{- | Module : System.Prefork Copyright : (c) 2013 GREE, Inc. License : MIT-style Maintainer : Kiyoshi Ikehara <kiyoshi.ikehara@gree.net> Stability : experimental Portability : portable -} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} module System.Prefork( -- * Overview -- $overview -- * Tutorial -- ** A typical preforking server -- $relaunch_tutorial -- ** Using low-level interface -- $rawlevel_tutorial module System.Prefork.Class , module System.Prefork.Types , module System.Prefork.Main , module System.Prefork.Worker , module System.Prefork.Settings ) where import System.Prefork.Class import System.Prefork.Types import System.Prefork.Main import System.Prefork.Worker import System.Prefork.Settings {- $overview This is a library for servers based on worker process model (preforking). -} {- $relaunch_tutorial Import System.Prefork in your Main module. @ import ... import System.Posix import System.Prefork import System.Console.CmdArgs @ Define data type used for server configuration. @ -- Application specific configuration data Config = Config { cWarpSettings :: Warp.Settings } @ Define workers as a data type that belongs to 'WorkerContext' class. In this case, the field 'wId' is a ID number for idenfitying single worker process and other fields are parameters for a worker process. @ -- Worker context passed by the parent data Worker = Worker { wId :: Int , wPort :: Int , wSocketFd :: CInt , wHost :: String , wCap :: Int } deriving (Show, Read) instance WorkerContext Worker where rtsOptions w = [\"-N\" ++ show (wCap w)] @ Define Eq and Ord instances for Worker. These are required for using 'relaunchSettings'. @ instance Eq Worker where (==) a b = wId a == wId b instance Ord Worker where compare a b = compare (wId a) (wId b) @ Call 'defaultMain' with 'update' and 'fork' functions in your 'main' function. 'relaunchSettings' is a function that creates comvenient settings for a typical prefork server. @ main :: IO () main = do option <- cmdArgs cmdLineOptions resource <- emptyPreforkResource mSoc <- newTVarIO Nothing let s = Server mSoc (port option) (workers option) defaultMain (relaunchSettings resource (update s) (fork s)) $ \(Worker { wId = i, wSocketFd = fd, wHost = _host }) -> do -- worker action soc <- mkSocket fd AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol Listening mConfig <- updateConfig s case mConfig of Just config -> do a <- asyncOn i $ Warp.runSettingsSocket (cWarpSettings config) soc $ serverApp wait a Nothing -> return () where ... @ 'update' function is used for modifying the worker process configuration. If you want to increase or decrease the number of workers, change worker parameters, and etc, you can use 'updateWorkerSet' function here. @ update :: Server -> PreforkResource Worker -> IO (Maybe Config) update s resource = do mConfig <- updateConfig s updateWorkerSet resource $ flip map [0..(sWorkers s - 1)] $ \i -> Worker { wId = i, wPort = (sPort s), wSocketFd = -1, wHost = \"localhost\", wCap = sWorkers s } return (mConfig) @ 'fork' function simply creates a worker process with the given parameters. You should call 'forkWorkerProcess' or 'forkWorkerProcessWithArgs' in this function to invoke a child process as a worker. In this case, the arguments of 'forkWorkerProcessWithArgs' are just for displaying id number and not used. @ fork :: Server -> Worker -> IO (ProcessID) fork Server { sServerSoc = socVar } w = do msoc <- readTVarIO socVar soc <- case msoc of Just soc -> return (soc) Nothing -> do hentry <- getHostByName (wHost w) soc <- listenOnAddr (SockAddrInet (fromIntegral (wPort w)) (head $ hostAddresses hentry)) atomically $ writeTVar socVar (Just soc) return (soc) let w' = w { wSocketFd = fdSocket soc } forkWorkerProcessWithArgs (w') [\"id=\" ++ show (wId w') ] @ -} {- $rawlevel_tutorial Import System.Prefork in your Main module. @ import System.Prefork import System.Posix import System.Exit (exitSuccess) @ Define data type used for server configuration. @ data ServerConfig = ServerConfig @ Define workers as a data type. @ data Worker = Worker1 String deriving (Show, Read) instance WorkerContext Worker @ Call System.Prefork.defaultMain function with settings in your main function. @ main :: IO () main = defaultMain defaultSettings { psUpdateConfig = updateConfig , psUpdateServer = updateServer , psOnStart = \_ -> do pid <- getProcessID putStrLn $ \"Please send SIGHUP to \" ++ show pid ++ \" to relaunch a worker\" } $ \so -> case so of Worker1 msg -> print msg >> exitSuccess updateConfig :: IO (Maybe ServerConfig) updateConfig = do return (Just ServerConfig) updateServer :: ServerConfig -> IO ([ProcessID]) updateServer ServerConfig = do pid <- forkWorkerProcess (Worker1 \"Hello. I'm a worker.\") return ([pid]) @ -}