{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDeriving #-} -- | promoted date time functions module Predicate.Data.DateTime ( -- ** format FormatTimeP , FormatTimeP' -- ** constructors , ParseTimeP , ParseTimeP' , ParseTimes , ParseTimes' , MkDay , MkDay' , MkDayExtra , MkDayExtra' , MkTime , MkTime' , PosixToUTCTime , DiffUTCTime , DiffLocalTime -- ** destructors , UnMkDay , ToWeekDate , ToWeekYear , ToDay , ToTime , UnMkTime , UTCTimeToPosix , LocalTimeToUTC ) where import Predicate.Core import Predicate.Misc import Predicate.Util import Control.Lens import Data.Typeable (Typeable, Proxy(Proxy)) import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Time import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate (toWeekDate) import qualified Data.Time.Clock.System as CP import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as P -- $setup -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XTypeOperators -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> import qualified Data.Text as T -- >>> import Predicate.Prelude -- >>> import Safe (readNote) -- | type level expression representing a formatted time -- similar to 'Data.Time.formatTime' using a type level 'GHC.TypeLits.Symbol' to get the formatting string -- -- >>> pz @(FormatTimeP' Fst Snd) ("the date is %d/%m/%Y", readNote @Day "invalid day" "2019-05-24") -- Val "the date is 24/05/2019" -- data FormatTimeP' p q deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ String , FormatTime (PP q x) , P p x , Show (PP q x) , P q x ) => P (FormatTimeP' p q) x where type PP (FormatTimeP' p q) x = String eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "FormatTimeP" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" d = formatTime defaultTimeLocale p q in mkNode opts (Val d) (msg1 <> " " <> litL opts d <> showVerbose opts " | " q) [hh pp, hh qq] -- | type level expression representing a formatted time -- -- >>> pz @(FormatTimeP "%F %T") (readNote @LocalTime "invalid localtime" "2019-05-24 05:19:59") -- Val "2019-05-24 05:19:59" -- -- >>> pl @(FormatTimeP "%Y-%m-%d") (readNote @Day "invalid day" "2019-08-17") -- Present "2019-08-17" (FormatTimeP (%Y-%m-%d) 2019-08-17 | 2019-08-17) -- Val "2019-08-17" -- data FormatTimeP p deriving Show type FormatTimePT p = FormatTimeP' p Id instance P (FormatTimePT p) x => P (FormatTimeP p) x where type PP (FormatTimeP p) x = PP (FormatTimePT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(FormatTimePT p)) -- | similar to 'Data.Time.parseTimeM' where @t@ is the 'Data.Time.ParseTime' type, @p@ is the datetime format and @q@ points to the content to parse -- keeping @q@ as we might want to extract from a tuple data ParseTimeP' t p q deriving Show instance ( ParseTime (PP t a) , Typeable (PP t a) , Show (PP t a) , P p a , P q a , PP p a ~ String , PP q a ~ String ) => P (ParseTimeP' t p q) a where type PP (ParseTimeP' t p q) a = PP t a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ParseTimeP " <> t t = showT @(PP t a) lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let msg1 = msg0 <> " (" <> p <> ")" hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] in case parseTimeM @Maybe @(PP t a) True defaultTimeLocale p q of Just d -> mkNode opts (Val d) (lit3 opts msg1 d "fmt=" p <> showVerbose opts " | " q) hhs Nothing -> mkNode opts (Fail (msg1 <> " failed to parse")) "" hhs -- | similar to 'Date.Time.parseTimeM' -- -- >>> pz @(ParseTimeP LocalTime "%F %T") "2019-05-24 05:19:59" -- Val 2019-05-24 05:19:59 -- -- >>> pz @("2019-05-24 05:19:59" >> ParseTimeP LocalTime "%F %T") (Right "never used") -- Val 2019-05-24 05:19:59 -- -- >>> pl @(ParseTimeP TimeOfDay "%H:%M%S") "14:04:61" -- Error ParseTimeP TimeOfDay (%H:%M%S) failed to parse -- Fail "ParseTimeP TimeOfDay (%H:%M%S) failed to parse" -- -- >>> pl @(ParseTimeP UTCTime "%F %T") "1999-01-01 12:12:12" -- Present 1999-01-01 12:12:12 UTC (ParseTimeP UTCTime (%F %T) 1999-01-01 12:12:12 UTC | fmt=%F %T | "1999-01-01 12:12:12") -- Val 1999-01-01 12:12:12 UTC -- -- >>> pz @(ParseTimeP ZonedTime "%s%Q%z") "153014400.000+0530" -- Val 1974-11-07 05:30:00 +0530 -- data ParseTimeP (t :: Type) p deriving Show type ParseTimePT (t :: Type) p = ParseTimeP' (Hole t) p Id instance P (ParseTimePT t p) x => P (ParseTimeP t p) x where type PP (ParseTimeP t p) x = PP (ParseTimePT t p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ParseTimePT t p)) -- | A convenience method to match against many different datetime formats to find the first match data ParseTimes' t p q deriving Show instance ( ParseTime (PP t a) , Typeable (PP t a) , Show (PP t a) , P p a , P q a , PP p a ~ [String] , PP q a ~ String ) => P (ParseTimes' t p q) a where type PP (ParseTimes' t p q) a = PP t a eval _ opts a = do let msg0 = "ParseTimes " <> t t = showT @(PP t a) lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts a [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] zs = map (\d -> (d,) <$> parseTimeM @Maybe @(PP t a) True defaultTimeLocale d q) p in case catMaybes zs of [] -> mkNode opts (Fail ("no match on (" ++ q ++ ")")) msg0 hhs (d,b):_ -> mkNode opts (Val b) (lit3 opts msg0 b "fmt=" d <> showVerbose opts " | " q) hhs -- | A convenience method to match against many different datetime formats to find the first match -- -- >>> pz @(ParseTimes LocalTime '["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", "%B %d %Y %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"] "03/11/19 01:22:33") () -- Val 2019-03-11 01:22:33 -- -- >>> pz @(ParseTimes LocalTime Fst Snd) (["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", "%B %d %Y %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"], "03/11/19 01:22:33") -- Val 2019-03-11 01:22:33 -- -- >>> pl @(Map (ParseTimes Day '["%Y-%m-%d", "%m/%d/%y", "%b %d %Y"] Id)) ["2001-01-01", "Jan 24 2009", "03/29/0x7"] -- Error no match on (03/29/0x7) (Map(i=2, a="03/29/0x7") excnt=1) -- Fail "no match on (03/29/0x7)" -- -- >>> pl @(Map (ParseTimes Day '["%Y-%m-%d", "%m/%d/%y", "%b %d %Y"] Id)) ["2001-01-01", "Jan 24 2009", "03/29/07"] -- Present [2001-01-01,2009-01-24,2007-03-29] (Map [2001-01-01,2009-01-24,2007-03-29] | ["2001-01-01","Jan 24 2009","03/29/07"]) -- Val [2001-01-01,2009-01-24,2007-03-29] -- data ParseTimes (t :: Type) p q deriving Show type ParseTimesT (t :: Type) p q = ParseTimes' (Hole t) p q instance P (ParseTimesT t p q) x => P (ParseTimes t p q) x where type PP (ParseTimes t p q) x = PP (ParseTimesT t p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(ParseTimesT t p q)) -- | create a 'Day' from three int values passed in as year month and day -- -- >>> pz @(MkDay' Fst Snd Thd) (2019,99,99999) -- Val Nothing -- data MkDay' p q r deriving Show instance ( P p x , P q x , P r x , PP p x ~ Int , PP q x ~ Int , PP r x ~ Int ) => P (MkDay' p q r) x where type PP (MkDay' p q r) x = Maybe Day eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "MkDay" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> do let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 rr hhs of Left e -> e Right r -> let mday = fromGregorianValid (fromIntegral p) q r in mkNode opts (Val mday) (show3' opts msg0 mday "(y,m,d)=" (p,q,r)) (hhs <> [hh rr]) -- | create a 'Day' from three int values passed in as year month and day -- -- >>> pz @(MkDay '(1,2,3) >> 'Just Id) () -- Val 0001-02-03 -- -- >>> pz @('Just (MkDay '(1,2,3))) 1 -- Val 0001-02-03 -- -- >>> pz @(MkDay Id) (2019,12,30) -- Val (Just 2019-12-30) -- -- >>> pz @(MkDay Id) (1999,3,13) -- Val (Just 1999-03-13) -- data MkDay p deriving Show type MkDayT p = p >> MkDay' Fst Snd Thd instance P (MkDayT p) x => P (MkDay p) x where type PP (MkDay p) x = PP (MkDayT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MkDayT p)) -- | uncreate a 'Day' returning year month and day -- -- >>> pz @(UnMkDay Id) (readNote "invalid day" "2019-12-30") -- Val (2019,12,30) -- data UnMkDay p deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ Day , P p x ) => P (UnMkDay p) x where type PP (UnMkDay p) x = (Int, Int, Int) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "UnMkDay" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let (fromIntegral -> y, m, d) = toGregorian p b = (y, m, d) in mkNode opts (Val b) (show3 opts msg0 b p) [hh pp] -- | create a 'Day', week number, and the day of the week from three numbers passed in as year month and day -- -- >>> pz @(MkDayExtra' Fst Snd Thd) (2019,99,99999) -- Val Nothing -- data MkDayExtra' p q r deriving Show instance ( P p x , P q x , P r x , PP p x ~ Int , PP q x ~ Int , PP r x ~ Int ) => P (MkDayExtra' p q r) x where type PP (MkDayExtra' p q r) x = Maybe (Day, Int, Int) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "MkDayExtra" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> do let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 rr hhs of Left e -> e Right r -> let mday = fromGregorianValid (fromIntegral p) q r b = mday <&> \day -> let (_, week, dow) = toWeekDate day in (day, week, dow) in mkNode opts (Val b) (show3' opts msg0 b "(y,m,d)=" (p,q,r)) (hhs <> [hh rr]) -- | create a 'Day', week number, and the day of the week from three numbers passed in as year month and day -- -- >>> pz @(MkDayExtra '(1,2,3) >> 'Just Id >> Fst) () -- Val 0001-02-03 -- -- >>> pz @(L1 (Just (MkDayExtra '(1,2,3)))) 1 -- Val 0001-02-03 -- -- >>> pz @(MkDayExtra Id) (2019,12,30) -- Val (Just (2019-12-30,1,1)) -- -- >>> pz @(MkDayExtra Id) (1999,3,13) -- Val (Just (1999-03-13,10,6)) -- data MkDayExtra p deriving Show type MkDayExtraT p = p >> MkDayExtra' Fst Snd Thd instance P (MkDayExtraT p) x => P (MkDayExtra p) x where type PP (MkDayExtra p) x = PP (MkDayExtraT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MkDayExtraT p)) -- | get the day of the week -- -- >>> pz @('Just (MkDay '(2020,7,11)) >> '(UnMkDay Id, ToWeekYear Id,ToWeekDate Id)) () -- Val ((2020,7,11),28,(6,"Saturday")) -- data ToWeekDate p deriving Show instance ( P p x , PP p x ~ Day ) => P (ToWeekDate p) x where type PP (ToWeekDate p) x = (Int, String) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ToWeekDate" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let (_, _week, dow) = toWeekDate p dowString = case dow `mod` 7 of 0 -> "Sunday" 1 -> "Monday" 2 -> "Tuesday" 3 -> "Wednesday" 4 -> "Thursday" 5 -> "Friday" 6 -> "Saturday" o -> errorInProgram $ "ToWeekDate:" ++ show o in mkNode opts (Val (dow,dowString)) (show3 opts msg0 dow p) [hh pp] -- | get week number of the year -- -- >>> pz @('Just (MkDay '(2020,7,11)) >> ToWeekYear Id) () -- Val 28 -- data ToWeekYear p deriving Show instance ( P p x , PP p x ~ Day ) => P (ToWeekYear p) x where type PP (ToWeekYear p) x = Int eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "ToWeekYear" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let (_, week, _dow) = toWeekDate p in mkNode opts (Val week) (show3 opts msg0 week p) [hh pp] class ToDayC (a :: Type) where getDay :: a -> Day instance ToDayC UTCTime where getDay = utctDay instance ToDayC ZonedTime where getDay = getDay . zonedTimeToLocalTime instance ToDayC LocalTime where getDay = localDay instance ToDayC Day where getDay = id instance ToDayC Rational