{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDeriving #-} -- | promoted regular expression functions module Predicate.Data.Regex ( -- ** functions Re , Re' , Rescan , Rescan' , RescanRanges , RescanRanges' , Resplit , Resplit' , ReplaceAll , ReplaceAll' , ReplaceOne , ReplaceOne' , ReplaceAllString , ReplaceAllString' , ReplaceOneString , ReplaceOneString' , ReplaceFn , ReplaceFn1 , ReplaceFn2 , ReplaceFn3 ) where import Predicate.Core import Predicate.Misc import Predicate.Util import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy)) import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE.Heavy as RH -- $setup -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XTypeOperators -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> import Safe (readNote) -- >>> import Predicate.Prelude -- >>> import Data.Time -- | runs a regular expression with given regex options and returns a boolean: see 'RH.=~' -- -- >>> pl @(Re' '[ 'Caseless, 'Dotall ] "ab" Id) "aB" -- True (Re' ['Caseless, 'Dotall] (ab) | aB) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(Re' '[ 'Caseless, 'Dotall ] "ab." Id) "aB\n" -- True (Re' ['Caseless, 'Dotall] (ab.) | aB -- ) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(Re' '[ 'Caseless ] "ab." Id) "aB\n" -- False (Re' ['Caseless] (ab.) | aB -- ) -- Val False -- data Re' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q deriving Show instance ( GetROpts rs , PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ String , P p x , P q x ) => P (Re' rs p q) x where type PP (Re' rs p q) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Re" <> unlessNull rs ("' " <> displayROpts fs) (fs,rs) = getROpts @rs lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case compileRegex @rs msg1 p of Left (e,e1) -> mkNode opts (Fail e) e1 hhs Right regex -> let b = q RH.=~ regex in mkNodeB opts b (msg1 <> litVerbose opts " | " q) hhs -- | runs a regular expression and returns a boolean: see 'RH.=~' -- -- >>> pz @(Re "^\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}$") "13:05:25" -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(Re "\\d{4}-\\d{3}") "1234-123" -- True (Re (\d{4}-\d{3}) | 1234-123) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(Re "\\d{4}-\\d{3}") "1234-1x3" -- False (Re (\d{4}-\d{3}) | 1234-1x3) -- Val False -- -- >>> pl @(Re "(?i)ab") "aB" -- runtime [use 'Caseless instead] -- True (Re ((?i)ab) | aB) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(Re "ab") "aB" -- False (Re (ab) | aB) -- Val False -- -- >>> pl @(Re "^\\d{1,3}(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3}$") "" -- True (Re (^\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}$) | -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(Guard "regex failed" (Re "^\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?$") >> ReadP Double Id) "13.345" -- Present 13.345 ((>>) 13.345 | {ReadP Double 13.345}) -- Val 13.345 -- -- >>> pl @(Guard "regex failed" (Re "^\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?$") >> ReadP Double Id) "13" -- Present 13.0 ((>>) 13.0 | {ReadP Double 13.0}) -- Val 13.0 -- -- >>> pl @(ExitWhen "regex failed" (Not (Re "^\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?$")) >> ReadP Double Id) "-13.4" -- Error regex failed (Guard | "-13.4") -- Fail "regex failed" -- -- >>> pl @(Re "\\d{4}\\") "ayx" -- Error Regex failed to compile (Re (\d{4}\) ([],[]):\ at end of pattern) -- Fail "Regex failed to compile" -- -- >>> pl @(Re "^\\d+$") "123\nx" -- False (Re (^\d+$) | 123 -- x) -- Val False -- -- >>> pl @(Re "(?m)^\\d+$") "123\nx" -- (?m) anchors match beginning/end of line instead of whole string -- True (Re ((?m)^\d+$) | 123 -- x) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(Catch (Re "\\d+(") 'False) "123" -- False (Catch