{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDeriving #-} -- | promoted list functions module Predicate.Data.List ( -- ** constructors type (:+) , type (+:) , type (++) , Singleton -- ** destructors , Uncons , Unsnoc , Head , Tail , Init , Last -- ** sort , SortBy , SortOn , SortOnDesc , Sort -- ** zip related , Unzip , Unzip3 , ZipL , ZipR , Zip , ZipWith , ZipCartesian , ZipPad -- ** higher order methods , Partition , Quant , All1 , PartitionBy , Group , GroupBy , GroupCnt , GroupCntStable , Filter , Break , Span , Intercalate , PartitionsBy , IMap , IList -- ** miscellaneous , Elem , Inits , Tails , Ones , PadL , PadR , SplitAts , SplitAt , ChunksOf , ChunksOf' , Rotate , Take , Drop , Remove , Keep , Reverse , ReverseL , Nub , Sum , Product , Min , Max , IsPrefix , IsInfix , IsSuffix ) where import Predicate.Core import Predicate.Misc import Predicate.Util import Predicate.Data.Ordering (type (==), Comparing, type (>)) import Predicate.Data.Numeric (Mod, type (-)) import Predicate.Data.Enum (type (...)) import Predicate.Data.Monoid (type (<>)) import Control.Lens import Data.List (foldl', partition, intercalate, inits, tails, unfoldr, sortOn) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy)) import Control.Monad (zipWithM) import Data.Foldable (toList) import Control.Arrow (Arrow((***), (&&&))) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Bool (bool) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Control.Applicative (liftA2) import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE -- $setup -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XTypeOperators -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> :set -XNoOverloadedLists -- >>> import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M -- >>> import qualified Data.Semigroup as SG -- >>> import qualified Data.Text as T -- >>> import Data.These -- >>> import Predicate.Prelude -- | similar to (++) -- -- >>> pz @(Fst ++ Snd) ([9,10,11],[1,2,3,4]) -- Val [9,10,11,1,2,3,4] -- -- >>> pz @(Snd ++ Fst) ([],[5]) -- Val [5] -- -- >>> pz @(C "xyz" :+ W "ab" ++ W "cdefg") () -- Val "xabcdefg" -- -- >>> pz @([1,2,3] ++ EmptyList _) "somestuff" -- Val [1,2,3] -- data p ++ q deriving Show infixr 5 ++ instance ( P p x , P q x , Show (PP p x) , PP p x ~ [a] , PP q x ~ [a] ) => P (p ++ q) x where type PP (p ++ q) x = PP q x eval _ opts z = do let msg0 = "(++)" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts z [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let b = p ++ q in mkNode opts (Val b) (show3' opts msg0 b "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) [hh pp, hh qq] -- cant directly create a singleton type using '[] since the type of '[] is unknown. instead use 'Singleton' or 'EmptyT' -- | similar to cons -- -- >>> pz @(Fst :+ Snd) (99,[1,2,3,4]) -- Val [99,1,2,3,4] -- -- >>> pz @(Snd :+ Fst) ([],5) -- Val [5] -- -- >>> pz @(123 :+ EmptyList _) "somestuff" -- Val [123] -- -- >>> pl @(Flip (:+) Fst Snd) ([1..5],99) -- Present [99,1,2,3,4,5] ((:+) [99,1,2,3,4,5] | p=99 | q=[1,2,3,4,5]) -- Val [99,1,2,3,4,5] -- -- >>> pl @(Fst :+ Snd) (99,[1..5]) -- Present [99,1,2,3,4,5] ((:+) [99,1,2,3,4,5] | p=99 | q=[1,2,3,4,5]) -- Val [99,1,2,3,4,5] -- -- >>> pl @(4 :+ '[1,2,3]) () -- Present [4,1,2,3] ((:+) [4,1,2,3] | p=4 | q=[1,2,3]) -- Val [4,1,2,3] -- -- >>> pl @(Fst :+ Snd) (4,[1,2,3]) -- Present [4,1,2,3] ((:+) [4,1,2,3] | p=4 | q=[1,2,3]) -- Val [4,1,2,3] -- -- >>> pl @(Flip (:+) '[1,2,3] 5) () -- Present [5,1,2,3] ((:+) [5,1,2,3] | p=5 | q=[1,2,3]) -- Val [5,1,2,3] -- data p :+ q deriving Show infixr 5 :+ instance ( P p x , P q x , Show (PP p x) , Show (PP q x) , Cons (PP q x) (PP q x) (PP p x) (PP p x) ) => P (p :+ q) x where type PP (p :+ q) x = PP q x eval _ opts z = do let msg0 = "(:+)" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts z [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let b = p `cons` q in mkNode opts (Val b) (show3' opts msg0 b "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to snoc -- -- >>> pz @(Snd +: Fst) (99,[1,2,3,4]) -- Val [1,2,3,4,99] -- -- >>> pz @(Fst +: Snd) ([],5) -- Val [5] -- -- >>> pz @(EmptyT [] _ +: 5) 5 -- Val [5] -- -- >>> pl @('[1,2,3] +: 4) () -- Present [1,2,3,4] ((+:) [1,2,3,4] | p=[1,2,3] | q=4) -- Val [1,2,3,4] -- -- >>> pl @(Snd +: Fst) (4,[1,2,3]) -- Present [1,2,3,4] ((+:) [1,2,3,4] | p=[1,2,3] | q=4) -- Val [1,2,3,4] -- -- >>> pl @("abc" +: C "x") () -- Present "abcx" ((+:) "abcx" | p="abc" | q='x') -- Val "abcx" -- -- >>> pl @(Fst +: Snd) ("abc" :: T.Text,'x') -- Present "abcx" ((+:) "abcx" | p="abc" | q='x') -- Val "abcx" -- data p +: q deriving Show infixl 5 +: instance ( P p x , P q x , Show (PP q x) , Show (PP p x) , Snoc (PP p x) (PP p x) (PP q x) (PP q x) ) => P (p +: q) x where type PP (p +: q) x = PP p x eval _ opts z = do let msg0 = "(+:)" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts z [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let b = p `snoc` q in mkNode opts (Val b) (show3' opts msg0 b "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to 'Control.Lens.uncons' -- -- >>> pz @Uncons [1,2,3,4] -- Val (Just (1,[2,3,4])) -- -- >>> pz @Uncons [] -- Val Nothing -- -- >>> pz @Uncons (Seq.fromList "abc") -- Val (Just ('a',fromList "bc")) -- -- >>> pz @Uncons ("xyz" :: T.Text) -- Val (Just ('x',"yz")) -- -- >>> pl @Uncons ("asfd" :: T.Text) -- Present Just ('a',"sfd") (Uncons Just ('a',"sfd") | "asfd") -- Val (Just ('a',"sfd")) -- -- >>> pl @Uncons ("" :: T.Text) -- Present Nothing (Uncons Nothing | "") -- Val Nothing -- -- >>> pl @Uncons [1..5] -- with Typeable would need to specify the type of [1..5] -- Present Just (1,[2,3,4,5]) (Uncons Just (1,[2,3,4,5]) | [1,2,3,4,5]) -- Val (Just (1,[2,3,4,5])) -- data Uncons deriving Show instance ( Show (ConsT s) , Show s , Cons s s (ConsT s) (ConsT s) ) => P Uncons s where type PP Uncons s = Maybe (ConsT s,s) eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Uncons" b = as ^? _Cons in pure $ mkNode opts (Val b) (show3 opts msg0 b as) [] -- | similar to 'Control.Lens.unsnoc' -- -- >>> pz @Unsnoc [1,2,3,4] -- Val (Just ([1,2,3],4)) -- -- >>> pz @Unsnoc [] -- Val Nothing -- -- >>> pz @Unsnoc ("xyz" :: T.Text) -- Val (Just ("xy",'z')) -- -- >>> pl @Unsnoc ("asfd" :: T.Text) -- Present Just ("asf",'d') (Unsnoc Just ("asf",'d') | "asfd") -- Val (Just ("asf",'d')) -- -- >>> pl @Unsnoc ("" :: T.Text) -- Present Nothing (Unsnoc Nothing | "") -- Val Nothing -- -- >>> pl @Unsnoc [1..5] -- Present Just ([1,2,3,4],5) (Unsnoc Just ([1,2,3,4],5) | [1,2,3,4,5]) -- Val (Just ([1,2,3,4],5)) -- data Unsnoc deriving Show instance ( Show (ConsT s) , Show s , Snoc s s (ConsT s) (ConsT s) ) => P Unsnoc s where type PP Unsnoc s = Maybe (s,ConsT s) eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Unsnoc" b = as ^? _Snoc in pure $ mkNode opts (Val b) (show3 opts msg0 b as) [] -- | rotate a list @p@ @n@ units -- -- >>> pz @(Rotate 0 Id) [1,2,3,4] -- Val [1,2,3,4] -- -- >>> pz @(Rotate (Negate 1) Id) [1,2,3,4] -- Val [4,1,2,3] -- -- >>> pz @(Rotate 2 Id) [1,2,3,4] -- Val [3,4,1,2] -- -- >>> pz @(Map (Rotate Id "abcd")) [-3..7] -- Val ["bcda","cdab","dabc","abcd","bcda","cdab","dabc","abcd","bcda","cdab","dabc"] -- data Rotate n p deriving Show type RotateT n p = SplitAt (n `Mod` Length p) p >> Swap >> Fst <> Snd instance P (RotateT n p) x => P (Rotate n p) x where type PP (Rotate n p) x = PP (RotateT n p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(RotateT n p)) -- | similar to 'Data.List.partition' -- -- >>> pz @(Partition (Ge 3) Id) [10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5] -- Val ([10,4,7,3,3,5],[1,1]) -- -- >>> pz @(Partition IsPrime Id) [10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5] -- Val ([7,3,3,5],[10,4,1,1]) -- -- >>> pz @(Partition (Ge 300) Id) [10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5] -- Val ([],[10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5]) -- -- >>> pz @(Partition (Id < 