{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDeriving #-} -- | promoted tuple functions module Predicate.Data.Tuple ( -- ** arrows Dup , First , Second , type (&&&) , type (***) , Both , On , On' , Uncurry -- ** flat tuples , Tuple , Tuple' , Pairs -- ** boolean , AndA , type (&*) , OrA , type (|+) -- ** inductive tuples , EachITuple , ToITuple , FromITuple , ReverseITuple , ToITupleList -- ** assoc , Assoc , Unassoc ) where import Predicate.Core import Predicate.Misc import Predicate.Util import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy)) import GHC.TypeNats (Nat, KnownNat) import qualified GHC.TypeLits as GL import Control.Lens import Data.Kind (Type) -- $setup -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XTypeOperators -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> :set -XNoOverloadedLists -- >>> import Predicate.Prelude -- >>> import qualified Data.Semigroup as SG -- >>> :m + Data.These -- >>> :m + Data.Ratio -- | duplicate a value into a tuple -- -- >>> pl @Dup 4 -- Present (4,4) ('(4,4)) -- Val (4,4) -- -- >>> pl @(Dup >> Id) 4 -- Present (4,4) ((>>) (4,4) | {Id (4,4)}) -- Val (4,4) -- -- >>> pl @(Dup << Fst * Snd) (4,5) -- Present (20,20) ((>>) (20,20) | {'(20,20)}) -- Val (20,20) -- -- >>> pl @(Fst * Snd >> Dup) (4,5) -- Present (20,20) ((>>) (20,20) | {'(20,20)}) -- Val (20,20) -- data Dup deriving Show type DupT = W '(Id, Id) instance Show x => P Dup x where type PP Dup x = PP DupT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @DupT) -- | creates a list of overlapping pairs of elements. requires two or more elements -- -- >>> pz @Pairs [1,2,3,4] -- Val [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)] -- -- >>> pz @Pairs [] -- Val [] -- -- >>> pz @Pairs [1] -- Val [] -- -- >>> pl @Pairs [1,2] -- Present [(1,2)] (Pairs [(1,2)] | [1,2]) -- Val [(1,2)] -- -- >>> pl @Pairs [1,2,3] -- Present [(1,2),(2,3)] (Pairs [(1,2),(2,3)] | [1,2,3]) -- Val [(1,2),(2,3)] -- -- >>> pl @Pairs [1,2,3,4] -- Present [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)] (Pairs [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)] | [1,2,3,4]) -- Val [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)] -- -- >>> pan @(Pairs >> Len >> 'True >> 'False >> FailT _ "xyzzy") "abcde" -- [Error xyzzy] False -- | -- +- P Pairs [('a','b'),('b','c'),('c','d'),('d','e')] -- | -- +- P Len 4 -- | -- +- True 'True -- | -- +- False 'False -- | -- `- [Error xyzzy] -- Fail "xyzzy" -- data Pairs deriving Show instance ([a] ~ x, Show a) => P Pairs x where type PP Pairs x = [(ExtractAFromTA x,ExtractAFromTA x)] eval _ opts as = let zs = case as of [] -> [] _:bs -> zip as bs in pure $ mkNode opts (Val zs) (show3 opts "Pairs" zs as) [] -- | similar to 'Control.Arrow.&&&' -- -- >>> pl @(Min &&& Max >> Id >> Fst < Snd) [10,4,2,12,14] -- True ((>>) True | {2 < 14}) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @((123 &&& Id) >> Fst + Snd) 4 -- Present 127 ((>>) 127 | {123 + 4 = 127}) -- Val 127 -- -- >>> pl @(4 &&& "sadf" &&& 'LT) () -- Present (4,("sadf",LT)) ('(4,("sadf",LT))) -- Val (4,("sadf",LT)) -- -- >>> pl @(Id &&& '() &&& ()) (Just 10) -- Present (Just 10,((),())) ('(Just 10,((),()))) -- Val (Just 10,((),())) -- -- >>> pl @(Fst &&& Snd &&& Thd &&& ()) (1,'x',True) -- Present (1,('x',(True,()))) ('(1,('x',(True,())))) -- Val (1,('x',(True,()))) -- -- >>> pl @(Fst &&& Snd &&& Thd &&& ()) (1,'x',True) -- Present (1,('x',(True,()))) ('(1,('x',(True,())))) -- Val (1,('x',(True,()))) -- -- >>> pl @(Fst &&& Snd &&& Thd &&& ()) (1,1.4,"aaa") -- Present (1,(1.4,("aaa",()))) ('(1,(1.4,("aaa",())))) -- Val (1,(1.4,("aaa",()))) -- data p &&& q deriving Show infixr 3 &&& type WAmpT p q = W '(p, q) instance P (WAmpT p q) x => P (p &&& q) x where type PP (p &&& q) x = PP (WAmpT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(WAmpT p q)) -- | similar to 'Control.Arrow.***' -- -- >>> pz @(Pred *** ShowP Id) (13, True) -- Val (12,"True") -- -- >>> pl @(Flip (***) Len (Id * 12)) (99,"cdef") -- Present (1188,4) ((***) (1188,4) | (99,"cdef")) -- Val (1188,4) -- -- >>> pl @(4 *** "sadf" *** 'LT) ('x',("abv",[1])) -- Present (4,("sadf",LT)) ((***) (4,("sadf",LT)) | ('x',("abv",[1]))) -- Val (4,("sadf",LT)) -- data p *** q deriving Show infixr 3 *** instance ( Show (PP p a) , Show (PP q b) , P p a , P q b , Show a , Show b ) => P (p *** q) (a,b) where type PP (p *** q) (a,b) = (PP p a, PP q b) eval _ opts (a,b) = do let msg0 = "(***)" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right a1 -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts b pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 qq [hh pp] of Left e -> e Right b1 -> mkNode opts (Val (a1,b1)) (msg0 <> " " <> showL opts (a1,b1) <> showVerbose opts " | " (a,b)) [hh pp, hh qq] -- | applies a function against the first part of a tuple: similar to 'Control.Arrow.first' -- -- >>> pz @(First Succ) (12,True) -- Val (13,True) -- data First p deriving Show type FirstT p = p *** Id instance P (FirstT p) x => P (First p) x where type PP (First p) x = PP (FirstT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(FirstT p)) -- | applies a function against the second part of a tuple: similar to 'Control.Arrow.second' -- -- >>> pz @(Second Succ) (12,False) -- Val (12,True) -- data Second q deriving Show type SecondT q = Id *** q instance P (SecondT q) x => P (Second q) x where type PP (Second q) x = PP (SecondT q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SecondT q)) -- | applies @p@ to lhs of the tuple and @q@ to the rhs and then @ands@ them together: see '&*' -- -- >>> pl @(AndA (Gt 3) (Lt 10) Id) (1,2) -- False (False (&*) True | (1 > 3)) -- Val False -- data AndA p q r deriving Show instance ( PP r x ~ (a,b) , PP p a ~ Bool , PP q b ~ Bool , P p a , P q b , P r x ) => P (AndA p q r) x where type PP (AndA p q r) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "(&*)" rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 rr [] of Left e -> pure e Right (r1,r2) -> do pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) opts r1 case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [hh rr] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do qq <- evalBool (Proxy @q) opts r2 pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 qq [hh rr, hh pp] of Left e -> e Right q -> let zz = case (p,q) of (True, True) -> "" (False, True) -> topMessage pp (True, False) -> topMessage qq (False, False) -> topMessage pp <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> topMessage qq in mkNodeB opts (p&&q) (showL opts p <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> joinStrings (showL opts q) zz) [hh rr, hh pp, hh qq] -- | applies @p@ to lhs of