where getDay = getDay . P.posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromRational instance ToDayC CP.SystemTime where getDay = getDay . CP.systemToUTCTime class ToTimeC (a :: Type) where getTime :: a -> TimeOfDay instance ToTimeC UTCTime where getTime = getTime . utctDayTime instance ToTimeC ZonedTime where getTime = getTime . zonedTimeToLocalTime instance ToTimeC LocalTime where getTime = localTimeOfDay instance ToTimeC TimeOfDay where getTime = id instance ToTimeC DiffTime where getTime = timeToTimeOfDay instance ToTimeC Rational where getTime = getTime . P.posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromRational instance ToTimeC CP.SystemTime where getTime = getTime . CP.systemToUTCTime -- | extract 'Day' from a DateTime -- -- >>> pz @(ReadP UTCTime Id >> ToDay) "2020-07-06 12:11:13Z" -- Val 2020-07-06 -- data ToDay deriving Show instance ( ToDayC x , Show x ) => P ToDay x where type PP ToDay x = Day eval _ opts x = let msg0 = "ToDay" ret = getDay x in pure $ mkNode opts (Val ret) (show3 opts msg0 ret x) [] -- | extract 'TimeOfDay' from DateTime -- -- >>> pz @(ReadP UTCTime Id >> ToTime) "2020-07-06 12:11:13Z" -- Val 12:11:13 -- data ToTime deriving Show instance ( ToTimeC x , Show x ) => P ToTime x where type PP ToTime x = TimeOfDay eval _ opts x = let msg0 = "ToTime" ret = getTime x in pure $ mkNode opts (Val ret) (show3 opts msg0 ret x) [] -- | create a 'TimeOfDay' from three int values passed in as year month and day -- -- >>> pz @(MkTime' Fst Snd Thd) (13,99,99999) -- Val 13:99:99999 -- data MkTime' p q r deriving Show instance ( P p x , P q x , P r x , PP p x ~ Int , PP q x ~ Int , PP r x ~ Rational ) => P (MkTime' p q r) x where type PP (MkTime' p q r) x = TimeOfDay eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "MkTime" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] case lr of Left e -> pure e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> do let hhs = [hh pp, hh qq] rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 rr hhs of Left e -> e Right r -> let mtime = TimeOfDay p q (fromRational r) in mkNode opts (Val mtime) (show3' opts msg0 mtime "(h,m,s)=" (p,q,r)) (hhs <> [hh rr]) -- | create a 'TimeOfDay' from a three-tuple of year month and day -- -- >>> pz @(MkTime '(1,2,3 % 12345)) () -- Val 01:02:00.000243013365 -- -- >>> pz @(MkTime Id) (12,13,65) -- Val 12:13:65 -- -- >>> pz @(MkTime Id) (17,3,13) -- Val 17:03:13 -- data MkTime p deriving Show type MkTimeT p = p >> MkTime' Fst Snd Thd instance P (MkTimeT p) x => P (MkTime p) x where type PP (MkTime p) x = PP (MkTimeT p) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(MkTimeT p)) -- | uncreate a 'TimeOfDay' returning hour minute seconds picoseconds -- -- >>> pz @(ReadP UTCTime "2019-01-01 12:13:14.1234Z" >> ToTime >> UnMkTime Id) () -- Val (12,13,70617 % 5000) -- -- >>> pz @(ReadP UTCTime Id >> ToTime >> UnMkTime Id) "2020-07-22 08:01:14.127Z" -- Val (8,1,14127 % 1000) -- -- >>> pz @(ReadP ZonedTime Id >> '(UnMkDay ToDay, UnMkTime ToTime)) "2020-07-11 11:41:12.333+0400" -- Val ((2020,7,11),(11,41,12333 % 1000)) -- data UnMkTime p deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ TimeOfDay , P p x ) => P (UnMkTime p) x where type PP (UnMkTime p) x = (Int, Int, Rational) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "UnMkTime" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let TimeOfDay h m s = p b = (h, m, toRational s) in mkNode opts (Val b) (show3 opts msg0 b p) [hh pp] -- microsoft json date is x*1000 ie milliseconds -- | convert posix time (seconds since 01-01-1970) to 'UTCTime' -- -- >>> pl @(PosixToUTCTime Id) 1593384312 -- Present 2020-06-28 22:45:12 UTC (PosixToUTCTime 2020-06-28 22:45:12 UTC | 1593384312 % 1) -- Val 2020-06-28 22:45:12 UTC -- -- >>> pl @(PosixToUTCTime Id >> UTCTimeToPosix Id) 1593384312 -- Present 1593384312 % 1 ((>>) 1593384312 % 1 | {UTCTimeToPosix 1593384312 % 1 | 2020-06-28 22:45:12 UTC}) -- Val (1593384312 % 1) -- -- >>> pl @(PosixToUTCTime (Id % 1000)) 1593384312000 -- Present 2020-06-28 22:45:12 UTC (PosixToUTCTime 2020-06-28 22:45:12 UTC | 1593384312 % 1) -- Val 2020-06-28 22:45:12 UTC -- -- >>> pl @(PosixToUTCTime Id) (3600*4+60*7+12) -- Present 1970-01-01 04:07:12 UTC (PosixToUTCTime 1970-01-01 04:07:12 UTC | 14832 % 1) -- Val 1970-01-01 04:07:12 UTC -- -- >>> pz @(Rescan "^Date\\((\\d+)([^\\)]+)\\)" >> Head >> Snd >> ReadP Integer (Id !! 0) >> PosixToUTCTime (Id % 1000)) "Date(1530144000000+0530)" -- Val 2018-06-28 00:00:00 UTC -- data PosixToUTCTime p deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ Rational , P p x ) => P (PosixToUTCTime p) x where type PP (PosixToUTCTime p) x = UTCTime eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "PosixToUTCTime" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = P.posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromRational p) in mkNode opts (Val d) (show3 opts msg0 d p) [hh pp] -- | convert 'UTCTime' to posix time (seconds since 01-01-1970) -- -- >>> pl @(ReadP UTCTime Id >> UTCTimeToPosix Id) "2020-06-28 22:45:12 UTC" -- Present 1593384312 % 1 ((>>) 1593384312 % 1 | {UTCTimeToPosix 1593384312 % 1 | 2020-06-28 22:45:12 UTC}) -- Val (1593384312 % 1) -- -- >>> pz @(Rescan "^Date\\((\\d+)([^\\)]+)\\)" >> Head >> Snd >> ((ReadP Integer (Id !! 0) >> PosixToUTCTime (Id % 1000)) &&& ReadP TimeZone (Id !! 1))) "Date(1530144000000+0530)" -- Val (2018-06-28 00:00:00 UTC,+0530) -- data UTCTimeToPosix p deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ UTCTime , P p x ) => P (UTCTimeToPosix p) x where type PP (UTCTimeToPosix p) x = Rational eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "UTCTimeToPosix" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = toRational $ P.utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds p in mkNode opts (Val d) (show3 opts msg0 d p) [hh pp] -- | similar to 'Data.Time.diffUTCTime' -- -- >>> pz @(DiffUTCTime Fst Snd) (read "2020-11-08 12:12:03Z", read "2020-11-08 11:12:00Z") -- Val 3603s -- data DiffUTCTime p q deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ UTCTime , PP q x ~ UTCTime , P p x , P q x ) => P (DiffUTCTime p q) x where type PP (DiffUTCTime p q) x = NominalDiffTime eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "DiffUTCTime" lr <- runPQ NoInline msg0 (Proxy @p) (Proxy @q) opts x [] pure $ case lr of Left e -> e Right (p,q,pp,qq) -> let b = diffUTCTime p q in mkNode opts (Val b) (msg0 <> " " <> showL opts b <> showVerbose opts " | " p <> showVerbose opts " | " q) [hh pp, hh qq] -- | similar to 'Data.Time.diffLocalTime' -- -- >>> pz @(DiffLocalTime Fst Snd) (read "2020-11-08 12:12:03", read "2020-11-05 15:12:00") -- Val 248403s -- data DiffLocalTime p q deriving Show type DiffLocalTimeT p q = DiffUTCTime (LocalTimeToUTC p) (LocalTimeToUTC q) instance P (DiffLocalTimeT p q) x => P (DiffLocalTime p q) x where type PP (DiffLocalTime p q) x = PP (DiffLocalTimeT p q) x eval _ = eval (Proxy @(DiffLocalTimeT p q)) -- | similar to 'Data.Time.localTimeToUTC' data LocalTimeToUTC p deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ LocalTime , P p x ) => P (LocalTimeToUTC p) x where type PP (LocalTimeToUTC p) x = UTCTime eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "LocalTimeToUTC" pp <- eval (Proxy @p) opts x pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 pp [] of Left e -> e Right p -> let d = localTimeToUTC utc p in mkNode opts (Val d) (show3 opts msg0 d p) [hh pp]