300) Id) [10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5] -- Val ([10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5],[]) -- -- >>> pl @(Partition (Lt 2) Id >> Id) [1,2,3,4,5] -- Present ([1],[2,3,4,5]) ((>>) ([1],[2,3,4,5]) | {Id ([1],[2,3,4,5])}) -- Val ([1],[2,3,4,5]) -- -- >>> pl @(Partition (Gt 3) Id) [1..10] -- Present ([4,5,6,7,8,9,10],[1,2,3]) (Partition ([4,5,6,7,8,9,10],[1,2,3]) | s=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]) -- Val ([4,5,6,7,8,9,10],[1,2,3]) -- -- >>> pl @(Partition Even Id) [1..6] -- Present ([2,4,6],[1,3,5]) (Partition ([2,4,6],[1,3,5]) | s=[1,2,3,4,5,6]) -- Val ([2,4,6],[1,3,5]) -- -- >>> pl @(Partition Even Id >> Null *** (Len > 4) >> Fst == Snd) [1..6] -- True ((>>) True | {False == False}) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(Partition (ExitWhen "ExitWhen" (Gt 10) >> Gt 2) Id) [1..11] -- Error ExitWhen (Partition(i=10, a=11) excnt=1) -- Fail "ExitWhen" -- -- >>> pl @(Partition IsPrime Id) [1..15] -- Present ([2,3,5,7,11,13],[1,4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15]) (Partition ([2,3,5,7,11,13],[1,4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15]) | s=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]) -- Val ([2,3,5,7,11,13],[1,4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15]) -- data Partition p q deriving Show instance ( P p x , Show x , PP q a ~ [x] , PP p x ~ Bool , P q a ) => P (Partition p q) a where type PP (Partition p q) a = (PP q a, PP q a) eval _ opts a' = do let msg0 = "Partition" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts a' case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q' -> case chkSize opts msg0 q' [hh qq] of Left e -> pure e Right (_,q) -> do ts <- zipWithM (\i a -> ((i, a),) <$> evalBoolHide @p opts a) [0::Int ..] q pure $ case splitAndAlign opts msg0 ts of Left e -> e Right abcs -> let itts = map (view _2 &&& view _3) abcs w0 = partition (view _1) abcs zz1 = (map (view (_2 . _2)) *** map (view (_2 . _2))) w0 in mkNode opts (Val zz1) (show3' opts msg0 zz1 "s=" q) (hh qq : map (hh . prefixNumberToTT) itts) -- | counts number on matches and non matches: ie All is length snd==0 and Any is length fst > 0 -- -- >>> pz @(Quant Even) [2,3,3,7,2,8,1,5,9] -- Val (3,6) -- -- >>> pz @(Quant (Gt 10)) [2,8,1,5,9] -- Val (0,5) -- -- >>> pz @(Quant (Gt 10)) [] -- Val (0,0) -- -- >>> pz @(Quant (Same 4)) [3] -- Val (0,1) -- -- >>> pz @(Quant (Same 4)) [4] -- Val (1,0) -- data Quant p deriving Show type QuantT p = Partition p Id >> '(Length Fst,Length Snd) instance P (QuantT p) x => P (Quant p) x where type PP (Quant p) x = PP (QuantT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(QuantT p)) -- | similar to 'Predicate.All' for non-empty lists -- -- >>> pz @(All1 Even) [2,4,6] -- Val True -- -- >>> pz @(All1 Even) [2,3,3,7,2,8,1,5,9] -- Val False -- -- >>> pz @(All1 Even) [] -- Val False -- -- >>> pz @(All1 Even) [1] -- Val False -- -- >>> pz @(All1 Even) [2] -- Val True -- data All1 p deriving Show -- partially hidden example instance P (Quant p) x => P (All1 p) x where type PP (All1 p) x = Bool eval _ opts | isVerbose opts = eval (Proxy @(Quant p >> Fst > 0 && Snd == 0)) opts | otherwise = eval (Proxy @(Hide (Quant p) >> Fst > 0 && Snd == 0)) opts -- | partition values based on a function -- -- >>> pz @(PartitionBy Ordering (Id ==! 0) Id) [17,3,-12,0,1,0,-3] -- Val (fromList [(LT,[-3,-12]),(EQ,[0,0]),(GT,[1,3,17])]) -- -- >>> pz @(PartitionBy Char (Mod Id 16 >> ShowBase 16 >> Head) Id) [-4,-2,5,0,15,12,-1,2,-3,4,0] -- Val (fromList [('0',[0,0]),('2',[2]),('4',[4]),('5',[5]),('c',[12,-4]),('d',[-3]),('e',[-2]),('f',[-1,15])]) -- -- >>> pl @(PartitionBy Ordering (Case (FailT _ "asdf") '[Id < 2, Id == 2, Id > 2] '[ 'LT, 'EQ, 'GT] Id) Id) [-4,2,5,6,7,1,2,3,4] -- Present fromList [(LT,[1,-4]),(EQ,[2,2]),(GT,[4,3,7,6,5])] (PartitionBy fromList [(LT,[1,-4]),(EQ,[2,2]),(GT,[4,3,7,6,5])] | s=[-4,2,5,6,7,1,2,3,4]) -- Val (fromList [(LT,[1,-4]),(EQ,[2,2]),(GT,[4,3,7,6,5])]) -- -- >>> pl @(PartitionBy Ordering (Case (FailT _ "xyzxyzxyzzyyysyfsyfydf") '[Id < 2, Id == 2, Id > 3] '[ 'LT, 'EQ, 'GT] Id) Id) [-4,2,5,6,7,1,2,3,4] -- Error xyzxyzxyzzyyysyfsyfydf (PartitionBy(i=7, a=3) excnt=1) -- Fail "xyzxyzxyzzyyysyfsyfydf" -- -- >>> pz @(PartitionBy Ordering (Case 'EQ '[Id < 0, Id > 0] '[ 'LT, 'GT] Id) Id) [-4,-2,5,6,7,0,-1,2,-3,4,0] -- Val (fromList [(LT,[-3,-1,-2,-4]),(EQ,[0,0]),(GT,[4,2,7,6,5])]) -- data PartitionBy t p q deriving Show instance ( P p x , Ord t , Show x , Show t , PP q a ~ [x] , PP p x ~ t , P q a ) => P (PartitionBy t p q) a where type PP (PartitionBy t p q) a = M.Map t (PP q a) eval _ opts a' = do let msg0 = "PartitionBy" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts a' case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q' -> case chkSize opts msg0 q' [hh qq] of Left e -> pure e Right (_,q) -> do ts <- zipWithM (\i a -> ((i, a),) <$> evalHide @p opts a) [0::Int ..] q pure $ case splitAndAlign opts msg0 ts of Left e -> e Right abcs -> let kvs = map (view _1 &&& ((:[]) . view (_2 . _2))) abcs itts = map (view _2 &&& view _3) abcs ret = M.fromListWith (++) kvs in mkNode opts (Val ret) (show3' opts msg0 ret "s=" q ) (hh qq : map (hh . prefixNumberToTT) itts) -- | similar to 'Data.List.groupBy' -- -- >>> pz @(GroupBy (Fst == Snd) Id) [1,3,4,5,1,5,5] -- Val [[1],[3],[4],[5],[1],[5,5]] -- -- >>> pz @(GroupBy (Fst == Snd) Id) [1,1,1,3,4,5,1,5,5] -- Val [[1,1,1],[3],[4],[5],[1],[5,5]] -- -- >>> pz @(GroupBy (Fst == Snd) Id) [5,5] -- Val [[5,5]] -- -- >>> pz @(GroupBy (Fst == Snd) Id) [1,2] -- Val [[1],[2]] -- -- >>> pz @(GroupBy (Fst == Snd) Id) [1] -- Val [[1]] -- -- >>> pz @(GroupBy (Fst == Snd) Id) [] -- Val [] -- -- >>> pz @(GroupBy (Fst < Snd) Id) [1,2,3,4,4,1,2] -- Val [[1,2,3,4],[4],[1,2]] -- -- >>> pz @(GroupBy (Fst /= Snd) Id) [1,2,3,4,4,4,1] -- Val [[1,2,3,4],[4],[4,1]] -- -- >>> pan @(GroupBy (Fst == Snd) Id) "hello goodbye" -- P GroupBy ["h","e","ll","o"," ","g","oo","d","b","y","e"] -- | -- +- P Id "hello goodbye" -- | -- +- False i=0: 'h' == 'e' -- | -- +- False i=1: 'e' == 'l' -- | -- +- True i=2: 'l' == 'l' -- | -- +- False i=3: 'l' == 'o' -- | -- +- False i=4: 'o' == ' ' -- | -- +- True i=5: ' ' == ' ' -- | -- +- True i=6: ' ' == ' ' -- | -- +- True i=7: ' ' == ' ' -- | -- +- False i=8: ' ' == 'g' -- | -- +- False i=9: 'g' == 'o' -- | -- +- True i=10: 'o' == 'o' -- | -- +- False i=11: 'o' == 'd' -- | -- +- False i=12: 'd' == 'b' -- | -- +- False i=13: 'b' == 'y' -- | -- `- False i=14: 'y' == 'e' -- Val ["h","e","ll","o"," ","g","oo","d","b","y","e"] -- -- >>> pz @(GroupBy (Fst == Snd) Id) (map (uncurry SG.Arg) [(10,0),(9,4),(9,3),(1,1),(9,6)]) -- Val [[Arg 10 0],[Arg 9 4,Arg 9 3],[Arg 1 1],[Arg 9 6]] -- data GroupBy p q deriving Show instance ( Show x , PP q a ~ [x] , PP p (x,x) ~ Bool , P p (x,x) , P q a ) => P (GroupBy p q) a where type PP (GroupBy p q) a = [PP q a] eval _ opts a' = do let msg0 = "GroupBy" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts a' case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q' -> case chkSize opts msg0 q' [hh qq] of Left e -> pure e Right (_,q) -> case q of [] -> pure $ mkNode opts (Val []) (show3' opts msg0 q "s=" q) [hh qq] [_] -> let ret = [q] in pure $ mkNode opts (Val ret) (show3' opts msg0 ret "s=" q) [hh qq] x:xs -> do ts <- zipWithM (\i (a,b) -> ((i, b),) <$> evalBoolHide @p opts (a,b)) [0::Int ..] (zip (x:xs) xs) pure $ case splitAndAlign opts msg0 ts of Left e -> e Right abcs -> let ret = gp1 x abcs itts = map (view _2 &&& view _3) abcs in mkNode opts (Val ret) (show3' opts msg0 ret "s=" q ) (hh qq : map (hh . prefixNumberToTT) itts) -- | version of 'GroupCnt' that retains the original ordering -- -- >>> pz @GroupCntStable "bababab" -- Val [('b',4),('a',3)] -- -- >>> pz @GroupCntStable "fedbfefa" -- Val [('f',3),('e',2),('d',1),('b',1),('a',1)] -- -- >>> pz @GroupCntStable "fedc" -- Val [('f',1),('e',1),('d',1),('c',1)] -- -- >>> pz @GroupCntStable "ffff" -- Val [('f',4)] -- -- >>> pz @GroupCntStable "" -- Val [] -- data GroupCntStable deriving Show instance ( a ~ [x] , Ord x ) => P GroupCntStable a where type PP GroupCntStable a = [(ExtractAFromList a, Int)] eval _ opts zs = let msg0 = "GroupCntStable" xs = map (NE.head &&& length) $ NE.group $ sortOn (ys M.!) zs ys = M.fromListWith (flip const) $ zip zs [0::Int ..] in pure $ mkNode opts (Val xs) msg0 [] -- | similar to 'Data.List.group' -- -- >>> pz @Group [1,3,4,5,1,5,5] -- Val [[1],[3],[4],[5],[1],[5,5]] -- -- >>> pz @(Sort >> Group) [1,3,4,5,1,5,5] -- Val [[1,1],[3],[4],[5,5,5]] -- data Group deriving Show type GroupT = GroupBy (Fst == Snd) Id instance P GroupT x => P Group x where type PP Group x = PP GroupT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @GroupT) -- | similar to 'Group' but returns the value and count -- -- >>> pz @GroupCnt [1,3,4,5,1,5,5] -- Val [(1,1),(3,1),(4,1),(5,1),(1,1),(5,2)] -- -- >>> pz @(Sort >> GroupCnt) [1,3,4,5,1,5,5] -- Val [(1,2),(3,1),(4,1),(5,3)] -- -- >>> pz @(Sort >> GroupCnt) "xyabxaaaz" -- Val [('a',4),('b',1),('x',2),('y',1),('z',1)] -- data GroupCnt deriving Show type GroupCntT = Group >> Map '(Head,Len) instance P GroupCntT x => P GroupCnt x where type PP GroupCnt x = PP GroupCntT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @GroupCntT) gp1 :: x -> [(Bool, (Int, x), TT Bool)] -> [[x]] gp1 b = go [b] where go ret = \case [] -> [ret] (tf, (_, a), _):as -> if tf then go (ret <> [a]) as else ret : go [a] as -- | similar to 'Data.List.filter' -- -- >>> pz @(Filter (Gt 4) Id) [10,1,3,5,-10,12,1] -- Val [10,5,12] -- data Filter p q deriving Show type FilterT p q = Partition p q >> Fst instance P (FilterT p q) x => P (Filter p q) x where type PP (Filter p q) x = PP (FilterT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(FilterT p q)) -- | similar to 'Data.List.break' -- -- >>> pz @(Break (Ge 3) Id) [10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5] -- Val ([],[10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5]) -- -- >>> pz @(Break (Lt 3) Id) [10,4,1,7,3,1,3,5] -- Val ([10,4],[1,7,3,1,3,5]) -- -- >>> pl @(Break (Gt 2) Id) [1..11] -- Present ([1,2],[3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]) (Break cnt=(2,9)) -- Val ([1,2],[3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]) -- -- >>> pl @(Break (If (Gt 2) 'True (If (Gt 4) (FailT _ "ASfd") 'False)) Id) [1..8] -- Present ([1,2],[3,4,5,6,7,8]) (Break cnt=(2,6)) -- Val ([1,2],[3,4,5,6,7,8]) -- -- >>> pl @(Break (Case 'False '[Gt 2,Gt 4] '[W 'True, FailT _ "ASfd"] Id) Id) [1..8] -- case version -- Present ([1,2],[3,4,5,6,7,8]) (Break cnt=(2,6)) -- Val ([1,2],[3,4,5,6,7,8]) -- -- >>> pl @(Break (If (Gt 2) (FailT _ "ASfd") 'False) Id) [1..8] -- Error ASfd (If 'True | Break predicate failed) -- Fail "ASfd" -- -- >>> pl @(Break Snd Id) (zip [1..] [False,False,False,True,True,False]) -- Present ([(1,False),(2,False),(3,False)],[(4,True),(5,True),(6,False)]) (Break cnt=(3,3)) -- Val ([(1,False),(2,False),(3,False)],[(4,True),(5,True),(6,False)]) -- -- >>> pl @(Break Snd Id) (zip [1..] [False,False,False,False]) -- Present ([(1,False),(2,False),(3,False),(4,False)],[]) (Break cnt=(4,0)) -- Val ([(1,False),(2,False),(3,False),(4,False)],[]) -- -- >>> pl @(Break Snd Id) (zip [1..] [True,True,True,True]) -- Present ([],[(1,True),(2,True),(3,True),(4,True)]) (Break cnt=(0,4)) -- Val ([],[(1,True),(2,True),(3,True),(4,True)]) -- data Break p q deriving Show -- only process up to the pivot! only process while Right False instance ( P p x , PP q a ~ [x] , PP p x ~ Bool , P q a ) => P (Break p q) a where type PP (Break p q) a = (PP q a, PP q a) eval _ opts a' = do let msg0 = "Break" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts a' case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q' -> case chkSize opts msg0 q' [hh qq] of Left e -> pure e Right (_,q) -> do let ff [] zs = pure (zs, [], Nothing) -- [(ia,qq)] extras | the rest of the data | optional last pivot or failure ff ((i,a):ias) zs = do pp <- evalBoolHide @p opts a let v = ((i,a), pp) case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Right False -> ff ias (zs Seq.|> v) Right True -> pure (zs,map snd ias,Just v) Left _ -> pure (zs,map snd ias,Just v) (ialls,rhs,mpivot) <- ff (itoList q) Seq.empty pure $ case mpivot of Nothing -> mkNode opts (Val (map (snd . fst) (toList ialls), rhs)) (msg0 <> " cnt=" <> show (length ialls, length rhs)) (map (hh . prefixNumberToTT) (toList ialls)) Just iatt@(ia, tt) -> case getValueLR NoInline opts (msg0 <> " predicate failed") tt (hh qq : map (hh . prefixNumberToTT) (toList (ialls Seq.|> iatt))) of Right True -> mkNode opts (Val (map (snd . fst) (toList ialls), snd ia : rhs)) (msg0 <> " cnt=" <> show (length ialls, 1+length rhs)) (hh qq : hh tt : map (hh . prefixNumberToTT) (toList (ialls Seq.|> iatt))) Right False -> errorInProgram "Break" Left e -> e -- | similar to 'Data.List.span' -- -- >>> pl @(Span (Lt 4) Id) [1..11] -- Present ([1,2,3],[4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]) (Break cnt=(3,8)) -- Val ([1,2,3],[4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]) -- data Span p q deriving Show type SpanT p q = Break (Not p) q instance P (SpanT p q) x => P (Span p q) x where type PP (Span p q) x = PP (SpanT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SpanT p q)) -- | intercalate two lists -- -- >>> pz @(Intercalate '["aB"] '["xxxx","yz","z","www","xyz"]) () -- Val ["xxxx","aB","yz","aB","z","aB","www","aB","xyz"] -- -- >>> pz @(Intercalate '[W 99,Negate 98] Id) [1..5] -- Val [1,99,-98,2,99,-98,3,99,-98,4,99,-98,5] -- -- >>> pz @(Intercalate '[99,100] Id) [1..5] -- Val [1,99,100,2,99,100,3,99,100,4,99,100,5] -- -- >>> pl @(Intercalate Fst Snd) ([0,1], [12,13,14,15,16]) -- Present [12,0,1,13,0,1,14,0,1,15,0,1,16] (Intercalate [12,0,1,13,0,1,14,0,1,15,0,1,16] | [0,1] | [12,13,14,15,16]) -- Val [12,0,1,13,0,1,14,0,1,15,0,1,16] -- -- >>> pl @((Pure [] (Negate Len) &&& Id) >> Intercalate Fst Snd) [12,13,14,15,16] -- Present [12,-5,13,-5,14,-5,15,-5,16] ((>>) [12,-5,13,-5,14,-5,15,-5,16] | {Intercalate [12,-5,13,-5,14,-5,15,-5,16] | [-5] | [12,13,14,15,16]}) -- Val [12,-5,13,-5,14,-5,15,-5,16] -- data Intercalate p q deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ [a] , PP q x ~ PP p x , P p x , P q x , Show a ) => P (Intercalate p q) x where type PP (Intercalate p q) x = PP p x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Intercalate" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p',q',pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case chkSize2 opts msg0 p' q' hhs of Left e -> e Right ((_,p),(_,q)) -> let d = intercalate p (map pure q) in mkNode opts (Val d) (show3 opts msg0 d p <> showVerbose opts " | " q) hhs -- | 'elem' function -- -- >>> pz @(Elem Fst Snd) ('x',"abcdxy") -- Val True -- -- >>> pz @(Elem Fst Snd) ('z',"abcdxy") -- Val False -- -- >>> pl @(Elem Id '[2,3,4]) 2 -- True (2 `elem` [2,3,4]) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(Elem Id '[2,3,4]) 6 -- False (6 `elem` [2,3,4]) -- Val False -- -- >>> pl @(Elem Id '[13 % 2]) 6.5 -- True (13 % 2 `elem` [13 % 2]) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(Elem Id '[13 % 2, 12 % 1]) 6.5 -- True (13 % 2 `elem` [13 % 2,12 % 1]) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(Elem Id '[13 % 2, 12 % 1]) 6 -- False (6 % 1 `elem` [13 % 2,12 % 1]) -- Val False -- data Elem p q deriving Show instance ( [PP p a] ~ PP q a , P p a , P q a , Show (PP p a) , Eq (PP p a) ) => P (Elem p q) a where type PP (Elem p q) a = Bool eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "Elem" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let b = p `elem` q in mkNodeB opts b (showL opts p <> " `elem` " <> showL opts q) [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to 'Data.List.inits' -- -- >>> pz @Inits [4,8,3,9] -- Val [[],[4],[4,8],[4,8,3],[4,8,3,9]] -- -- >>> pz @Inits [] -- Val [[]] -- data Inits deriving Show instance ( [a] ~ x , Show a ) => P Inits x where type PP