4.3.2 ----- * Added some missing instances for `UpStar` and `DownStar`. 4.3 --- * Removed the non law-abiding instance for `Closed (Forget r)` * `Forget` is `Representable` * MINIMAL pragmas ------- * Avoided using 'type' in the export list, as that doesn't work on 7.4. 4.2 --- * Renamed `-|` to `ProfunctorAdjunction` because GHC 7.4 still exists in the wild. * Renamed `-/->` to `:->` for the same reason. Also the former was confusing as they conflated profunctor homomorphisms and profunctors themselves. 4.1 --- * Flipped the order of 'Procompose' * Added the notion of Monads and Comonads on the category of profunctors. * Added 'Cayley' which takes normal Haskell Monads and Comonads to a 'ProfunctorMonad' and 'ProfunctorComonad' respectively. Cayley is also known as the 'static arrow' construction * Added 'Closed' which is adjoint to 'Strong'. * Added 'Closure' which freely adjoins 'Closed' to any 'Profunctor'. * Added 'Tambara' which freely adjoins 'Strong' to any 'Profunctor'. * Added 'Cotambara' which freely adjoins 'Choice' to any 'Profunctor'. * Under the new 'Procompose' the old 'Rift' is now 'Ran', and the old 'Lift' was misnamed. It is now 'Rift' 4.0.3 ----- * Added `Data.Profunctor.Lift` containing the left Kan lift of a profunctor. 4.0.2 ----- * Added `assoc` to `Data.Profunctor.Composition` so that we have all 3 associators. 4.0 --- * Merged the contents of `profunctor-extras` into `profunctors`. 3.3 --- * Added `instance Choice (Upstar f)` and introduced `Forget`. 3.2 --- * Renamed `Lenticular` and `Prismatic` to `Strong` and `Choice`, and restructured them. 3.1.3 ----- * Removed upper bounds on my own intra-package dependencies 3.1.1 ----- * Added Documentation! * Added `Lenticular` and `Prismatic` Profunctors 3.1 --- * instance Profunctor Tagged 3.0 --- * Updated version number to match the rest of my libraries