{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
module ProjectM36.IsomorphicSchema where
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.Error
import ProjectM36.MiscUtils
import ProjectM36.RelationalExpression
import ProjectM36.Relation
import qualified ProjectM36.AttributeNames as AN
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Monoid
--import Debug.Trace
-- isomorphic schemas offer bi-directional functors between two schemas

--TODO: note that renaming a relvar should alter any stored isomorphisms as well
--TODO: rel attrs rename or transform (needs bidirectional atom functions)
-- TODO: IsoRestrict should include requirement that union'd relations should retain the same tuple count (no tuples are lost or ambiguous between the two relations)
--TODO: allow morphs to stack (morph a schema to a new schema)
 -- this could be accomplished by morphing the morphs or by chain linking schemas so that they need not directly reference the underlying concrete schema

-- the isomorphic building blocks should not be arbitrarily combined; for example, combing restrict and union on the same target relvar does not make sense as that would create effects at a distance in the secondary schema

data SchemaExpr = AddSubschema SchemaName SchemaIsomorphs |
                  RemoveSubschema SchemaName
                  deriving (Generic, Binary, Show)

isomorphs :: Schema -> SchemaIsomorphs
isomorphs (Schema i) = i

-- | Return an error if the schema is not isomorphic to the base database context.
-- A schema is fully isomorphic iff all relvars in the base context are in the "out" relvars, but only once.
--TODO: add relvar must appear exactly once constraint
validateSchema :: Schema -> DatabaseContext -> Maybe SchemaError
validateSchema potentialSchema baseContext = do
  if not (S.null rvDiff) then
    Just (RelVarReferencesMissing rvDiff)
    else if not (null outDupes) then 
           Just (RelVarOutReferencedMoreThanOnce (head outDupes))
         else if not (null inDupes) then
           Just (RelVarInReferencedMoreThanOnce (head inDupes))                
    --check that the predicate for IsoUnion and IsoRestrict holds right now
    outDupes = duplicateNames (namesList isomorphOutRelVarNames)
    inDupes = duplicateNames (namesList isomorphInRelVarNames)
    duplicateNames = dupes . L.sort
    namesList isoFunc = concat (map isoFunc (isomorphs potentialSchema))
    expectedRelVars = M.keysSet (relationVariables baseContext)
    schemaRelVars = isomorphsOutRelVarNames (isomorphs potentialSchema)
    rvDiff = S.difference expectedRelVars schemaRelVars

-- useful for transforming a concrete context into a virtual schema and vice versa
invert :: SchemaIsomorph -> SchemaIsomorph
invert (IsoRename rvIn rvOut) = IsoRename rvOut rvIn
invert (IsoRestrict rvIn predi (rvAOut, rvBOut)) = IsoUnion (rvAOut, rvBOut) predi rvIn
invert (IsoUnion (rvAIn, rvBIn) predi rvOut) = IsoRestrict rvOut predi (rvAIn, rvBIn)

isomorphInRelVarNames :: SchemaIsomorph -> [RelVarName]
isomorphInRelVarNames (IsoRestrict rv _ _) = [rv]
isomorphInRelVarNames (IsoUnion (rvA, rvB) _ _) = [rvA, rvB]
isomorphInRelVarNames (IsoRename rv _) = [rv]

-- | Relation variables names represented in the virtual schema space. Useful for determining if a relvar name is valid in the schema.
isomorphsInRelVarNames :: SchemaIsomorphs -> S.Set RelVarName
isomorphsInRelVarNames morphs = S.fromList (foldr rvnames [] morphs)
    rvnames morph acc = acc ++ isomorphInRelVarNames morph
isomorphOutRelVarNames :: SchemaIsomorph -> [RelVarName]    
isomorphOutRelVarNames (IsoRestrict _ _ (rvA, rvB)) = [rvA, rvB]
isomorphOutRelVarNames (IsoUnion _ _ rv) = [rv]
isomorphOutRelVarNames (IsoRename _ rv) = [rv]

isomorphsOutRelVarNames :: SchemaIsomorphs -> S.Set RelVarName
isomorphsOutRelVarNames morphs = S.fromList (foldr rvnames [] morphs)
    rvnames morph acc = acc ++ isomorphOutRelVarNames morph

