-- |
-- Lenses and traversals for 'CreateProcess' and related types.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module System.Process.Lens ( 
    ) where

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Text 
import Control.Applicative
import System.IO
import System.Process

    > _cmdspec :: Lens' CreateProcess CmdSpec 
_cmdspec :: forall f. Functor f => (CmdSpec -> f CmdSpec) -> CreateProcess -> f CreateProcess 
_cmdspec f c = setCmdSpec c <$> f (cmdspec c)
    setCmdSpec c cmdspec' = c { cmdspec = cmdspec' } 

    > _ShellCommand :: Prism' CmdSpec String
_ShellCommand :: forall m. Applicative m => (String -> m String) -> CmdSpec -> m CmdSpec 
_ShellCommand f quad = case impure quad of
    Left l -> pure l
    Right r -> fmap ShellCommand (f r)
    impure (ShellCommand str) = Right str
    impure x = Left x

    > _RawCommand :: Prism' CmdSpec (FilePath,[String])
_RawCommand :: forall m. Applicative m => ((FilePath,[String]) -> m (FilePath,[String])) -> CmdSpec -> m CmdSpec 
_RawCommand f quad = case impure quad of
    Left l -> pure l
    Right r -> fmap justify (f r)
    impure (RawCommand fpath strs) = Right (fpath,strs)
    impure x = Left x
    justify (fpath,strs) = RawCommand fpath strs

    > _cwd :: Lens' CreateProcess (Maybe FilePath)
_cwd :: forall f. Functor f => (Maybe FilePath -> f (Maybe FilePath)) -> CreateProcess -> f CreateProcess 
_cwd f c = setCwd c <$> f (cwd c)
    setCwd c cwd' = c { cwd = cwd' } 

    > _env :: Lens' CreateProcess (Maybe [(String,String)])
_env :: forall f. Functor f => (Maybe [(String, String)] -> f (Maybe [(String, String)])) -> CreateProcess -> f CreateProcess 
_env f c = setEnv c <$> f (env c)
    setEnv c env' = c { env = env' } 

    A lens for the @(std_in,std_out,std_err)@ triplet.  

    > stream3 :: Lens' CreateProcess (StdStream,StdStream,StdStream)
stream3 :: forall f. Functor f => ((StdStream,StdStream,StdStream) -> f (StdStream,StdStream,StdStream)) -> CreateProcess -> f CreateProcess 
stream3 f c = setStreams c <$> f (getStreams c)
    getStreams c = (std_in c,std_out c, std_err c)
    setStreams c (s1,s2,s3) = c { std_in  = s1 
                                , std_out = s2 
                                , std_err = s3 
    > pipe3 = (CreatePipe,CreatePipe,CreatePipe)
pipe3 :: (StdStream,StdStream,StdStream)
pipe3 = (CreatePipe,CreatePipe,CreatePipe)

    Specifies @CreatePipe@ for @std_out@ and @std_err@; @std_in@ is set to 'Inherit'.

    > pipe3 = (Inherit,CreatePipe,CreatePipe)
pipe2 :: (StdStream,StdStream,StdStream)
pipe2 = (Inherit,CreatePipe,CreatePipe)

    Specifies @CreatePipe@ for @std_out@ and @std_err@; @std_in@ is taken as 
pipe2h :: Handle -> (StdStream,StdStream,StdStream)
pipe2h handle = (UseHandle handle,CreatePipe,CreatePipe)

    A 'Prism' for the return value of 'createProcess' that removes the 'Maybe's from @stdin@, @stdout@ and @stderr@ or fails to match if any of them is 'Nothing'.

    > handle3 :: Prism' (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle) -> ((Handle, Handle, Handle), ProcessHandle)
handle3 :: forall m. Applicative m => (((Handle, Handle, Handle), ProcessHandle) -> m ((Handle, Handle, Handle), ProcessHandle)) -> (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle) -> m (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle)
handle3 f quad = case impure quad of
    Left l -> pure l
    Right r -> fmap justify (f r)
    impure (Just h1, Just h2, Just h3, phandle) = Right ((h1, h2, h3), phandle) 
    impure x = Left x
    justify ((h1, h2, h3), phandle) = (Just h1, Just h2, Just h3, phandle)  

    A 'Prism' for the return value of 'createProcess' that removes the 'Maybe's from @stdout@ and @stderr@ or fails to match if any of them is 'Nothing'.

    > handle2 :: Prism' (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle) -> ((Handle, Handle), ProcessHandle)
handle2 :: forall m. Applicative m => (((Handle, Handle), ProcessHandle) -> m ((Handle, Handle), ProcessHandle)) -> (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle) -> m (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle)
handle2 f quad = case impure quad of
    Left l -> pure l
    Right r -> fmap justify (f r)
    impure (Nothing, Just h2, Just h3, phandle) = Right ((h2, h3), phandle) 
    impure x = Left x
    justify ((h2, h3), phandle) = (Nothing, Just h2, Just h3, phandle)