{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDeriving #-} -- | promoted json encoding and decoding functions module Predicate.Data.Json ( -- ** functions ParseJson' , ParseJson , EncodeJson , EncodeJsonFile , ParseJsonFile' , ParseJsonFile ) where import Predicate.Core import Predicate.Misc import Predicate.Util import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy)) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Kind (Type) import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as AP import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8 import System.Directory (doesFileExist) -- $setup -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XTypeOperators -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> import Predicate.Prelude -- | parse json data using the type @t@ data ParseJson' t p deriving Show instance ( P p x , PP p x ~ BL8.ByteString , Typeable (PP t x) , Show (PP t x) , A.FromJSON (PP t x) ) => P (ParseJson' t p) x where type PP (ParseJson' t p) x = PP t x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ParseJson " <> t t = showT @(PP t x) pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right s -> let hhs = [hh pp] msg1 = msg0 <> "(" ++ litBL opts { oWidth = oWidth opts `div` 3 } s ++ ")" in case A.eitherDecode' s of Right b -> mkNode opts (Val b) (msg0 <> " " ++ showL opts { oWidth = oWidth opts `div` 2 } b) hhs Left e -> mkNode opts (Fail (msg1 <> " " <> e) ) (litBL opts s) hhs -- | parse json data using the type @t@ -- -- >>> pl @(ParseJson (Int,String) Id) "[10,\"abc\"]" -- Present (10,"abc") (ParseJson (Int,[Char]) (10,"abc")) -- Val (10,"abc") -- -- >>> pl @(ParseJson (Int,String) Id) "[10,\"abc\",99]" -- Error ParseJson (Int,[Char])([10,"abc",99]) Error in $: cannot unpack array of length 3 into a tuple of length 2 ([10,"abc",99]) -- Fail "ParseJson (Int,[Char])([10,\"abc\",99]) Error in $: cannot unpack array of length 3 into a tuple of length 2" -- -- >>> pl @(ParseJson (Int,Bool) (FromString _ Id)) "[1,true]" -- Present (1,True) (ParseJson (Int,Bool) (1,True)) -- Val (1,True) -- -- >>> pl @(ParseJson (Int,Bool) Id) (A.encode (1,True)) -- Present (1,True) (ParseJson (Int,Bool) (1,True)) -- Val (1,True) -- -- >>> pl @(ParseJson () Id) "[1,true]" -- Error ParseJson ()([1,true]) Error in $: parsing () failed, expected an empty array ([1,true]) -- Fail "ParseJson ()([1,true]) Error in $: parsing () failed, expected an empty array" -- data ParseJson (t :: Type) p deriving Show type ParseJsonT (t :: Type) p = ParseJson' (Hole t) p instance P (ParseJsonT t p) x => P (ParseJson t p) x where type PP (ParseJson t p) x = PP (ParseJsonT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ParseJsonT t p)) -- | parse json file @p@ using the type @t@ data ParseJsonFile' t p deriving Show instance ( P p x , PP p x ~ String , Typeable (PP t x) , Show (PP t x) , A.FromJSON (PP t x) ) => P (ParseJsonFile' t p) x where type PP (ParseJsonFile' t p) x = PP t x eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ParseJsonFile " <> t t = showT @(PP t x) pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> pure e Right p -> do let hhs = [hh pp] msg1 = msg0 <> "(" <> p <> ")" mb <- runIO $ do b <- doesFileExist p if b then Just <$> BS8.readFile p else pure Nothing pure $ case mb of Nothing -> mkNode opts (Fail msg1) "" hhs Just Nothing -> mkNode opts (Fail (msg1 <> " file does not exist")) "" hhs Just (Just s) -> case A.eitherDecodeStrict' s of Right b -> mkNode opts (Val b) (msg1 <> " " ++ showL opts b) hhs Left e -> mkNode opts (Fail (msg1 <> " " <> e)) (litBS opts s) hhs -- | parse a json file @p@ using the type @t@ -- -- >>> pz @(ParseJsonFile [A.Value] "test1.json" >> Id !! 2) () -- Val (Object (fromList [("lastName",String "Doe"),("age",Number 45.0),("firstName",String "John"),("likesPizza",Bool False)])) -- data ParseJsonFile (t :: Type) p deriving Show type ParseJsonFileT (t :: Type) p = ParseJsonFile' (Hole t) p instance P (ParseJsonFileT t p) x => P (ParseJsonFile t p) x where type PP (ParseJsonFile t p) x = PP (ParseJsonFileT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ParseJsonFileT t p)) -- | encode json with pretty option -- -- >>> pl @(EncodeJson 'False Id) (10,"def") -- Present "[10,\"def\"]" (EncodeJson [10,"def"]) -- Val "[10,\"def\"]" -- -- >>> pl @(EncodeJson 'False Id >> ParseJson (Int,Bool) Id) (1,True) -- Present (1,True) ((>>) (1,True) | {ParseJson (Int,Bool) (1,True)}) -- Val (1,True) -- data EncodeJson (pretty :: Bool) p deriving Show instance ( GetBool pretty , A.ToJSON (PP p x) , P p x ) => P (EncodeJson pretty p) x where type PP (EncodeJson pretty p) x = BL8.ByteString eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "EncodeJson" pretty = getBool @pretty pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = (if pretty then AP.encodePretty else A.encode) p in mkNode opts (Val d) (msg0 <> " " <> litL opts (litBL opts d)) [hh pp] -- | encode a json file with pretty option data EncodeJsonFile (pretty :: Bool) p q deriving Show instance ( GetBool pretty , PP p x ~ String , P p x , A.ToJSON (PP q x) , P q x ) => P (EncodeJsonFile pretty p q) x where type PP (EncodeJsonFile pretty p q) x = () eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "EncodeJsonFile" pretty = getBool @pretty lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> do let d = (if pretty then AP.encodePretty else A.encode) q hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] mb <- runIO $ BL8.writeFile p d pure $ case mb of Nothing -> mkNode opts (Fail (msg0 <> " must run in IO")) "" hhs Just () -> mkNode opts (Val ()) (msg0 <> " " <> litL opts (litBL opts d)) hhs