cabal-version: 2.0 name: primitive-containers version: 0.3.3 synopsis: containers backed by arrays description: Containers backed by flat arrays. Updates require rebuilding the entire structure, but lookups are cache coherent. homepage: bug-reports: author: Andrew Martin maintainer: copyright: 2018 Andrew Martin category: Data Structures license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple extra-source-files: source-repository head type: git location: flag checked description: Check all array indexing. This makes most functions slower, but it replaces segfaults with descriptive errors. This should only be used for debugging. default: False manual: True library hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base >=4.9 && <5 , primitive-sort >= 0.1 && < 0.2 , hashable >= 1.2.5 , deepseq >= 1.4 -- move these five out when we kick out dependent maps , quantification >= 0.5.0 && < 0.6 , aeson >= 1.0 && < 1.5 , unordered-containers >= , vector >= 0.11 && < 0.13 , text >= 1.2 && < 1.3 if flag(checked) build-depends: contiguous-checked >= 0.3.2 && < 0.4 , primitive-checked >= else build-depends: contiguous >= 0.3.2 && < 0.4 , primitive >= 0.6.4 exposed-modules: Data.Continuous.Set.Lifted Data.Diet.Map.Strict.Lifted.Lifted Data.Diet.Map.Strict.Unboxed.Lifted Data.Diet.Set Data.Diet.Set.Lifted Data.Diet.Set.Unboxed Data.Diet.Unbounded.Set.Lifted Data.Map.Lifted.Lifted Data.Map.Lifted.Unlifted Data.Map.Unboxed.Lifted Data.Map.Unboxed.Unboxed Data.Map.Unboxed.Unlifted Data.Map.Unlifted.Unboxed Data.Map.Unlifted.Lifted Data.Set.Lifted Data.Set.Unboxed Data.Set.Unlifted Data.Set.NonEmpty.Unlifted Data.Map.Interval Data.Map.Subset.Strict.Lifted Data.Map.Subset.Strict.Unlifted Data.Map.Subset.Lazy.Lifted Data.Map.Subset.Lazy.Unlifted Data.Dependent.Map.Class Data.Dependent.Map.Internal Data.Dependent.Map.Lifted.Lifted Data.Dependent.Map.Unlifted.Lifted Data.Dependent.Map.Unboxed.Lifted Data.Map.Interval.DBTSLL Data.Map.Interval.DBTSUL Data.Map.Interval.DBTSUU other-modules: Data.Concatenation Data.Diet.Map.Strict.Internal Data.Diet.Set.Internal Data.Continuous.Set.Internal Data.Diet.Unbounded.Set.Internal Data.Map.Internal Data.Map.Subset.Strict.Internal Data.Map.Subset.Lazy.Internal Data.Set.Internal Data.Set.Lifted.Internal Data.Set.Unboxed.Internal Data.Set.Unlifted.Internal Data.Map.Interval.DBTS.Internal ghc-options: -O2 -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: base , HUnit , QuickCheck < 2.13 , aeson , containers >= 0.5.10 , primitive , primitive-containers , quantification >= 0.4 , quickcheck-classes >= 0.6 , tasty , tasty-hunit , tasty-quickcheck , text ghc-options: -Wall -O2 default-language: Haskell2010 benchmark gauge default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: benchmark-gauge main-is: Main.hs type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 ghc-options: -Wall -O2 build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 4.12 , primitive , primitive-containers , ghc-prim , gauge , random , containers