caught exception[Regex failed to compile]) -- Val False -- -- >>> pl @(Catch (Re "\\d+") 'False) "123" -- True (Catch did not fire) -- Val True -- data Re p deriving Show type ReT p = Re' '[] p Id instance P (ReT p) x => P (Re p) x where type PP (Re p) x = PP (ReT p) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(ReT p)) -- | runs a regex matcher returning the original values and optionally any groups: see 'RH.scan' -- -- >>> pl @(Rescan' '[ 'Anchored ] "([[:xdigit:]]{2})" Id) "wfeb12az" -- Error Regex no results (Rescan' ['Anchored] (([[:xdigit:]]{2})) | "wfeb12az") -- Fail "Regex no results" -- -- >>> pz @(Rescan' '[] Snd "13:05:25") ('a',"^(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})$") -- Val [("13:05:25",["13","05","25"])] -- -- >>> pz @('(Id,Intercalate '["\\."] (Repeat 4 "([01]?\\d?\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])") >> Concat) >> Rescan' '[] ("^" <> Snd <> "$") Fst) "" -- have to use Rescan' here: Lift helps not! -- Val [("",["1","2","3","255"])] -- -- >>> pz @('(Id,Intercalate '["\\."] (Repeat 4 "([01]?\\d?\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])") >> Concat) >> Rescan' '[] ("^" <> Snd <> "$") Fst >> FMap (Second (FMap (ReadP Int Id)))) "" -- Val [("",[1,2,3,255])] -- data Rescan' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q deriving Show instance ( GetROpts rs , PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ String , P p x , P q x ) => P (Rescan' rs p q) x where type PP (Rescan' rs p q) x = [(String, [String])] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Rescan" <> unlessNull rs ("' " <> displayROpts fs) (fs,rs) = getROpts @rs lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case compileRegex @rs msg1 p of Left (e,e1) -> mkNode opts (Fail e) e1 hhs Right regex -> let r = getMaxRecursionValue opts in case splitAt r $ RH.scan regex q of (b, _:_) -> mkNode opts (Fail ("Regex looping(" ++ show r ++ ")")) (msg1 <> " " <> show (take 10 b) <> "..." <> showVerbose opts " | " q) hhs ([], _) -> -- this is a failure because an empty string is returned: so reuse p? mkNode opts (Fail "Regex no results") (msg1 <> showVerbose opts " | " q) [hh pp, hh qq] (b, _) -> mkNode opts (Val b) (lit3 opts msg1 b "" q) [hh pp, hh qq] -- | see 'RH.scan' -- -- >>> pz @(Rescan "^(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})$") "13:05:25" -- Val [("13:05:25",["13","05","25"])] -- -- >>> pz @(Rescan "^(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})$" >> L2 Head >> Map (ReadP Int Id)) "13:05:25" -- Val [13,5,25] -- -- >>> pl @(Rescan "(\\d+)\\D?" >> Map (Second (ReadP Int (OneP)))) "123-444-987" -- Present [("123-",123),("444-",444),("987",987)] ((>>) [("123-",123),("444-",444),("987",987)] | {Map [("123-",123),("444-",444),("987",987)] | [("123-",["123"]),("444-",["444"]),("987",["987"])]}) -- Val [("123-",123),("444-",444),("987",987)] -- -- >>> pl @(Rescan ".(.)") "aBcd" -- Present [("aB",["B"]),("cd",["d"])] (Rescan (.(.)) [("aB",["B"]),("cd",["d"])] | aBcd) -- Val [("aB",["B"]),("cd",["d"])] -- -- >>> pl @(Rescan "\\d{1,3}(\\.)?") "" -- Present [("123.",["."]),("8.",["."]),("99.",["."]),("21",[])] (Rescan (\d{1,3}(\.)?) [("123.",["."]),("8.",["."]),("99.",["."]),("21",[])] | -- Val [("123.",["."]),("8.",["."]),("99.",["."]),("21",[])] -- -- >>> pl @(Map' Fst (Rescan "." << ShowP Id) >> Filter (Same "2") Id) 12324 -- Present ["2","2"] ((>>) ["2","2"] | {Fst ["2","2"] | (["2","2"],["1","3","4"])}) -- Val ["2","2"] -- -- >>> pl @(Rescan "(\\d)+?") "1234" -- Present [("1",["1"]),("2",["2"]),("3",["3"]),("4",["4"])] (Rescan ((\d)+?) [("1",["1"]),("2",["2"]),("3",["3"]),("4",["4"])] | 1234) -- Val [("1",["1"]),("2",["2"]),("3",["3"]),("4",["4"])] -- -- >>> pl @(Rescan "(\\d)+") "1234" -- Present [("1234",["4"])] (Rescan ((\d)+) [("1234",["4"])] | 1234) -- Val [("1234",["4"])] -- -- >>> pl @(Rescan "(\\d{1,3})(\\.