the tuple and @q@ to the rhs and then @Ands@ them together -- -- >>> pl @(SplitAt 4 "abcdefg" >> Len > 4 &* Len < 5) () -- False ((>>) False | {False (&*) True | (4 > 4)}) -- Val False -- data p &* q deriving Show type AndAT p q = AndA p q Id infixr 3 &* instance P (AndAT p q) x => P (p &* q) x where type PP (p &* q) x = PP (AndAT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(AndAT p q)) -- | applies @p@ to lhs of the tuple and @q@ to the rhs and then @ors@ them together: see '|+' -- -- >>> pl @(OrA (Gt 3) (Lt 10) Id) (1,2) -- True (False (|+) True) -- Val True -- data OrA p q r deriving Show instance ( PP r x ~ (a,b) , PP p a ~ Bool , PP q b ~ Bool , P p a , P q b , P r x ) => P (OrA p q r) x where type PP (OrA p q r) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "(|+)" rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 rr [] of Left e -> pure e Right (r1,r2) -> do pp <- evalBool (Proxy @p) opts r1 case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [hh rr] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do qq <- evalBool (Proxy @q) opts r2 pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 qq [hh rr, hh pp] of Left e -> e Right q -> let zz = case (p,q) of (False,False) -> topMessage pp <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> topMessage qq _ -> "" in mkNodeB opts (p||q) (showL opts p <> " " <> msg0 <> " " <> joinStrings (showL opts q) zz) [hh rr, hh pp, hh qq] -- | applies @p@ to lhs of the tuple and @q@ to the rhs and then @Ors@ them together -- -- >>> pl @(Sum > 44 |+ Id < 2) ([5,6,7,8,14,44],9) -- True (True (|+) False) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(Sum > 44 |+ Id < 2) ([5,6,7,14],9) -- False (False (|+) False | (32 > 44) (|+) (9 < 2)) -- Val False -- -- >>> pl @(Sum > 44 |+ Id < 2) ([5,6,7,14],1) -- True (False (|+) True) -- Val True -- data p |+ q deriving Show type OrAT p q = OrA p q Id infixr 3 |+ instance P (OrAT p q) x => P (p |+ q) x where type PP (p |+ q) x = PP (OrAT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(OrAT p q)) -- | applies @p@ to the first and second slot of an n-tuple (similar to '***') -- -- >>> pl @(Fst >> Both Len) (("abc",[10..17]),True) -- Present (3,8) ((>>) (3,8) | {Both}) -- Val (3,8) -- -- >>> pl @(Lift (Both Pred) Fst) ((12,'z'),True) -- Present (11,'y') ((>>) (11,'y') | {Both}) -- Val (11,'y') -- -- >>> pl @(Both Succ) (4,'a') -- Present (5,'b') (Both) -- Val (5,'b') -- -- >>> import Data.Time -- >>> pl @(Both (ReadP Day Id)) ("1999-01-01","2001-02-12") -- Present (1999-01-01,2001-02-12) (Both) -- Val (1999-01-01,2001-02-12) -- -- >>> pz @(Both (Id * Id) >> ((Fst + Snd) ** (DivI Double 1 2))) (3,4) -- Val 5.0 -- data Both p deriving Show instance ( P p a , P p a' ) => P (Both p) (a,a') where type PP (Both p) (a,a') = (PP p a, PP p a') eval _ opts (a,a') = do let msg0 = "Both" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right b -> do pp' <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a' pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp' [hh pp] of Left e -> e Right b' -> mkNode opts (Val (b,b')) msg0 [hh pp, hh pp'] -- | similar to 'Data.Function.on' -- -- >>> pz @(On' (==!) Len Fst (Reverse << Snd)) ("1ss","x2") -- Val GT -- data On' (p :: Type -> Type -> k) q r s deriving Show instance ( P q (PP r x) , P q (PP s x) , P r x , P s x , P (p Fst