{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDeriving #-} -- | promoted 'Maybe' functions module Predicate.Data.Maybe ( -- ** boolean predicates IsNothing , IsJust -- ** constructors , MkNothing , MkNothing' , MkJust -- ** get rid of Maybe , Just' , JustDef , JustFail , MapMaybe , CatMaybes , MaybeBool , MaybeIn , MaybeId -- ** type families , MaybeInT ) where import Predicate.Core import Predicate.Misc import Predicate.Util import Predicate.Data.Foldable (ConcatMap) import Predicate.Data.Monoid (MEmptyP) import Predicate.Data.Lifted (EmptyBool) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing) import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage((:$$:),(:<>:))) import qualified GHC.TypeLits as GL -- $setup -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XTypeOperators -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M -- >>> import Predicate.Prelude -- >>> import qualified Data.Semigroup as SG -- | similar to 'Data.Maybe.fromJust' -- -- >>> pz @(Just' >> Succ) (Just 20) -- Val 21 -- -- >>> pz @(Just' >> Succ) Nothing -- Fail "Just' found Nothing" -- data Just' deriving Show instance Show a => P Just' (Maybe a) where type PP Just' (Maybe a) = a eval _ opts lr = let msg0 = "Just'" in pure $ case lr of Nothing -> mkNode opts (Fail (msg0 <> " found Nothing")) "" [] Just a -> mkNode opts (Val a) (msg0 <> " " <> showL opts a) [] -- | constructs a Nothing for a given type data MkNothing' t deriving Show -- works always! MaybeBool is a good alternative and then dont need the extra 't' -- for this to be useful has to have 't' else we end up with tons of problems instance P (MkNothing' t) a where type PP (MkNothing' t) a = Maybe (PP t a) eval _ opts _ = let msg0 = "MkNothing" in pure $ mkNode opts (Val Nothing) msg0 [] -- | constructs a Nothing for a given type data MkNothing (t :: Type) deriving Show type MkNothingT (t :: Type) = MkNothing' (Hole t) instance P (MkNothing t) x where type PP (MkNothing t) x = PP (MkNothingT t) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MkNothingT t)) -- | 'GHC.Maybe.Just' constructor -- -- >>> pz @(MkJust Id) 44 -- Val (Just 44) -- data MkJust p deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ a , P p x , Show a ) => P (MkJust p) x where type PP (MkJust p) x = Maybe (PP p x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "MkJust" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = Just p in mkNode opts (Val d) (msg0 <> " Just " <> showL opts p) [hh pp] -- | similar to 'Data.Maybe.isJust' -- -- >>> pz @IsJust Nothing -- Val False -- -- >>> pz @IsJust (Just 'a') -- Val True -- data IsJust deriving Show instance x ~ Maybe a => P IsJust x where type PP IsJust x = Bool eval _ opts x = pure $ mkNodeB opts (isJust x) "IsJust" [] -- | similar to 'Data.Maybe.isNothing' -- -- >>> pz @IsNothing (Just 123) -- Val False -- -- >>> pz @IsNothing Nothing -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(Not IsNothing &&& ('Just Id >> Id + 12)) (Just 1) -- Present (True,13) ('(True,13)) -- Val (True,13) -- -- >>> pl @(Not IsNothing &&& ('Just Id >> Id + 12)) Nothing -- Error 'Just(empty) ('(,)) -- Fail "'Just(empty)" -- data IsNothing deriving Show instance x ~ Maybe a => P IsNothing x where type PP IsNothing x = Bool eval _ opts x = pure $ mkNodeB opts (isNothing x) "IsNothing" [] -- | like 'Data.Maybe.mapMaybe' -- -- >>> pl @(MapMaybe (MaybeBool (Le 3) Id) Id) [1..5] -- Present [1,2,3] ((>>) [1,2,3] | {Concat [1,2,3] | [[1],[2],[3],[],[]]}) -- Val [1,2,3] -- -- >>> pl @(MapMaybe (MaybeBool (Gt 3) Id) Id) [1..5] -- Present [4,5] ((>>) [4,5] | {Concat [4,5] | [[],[],[],[4],[5]]}) -- Val [4,5] -- data MapMaybe p q deriving Show type MapMaybeT p q = ConcatMap (p >> MaybeId MEmptyP '[Id]) q instance P (MapMaybeT p q) x => P (MapMaybe p q) x where type PP (MapMaybe p q) x = PP (MapMaybeT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MapMaybeT p q)) -- | similar to 'Data.Maybe.catMaybes' -- -- >>> pl @CatMaybes [Just 'a',Nothing,Just 'c',Just 'd',Nothing] -- Present "acd" ((>>) "acd" | {Concat "acd" | ["a","","c","d",""]}) -- Val "acd" -- data CatMaybes deriving Show type CatMaybesT = MapMaybe Id Id instance P CatMaybesT x => P CatMaybes x where type PP CatMaybes x = PP CatMaybesT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @CatMaybesT) -- | Convenient method to convert a value @p@ to a 'Maybe' based on a predicate @b@ -- if @b@ then Just @p@ else Nothing -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeBool (Id > 4) Id) 24 -- Val (Just 24) -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeBool (Id > 4) Id) (-5) -- Val Nothing -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeBool 'True 10) () -- Val (Just 10) -- data MaybeBool b p deriving Show type MaybeBoolT b p = EmptyBool Maybe b p instance P (MaybeBoolT b p) x => P (MaybeBool b p) x where type PP (MaybeBool b p) x = PP (MaybeBoolT b p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MaybeBoolT b p)) -- | extract the value from a 'Maybe' otherwise use the default value: similar to 'Data.Maybe.fromMaybe' -- -- >>> pl @(JustDef 'True Id) Nothing -- preserves TrueP/FalseP in the default case -- True (JustDef Nothing) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(JustDef (Fst > 12) Snd) (3,Just False) -- ValP for normal case -- Present False (JustDef Just) -- Val False -- -- >>> pl @(JustDef Fst Snd) (True,Nothing) -- Present True (JustDef Nothing) -- Val True -- -- >>> pz @(JustDef (1 % 4) Id) (Just 20.4) -- Val (102 % 5) -- -- >>> pz @(JustDef (1 % 4) Id) Nothing -- Val (1 % 4) -- -- >>> pz @(JustDef (MEmptyT _) Id) (Just "xy") -- Val "xy" -- -- >>> pz @(JustDef (MEmptyT _) Id) Nothing -- Val () -- -- >>> pz @(JustDef (MEmptyT (SG.Sum _)) Id) Nothing -- Val (Sum {getSum = 0}) -- -- >>> pl @(JustDef 0 Id) (Just 123) -- Present 123 (JustDef Just) -- Val 123 -- -- >>> pl @(JustDef 0 Id) Nothing -- Present 0 (JustDef Nothing) -- Val 0 -- -- >>> pl @(JustDef 99 Id) (Just 12) -- Present 12 (JustDef Just) -- Val 12 -- -- >>> pl @(JustDef 99 Id) Nothing -- Present 99 (JustDef Nothing) -- Val 99 -- -- >>> pl @(JustDef (99 -% 1) Id) Nothing -- Present (-99) % 1 (JustDef Nothing) -- Val ((-99) % 1) -- -- >>> pl @(JustDef (MEmptyT _) Id) (Just (SG.Sum 123)) -- Present Sum {getSum = 123} (JustDef Just) -- Val (Sum {getSum = 123}) -- -- >>> pl @(JustDef (MEmptyT _) Id) (Nothing @(SG.Sum _)) -- Present Sum {getSum = 0} (JustDef Nothing) -- Val (Sum {getSum = 0}) -- data JustDef p q deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ a , PP q x ~ Maybe a , P p x , P q x ) => P (JustDef p q) x where type PP (JustDef p q) x = MaybeT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "JustDef" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of Just b -> pure $ mkNode opts (Val b) (msg0 <> " Just") [hh qq] Nothing -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right _ -> mkNodeCopy opts pp (msg0 <> " Nothing") [hh qq] -- | extract the value from a 'Maybe' or fail with the given message -- -- >>> pz @(JustFail "nope" Id) (Just 99) -- Val 99 -- -- >>> pz @(JustFail "nope" Id) Nothing -- Fail "nope" -- -- >>> pz @(JustFail (PrintF "oops=%d" Snd) Fst) (Nothing, 123) -- Fail "oops=123" -- -- >>> pz @(JustFail (PrintF "oops=%d" Snd) Fst) (Just 'x', 123) -- Val 'x' -- data JustFail p q deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ String , PP q x ~ Maybe a , P p x , P q x ) => P (JustFail p q) x where type PP (JustFail p q) x = MaybeT (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "JustFail" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> case q of Just b -> pure $ mkNode opts (Val b) (msg0 <> " Just") [hh qq] Nothing -> do pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (Fail p) (msg0 <> " Nothing") [hh qq, hh pp] -- | destructs an Maybe value -- @n@ @Nothing@ receives @(PP s x,Proxy result)@ (you can use the proxy with MEmptyP) -- @p@ @Just a@ receives @(PP s x,a)@ -- @s@ points