-- | Check that all mentioned relvars are actually present in the current schema.
validateRelationalExprInSchema :: Schema -> RelationalExpr -> Either RelationalError ()
validateRelationalExprInSchema schema relExprIn = relExprMogrify (\expr -> case expr of
                     RelationVariable rv () | S.notMember rv validRelVarNames -> Left (RelVarNotDefinedError rv)
                     ex -> Right ex) relExprIn >> pure ()
    validRelVarNames = isomorphsInRelVarNames (isomorphs schema)
processRelationalExprInSchema :: Schema -> RelationalExpr -> Either RelationalError RelationalExpr
processRelationalExprInSchema schema relExprIn = do
  --validate that all rvs are present in the virtual schema- this prevents relation variables being referenced in the underlying schema (falling through the transformation)
  let processRelExpr rexpr morph = relExprMogrify (relExprMorph morph) rexpr
  validateRelationalExprInSchema schema relExprIn                    
  foldM processRelExpr relExprIn (isomorphs schema)
validateDatabaseContextExprInSchema :: Schema -> DatabaseContextExpr -> Either RelationalError ()  
validateDatabaseContextExprInSchema schema dbExpr = mapM_ (\morph -> databaseContextExprMorph morph (\e -> validateRelationalExprInSchema schema e >> pure e) dbExpr) (isomorphs schema) >> pure ()
processDatabaseContextExprInSchema :: Schema -> DatabaseContextExpr -> Either RelationalError DatabaseContextExpr  
processDatabaseContextExprInSchema schema@(Schema morphs) dbExpr = do
  let relExprMogrifier = processRelationalExprInSchema schema
  --validate that all mentioned relvars are in the valid set
  _ <- validateDatabaseContextExprInSchema schema dbExpr      
  --perform the morph
  foldM (\ex morph -> databaseContextExprMorph morph relExprMogrifier ex) dbExpr morphs

-- | If the database context expression adds or removes a relvar, we need to update the isomorphs to create a passthrough Isomorph.
processDatabaseContextExprSchemaUpdate :: Schema -> DatabaseContextExpr -> Schema
processDatabaseContextExprSchemaUpdate schema@(Schema morphs) expr = case expr of
  Define rv _ | S.notMember rv validSchemaName -> passthru rv
  Assign rv _ | S.notMember rv validSchemaName -> passthru rv
  Undefine rv | S.member rv validSchemaName -> Schema (filter (\morph -> elem rv (isomorphInRelVarNames morph)) morphs)
  MultipleExpr exprs -> foldr (\expr' schema' -> processDatabaseContextExprSchemaUpdate schema' expr') schema exprs
  _ -> schema
    validSchemaName = isomorphsInRelVarNames morphs
    passthru rvname = Schema (morphs ++ [IsoRename rvname rvname])
processDatabaseContextExprSchemasUpdate :: Subschemas -> DatabaseContextExpr -> Subschemas    
processDatabaseContextExprSchemasUpdate subschemas expr = M.map (\schema -> processDatabaseContextExprSchemaUpdate schema expr) subschemas
-- re-evaluate- it's not possible to display an incdep that may be for a foreign key to a relvar which is not available in the subschema! 
-- weird compromise: allow inclusion dependencies failures not in the subschema to be propagated- in the worst case, only the inclusion dependency's name is leaked.
-- | Convert inclusion dependencies for display in a specific schema.
applySchemaToInclusionDependencies :: Schema -> InclusionDependencies -> Either RelationalError InclusionDependencies
applySchemaToInclusionDependencies (Schema morphs) incDeps = 
  let incDepMorph incDep = --check that the mentioned relvars are in fact in the current schema
  M.update incDepMorph incDeps        

-- | Morph a relational expression in one schema to another isomorphic schema.
relExprMorph :: SchemaIsomorph -> (RelationalExpr -> Either RelationalError RelationalExpr)
relExprMorph (IsoRestrict relIn _ (relOutTrue, relOutFalse)) = \expr -> case expr of 
  RelationVariable rv () | rv == relIn -> Right (Union (RelationVariable relOutTrue ()) (RelationVariable relOutFalse ()))
  orig -> Right orig
relExprMorph (IsoUnion (relInT, relInF) predi relTarget) = \expr -> case expr of
  --only the true predicate portion appears in the virtual schema  
  RelationVariable rv () | rv == relInT -> Right (Restrict predi (RelationVariable relTarget ()))