Snd) (PP q (PP r x), PP q (PP s x)) ) => P (On' p q r s) x where type PP (On' p q r s) x = PP (p Fst Snd) (PP q (PP r x), PP q (PP s x)) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "On'" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @r) (Proxy @s) opts x [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (r,s,rr,ss) -> do let hhs = [hh rr, hh ss] qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts r case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 qq hhs of Left e -> pure e Right b -> do qq' <- eval (Proxy @q) opts s case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 qq' (hhs ++ [hh qq]) of Left e -> pure e Right b' -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @(p Fst Snd)) opts (b,b') let hhs1 = hhs ++ [hh qq, hh qq'] pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp hhs1 of Left e -> e Right _ -> mkNodeCopy opts pp msg0 hhs1 -- so we can preserve ValP -- | similar to 'Data.Function.on' for tuples -- -- >>> pz @(On (==!) Len) ("1ss","x2") -- or use Comparing or Both+Compare -- Val GT -- -- >>> pz @('(4,2) >> On (**) (FromIntegral _)) () -- Val 16.0 -- -- >>> pz @('(4,2) >> Both (FromIntegral _) >> Fst ** Snd) () -- equivalent to the above -- Val 16.0 -- -- >>> pz @(On (+) (Id * Id) >> Id ** (1 % 2 >> FromRational _)) (3,4) -- Val 5.0 -- -- >>> pz @(Both (Id * Id) >> ((Fst + Snd) ** (1 % 2 >> FromRational _))) (3,4) -- equivalent to the above -- Val 5.0 -- -- >>> pz @(On (<>) (Pure [] Id)) ('x','y') -- Val "xy" -- -- >>> pz @(On (Flip (<>)) (Pure [] Id)) ('x','y') -- Val "yx" -- -- >>> pz @(On (Flip (<>)) (Pure _ Id) >> '(Len,Head,Last)) ('x','y') -- Val (2,'y','x') -- data On (p :: Type -> Type -> k) q deriving Show type OnT p q = On' p q Fst Snd instance P (OnT p q) x => P (On p q) x where type PP (On p q) x = PP (OnT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(OnT p q)) -- | similar to 'uncurry' -- -- >>> pl @(Uncurry (==)) ('x','x') -- True (On') -- Val True -- -- >>> pz @(Uncurry (.&.)) (7,15) -- Val 7 -- -- >>> pz @(Uncurry (+)) (7,15) -- Val 22 -- -- >>> pz @(Uncurry (*)) (7,15) -- Val 105 -- -- >>> pz @(Uncurry '(,)) (7,15) -- Val (7,15) -- -- >>> pz @(Uncurry ('(,,) 4)) ('x',True) -- Val (4,'x',True) -- -- >>> pz @(Uncurry (Flip '(,))) (1,'x') -- Val ('x',1) -- -- >>> pz @(Uncurry (<>)) ("ab","def") -- Val "abdef" -- -- >>> pz @(Uncurry (<>)) (SG.Sum 12,SG.Sum 99) -- Val (Sum {getSum = 111}) -- data Uncurry (p :: Type -> Type -> k) deriving Show type UncurryT p = On p Id instance P (UncurryT p) x => P (Uncurry p) x where type PP (Uncurry p) x = PP (UncurryT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(UncurryT p)) -- | create a @n@ tuple from a list or fail -- -- >>> pz @(Tuple 4) "abcdefg" -- Val ('a','b','c','d') -- -- >>> pz @(Tuple 4) "abc" -- Fail "Tuple(4) not enough elements(3)" -- -- >>> pz @(Fst >> Tuple 3) ([1..5],True) -- Val (1,2,3) -- -- >>> pz @(Lift (Tuple 3) Fst) ([1..5],True) -- Val (1,2,3) -- data Tuple (n :: Nat) deriving Show instance ( KnownNat n , FailWhenT (n GL.<=? 