Inits x = [x] eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Inits" xs = inits as in pure $ mkNode opts (Val xs) (show3 opts msg0 xs as) [] -- | similar to 'Data.List.tails' -- -- >>> pz @Tails [4,8,3,9] -- Val [[4,8,3,9],[8,3,9],[3,9],[9],[]] -- -- >>> pz @Tails [] -- Val [[]] -- -- >>> pl @Tails "abcd" -- Present ["abcd","bcd","cd","d",""] (Tails ["abcd","bcd","cd","d",""] | "abcd") -- Val ["abcd","bcd","cd","d",""] -- data Tails deriving Show instance ( [a] ~ x , Show a ) => P Tails x where type PP Tails x = [x] eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Tails" xs = tails as in pure $ mkNode opts (Val xs) (show3 opts msg0 xs as) [] -- | split a list into single values -- -- >>> pz @Ones [4,8,3,9] -- Val [[4],[8],[3],[9]] -- -- >>> pz @Ones [] -- Val [] -- data Ones deriving Show instance x ~ [a] => P Ones x where type PP Ones x = [x] eval _ opts x' = let msg0 = "Ones" in pure $ case chkSize opts msg0 x' [] of Left e -> e Right (_,x) -> let d = map pure x in mkNode opts (Val d) msg0 [] data PadImpl (left :: Bool) n p q deriving Show instance ( P n a , GetBool left , Integral (PP n a) , [PP p a] ~ PP q a , P p a , P q a , Show (PP p a) ) => P (PadImpl left n p q) a where type PP (PadImpl left n p q) a = PP q a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "Pad" <> (if lft then "L" else "R") lft = getBool @left lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @n) (Proxy @p) opts a [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (fromIntegral -> n,p,nn,pp) -> do let msg1 = msg0 <> " " <> showL opts n <> " pad=" <> showL opts p hhs = [hh nn, hh pp] qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts a pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts (msg1 <> " q failed") qq hhs of Left e -> e Right q' -> case chkSize opts msg0 q' [] of Left e -> e Right (qLen,q) -> let diff = if n<=qLen then 0 else n-qLen bs = if lft then replicate diff p <> q else q <> replicate diff p in mkNode opts (Val bs) (show3 opts msg1 bs q) (hhs <> [hh qq]) -- | left pad @q@ with @n@ values from @p@ -- -- >>> pl @(PadL 5 0 Id) [1..3] -- Present [0,0,1,2,3] (PadL 5 pad=0 [0,0,1,2,3] | [1,2,3]) -- Val [0,0,1,2,3] -- -- >>> pz @(PadL 5 999 Id) [12,13] -- Val [999,999,999,12,13] -- -- >>> pz @(PadR 5 Fst '[12,13]) (999,'x') -- Val [12,13,999,999,999] -- -- >>> pz @(PadR 2 Fst '[12,13,14]) (999,'x') -- Val [12,13,14] -- -- >>> pl @(PadL 10 0 Id) [1..3] -- Present [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3] (PadL 10 pad=0 [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3] | [1,2,3]) -- Val [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3] -- data PadL n p q deriving Show type PadLT n p q = PadImpl 'True n p q instance P (PadLT n p q) x => P (PadL n p q) x where type PP (PadL n p q) x = PP (PadLT n p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(PadLT n p q)) -- | right pad @q@ with @n@ values from @p@ -- -- >>> pl @(PadR 5 8 Id) [1..3] -- Present [1,2,3,8,8] (PadR 5 pad=8 [1,2,3,8,8] | [1,2,3]) -- Val [1,2,3,8,8] -- -- >>> pl @(PadR 5 0 Id) [1..5] -- Present [1,2,3,4,5] (PadR 5 pad=0 [1,2,3,4,5] | [1,2,3,4,5]) -- Val [1,2,3,4,5] -- -- >>> pl @(PadR 5 0 Id) [1..6] -- Present [1,2,3,4,5,6] (PadR 5 pad=0 [1,2,3,4,5,6] | [1,2,3,4,5,6]) -- Val [1,2,3,4,5,6] -- data PadR n p q deriving Show type PadRT n p q = PadImpl 'False n p q instance P (PadRT n p q) x => P (PadR n p q) x where type PP (PadR n p q) x = PP (PadRT n p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(PadRT n p q)) -- | split a list @p@ into parts using the lengths in the type level list @ns@ -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAts '[2,3,1,1] Id) "hello world" -- Val ["he","llo"," ","w","orld"] -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAts '[2] Id) "hello world" -- Val ["he","llo world"] -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAts '[10,1,1,5] Id) "hello world" -- Val ["hello worl","d","",""] -- -- >>> pl @(SplitAts '[1,3,4] Id) [1..12] -- Present [[1],[2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]] (SplitAts [[1],[2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]] | ns=[1,3,4] | [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]) -- Val [[1],[2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]] -- -- >>> pl @(SplitAts '[3,1,1,1] Id >> Filter (Not Null) Id) [1..4] -- Present [[1,2,3],[4]] ((>>) [[1,2,3],[4]] | {Fst [[1,2,3],[4]] | ([[1,2,3],[4]],[[],[]])}) -- Val [[1,2,3],[4]] -- data SplitAts ns p deriving Show instance ( P ns x , P p x , PP p x ~ [a] , Show n , Show a , PP ns x ~ [n] , Integral n ) => P (SplitAts ns p) x where type PP (SplitAts ns p) x = [PP p x] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "SplitAts" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @ns) (Proxy @p) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (ns,p',nn,pp) -> let hhs = [hh nn, hh pp] in case chkSize opts msg0 p' hhs of Left e -> e Right (pLen,p) -> let zs = foldr (\n k s -> let (a,b) = splitAtNeg pLen (fromIntegral n) s in a:k b ) (\as -> [as | not (null as)]) ns p in mkNode opts (Val zs) (show3' opts msg0 zs "ns=" ns <> showVerbose opts " | " p) hhs -- | similar to 'Data.List.splitAt' -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAt 4 Id) "hello world" -- Val ("hell","o world") -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAt 20 Id) "hello world" -- Val ("hello world","") -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAt 0 Id) "hello world" -- Val ("","hello world") -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAt Snd Fst) ("hello world",4) -- Val ("hell","o world") -- -- >>> pz @(SplitAt (Negate 2) Id) "hello world" -- Val ("hello wor","ld") -- -- >>> pl @(Snd >> SplitAt 2 Id >> Len *** Len >> Fst > Snd) ('x',[1..5]) -- False ((>>) False | {2 > 3}) -- Val False -- data SplitAt n p deriving Show instance ( PP p a ~ [b] , P n a , P p a , Show b , Integral (PP n a) ) => P (SplitAt n p) a where type PP (SplitAt n p) a = (PP p a, PP p a) eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "SplitAt" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @n) (Proxy @p) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e -- (Left e, tt') Right (fromIntegral -> n,p',nn,pp) -> let hhs = [hh nn, hh pp] in case chkSize opts msg0 p' hhs of Left e -> e Right (pLen,p) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " " <> showL opts n <> " " <> showL opts p ret = splitAtNeg pLen n p in mkNode opts (Val ret) (show3' opts msg1 ret "n=" n <> showVerbose opts " | " p) hhs splitAtNeg :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) --splitAtNeg len n = splitAt (if n<0 then len + n else n) splitAtNeg len = splitAt . ifM (<0) (len+) id -- | take @n@ values from a list @p@: similar to 'Prelude.take' -- -- >>> pz @(Take 3 Id) "abcdef" -- Val "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(Take 3 Id) "ab" -- Val "ab" -- -- >>> pz @(Take 10 Id) "abcdef" -- Val "abcdef" -- -- >>> pz @(Take 0 Id) "abcdef" -- Val "" -- -- >>> pz @(Take 10 Id) "" -- Val "" -- data Take n p deriving Show type TakeT n p = SplitAt n p >> Fst instance P (TakeT n p) x => P (Take n p) x where type PP (Take n p) x = PP (TakeT n p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(TakeT n p)) -- | drop @n@ values from a list @p@: similar to 'Prelude.drop' data Drop n p deriving Show type DropT n p = SplitAt n p >> Snd instance P (DropT n p) x => P (Drop n p) x where type PP (Drop n p) x = PP (DropT n p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(DropT n p)) -- | splits a list pointed to by @p@ into lists of size @n@ -- -- >>> pz @(ChunksOf 2) "abcdef" -- Val ["ab","cd","ef"] -- -- >>> pz @(ChunksOf 2) "abcdefg" -- Val ["ab","cd","ef","g"] -- -- >>> pz @(ChunksOf 2) "" -- Val [] -- -- >>> pz @(ChunksOf 2) "a" -- Val ["a"] -- -- >>> pz @(PadR (Len + RoundUp 5 Len) 999 Id >> ChunksOf 5) [1..17] -- Val [[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,10],[11,12,13,14,15],[16,17,999,999,999]] -- -- >>> pz @(PadR (Len + RoundUp 5 Len) 999 Id >> ChunksOf 5) [1..15] -- Val [[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,10],[11,12,13,14,15]] -- data ChunksOf n deriving Show type ChunksOfT n = ChunksOf' n n Id instance P (ChunksOfT n) x => P (ChunksOf n) x where type PP (ChunksOf n) x = PP (ChunksOfT n) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ChunksOfT n)) -- | splits a list pointed to by @p@ into lists of size @n@ with a gap of @i@ -- -- >>> pz @(Unfoldr (If Null (MkNothing _) (MkJust '(Take 3 Id,Drop 2 Id))) Id) [1..10] -- Val [[1,2,3],[3,4,5],[5,6,7],[7,8,9],[9,10]] -- -- >>> pz @(ChunksOf' 3 2 Id) [1..10] -- Val [[1,2,3],[3,4,5],[5,6,7],[7,8,9],[9,10]] -- data ChunksOf' n i p deriving Show instance ( PP p a ~ [b] , P n a , P i a , P p a , Show b , Integral (PP i a) , Integral (PP n a) ) => P (ChunksOf' n i p) a where type PP (ChunksOf' n i p) a = [PP p a] eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ChunksOf" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @n) (Proxy @i) opts a [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (fromIntegral -> n,fromIntegral -> i,nn,ii) -> do let hhs = [hh nn, hh ii] msg1 = msg0 <> " " <> showL opts (n,i) pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts a pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts (msg1 <> " p failed") pp hhs of Left e -> e Right p -> let hhs1 = hhs ++ [hh pp] in if n <= 0 then mkNode opts (Fail (msg0 <> " n<=0")) "" hhs1 else if i < 1 then mkNode opts (Fail (msg0 <> " i<1")) "" hhs1 else let ret = unfoldr (\s -> if null s then Nothing else Just (take n s,drop i s)) p in mkNode opts (Val ret) (show3' opts msg1 ret "n,i=" (n,i) <> showVerbose opts " | " p) hhs1 -- empty lists at the type level wont work here data KeepImpl (keep :: Bool) p q deriving Show instance ( GetBool keep , Eq a , Show a , P p x , P q x , PP p x ~ PP q x , PP q x ~ [a] ) => P (KeepImpl keep p q) x where type PP (KeepImpl keep p q) x = PP q x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = if keep then "Keep" else "Remove" keep = getBool @keep lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let ret = filter (bool not id keep . (`elem` p)) q in mkNode opts (Val ret) (show3' opts msg0 ret "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) [hh pp, hh qq] -- | filters a list @q@ keeping those elements in @p@ -- -- >>> pz @(Keep '[5] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) () -- Val [5,5,5] -- -- >>> pz @(Keep '[0,1,1,5] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) () -- Val [1,5,5,5] -- data Keep p q deriving Show type KeepT p q = KeepImpl 'True p q instance P (KeepT p q) x => P (Keep p q) x where type PP (Keep p q) x = PP (KeepT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(KeepT p q)) -- | filters a list @q@ removing those elements in @p@ -- -- >>> pz @(Remove '[5] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) () -- Val [1,2,2] -- -- >>> pz @(Remove '[0,1,1,5] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) () -- Val [2,2] -- -- >>> pz @(Remove '[99] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) () -- Val [1,5,5,2,5,2] -- -- >>> pz @(Remove '[99,91] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) () -- Val [1,5,5,2,5,2] -- -- >>> pz @(Remove Id '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) [] -- Val [1,5,5,2,5,2] -- -- >>> pz @(Remove '[] '[1,5,5,2,5,2]) 44 -- works if you make this a number! -- Val [1,5,5,2,5,2] -- data Remove p q deriving Show type RemoveT p q = KeepImpl 'False p q instance P (RemoveT p q) x => P (Remove p q) x where type PP (Remove p q) x = PP (RemoveT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(RemoveT p q)) -- | takes the head of a list-like container: similar to 'Data.List.head' -- -- >>> pz @Head "abcd" -- Val 'a' -- -- >>> pl @Head [] -- Error Head(empty) -- Fail "Head(empty)" -- -- >>> pl @(Fst >> Head >> Le 6) ([], True) -- Error Head(empty) -- Fail "Head(empty)" -- -- >>> pl @Head [1,2,3] -- Present 1 (Head 1 | [1,2,3]) -- Val 1 -- data Head deriving Show instance ( Cons x x (ConsT x) (ConsT x) , Show (ConsT x) , Show x ) => P Head x where type PP Head x = ConsT x eval _ opts x = let msg0 = "Head" in pure $ case x ^? _Cons of Nothing -> mkNode opts (Fail (msg0 <> "(empty)")) "" [] Just (a,_) -> mkNode opts (Val a) (show3 opts msg0 a x) [] -- | takes the tail of a list-like container: similar to 'Data.List.tail' -- -- >>> pz @Tail "abcd" -- Val "bcd" -- -- >>> pl @Tail [1..5] -- Present [2,3,4,5] (Tail [2,3,4,5] | [1,2,3,4,5]) -- Val [2,3,4,5] -- -- >>> pl @Tail [] -- Error Tail(empty) -- Fail "Tail(empty)" -- data Tail deriving Show instance ( Cons x x (ConsT x) (ConsT x) , Show x ) => P Tail x where type PP Tail x = x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Tail" pure $ case x ^? _Cons of Nothing -> mkNode opts (Fail (msg0 <> "(empty)")) "" [] Just (_,as) -> mkNode opts (Val as) (show3 opts msg0 as x) [] -- | takes the last of a list-like container: similar to 'Data.List.last' -- -- >>> pz @Last "abcd" -- Val 'd' -- -- >>> pz @Last [] -- Fail "Last(empty)" -- -- >>> pl @Last [1,2,3] -- Present 3 (Last 3 | [1,2,3]) -- Val 3 -- data Last deriving Show instance ( Snoc x x (ConsT x) (ConsT x) , Show (ConsT x) , Show x ) => P Last x where type PP Last x = ConsT x eval _ opts x = let msg0 = "Last" in pure $ case x ^? _Snoc of Nothing -> mkNode opts (Fail (msg0 <> "(empty)")) "" [] Just (_,a) -> mkNode opts (Val a) (show3 opts msg0 a x) [] -- | takes the init of a list-like container: similar to 'Data.List.init' -- -- >>> pz @Init "abcd" -- Val "abc" -- -- >>> pz @Init (T.pack "abcd") -- Val "abc" -- -- >>> pz @Init [] -- Fail "Init(empty)" -- -- >>> pl @Init [1..5] -- Present [1,2,3,4] (Init [1,2,3,4] | [1,2,3,4,5]) -- Val [1,2,3,4] -- -- >>> pl @Init [] -- Error Init(empty) -- Fail "Init(empty)" -- data Init deriving Show instance ( Snoc s s (ConsT s) (ConsT s) , x ~ s , Show s ) => P Init x where type PP Init x = x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Init" pure $ case x ^? _Snoc of Nothing -> mkNode opts (Fail (msg0 <> "(empty)")) "" [] Just (as,_) -> mkNode opts (Val as) (show3 opts msg0 as x) [] -- | 'unzip' equivalent -- -- >>> pz @Unzip (zip [1..5] "abcd") -- Val ([1,2,3,4],"abcd") -- data Unzip deriving Show type UnzipT = '(Map Fst, Map Snd) instance P UnzipT x => P Unzip x where type PP Unzip x = PP UnzipT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @UnzipT) -- | 'unzip3' equivalent -- -- >>> pz @Unzip3 (zip3 [1..5] "abcd" (cycle [True,False])) -- Val ([1,2,3,4],"abcd",[True,False,True,False]) -- data Unzip3 deriving Show type Unzip3T = '(Map Fst, Map Snd, Map Thd) instance P Unzip3T x => P Unzip3 x where type PP Unzip3 x = PP Unzip3T x eval _ = eval (Proxy @Unzip3T) -- | sort a list (stable) -- -- >>> pz @(SortBy (Snd ==! Fst) Id) [(10,"ab"),(4,"x"),(20,"bbb")] -- Val [(20,"bbb"),(10,"ab"),(4,"x")] -- -- >>> pz @(SortBy 'LT Id) [1,5,2,4,7,0] -- Val [1,5,2,4,7,0] -- -- >>> pz @(SortBy 'GT Id) [1,5,2,4,7,0] -- Val [0,7,4,2,5,1] -- -- >>> pz @(SortBy ((L11 ==! L21) <> (L12 ==! L22)) Id) [(10,"ab"),(4,"x"),(20,"bbb"),(4,"a"),(4,"y")] -- Val [(4,"a"),(4,"x"),(4,"y"),(10,"ab"),(20,"bbb")] -- -- >>> pz @(SortBy ((L11 ==! L21) <> (L22 ==! L12)) Id) [(10,"ab"),(4,"x"),(20,"bbb"),(4,"a"),(4,"y")] -- Val [(4,"y"),(4,"x"),(4,"a"),(10,"ab"),(20,"bbb")] -- -- >>> pl @(SortBy (Swap >> Comparing Fst) Snd) ((),[('z',1),('a',10),('m',22)]) -- Present [('z',1),('m',22),('a',10)] (SortBy [('z',1),('m',22),('a',10)]) -- Val [('z',1),('m',22),('a',10)] -- -- >>> pl @(SortBy (Comparing Reverse) Id) ["az","by","cx","aa"] -- Present ["aa","cx","by","az"] (SortBy ["aa","cx","by","az"]) -- Val ["aa","cx","by","az"] -- -- >>> pl @(SortBy (If (Fst==5 && Snd==3) (FailT _ (PrintT "pivot=%d value=%d" Id)) 'GT) Snd) ((), [5,7,3,1,6,2,1,3]) -- Error pivot=5 value=3(2) (Partition(i=1, a=(5,3)) excnt=2 | SortBy) -- Fail "pivot=5 value=3(2)" -- -- >>> pl @(SortBy (If (Fst==50 && Snd==3) (FailT _ (PrintT "pivot=%d value=%d" Id)) Compare) Snd) ((), [5,7,3,1,6,2,1,3]) -- Present [1,1,2,3,3,5,6,7] (SortBy [1,1,2,3,3,5,6,7]) -- Val [1,1,2,3,3,5,6,7] -- data SortBy p q deriving Show type SortByHelperT p = Partition (p == 'GT) Id instance ( P p (a,a) , P q x , Show a , PP q x ~ [a] , PP p (a,a) ~ Ordering ) => P (SortBy p q) x where type PP (SortBy p q) x = PP q x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "SortBy" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR NoInline opts (msg0 <> " q failed") qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right as -> do let ff :: MonadEval m => [a] -> m (TT [a]) ff = \case [] -> pure $ mkNode opts (Val mempty) (msg0 <> " empty") [hh qq] [w] -> pure $ mkNode opts (Val [w]) (msg0 <> " one element " <> showL opts w) [hh qq] w:ys@(_:_) -> do pp <- evalHide @(SortByHelperT p) opts (map (w,) ys) case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [hh qq] of Left e -> pure e Right (ll', rr') -> do lhs <- ff (map snd ll') case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 lhs [hh qq, hh pp] of Left _ -> pure lhs -- dont rewrap or rewrite Right ll -> do rhs <- ff (map snd rr') case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 rhs [hh qq, hh pp, hh lhs] of Left _ -> pure rhs Right rr -> pure $ mkNode opts (Val (ll ++ w : rr)) (msg0 <> " lhs=" <> showL opts ll <> " pivot " <> showL opts w <> " rhs=" <> showL opts rr) (hh pp : [hh lhs | lengthGreaterThanOne ll] ++ [hh rhs | lengthGreaterThanOne rr]) ret <- ff as pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 ret [hh qq] of Left _e -> ret -- dont rewrap else will double up messages: already handled Right xs -> mkNodeCopy opts ret (msg0 <> " " <> showL opts xs) [hh qq] -- | similar to 'Data.List.sortOn' -- -- >>> pz @(SortOn Fst Id) [(10,"abc"), (3,"def"), (4,"gg"), (10,"xyz"), (1,"z")] -- Val [(1,"z"),(3,"def"),(4,"gg"),(10,"abc"),(10,"xyz")] -- -- >>> pl @(SortOn Id Id) [10,4,2,12,14] -- Present [2,4,10,12,14] (SortBy [2,4,10,12,14]) -- Val [2,4,10,12,14] -- -- >>> pl @(SortOn (Negate Id) Id) [10,4,2,12,14] -- Present [14,12,10,4,2] (SortBy [14,12,10,4,2]) -- Val [14,12,10,4,2] -- -- >>> pl @(SortOn Fst Id) (zip "cabdaz" [10,4,2,12,14,1]) -- Present [('a',4),('a',14),('b',2),('c',10),('d',12),('z',1)] (SortBy [('a',4),('a',14),('b',2),('c',10),('d',12),('z',1)]) -- Val [('a',4),('a',14),('b',2),('c',10),('d',12),('z',1)] -- -- >>> pl @(SortOn (FailS "asdf") Id) [10,4,2,12,14] -- Error asdf(4) (Partition(i=0, a=(10,4)) excnt=4 | SortBy) -- Fail "asdf(4)" -- -- >>> pl @(SortOn Snd Snd) ((),[('z',14),('a',10),('m',22),('a',1)]) -- Present [('a',1),('a',10),('z',14),('m',22)] (SortBy [('a',1),('a',10),('z',14),('m',22)]) -- Val [('a',1),('a',10),('z',14),('m',22)] -- -- >>> pl @(SortOn Fst Snd) ((),[('z',1),('a',10),('m',22)]) -- Present [('a',10),('m',22),('z',1)] (SortBy [('a',10),('m',22),('z',1)]) -- Val [('a',10),('m',22),('z',1)] -- -- >>> pl @(SortOn Fst Id) [('z',1),('a',10),('m',22),('a',9),('m',10)] -- Present [('a',10),('a',9),('m',22),('m',10),('z',1)] (SortBy [('a',10),('a',9),('m',22),('m',10),('z',1)]) -- Val [('a',10),('a',9),('m',22),('m',10),('z',1)] -- -- >>> pl @(SortOn Id Id) [('z',1),('a',10),('m',22),('a',9),('m',10)] -- Present [('a',9),('a',10),('m',10),('m',22),('z',1)] (SortBy [('a',9),('a',10),('m',10),('m',22),('z',1)]) -- Val [('a',9),('a',10),('m',10),('m',22),('z',1)] -- data SortOn p q deriving Show type SortOnT p q = SortBy (Comparing p) q instance P (SortOnT p q) x => P (SortOn p q) x where type PP (SortOn p q) x = PP (SortOnT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SortOnT p q)) -- | like SortOn but descending order -- -- >>> pl @(SortOnDesc Id Id) [10,4,2,12,14] -- Present [14,12,10,4,2] (SortBy [14,12,10,4,2]) -- Val [14,12,10,4,2] -- -- >>> pl @(SortOnDesc Fst Snd) ((),[('z',1),('a',10),('m',22)]) -- Present [('z',1),('m',22),('a',10)] (SortBy [('z',1),('m',22),('a',10)]) -- Val [('z',1),('m',22),('a',10)] -- data SortOnDesc p q deriving Show type SortOnDescT p q = SortBy (Swap >> Comparing p) q instance P (SortOnDescT p q) x => P (SortOnDesc p q) x where type PP (SortOnDesc p q) x = PP (SortOnDescT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(SortOnDescT p q)) -- | simple sort: similar to 'Prelude.sort' data Sort deriving Show type SortT = SortOn Id Id instance P SortT x => P Sort x where type PP Sort x = PP SortT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @SortT) -- | similar to 'Data.List.reverse' -- -- >>> pz @Reverse [1,2,4] -- Val [4,2,1] -- -- >>> pz @Reverse "AbcDeF" -- Val "FeDcbA" -- data Reverse deriving Show instance ( x ~ [a] , Show a ) => P Reverse x where type PP Reverse x = x eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Reverse" d = foldl' (flip (:)) [] as in pure $ mkNode opts (Val d) (show3 opts msg0 d as) [] -- | reverses using 'reversing' -- -- >>> pz @ReverseL (T.pack "AbcDeF") -- Val "FeDcbA" -- -- >>> pz @ReverseL "AbcDeF" -- Val "FeDcbA" -- -- >>> pl @ReverseL ("asfd" :: T.Text) -- Present "dfsa" (ReverseL "dfsa" | "asfd") -- Val "dfsa" -- data ReverseL deriving Show instance ( Reversing t , Show t ) => P ReverseL t where type PP ReverseL t = t eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "ReverseL" d = as ^. reversed in pure $ mkNode opts (Val d) (show3 opts msg0 d as) [] -- | creates a singleton from a value -- -- >>> pz @(Singleton (C "aBc")) () -- Val "a" -- -- >>> pz @(Singleton Id) False -- Val [False] -- -- >>> pz @(Singleton Snd) (False,"hello") -- Val ["hello"] -- data Singleton p deriving Show instance P p x => P (Singleton p) x where type PP (Singleton p) x = [PP p x] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Singleton" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> mkNode opts (Val [p]) msg0 [hh pp] -- | like 'zipWith' -- -- >>> pz @(ZipWith Id (1...5) (C "a" ... C "e")) () -- Val [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(4,'d'),(5,'e')] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipWith (ShowP Fst <> ShowP Snd) (1...5) (C "a" ... C "e")) () -- Val ["1'a'","2'b'","3'c'","4'd'","5'e'"] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipWith (MkThese Fst Snd) (1...6) (C "a" ... C "f")) () -- Val [These 1 'a',These 2 'b',These 3 'c',These 4 'd',These 5 'e',These 6 'f'] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipWith (MkThese Fst Snd) '[] (C "a" ... C "f")) () -- Fail "ZipWith(0,6) length mismatch" -- -- >>> pz @(ZipWith (MkThese Fst Snd) (1...3) (C "a" ... C "f")) () -- Fail "ZipWith(3,6) length mismatch" -- data ZipWith p q r deriving Show instance ( PP q a ~ [x] , PP r a ~ [y] , P q a , P r a , P p (x,y) , Show x , Show y , Show (PP p (x,y)) ) => P (ZipWith p q r) a where type PP (ZipWith p q r) a = [PP p (ExtractAFromList (PP q a), ExtractAFromList (PP r a))] eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ZipWith" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @q) (Proxy @r) opts a [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (q',r',qq,rr) -> let hhs = [hh qq, hh rr] in case chkSize2 opts msg0 q' r' hhs of Left e -> pure e Right ((qLen,q),(rLen,r)) -> do if qLen == rLen then do ts <- zipWithM (\i (x,y) -> ((i, (x,y)),) <$> evalHide @p opts (x,y)) [0::Int ..] (zip q r) pure $ case splitAndAlign opts msg0 ts of Left e -> e Right abcs -> let kvs = map (view _1 &&& ((:[]) . view (_2 . _2))) abcs itts = map (view _2 &&& view _3) abcs ret = map fst kvs in mkNode opts (Val ret) (show3' opts msg0 ret "s=" q ) (hh qq : map (hh . prefixNumberToTT) itts) else do let msg1 = msg0 ++ show (qLen,rLen) pure $ mkNode opts (Fail (msg1 <> " length mismatch")) (showVerbose opts "q=" q <> showVerbose opts " | r=" r) hhs -- | Zip two lists to their maximum length using optional padding -- -- >>> pz @(ZipPad (C "Z") 99 Fst Snd) ("abc", [1..5]) -- Val [('a',1),('b',2),('c',3),('Z',4),('Z',5)] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipPad (C "Z") 99 Fst Snd) ("abcdefg", [1..5]) -- Val [('a',1),('b',2),('c',3),('d',4),('e',5),('f',99),('g',99)] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipPad (C "Z") 99 Fst Snd) ("abcde", [1..5]) -- Val [('a',1),('b',2),('c',3),('d',4),('e',5)] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipPad (C "Z") 99 Fst Snd) ("", [1..5]) -- Val [('Z',1),('Z',2),('Z',3),('Z',4),('Z',5)] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipPad (C "Z") 99 Fst Snd) ("abcde", []) -- Val [('a',99),('b',99),('c',99),('d',99),('e',99)] -- data ZipPad l r p q deriving Show instance ( PP l a ~ x , PP r a ~ y , P l a , P r a , PP p a ~ [x] , PP q a ~ [y] , P p a , P q a , Show x , Show y ) => P (ZipPad l r p q) a where type PP (ZipPad l r p q) a = [(PP l a, PP r a)] eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ZipPad" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p',q',pp,qq) -> do let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] case chkSize2 opts msg0 p' q' hhs of Left e -> pure e Right ((pLen,p),(qLen,q)) -> do case compare pLen qLen of LT -> do ll <- eval (Proxy @l) opts a pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts (msg0 <> " l failed") ll hhs of Left e -> e Right l -> let d = zip (p ++ repeat l) q in mkNode opts (Val d) (show3' opts (msg0 <> " Left pad") d "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) (hhs ++ [hh ll]) GT -> do rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts a pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts (msg0 <> " r failed") rr hhs of Left e -> e Right r -> let d =zip p (q ++ repeat r) in mkNode opts (Val d) (show3' opts (msg0 <> " Right pad") d "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) (hhs ++ [hh rr]) EQ -> let d = zip p q in pure $ mkNode opts (Val d) (show3' opts (msg0 <> " No pad") d "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) hhs -- | zip two lists optionally padding the left hand side -- -- >>> pl @(ZipL 99 '[1,2,3] "abc") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] (ZipL [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] | p=[1,2,3] | q="abc") -- Val [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipL 99 '[1,2] "abc") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(99,'c')] (ZipL [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(99,'c')] | p=[1,2] | q="abc") -- Val [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(99,'c')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipL 99 '[1] "abc") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(99,'b'),(99,'c')] (ZipL [(1,'a'),(99,'b'),(99,'c')] | p=[1] | q="abc") -- Val [(1,'a'),(99,'b'),(99,'c')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipL 99 '[1,2,3] "ab") () -- Error ZipL(3,2) rhs would be truncated (p=[1,2,3] | q="ab") -- Fail "ZipL(3,2) rhs would be truncated" -- -- >>> pl @(ZipL 99 Id "abcdefg") [1..4] -- Present [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(4,'d'),(99,'e'),(99,'f'),(99,'g')] (ZipL [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(4,'d'),(99,'e'),(99,'f'),(99,'g')] | p=[1,2,3,4] | q="abcdefg") -- Val [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(4,'d'),(99,'e'),(99,'f'),(99,'g')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipL (99 % 4) '[1 % 1 , 2 % 1 , 3 % 1] Id) "abcde" -- Present [(1 % 1,'a'),(2 % 1,'b'),(3 % 1,'c'),(99 % 4,'d'),(99 % 4,'e')] (ZipL [(1 % 1,'a'),(2 % 1,'b'),(3 % 1,'c'),(99 % 4,'d'),(99 % 4,'e')] | p=[1 % 1,2 % 1,3 % 1] | q="abcde") -- Val [(1 % 1,'a'),(2 % 1,'b'),(3 % 1,'c'),(99 % 4,'d'),(99 % 4,'e')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipL "X" (EmptyT _ _) Id) "abcd" -- Present [("X",'a'),("X",'b'),("X",'c'),("X",'d')] (ZipL [("X",'a'),("X",'b'),("X",'c'),("X",'d')] | p=[] | q="abcd") -- Val [("X",'a'),("X",'b'),("X",'c'),("X",'d')] -- data ZipL l p q deriving Show instance ( PP l a ~ x , P l a , PP p a ~ [x] , PP q a ~ [y] , P p a , P q a , Show x , Show y ) => P (ZipL l p q) a where type PP (ZipL l p q) a = [(ExtractAFromList (PP p a), ExtractAFromList (PP q a))] eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ZipL" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p',q',pp,qq) -> do let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] case chkSize2 opts msg0 p' q' hhs of Left e -> pure e Right ((pLen,p),(qLen,q)) -> do case compare pLen qLen of GT -> let msg1 = msg0 ++ show (pLen,qLen) in pure $ mkNode opts (Fail (msg1 ++ " rhs would be truncated")) (showVerbose opts "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) hhs _ -> do ll <- eval (Proxy @l) opts a pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts (msg0 <> " l failed") ll hhs of Left e -> e Right l -> let d = zip (p ++ repeat l) q in mkNode opts (Val d) (show3' opts msg0 d "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) (hhs ++ [hh ll]) -- | zip two lists optionally padding the right hand side -- -- >>> pl @(ZipR (C "Z") '[1,2,3] "abc") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] (ZipR [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] | p=[1,2,3] | q="abc") -- Val [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipR (C "Z") '[1,2,3] "ab") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'Z')] (ZipR [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'Z')] | p=[1,2,3] | q="ab") -- Val [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'Z')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipR (C "Z") '[1,2,3] "a") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(2,'Z'),(3,'Z')] (ZipR [(1,'a'),(2,'Z'),(3,'Z')] | p=[1,2,3] | q="a") -- Val [(1,'a'),(2,'Z'),(3,'Z')] -- -- >>> pl @(ZipR (C "Z") '[1,2] "abc") () -- Error ZipR(2,3) rhs would be truncated (p=[1,2] | q="abc") -- Fail "ZipR(2,3) rhs would be truncated" -- -- >>> pl @(ZipR (C "Y") (EmptyT _ _) Id) "abcd" -- Error ZipR(0,4) rhs would be truncated (p=[] | q="abcd") -- Fail "ZipR(0,4) rhs would be truncated" -- data ZipR r p q deriving Show instance ( PP r a ~ y , P r a , PP p a ~ [x] , PP q a ~ [y] , P p a , P q a , Show x , Show y ) => P (ZipR r p q) a where type PP (ZipR r p q) a = [(ExtractAFromList (PP p a), ExtractAFromList (PP q a))] eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ZipR" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p',q',pp,qq) -> do let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] case chkSize2 opts msg0 p' q' hhs of Left e -> pure e Right ((pLen,p),(qLen,q)) -> do case compare pLen qLen of LT -> let msg1 = msg0 ++ show (pLen,qLen) in pure $ mkNode opts (Fail (msg1 ++ " rhs would be truncated")) (showVerbose opts "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) hhs _ -> do rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts a pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts (msg0 <> " l failed") rr hhs of Left e -> e Right r -> let d = zip p (q ++ repeat r) in mkNode opts (Val d) (show3' opts msg0 d "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) (hhs ++ [hh rr]) -- | zip two lists with the same length -- -- >>> pl @(Zip '[1,2,3] "abc") () -- Present [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] (Zip [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] | p=[1,2,3] | q="abc") -- Val [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')] -- -- >>> pl @(Zip '[1,2,3] "ab") () -- Error Zip(3,2) length mismatch (p=[1,2,3] | q="ab") -- Fail "Zip(3,2) length mismatch" -- -- >>> pl @(Zip '[1,2] "abc") () -- Error Zip(2,3) length mismatch (p=[1,2] | q="abc") -- Fail "Zip(2,3) length mismatch" -- -- >>> pl @(Zip "abc" Id) [1..7] -- Error Zip(3,7) length mismatch (p="abc" | q=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]) -- Fail "Zip(3,7) length mismatch" -- data Zip p q deriving Show instance ( PP p a ~ [x] , PP q a ~ [y] , P p a , P q a , Show x , Show y ) => P (Zip p q) a where type PP (Zip p q) a = [(ExtractAFromList (PP p a), ExtractAFromList (PP q a))] eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "Zip" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p',q',pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case chkSize2 opts msg0 p' q' hhs of Left e -> e Right ((pLen,p),(qLen,q)) -> do case compare pLen qLen of EQ -> let d = zip p q in mkNode opts (Val d) (show3' opts msg0 d "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) hhs _ -> let msg1 = msg0 ++ show (pLen,qLen) in mkNode opts (Fail (msg1 <> " length mismatch")) (showVerbose opts "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) hhs -- | similar to 'Data.List.sum' -- -- >>> pz @Sum [10,4,5,12,3,4] -- Val 38 -- -- >>> pz @Sum [] -- Val 0 -- -- >>> pz @(1 ... 