  RelationVariable rv () | rv == relInF -> Right (Restrict (NotPredicate predi) (RelationVariable relTarget ()))
  orig -> Right orig
relExprMorph (IsoRename relIn relOut) = \expr -> case expr of
  RelationVariable rv () | rv == relIn -> Right (RelationVariable relOut ())
  orig -> Right orig
relExprMogrify :: (RelationalExpr -> Either RelationalError RelationalExpr) -> RelationalExpr -> Either RelationalError RelationalExpr
relExprMogrify func (Project attrs expr) = func expr >>= \ex -> func (Project attrs ex)
relExprMogrify func (Union exprA exprB) = do
  exA <- func exprA
  exB <- func exprB
  func (Union exA exB)
relExprMogrify func (Join exprA exprB) = do
  exA <- func exprA
  exB <- func exprB
  func (Join exA exB)
relExprMogrify func (Rename n1 n2 expr) = func expr >>= \ex -> func (Rename n1 n2 ex)
relExprMogrify func (Difference exprA exprB) = do
  exA <- func exprA
  exB <- func exprB
  func (Difference exA exB)
relExprMogrify func (Group ns n expr) = func expr >>= \ex -> func (Group ns n ex)
relExprMogrify func (Ungroup n expr) = func expr >>= \ex -> func (Ungroup n ex)
relExprMogrify func (Restrict predi expr) = func expr >>= \ex -> func (Restrict predi ex)
relExprMogrify func (Equals exprA exprB) = do
  exA <- func exprA
  exB <- func exprB
  func (Equals exA exB)
relExprMogrify func (NotEquals exprA exprB) = do
  exA <- func exprA
  exB <- func exprB
  func (NotEquals exA exB)
relExprMogrify func (Extend ext expr) = func expr >>= \ex -> func (Extend ext ex)
relExprMogrify func other = func other

spam :: Either RelationalError RelationalExpr
spam = relExprMogrify (relExprMorph (IsoRestrict "emp" TruePredicate (Just "nonboss", Just "boss"))) (RelationVariable "emp" ())

spam2 :: Either RelationalError RelationalExpr
spam2 = relExprMogrify (relExprMorph (IsoUnion ("boss", Just "nonboss") TruePredicate "emp")) (RelationVariable "boss" ()) 