(\\d{1,3}))+?") "" -- overcapturing -- Present [("1.2",["1",".2","2"]),("3.4",["3",".4","4"])] (Rescan ((\d{1,3})(\.(\d{1,3}))+?) [("1.2",["1",".2","2"]),("3.4",["3",".4","4"])] | -- Val [("1.2",["1",".2","2"]),("3.4",["3",".4","4"])] -- -- >>> pl @(Rescan "^(\\d)+?$") "1234" -- Present [("1234",["4"])] (Rescan (^(\d)+?$) [("1234",["4"])] | 1234) -- Val [("1234",["4"])] -- -- >>> pl @(Rescan "(\\d{1,3})(\\.(\\d{1,3}))+?") "" -- Present [("1.2",["1",".2","2"]),("3.4",["3",".4","4"])] (Rescan ((\d{1,3})(\.(\d{1,3}))+?) [("1.2",["1",".2","2"]),("3.4",["3",".4","4"])] | -- Val [("1.2",["1",".2","2"]),("3.4",["3",".4","4"])] -- -- >>> pl @(Rescan "(\\d{1,3})(?:\\.(\\d{1,3}))+?") "" -- bizzare! -- Present [("1.2",["1","2"]),("3.4",["3","4"])] (Rescan ((\d{1,3})(?:\.(\d{1,3}))+?) [("1.2",["1","2"]),("3.4",["3","4"])] | -- Val [("1.2",["1","2"]),("3.4",["3","4"])] -- -- >>> pl @(Rescan "^(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})$") "" -- Present [("",["1","2","3","4"])] (Rescan (^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$) [("",["1","2","3","4"])] | -- Val [("",["1","2","3","4"])] -- -- >>> pl @(Rescan "([[:xdigit:]]{2})") "wfeb12az" -- Present [("fe",["fe"]),("b1",["b1"]),("2a",["2a"])] (Rescan (([[:xdigit:]]{2})) [("fe",["fe"]),("b1",["b1"]),("2a",["2a"])] | wfeb12az) -- Val [("fe",["fe"]),("b1",["b1"]),("2a",["2a"])] -- -- >>> pz @(Rescan "^Date\\((\\d+)(\\d{3}[+-]\\d{4})\\)" >> Head >> Snd >> (Id !! 0 <> "." <> Id !! 1) >> ParseTimeP ZonedTime "%s%Q%z") "Date(1593460089052+0800)" -- Val 2020-06-30 03:48:09.052 +0800 -- data Rescan p deriving Show type RescanT p = Rescan' '[] p Id instance P (RescanT p) x => P (Rescan p) x where type PP (Rescan p) x = PP (RescanT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(RescanT p)) -- | similar to 'RescanRanges' but also allows the regex options @rs@ to be specified data RescanRanges' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q deriving Show instance ( GetROpts rs , PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ String , P p x , P q x ) => P (RescanRanges' rs p q) x where type PP (RescanRanges' rs p q) x = [((Int,Int), [(Int,Int)])] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "RescanRanges" <> unlessNull rs ("' " <> displayROpts fs) (fs,rs) = getROpts @rs lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case compileRegex @rs msg1 p of Left (e,e1) -> mkNode opts (Fail e) e1 hhs Right regex -> let r = getMaxRecursionValue opts in case splitAt r $ RH.scanRanges regex q of (b, _:_) -> mkNode opts (Fail ("Regex looping(" ++ show r ++ ")")) (msg1 <> " " <> show (take 10 b) <> "..." <> showVerbose opts " | " q) hhs ([], _) -> -- this is a failure because an empty string is returned: so reuse p? mkNode opts (Fail "Regex no results") (msg1 <> showVerbose opts " | " q) hhs (b, _) -> mkNode opts (Val b) (lit3 opts msg1 b "" q) hhs -- | see 'RH.scanRanges' -- -- >>> pz @(RescanRanges "^(\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})$" Id) "13:05:25" -- Val [((0,8),[(0,2),(3,5),(6,8)])] -- data RescanRanges p q deriving Show type RescanRangesT p q = RescanRanges' '[] p q instance P (RescanRangesT p q) x => P (RescanRanges p q) x where type PP (RescanRanges p q) x = PP (RescanRangesT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(RescanRangesT p q)) -- | splits a string on a regex delimiter: see 'RH.split' -- -- >>> pl @(Resplit' '[ 'Caseless ] "aBc" Id) "123AbC456abc" -- Present ["123","456",""] (Resplit' ['Caseless] (aBc) ["123","456",""] | 123AbC456abc) -- Val ["123","456",""] -- -- >>> pz @(Resplit' '[] (Singleton Fst) Snd) (':', "12:13:1") -- Val ["12","13","1"] -- data Resplit' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q deriving