10 >> Sum) () -- Val 55 -- data Sum deriving Show instance ( x ~ [a] , Num a , Show a ) => P Sum x where type PP Sum x = ExtractAFromTA x eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Sum" v = sum' as in pure $ mkNode opts (Val v) (show3 opts msg0 v as) [] -- | similar to 'Data.List.product' -- -- >>> pz @Product [10,4,5,12,3,4] -- Val 28800 -- -- >>> pz @Product [] -- Val 1 -- data Product deriving Show instance ( x ~ [a] , Num a , Show a ) => P Product x where type PP Product x = ExtractAFromTA x eval _ opts as = let msg0 = "Product" v = product' as in pure $ mkNode opts (Val v) (show3 opts msg0 v as) [] -- | similar to 'Data.List.minimum' -- -- >>> pz @Min [10,4,5,12,3,4] -- Val 3 -- -- >>> pz @Min [] -- Fail "empty list" -- data Min deriving Show instance ( x ~ [a] , Ord a , Show a ) => P Min x where type PP Min x = ExtractAFromTA x eval _ opts as' = do let msg0 = "Min" pure $ case as' of [] -> mkNode opts (Fail "empty list") msg0 [] xs@(a:as) -> let v = foldl' min a as in mkNode opts (Val v) (show3 opts msg0 v xs) [] -- | similar to 'Data.List.maximum' -- -- >>> pz @Max [10,4,5,12,3,4] -- Val 12 -- -- >>> pz @Max [] -- Fail "empty list" -- data Max deriving Show instance ( x ~ [a] , Ord a , Show a ) => P Max x where type PP Max x = ExtractAFromTA x eval _ opts as' = do let msg0 = "Max" pure $ case as' of [] -> mkNode opts (Fail "empty list") msg0 [] xs@(a:as) -> let v = foldl' max a as in mkNode opts (Val v) (show3 opts msg0 v xs) [] data IsFixImpl (cmp :: Ordering) p q deriving Show instance ( P p x , P q x , Show a , Eq a , PP p x ~ [a] , PP q x ~ [a] , GetOrdering cmp ) => P (IsFixImpl cmp p q) x where type PP (IsFixImpl cmp p q) x = Bool eval _ opts x = do let cmp = getOrdering @cmp (ff,msg0) = cmpOf cmp lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p',q',pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case chkSize2 opts msg0 p' q' hhs of Left e -> e Right ((_,p),(_,q)) -> let msg1 = joinStrings msg0 (showL opts p) in mkNodeB opts (ff p q) (msg1 <> " " <> showL opts q) hhs -- | similar to 'Data.List.isPrefixOf' -- -- >>> pl @(IsPrefix '[2,3] Id) [2,3,4] -- True (IsPrefix | [2,3] [2,3,4]) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(IsPrefix '[2,3] Id) [1,2,3] -- False (IsPrefix | [2,3] [1,2,3]) -- Val False -- data IsPrefix p q deriving Show type IsPrefixT p q = IsFixImpl 'LT p q instance P (IsPrefixT p q) x => P (IsPrefix p q) x where type PP (IsPrefix p q) x = PP (IsPrefixT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(IsPrefixT p q)) -- | similar to 'Data.List.isInfixOf' -- -- >>> pl @(IsInfix '[2,3] Id) [1,2,3] -- True (IsInfix | [2,3] [1,2,3]) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(IsInfix '[2,3] Id) [1,2,1,3] -- False (IsInfix | [2,3] [1,2,1,3]) -- Val False -- data IsInfix p q deriving Show type IsInfixT p q = IsFixImpl 'EQ p q instance P (IsInfixT p q) x => P (IsInfix p q) x where type PP (IsInfix p q) x = PP (IsInfixT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(IsInfixT p q)) -- | similar to 'Data.List.isSuffixOf' -- -- >>> pl @(IsSuffix '[2,3] Id) [1,2,3] -- True (IsSuffix | [2,3] [1,2,3]) -- Val True -- -- >>> pl @(IsSuffix '[2,3] Id) [2,3,4] -- False (IsSuffix | [2,3] [2,3,4]) -- Val False -- data IsSuffix p q deriving Show type IsSuffixT p q = IsFixImpl 'GT p q instance P (IsSuffixT p q) x => P (IsSuffix p q) x where type PP (IsSuffix p q) x = PP (IsSuffixT p q) x eval _ = evalBool (Proxy @(IsSuffixT p q)) -- | similar to 'Data.List.nub' -- -- >>> pz @Nub "abcdbc" -- Val "abcd" -- -- >>> pz @Nub [] -- Val [] -- -- >>> pz @Nub [1,4,1,1,1,1,1] -- Val [1,4] -- data Nub deriving Show instance ( x ~ [a] , Show a , Ord a ) => P Nub x where type PP Nub x = x eval _ opts x = let msg0 = "Nub" ret = nubOrd x in pure $ mkNode opts (Val ret) (show3 opts msg0 ret x) [] -- | zip cartesian product for lists: see 'Predicate.Data.Extra.LiftA2' for Applicative version -- -- >>> pz @(ZipCartesian (EnumFromTo Fst Snd) ('LT ... 'GT) ) (10,11) -- Val [(10,LT),(10,EQ),(10,GT),(11,LT),(11,EQ),(11,GT)] -- -- >>> pz @(ZipCartesian '[ '() ] (1 ... 5)) True -- Val [((),1),((),2),((),3),((),4),((),5)] -- data ZipCartesian p q deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ [a] , PP q x ~ [b] , P p x , P q x , Show a , Show b ) => P (ZipCartesian p q) x where type PP (ZipCartesian p q) x = [(ExtractAFromTA (PP p x), ExtractAFromTA (PP q x))] eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ZipCartesian" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p',q',pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case chkSize2 opts msg0 p' q' hhs of Left e -> e Right ((_,p),(_,q)) -> let d = liftA2 (,) p q in mkNode opts (Val d) (show3' opts msg0 d "p=" p <> showVerbose opts " | q=" q) hhs -- | experimental: sorts then partitions and then sorts each partitions based on the leftmost occurring value in the original list -- if the existing order of data is fine then use 'Predicate.Data.List.GroupBy' as you do not need this -- -- >>> pz @(PartitionsBy (Fst ==! Snd) (L11 == L21) Id) [10,9,9,1,9] -- Val [[10],[9,9,9],[1]] -- -- >>> pz @(PartitionsBy Compare (L11 < L21) Id) "efaffabec" -- Val ["a","f","f","abce","ef"] -- -- >>> pz @(PartitionsBy 'GT 'True Id) "efaffabec" -- Val ["cebaffafe"] -- -- >>> pz @(PartitionsBy 'GT 'False Id) "efaffabec" -- Val ["e","f","a","f","f","a","b","e","c"] -- -- >>> pz @(PartitionsBy (Fst ==! Snd) (L12 > L22) Id) [10,9,9,1,9,4] -- Val [[9],[1],[9,10],[4,9]] -- -- >>> pz @(PartitionsBy (L11 ==! L21) (L12 > L22) Id) "eddadc" -- Val ["d","a","de","cd"] -- -- >>> pz @(PartitionsBy (L11 ==! L21) (L11 < L21) Id) [10,9,9,1,9,4] -- Val [[9],[1,4,9],[9,10]] -- -- >>> pz @(PartitionsBy (Fst ==! Snd) (L11 == L21) Id) (map (uncurry SG.Arg) [(10,0),(9,4),(9,3),(1,1),(9,6)]) -- Val [[Arg 10 0],[Arg 9 4,Arg 9 3,Arg 9 6],[Arg 1 1]] -- data PartitionsBy p q r deriving Show type PartitionsByT p q r = SortBy p (Zip r (0 ... (Length r - 1))) >> GroupBy q Id >> SortOn (Head >> Snd) Id >> Map (Map Fst) instance P (PartitionsByT p q r) x => P (PartitionsBy p q r) x where type PP (PartitionsBy p q r) x = PP (PartitionsByT p q r) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(PartitionsByT p q r)) -- | add an index to map -- -- >>> pz @(IMap (Second Succ) Id) "hello" -- Val [(0,'i'),(1,'f'),(2,'m'),(3,'m'),(4,'p')] -- -- >>> pz @(IMap (10 ^ Fst * Snd) Id >> Sum) [3,2,7,9] -- Val 9723 -- -- >>> pz @(IMap (2 ^ Fst * Snd) Id) [1,1,1,0,1,0,1] -- Val [1,2,4,0,16,0,64] -- -- >>> pz @(Rescan "^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)$" >> Map (Snd >> IMap (GuardBool (PrintT "bad value=%d %s" Id) (Snd >> ReadP Int Id < 255)) Id)) "123.222.999.3" -- Fail "bad value=2 999" -- -- >>> pz @(Rescan "^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)$" >> Map (Snd >> IMap (GuardBool (PrintT "bad value=%d %s" Id) (Snd >> ReadP Int Id < 255)) Id)) "" -- Val [[True,True,True,True]] -- data IMap p q deriving Show type IMapT p q = ZipWith p (0 ... (Length q - 1)) q instance P (IMapT p q) x => P (IMap p q) x where type PP (IMap p q) x = PP (IMapT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(IMapT p q)) -- | add an index to list -- -- >>> pz @IList "abcdef" -- Val [(0,'a'),(1,'b'),(2,'c'),(3,'d'),(4,'e'),(5,'f')] -- data IList deriving Show type IListT = Zip (0 ... (Len - 1)) Id instance P IListT x => P IList x where type PP IList x = PP IListT x eval _ = eval (Proxy @IListT)