databaseContextExprMorph :: SchemaIsomorph  -> (RelationalExpr -> Either RelationalError RelationalExpr) -> DatabaseContextExpr -> Either RelationalError DatabaseContextExpr
databaseContextExprMorph iso@(IsoRestrict rvIn filt (rvTrue, rvFalse)) relExprFunc expr = case expr of
  Assign rv relExpr | rv == rvIn -> do
    ex <- relExprFunc relExpr
    let trueExpr n = Assign n (Restrict filt ex)
        falseExpr n = Assign n (Restrict (NotPredicate filt) ex)
    pure $ MultipleExpr [trueExpr rvTrue, falseExpr rvFalse]
  Insert rv relExpr | rv == rvIn -> do
    ex <- relExprFunc relExpr
    let trueExpr n = Insert n (Restrict filt ex)
        falseExpr n = Insert n (Restrict (NotPredicate filt) ex)
    pure $ MultipleExpr [trueExpr rvTrue, falseExpr rvFalse]
  Update rv attrMap predi | rv == rvIn -> do
    -- if the update would "shift" a tuple from the true->false relvar or vice versa, that would be a constraint violation in the virtual schema
    let trueExpr n = Update n attrMap (AndPredicate predi filt)
        falseExpr n = Update n attrMap (AndPredicate predi (NotPredicate filt))
    pure (MultipleExpr [trueExpr rvTrue, falseExpr rvFalse])
  MultipleExpr exprs -> MultipleExpr <$> mapM (databaseContextExprMorph iso relExprFunc) exprs
  orig -> pure orig                                    
databaseContextExprMorph iso@(IsoUnion (rvTrue, rvFalse) filt rvOut) relExprFunc expr = case expr of   
  --assign: replace all instances in the portion of the target relvar with the new tuples from the relExpr
  --problem: between the delete->insert, constraints could be violated which would not otherwise be violated in the "in" schema. This implies that there should be a combo operator which can insert/update/delete in a single pass based on relexpr queries, or perhaps MultipleExpr should be the infamous "comma" operator from TutorialD?
  -- if any tuples are filtered out of the insert/assign, we need to simulate a constraint violation
  Assign rv relExpr | rv == rvTrue -> relExprFunc relExpr >>= \ex -> pure $ MultipleExpr [Delete rvOut filt,
                                                                                      Insert rvOut (Restrict filt ex)]
  Assign rv relExpr | rv == rvFalse -> relExprFunc relExpr >>= \ex -> pure $ MultipleExpr [Delete rvOut (NotPredicate filt),            
                                                                                           Insert rvOut (Restrict (NotPredicate filt) ex)]
  Insert rv relExpr | rv == rvTrue || rv == rvFalse -> relExprFunc relExpr >>= \ex -> pure $ Insert rvOut ex
  Delete rv delPred | rv == rvTrue -> pure $ Delete rvOut (AndPredicate delPred filt)
  Delete rv delPred | rv == rvFalse -> pure $ Delete rvOut (AndPredicate delPred (NotPredicate filt))
  Update rv attrMap predi | rv == rvTrue -> pure $ Update rvOut attrMap (AndPredicate predi filt)
  Update rv attrMap predi | rv == rvFalse -> pure $ Update rvOut attrMap (AndPredicate (NotPredicate filt) predi)
  MultipleExpr exprs -> MultipleExpr <$> mapM (databaseContextExprMorph iso relExprFunc) exprs
  orig -> pure orig
databaseContextExprMorph iso@(IsoRename relIn relOut) relExprFunc expr = case expr of
  Assign rv relExpr | rv == relIn -> relExprFunc relExpr >>= \ex -> pure (Assign relOut ex)
  Insert rv relExpr | rv == relIn -> relExprFunc relExpr >>= \ex -> pure $ Insert relOut ex
  Delete rv delPred | rv == relIn -> pure $ Delete relOut delPred
  Update rv attrMap predi | rv == relIn -> pure $ Update relOut attrMap predi
  MultipleExpr exprs -> MultipleExpr <$> mapM (databaseContextExprMorph iso relExprFunc) exprs  
  orig -> pure orig
-- | Apply the isomorphism transformations to the relational expression to convert the relational expression from operating on one schema to a disparate, isomorphic schema.
applyRelationalExprSchemaIsomorphs :: SchemaIsomorphs -> RelationalExpr -> Either RelationalError RelationalExpr
applyRelationalExprSchemaIsomorphs morphs expr = foldM (\expr' morph -> relExprMogrify (relExprMorph morph) expr') expr morphs

-- the morph must be applied in the opposite direction
--algorithm: create a relexpr for each relvar in the schema, then replace those rel exprs wherever they appear in the inc dep relexprs
-- x = x1 union x2
inclusionDependencyInSchema :: Schema -> InclusionDependency -> Either RelationalError InclusionDependency
inclusionDependencyInSchema schema (InclusionDependency rexprA rexprB) = do
  --collect all relvars which appear in the schema
  let schemaRelVars = isomorphsInRelVarNames (isomorphs schema)
  rvAssoc <- mapM (\rvIn -> do 
                      rvOut <- processRelationalExprInSchema schema (RelationVariable rvIn ())
                      pure (rvOut, RelationVariable rvIn ())
             (S.toList schemaRelVars)
  let replacer exprOrig = foldM (\expr (find, replace) -> if expr == find then
                                                            pure replace
                                                            pure expr) exprOrig rvAssoc
  rexprA' <- relExprMogrify replacer rexprA
  rexprB' <- relExprMogrify replacer rexprB
  pure (InclusionDependency rexprA' rexprB')