1) ('GL.Text "Tuple:n cannot be less than two but found n=" 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType n) , TupleC n a , x ~ [a] , Show a ) => P (Tuple n) x where type PP (Tuple n) x = TupleT n (ExtractAFromList x) eval _ opts xs' = let msg0 = "Tuple(" ++ show n ++ ")" n = nat @n @Int in pure $ case chkSize opts msg0 xs' [] of Left e -> e Right (xsLen,xs) -> case getTupleC @n xs of Nothing -> mkNode opts (Fail (msg0 <> " not enough elements(" <> show xsLen <> ")")) (showVerbose opts " | " xs) [] Just r -> mkNode opts (Val r) msg0 [] -- | create a @n@ tuple from a list and return as an Either -- -- >>> pz @(Tuple' 4) "abcdefg" -- Val (Right ('a','b','c','d')) -- -- >>> pz @(Tuple' 4) [] -- Val (Left []) -- -- >>> pl @(Tuple' 4) "abc" -- Present Left "abc" (Tuple'(4) not enough elements(3)) -- Val (Left "abc") -- -- >>> :set -XPolyKinds -- >>> type F n i = ChunksOf' n i Id >> Map (Tuple' n) >> PartitionEithers -- >>> pz @(F 3 1) [1..7] -- Val ([[6,7],[7]],[(1,2,3),(2,3,4),(3,4,5),(4,5,6),(5,6,7)]) -- data Tuple' (n :: Nat) deriving Show instance ( KnownNat n , FailWhenT (n GL.<=? 1) ('GL.Text "Tuple':n cannot be less than two but found n=" 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType n) , TupleC n a , x ~ [a] ) => P (Tuple' n) x where type PP (Tuple' n) x = Either x (TupleT n (ExtractAFromList x)) eval _ opts xs' = let msg0 = "Tuple'(" ++ show n ++ ")" n = nat @n @Int in pure $ case chkSize opts msg0 xs' [] of Left e -> e Right (xsLen,xs) -> let lr = getTupleC @n xs in case lr of Nothing -> mkNode opts (Val (Left xs)) (msg0 <> " not enough elements(" <> show xsLen <> ")") [] Just ret -> mkNode opts (Val (Right ret)) msg0 [] -- | run @p@ with inductive tuples -- -- >>> pz @(EachITuple Succ) (False,(2,(LT,('c',())))) -- Val (True,(3,(EQ,('d',())))) -- -- >>> pz @(EachITuple (Id + (4 >> FromIntegral _))) (1,(1/4,(5%6,()))) -- Val (5 % 1,(17 % 4,(29 % 6,()))) -- -- >>> pz @(ToITuple >> EachITuple (Id + (4 >> FromIntegral _))) (1000,1/4,5%6) -- Val (1004 % 1,(17 % 4,(29 % 6,()))) -- -- >>> pz @(ToITuple >> EachITuple ((Id >> FromIntegral _) + (4 >> FromIntegral _))) (1000::Integer,17::Int) -- Val (1004,(21,())) -- -- >>> pz @(ToITuple >> EachITuple (Dup >> Fst<>Snd)) (SG.Min 1,SG.First 'x',"abcd") -- Val (Min {getMin = 1},(First {getFirst = 'x'},("abcdabcd",()))) -- data EachITuple p deriving Show instance ( P p b , P (EachITuple p) bs ) => P (EachITuple p) (b,bs) where type PP (EachITuple p) (b,bs) = (PP p b, PP (EachITuple p) bs) eval _ opts (b,bs) = do let msg0 = "EachITuple" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts b case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do qq <- eval (Proxy @(EachITuple p)) opts bs pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> e Right q -> qq & ttVal .~ Val (p,q) & ttForest %~ (hh pp:) instance P (EachITuple p) () where type PP (EachITuple p) () = () eval _ opts () = do let msg0 = "EachITuple" pure $ mkNode opts (Val ()) msg0 [] -- | create inductive tuples from flat tuples -- -- >>> pz @(ToITuple >> EachITuple Succ) (1,2,False,'x') -- Val (2,(3,(True,('y',())))) -- data ToITuple deriving Show instance ToITupleC x => P ToITuple x where type PP ToITuple x = ToITupleP x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ToITuple" pure $ mkNode opts (Val (toITupleC x)) msg0 [] -- | create flat tuples from inductive tuples -- -- >>> pz @FromITuple (2,(3,(True,('y',())))) -- Val (2,3,True,'y') -- -- >>> pz @FromITuple () -- Val () -- -- >>> pz @FromITuple (1,()) -- Val 1 -- data FromITuple deriving Show instance FromITupleC x => P FromITuple x where type PP FromITuple x = FromITupleP