Show instance ( GetROpts rs , PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ String , P p x , P q x ) => P (Resplit' rs p q) x where type PP (Resplit' rs p q) x = [String] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Resplit" <> unlessNull rs ("' " <> displayROpts fs) (fs,rs) = getROpts @rs lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case compileRegex @rs msg1 p of Left (e,e1) -> mkNode opts (Fail e) e1 hhs Right regex -> let r = getMaxRecursionValue opts in case splitAt r $ RH.split regex q of (b, _:_) -> mkNode opts (Fail ("Regex looping(" ++ show r ++ ")")) (msg1 <> " " <> show (take 10 b) <> "..." <> showVerbose opts " | " q) hhs ([], _) -> -- this is a failure because an empty string is returned: so reuse p? mkNode opts (Fail "Regex no results") (msg1 <> showVerbose opts " | " q) hhs (b, _) -> mkNode opts (Val b) (lit3 opts msg1 b "" q) hhs -- | splits a string on a regex delimiter: see 'RH.split' -- -- >>> pz @(Resplit "\\.") "" -- Val ["141","201","1","22"] -- -- >>> pl @(Resplit "\\.") "" -- Present ["123","2","3","5","6"] (Resplit (\.) ["123","2","3","5","6"] | -- Val ["123","2","3","5","6"] -- -- >>> pl @(Map' (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\.") >> '(Id, '(Len == 4, All (0 <..> 0xff)))) "" -- Present ([141,214,125,1,2,3333],(False,False)) ((>>) ([141,214,125,1,2,3333],(False,False)) | {'([141,214,125,1,2,3333],(False,False))}) -- Val ([141,214,125,1,2,3333],(False,False)) -- -- >>> pl @(Map' (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\.") >> Id &&& ((Len == 4) &&& All (0 <..> 0xff))) "" -- Present ([141,214,125,1,2,6],(False,True)) ((>>) ([141,214,125,1,2,6],(False,True)) | {'([141,214,125,1,2,6],(False,True))}) -- Val ([141,214,125,1,2,6],(False,True)) -- -- >>> pl @(Resplit "\\." >> Map (ReadP Int Id) >> Id &&& ((Len == 4) &&& All (0 <..> 0xff))) "141.214.125." -- Error ReadP Int () (Map(i=3, a="") excnt=1) -- Fail "ReadP Int ()" -- data Resplit p deriving Show type ResplitT p = Resplit' '[] p Id instance P (ResplitT p) x => P (Resplit p) x where type PP (Resplit p) x = PP (ResplitT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ResplitT p)) data ReplaceImpl (alle :: Bool) (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r deriving Show instance ( GetBool b , GetROpts rs , PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ RReplace , PP r x ~ String , P p x , P q x , P r x ) => P (ReplaceImpl b rs p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceImpl b rs p q r) x = String eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Replace" <> (if alle then "All" else "One") <> unlessNull rs ("' " <> displayROpts fs) (fs,rs) = getROpts @rs alle = getBool @b lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case compileRegex @rs msg1 p of Left (e,e1) -> pure $ mkNode opts (Fail e) e1 hhs Right regex -> do rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 rr hhs of Left e -> e Right r -> let ret :: String ret = case q of RReplace o s -> let g fn = (if alle then RH.gsub else RH.sub) regex fn r in g (case o of RPrepend -> (s <>) ROverWrite -> const s RAppend -> (<> s)) RReplace1 s -> (if alle then RH.gsub else RH.sub) regex s r RReplace2 s -> (if alle then RH.gsub else RH.sub) regex s r RReplace3 s -> (if alle then RH.gsub else RH.sub) regex s r in mkNode opts (Val ret) (msg1 <> " " <> litL opts r <> litVerbose opts " | " ret) (hhs <> [hh rr]) -- | replaces all values using regex @p@ with a replacement function @q@ inside the value @r@ using regex options @rs@ data ReplaceAll' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r deriving Show type ReplaceAllT' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r = ReplaceImpl 'True rs p q r instance P (ReplaceAllT' rs p q r) x => P (ReplaceAll' rs