB))
    Left $ AttributeNamesMismatchError (A.attributeNameSet (A.attributesDifference attrsA attrsB))
    restrict rfilter relA
    attrsA = attributes relA
    attrsB = attributes relB
    rfilter tupInA = relFold (\tupInB acc -> if acc == False then False else if tupInB == tupInA then False else True) True relB
--a map should NOT change the structure of a relation, so attributes should be constant
relMap :: (RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError RelationTuple) -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
relMap mapper (Relation attrs tupleSet) = do
  case forM (asList tupleSet) typeMapCheck of
    Right remappedTupleSet -> mkRelation attrs (RelationTupleSet remappedTupleSet)
    Left err -> Left err
    typeMapCheck tupleIn = do
      remappedTuple <- mapper tupleIn
      if tupleAttributes remappedTuple == tupleAttributes tupleIn
        then Right remappedTuple
        else Left (TupleAttributeTypeMismatchError (A.attributesDifference (tupleAttributes tupleIn) attrs))

relMogrify :: (RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError RelationTuple) -> Attributes -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
relMogrify mapper newAttributes (Relation _ tupSet) = do
  newTuples <- mapM mapper (asList tupSet)  
  mkRelationFromTuples newAttributes newTuples

relFold :: (RelationTuple -> a -> a) -> a -> Relation -> a
relFold folder acc (Relation _ tupleSet) = foldr folder acc (asList tupleSet)

--image relation as defined by CJ Date
--given tupleA and relationB, return restricted relation where tuple attributes are not the attribues in tupleA but are attributes in relationB and match the tuple's value

--check that matching attribute names have the same types
imageRelationFor ::  RelationTuple -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
imageRelationFor matchTuple rel = do
  restricted <- restrictEq matchTuple rel --restrict across matching tuples
  let projectionAttrNames = AttributeNames $ A.nonMatchingAttributeNameSet (attributeNames rel) (tupleAttributeNameSet matchTuple)
  project projectionAttrNames restricted --project across attributes not in rel

--returns a relation-valued attribute image relation for each tuple in rel1
imageRelationJoin :: Relation -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
imageRelationJoin rel1@(Relation attrNameSet1 tupSet1) rel2@(Relation attrNameSet2 tupSet2) = do
  Right $ Relation undefined
    matchingAttrs = matchingAttributeNameSet attrNameSet1 attrNameSet2
    newAttrs = nonMatchingAttributeNameSet matchingAttrs $ S.union attrNameSet1 attrNameSet2

    tupleSetJoiner tup1 acc = undefined

-- | Return a Relation describing the types in the mapping.
typesAsRelation :: TypeConstructorMapping -> Either RelationalError Relation
typesAsRelation types = mkRelationFromTuples attrs tuples
    attrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "TypeConstructor" TextAtomType,
                                Attribute "DataConstructors" dConsType]
    subAttrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "DataConstructor" TextAtomType]
    dConsType = RelationAtomType subAttrs
    tuples = map mkTypeConsDescription types
    mkTypeConsDescription (tCons, dConsList) = RelationTuple attrs (V.fromList [TextAtom (TCD.name tCons), mkDataConsRelation dConsList])
    mkDataConsRelation dConsList = case mkRelationFromTuples subAttrs $ map (\dCons -> RelationTuple subAttrs (V.singleton $ TextAtom $ T.intercalate " " ((DCD.name dCons):(map (T.pack . show) (DCD.fields dCons))))) dConsList of
      Left err -> error ("mkRelationFromTuples pooped " ++ show err)
      Right rel -> RelationAtom rel

-- | Return a Relation describing the relation variables.
relationVariablesAsRelation :: M.Map RelVarName Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
relationVariablesAsRelation relVarMap = mkRelationFromList attrs tups
    subrelAttrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "attribute" TextAtomType, Attribute "type" TextAtomType]
    attrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "name" TextAtomType,
                                  Attribute "attributes" (RelationAtomType subrelAttrs)]
    tups = map relVarToAtomList (M.toList relVarMap)
    relVarToAtomList (rvName, rel) = [TextAtom rvName, attributesToRel (attributes rel)]
    attributesToRel attrl = case mkRelationFromList subrelAttrs (map attrAtoms (V.toList attrl)) of
      Left err -> error ("relationVariablesAsRelation pooped " ++ show err)
      Right rel -> RelationAtom rel
    attrAtoms a = [TextAtom (A.attributeName a), TextAtom (prettyAtomType (A.atomType a))]
-- | Randomly resort the tuples. This is useful for emphasizing that two relations are equal even when they are printed to the console in different orders.
randomizeTupleOrder :: MonadRandom m => Relation -> m Relation
randomizeTupleOrder (Relation attrs tupSet) = do
  newTupSet <- shuffleM (asList tupSet)
  pure (Relation attrs (RelationTupleSet newTupSet))