x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "FromITuple" pure $ mkNode opts (Val (fromITupleC x)) msg0 [] -- | reverse an inductive tuple -- -- >>> pz @ReverseITuple (1.4,(1,(2,(False,('x',()))))) -- Val ('x',(False,(2,(1,(1.4,()))))) -- data ReverseITuple deriving Show instance P ReverseITuple () where type PP ReverseITuple () = () eval _ opts () = do let msg0 = "ReverseITuple" pure $ mkNode opts (Val ()) msg0 [] instance ReverseITupleC x xs () => P ReverseITuple (x,xs) where type PP ReverseITuple (x,xs) = ReverseITupleT x xs () eval _ opts (x,xs) = do let msg0 = "ReverseITuple" pure $ mkNode opts (Val (reverseITupleC x xs ())) msg0 [] -- | create inductive tuples from a list of the exact size @n@ -- -- >>> pz @(ToITupleList 4 >> EachITuple Succ) ['a','c','y','B'] -- Val ('b',('d',('z',('C',())))) -- -- >>> pz @(ToITupleList 4) ['a','c','y','B'] -- Val ('a',('c',('y',('B',())))) -- -- >>> pz @(Take 10 Id >> ToITupleList 10) ['a'..'z'] -- Val ('a',('b',('c',('d',('e',('f',('g',('h',('i',('j',())))))))))) -- data ToITupleList (n :: Nat) deriving Show instance ( KnownNat n , FailWhenT (n GL.<=? 0) ('GL.Text "ToITupleList:n cannot be 0") , ToITupleListC n a , xs ~ [a] ) => P (ToITupleList n) xs where type PP (ToITupleList n) xs = ToITupleListP n (ExtractAFromTA xs) eval _ opts xs' = let msg0 = "ToITupleList(" <> show n <> ")" n = nat @n @Int in pure $ case chkSize opts msg0 xs' [] of Left e -> e Right (xsLen,xs) -> case toITupleListC @n @a xs of Left e -> mkNode opts (Fail e) (msg0 <> " instead found " <> show xsLen) [] Right d -> mkNode opts (Val d) msg0 [] -- | assoc using 'AssocC' -- -- >>> pz @Assoc (This (These 123 'x')) -- Val (These 123 (This 'x')) -- -- >>> pz @Assoc ((99,'a'),True) -- Val (99,('a',True)) -- -- >>> pz @Assoc ((99,'a'),True) -- Val (99,('a',True)) -- -- >>> pz @Assoc (Right "Abc" :: Either (Either () ()) String) -- Val (Right (Right "Abc")) -- -- >>> pz @Assoc (Left (Left 'x')) -- Val (Left 'x') -- -- >>> pl @Assoc ((10,'c'),True) -- Present (10,('c',True)) (Assoc (10,('c',True)) | ((10,'c'),True)) -- Val (10,('c',True)) -- -- >>> pl @(Assoc >> Unassoc) ((10,'c'),True) -- Present ((10,'c'),True) ((>>) ((10,'c'),True) | {Unassoc ((10,'c'),True) | (10,('c',True))}) -- Val ((10,'c'),True) -- data Assoc deriving Show instance ( AssocC p , Show (p (p a b) c) , Show (p a (p b c)) ) => P Assoc (p (p a b) c) where type PP Assoc (p (p a b) c) = p a (p b c) eval _ opts pabc = let msg0 = "Assoc" d = assoc pabc in pure $ mkNode opts (Val d) (show3 opts msg0 d pabc) [] -- | unassoc using 'AssocC' -- -- >>> pz @Unassoc (These 123 (This 'x')) -- Val (This (These 123 'x')) -- -- >>> pz @Unassoc (99,('a',True)) -- Val ((99,'a'),True) -- -- >>> pz @Unassoc (This 10 :: These Int (These Bool ())) -- Val (This (This 10)) -- -- >>> pz @Unassoc (Right (Right 123)) -- Val (Right 123) -- -- >>> pz @Unassoc (Left 'x' :: Either Char (Either Bool Double)) -- Val (Left (Left 'x')) -- -- >>> pl @Unassoc (10,('c',True)) -- Present ((10,'c'),True) (Unassoc ((10,'c'),True) | (10,('c',True))) -- Val ((10,'c'),True) -- data Unassoc deriving Show instance ( AssocC p , Show (p (p a b) c) , Show (p a (p b c)) ) => P Unassoc (p a (p b c)) where type PP Unassoc (p a (p b c)) = p (p a b) c eval _ opts pabc = let msg0 = "Unassoc" d = unassoc pabc in pure $ mkNode opts (Val d) (show3 opts msg0 d pabc) []