to the environment you want to pass in -- @t@ points to the Maybe value -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeIn Fst Snd Fst Snd) ('a', Just 'x') -- Val 'x' -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeIn Fst Snd Fst Snd) ('a', Nothing) -- Val 'a' -- -- >>> pl @(MaybeIn "none" "just"() Id) (Just (SG.Sum 12)) -- Present "just" (MaybeIn(Just) "just" | Sum {getSum = 12}) -- Val "just" -- -- >>> pl @(MaybeIn (Snd >> FailP "oops") Snd Fst Snd) ("abc", Nothing) -- Error oops (Proxy | MaybeIn(Nothing) n failed) -- Fail "oops" -- -- >>> pl @(MaybeIn (Snd >> MEmptyP) Snd Fst Snd) ("abc", Nothing) -- Present () (MaybeIn(Nothing) () | ()) -- Val () -- data MaybeIn n p s t deriving Show instance ( Show a , Show (PP p (y,a)) , P n (y,Proxy z) , P p (y,a) , PP n (y,Proxy z) ~ PP p (y,a) , z ~ PP p (y,a) , P s x , P t x , PP t x ~ Maybe a , PP s x ~ y ) => P (MaybeIn n p s t) x where type PP (MaybeIn n p s t) x = MaybeInT p (PP s x) (PP t x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "MaybeIn" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @s) (Proxy @t) opts x [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (s,t,ss,tt) -> do let hhs = [hh ss, hh tt] case t of Nothing -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> "(Nothing)" nn <- eval (Proxy @n) opts (s,Proxy @z) pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts (msg1 <> " n failed") nn hhs of Left e -> e Right c -> mkNodeCopy opts nn (show3 opts msg1 c ()) hhs Just a -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> "(Just)" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts (s,a) pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts (msg1 <> " p failed") pp hhs of Left e -> e Right c -> mkNodeCopy opts pp (show3 opts msg1 c a) hhs type family MaybeInT (p :: k) (y :: Type) (ma :: Type) where MaybeInT p y (Maybe a) = PP p (y,a) MaybeInT _ _ o = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "MaybeInT: expected 'Maybe a' " ':$$: 'GL.Text "o = " ':<>: 'GL.ShowType o) -- | simple version of 'MaybeIn' with Id as the Maybe value and the environment set to () -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeId '("x","oops") '(Id,"fromjust")) (Just "ok") -- Val ("ok","fromjust") -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeId '("x","oops") '(Id,"fromjust")) Nothing -- Val ("x","oops") -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeId "found nothing" (ShowP Pred)) (Just 20) -- Val "19" -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeId "found nothing" (ShowP Pred)) Nothing -- Val "found nothing" -- -- >>> pl @(MaybeId 'True Id) Nothing -- True (MaybeIn(Nothing) True | ()) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(MaybeId 'True IdBool) (Just False) -- False (MaybeIn(Just) False | False) -- Val False -- -- >>> pl @(MaybeId (FailT _ "failed4") Id) (Just 10) -- Present 10 (MaybeIn(Just) 10 | 10) -- Val 10 -- -- >>> pl @(MaybeId 'False Id) Nothing -- False (MaybeIn(Nothing) False | ()) -- Val False -- -- >>> pl @(MaybeId (FailT _ "err") Id) Nothing -- Error err (Proxy | MaybeIn(Nothing) n failed) -- Fail "err" -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeId 99 Id) (Just 12) -- Val 12 -- -- >>> pz @(MaybeId 99 Id) Nothing -- Val 99 -- -- >>> pl @(MaybeId MEmptyP Ones) (Just "ab") -- Present ["a","b"] (MaybeIn(Just) ["a","b"] | "ab") -- Val ["a","b"] -- -- >>> pl @(MaybeId MEmptyP Ones) Nothing -- Present [] (MaybeIn(Nothing) [] | ()) -- Val [] -- -- >>> pl @(MaybeId MEmptyP (Fst ==! Snd)) (Just ('x','z')) -- Present LT (MaybeIn(Just) LT | ('x','z')) -- Val LT -- -- >>> pl @(MaybeId MEmptyP (Fst ==! Snd)) (Nothing @(Char,Char)) -- Present EQ (MaybeIn(Nothing) EQ | ()) -- Val EQ -- data MaybeId n p deriving Show type MaybeIdT n p = MaybeIn (Snd >> n) (Snd >> p) () Id instance P (MaybeIdT n p) x => P (MaybeId n p) x where type PP (MaybeId n p) x = PP (MaybeIdT n p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MaybeIdT n p))