p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceAll' rs p q r) x = PP (ReplaceAllT' rs p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceAllT' rs p q r)) -- | replaces all values using regex @p@ with a replacement function @q@ inside the value @r@ data ReplaceAll p q r deriving Show type ReplaceAllT p q r = ReplaceAll' '[] p q r instance P (ReplaceAllT p q r) x => P (ReplaceAll p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceAll p q r) x = PP (ReplaceAllT p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceAllT p q r)) -- | replaces the first value using regex @p@ with a replacement function @q@ inside the value @r@ using regex options @rs@ data ReplaceOne' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r deriving Show type ReplaceOneT' (rs :: [ROpt]) p q r = ReplaceImpl 'False rs p q r instance P (ReplaceOneT' rs p q r) x => P (ReplaceOne' rs p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceOne' rs p q r) x = PP (ReplaceOneT' rs p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceOneT' rs p q r)) -- | replaces first value using regex @p@ with a replacement function @q@ inside the value @r@ data ReplaceOne p q r deriving Show type ReplaceOneT p q r = ReplaceOne' '[] p q r instance P (ReplaceOneT p q r) x => P (ReplaceOne p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceOne p q r) x = PP (ReplaceOneT p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceOneT p q r)) -- | replace all occurrences of string @p@ with @q@ in @r@ using regex options @rs@ data ReplaceAllString' (rs :: [ROpt]) (o :: ReplaceFnSub) p q r deriving Show type ReplaceAllStringT' (rs :: [ROpt]) (o :: ReplaceFnSub) p q r = ReplaceAll' rs p (ReplaceFn o q) r instance P (ReplaceAllStringT' rs o p q r) x => P (ReplaceAllString' rs o p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceAllString' rs o p q r) x = PP (ReplaceAllStringT' rs o p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceAllStringT' rs o p q r)) -- | replace all occurrences of string @p@ with @q@ in @r@ -- -- >>> pl @(ReplaceAllString 'ROverWrite "abc" "def" Id) "123abc456abc" -- Present "123def456def" (ReplaceAll (abc) 123abc456abc | 123def456def) -- Val "123def456def" -- -- >>> pl @(ReplaceAllString' '[] 'ROverWrite "abc" "def" Id) "123AbC456abc" -- Present "123AbC456def" (ReplaceAll (abc) 123AbC456abc | 123AbC456def) -- Val "123AbC456def" -- -- >>> pl @(ReplaceAllString' '[ 'Caseless ] 'ROverWrite "abc" "def" Id) "123AbC456abc" -- Present "123def456def" (ReplaceAll' ['Caseless] (abc) 123AbC456abc | 123def456def) -- Val "123def456def" -- -- >>> pl @(ReplaceAllString 'RPrepend "abc" "def" Id) "123AbC456abc" -- Present "123AbC456defabc" (ReplaceAll (abc) 123AbC456abc | 123AbC456defabc) -- Val "123AbC456defabc" -- -- >>> pl @(ReplaceAllString 'ROverWrite "abc" "def" Id) "123AbC456abc" -- Present "123AbC456def" (ReplaceAll (abc) 123AbC456abc | 123AbC456def) -- Val "123AbC456def" -- -- >>> pl @(ReplaceAllString 'RAppend "abc" "def" Id) "123AbC456abc" -- Present "123AbC456abcdef" (ReplaceAll (abc) 123AbC456abc | 123AbC456abcdef) -- Val "123AbC456abcdef" -- -- >>> pz @(ReplaceAllString 'ROverWrite "\\." ":" Id) "" -- Val "141:201:1:22" -- data ReplaceAllString o p q r deriving Show type ReplaceAllStringT o p q r = ReplaceAllString' '[] o p q r instance P (ReplaceAllStringT o p q r) x => P (ReplaceAllString o p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceAllString o p q r) x = PP (ReplaceAllStringT o p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceAllStringT o p q r)) -- | same as 'ReplaceOneString' but allow setting regex options with @rs@ data ReplaceOneString' (rs :: [ROpt]) (o :: ReplaceFnSub) p q r deriving Show type ReplaceOneStringT' (rs :: [ROpt]) (o :: ReplaceFnSub) p q r = ReplaceOne' rs p (ReplaceFn o q) r instance P (ReplaceOneStringT' rs o p q r) x => P (ReplaceOneString' rs o p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceOneString' rs o p q r) x = PP (ReplaceOneStringT' rs o p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceOneStringT' rs o p q r)) -- | replace first occurrence of string @p@ with @q@ in @r@ -- -- >>> pl @(ReplaceOneString 'ROverWrite "abc" "def" Id) "123abc456abc" -- Present "123def456abc" (ReplaceOne (abc) 123abc456abc | 123def456abc) -- Val "123def456abc" -- -- >>> pz @(Rescan "^Date\\((\\d+[+-]\\d{4})\\)" >> Head >> Snd >> Id !! 