-- #55 add two virtual constraints for IsoUnion and enforce them before the tuples disappear
-- this is needed to
-- also, it's inverse to IsoRestrict which adds two constraints at the base level
-- for IsoRestrict, consider hiding the two, generated constraints since they can never be thrown in the isomorphic schema
inclusionDependenciesInSchema :: Schema -> InclusionDependencies -> Either RelationalError InclusionDependencies
inclusionDependenciesInSchema schema incDeps = mapM (\(depName, dep) -> inclusionDependencyInSchema schema dep >>= \newDep -> pure (depName, newDep)) (M.toList incDeps) >>= pure . M.fromList
relationVariablesInSchema :: Schema -> DatabaseContext -> Either RelationalError RelationVariables
relationVariablesInSchema schema@(Schema morphs) context = foldM transform M.empty morphs
    transform newRvMap morph = do
      let rvNames = isomorphInRelVarNames morph
      rvAssocs <- mapM (\rv -> do
                           expr' <- processRelationalExprInSchema schema (RelationVariable rv ())
                           rel <- runReader (evalRelationalExpr expr') (RelationalExprStateElems context)
                           pure (rv, rel)) rvNames
      pure (M.union newRvMap (M.fromList rvAssocs))

data DatabaseContext = 
Concrete ...|
Virtual Isomorphs
applyRelationVariablesSchemaIsomorphs :: SchemaIsomorphs -> RelationVariables -> Either RelationalError RelationVariables                                                                 
applyRelationVariablesSchemaIsomorphs = undefined

applySchemaIsomorphsToDatabaseContext :: SchemaIsomorphs -> DatabaseContext -> Either RelationalError DatabaseContext
applySchemaIsomorphsToDatabaseContext morphs context = do
--  incdeps <- inclusionDependen morphs (inclusionDependencies context)
  relvars <- applyRelationVariablesSchemaIsomorphs morphs (relationVariables context)
  pure (context { --inclusionDependencies = incdeps,
                  relationVariables = relvars
                  --atomFunctions = atomfuncs,
                  --notifications = notifs,
                  --typeConstructorMapping = tconsmapping
validate :: SchemaIsomorph -> S.Set RelVarName -> Either RelationalError SchemaIsomorph
validate morph underlyingRvNames = if S.size invalidRvNames > 0 then 
                          Left (MultipleErrors (map RelVarNotDefinedError (S.toList invalidRvNames)))
                           Right morph
    morphRvNames = S.fromList (isomorphOutRelVarNames morph)
    invalidRvNames = S.difference morphRvNames underlyingRvNames

-- | Create inclusion dependencies mainly for IsoRestrict because the predicate should hold in the base schema.
createIncDepsForIsomorph :: SchemaName -> SchemaIsomorph -> InclusionDependencies
createIncDepsForIsomorph sname (IsoRestrict _ predi (rvTrue, rvFalse)) = let 
  newIncDep predicate rv = InclusionDependency (Project AN.empty (Restrict predicate (RelationVariable rv ()))) (ExistingRelation relationTrue)
  incDepName b = "schema" <> "_" <> sname <> "_" <> T.pack (show b) in
  M.fromList [(incDepName True, newIncDep predi rvTrue),
              (incDepName False, newIncDep (NotPredicate predi) rvFalse)]
createIncDepsForIsomorph _ _ = M.empty

-- in the case of IsoRestrict, the database context should be updated with the restriction so that if the restriction does not hold, then the schema cannot be created
evalSchemaExpr :: SchemaExpr -> DatabaseContext -> Subschemas -> Either RelationalError (Subschemas, DatabaseContext)
evalSchemaExpr (AddSubschema sname morphs) context sschemas = do
  if M.member sname sschemas then
    Left (SubschemaNameInUseError sname)
    else case valid of
    Just err -> Left (SchemaCreationError err)
    Nothing -> 
      let newSchemas = M.insert sname newSchema sschemas
          moreIncDeps = foldr (\morph acc -> M.union acc (createIncDepsForIsomorph sname morph)) M.empty morphs
          incDepExprs = MultipleExpr (map (uncurry AddInclusionDependency) (M.toList moreIncDeps))
      case runState (evalDatabaseContextExpr incDepExprs) (context, M.empty, False) of
        (Just err, _) -> Left err
        (Nothing, (newContext,_,_)) -> pure (newSchemas, newContext) --need to propagate dirty flag here
    newSchema = Schema morphs
    valid = validateSchema newSchema context
evalSchemaExpr (RemoveSubschema sname) context sschemas = if M.member sname sschemas then
                                           pure (M.delete sname sschemas, context)
                                           Left (SubschemaNameNotInUseError sname)