0 >> ReplaceOneString 'RPrepend "\\d{3}[+-]" "." Id >> ParseTimeP ZonedTime "%s%Q%z") "Date(1530144000123+0530)" -- Val 2018-06-28 05:30:00.123 +0530 -- -- >>> pz @(Rescan "^Date\\((\\d+[+-]\\d{4})\\)" >> Head >> Snd >> Id !! 0 >> ReplaceOneString 'RPrepend "\\d{3}[+-]" "." Id >> ParseTimeP ZonedTime "%s%Q%z") "Date(1593460089052+0800)" -- Val 2020-06-30 03:48:09.052 +0800 -- data ReplaceOneString (o :: ReplaceFnSub) p q r deriving Show type ReplaceOneStringT (o :: ReplaceFnSub) p q r = ReplaceOneString' '[] o p q r instance P (ReplaceOneStringT o p q r) x => P (ReplaceOneString o p q r) x where type PP (ReplaceOneString o p q r) x = PP (ReplaceOneStringT o p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ReplaceOneStringT o p q r)) -- | Simple replacement string: see 'ReplaceAllString' and 'ReplaceOneString' -- data ReplaceFn (o :: ReplaceFnSub) p deriving Show instance ( GetReplaceFnSub r , PP p x ~ String , P p x ) => P (ReplaceFn r p) x where type PP (ReplaceFn r p) x = RReplace eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ReplaceFn" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let b = RReplace (getReplaceFnSub @r) p in mkNode opts (Val b) (msg0 <> showVerbose opts " | " p) [hh pp] -- | A replacement function @(String -> [String] -> String)@ which returns the whole match and the groups -- Used by 'RH.sub' and 'RH.gsub' -- -- Requires "Text.Show.Functions" -- data ReplaceFn1 p deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ (String -> [String] -> String) , P p x ) => P (ReplaceFn1 p) x where type PP (ReplaceFn1 p) x = RReplace eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ReplaceFn1 (String -> [String] -> String)" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right f -> mkNode opts (Val (RReplace1 f)) msg0 [hh pp] -- | A replacement function @(String -> String)@ that yields the whole match -- Used by 'RH.sub' and 'RH.gsub' -- -- Requires "Text.Show.Functions" -- -- >>> :m + Text.Show.Functions -- >>> pz @(ReplaceAll "\\." (ReplaceFn2 Fst) Snd) (\x -> x <> ":" <> x, "") -- Val "141.:.201.:.1.:.22" -- data ReplaceFn2 p deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ (String -> String) , P p x ) => P (ReplaceFn2 p) x where type PP (ReplaceFn2 p) x = RReplace eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ReplaceFn2 (String -> String)" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right f -> mkNode opts (Val (RReplace2 f)) msg0 [hh pp] -- | A replacement function @([String] -> String)@ which yields the groups -- Used by 'RH.sub' and 'RH.gsub' -- -- Requires "Text.Show.Functions" -- -- >>> :m + Text.Show.Functions -- >>> import Data.List (intercalate) -- >>> pz @(ReplaceAll "^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)$" (ReplaceFn3 Fst) Snd) (\ys -> intercalate " | " $ map (show . succ . readNote @Int "invalid int") ys, "") -- Val "142 | 202 | 2 | 23" -- data ReplaceFn3 p deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ ([String] -> String) , P p x ) => P (ReplaceFn3 p) x where type PP (ReplaceFn3 p) x = RReplace eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ReplaceFn3 ([String] -> String)" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right f -> mkNode opts (Val (RReplace3 f)) msg0 [hh pp]