{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} module TestRefined3 where --module TestRefined3 (suite) where import TastyExtras import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Predicate import Predicate.Refined3 import Predicate.Examples.Refined3 import Predicate.Examples.Common import Data.Ratio import Data.Typeable import Control.Lens import Data.Time import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Data.Aeson import Control.Arrow (left) import Text.Show.Functions () import Data.Tree.Lens import qualified Safe (readNote) import Data.Kind (Type) import qualified GHC.TypeLits as GL suite :: TestTree suite = let s = "TestRefined3" in testGroup s (namedTests <> orderTests s (unnamedTests <> tstextras) <> allProps) namedTests :: [TestTree] namedTests = [ testCase "ip9" $ (@?=) (newRefined3 "" :: Either Msg3 (MakeR3 Ip9)) (Right (unsafeRefined3 [121,0,12,13] "")) , testCase "luhn check" $ (@?=) (newRefined3 "12345678903" :: Either Msg3 (MakeR3 (Luhn11 OAN))) (Right (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,3] "1234-5678-903")) , testCase "datetime utctime" $ (@?=) (newRefined3 "2019-01-04 23:00:59" :: Either Msg3 (MakeR3 (DateTime1 OZ UTCTime))) (Right (unsafeRefined3 (Safe.readNote "testrefined3: utc date" "2019-01-04 23:00:59 UTC") "2019-01-04 23:00:59")) , testCase "datetime localtime" $ (@?=) (newRefined3 "2019-01-04 09:12:30" :: Either Msg3 (MakeR3 (DateTime1 OZ LocalTime))) (Right (unsafeRefined3 (Safe.readNote "testrefined3: localtime" "2019-01-04 09:12:30") "2019-01-04 09:12:30")) , testCase "hms" $ (@?=) (newRefined3 "12:0:59" :: Either Msg3 (MakeR3 (Hms OAN))) (Right (unsafeRefined3 [12,0,59] "12:00:59")) , testCase "between5and9" $ (@?=) (newRefined3 "7" :: Either Msg3 (Refined3 OAN (ReadP Int Id) (Between 5 9 Id) (PrintF "%03d" Id) String)) (Right (unsafeRefined3 7 "007")) , testCase "ssn" $ (@?=) (newRefined3 "123-45-6789" :: Either Msg3 (MakeR3 (Ssn OAN))) (Right (unsafeRefined3 [123,45,6789] "123-45-6789")) , testCase "base16" $ (@?=) (newRefined3 "12f" :: Either Msg3 (MakeR3 (BaseN OAN 16))) (Right (unsafeRefined3 303 "12f")) , testCase "daten1" $ (@?=) (newRefined3 "June 25 1900" :: Either Msg3 (MakeR3 (DateN OAN))) (Right (unsafeRefined3 (Safe.readNote "testrefined3: daten1" "1900-06-25") "1900-06-25")) , testCase "daten2" $ (@?=) (newRefined3 "12/02/99" :: Either Msg3 (MakeR3 (DateN OAN))) (Right (unsafeRefined3 (Safe.readNote "testrefined3: daten2" "1999-12-02") "1999-12-02")) , testCase "daten3" $ (@?=) (newRefined3 "2011-12-02" :: Either Msg3 (MakeR3 (DateN OAN))) (Right (unsafeRefined3 (Safe.readNote "testrefined3: daten3" "2011-12-02") "2011-12-02")) , testCase "ccn123" $ (@?=) (newRefined3 "123455" :: Either Msg3 (MakeR3 (Luhn OAN '[1,2,3]))) (Right (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4,5,5] "1-23-455")) , testCase "readshow" $ (@?=) (newRefined3 "12 % 5" :: Either Msg3 (ReadShowR OAN Rational)) (Right (unsafeRefined3 (12 % 5) "12 % 5")) ] unnamedTests :: [IO ()] unnamedTests = [ (@?=) [(unsafeRefined3 255 "ff", "")] (reads @(Refined3 OAN (ReadBase Int 16) (Between 0 255 Id) (ShowBase 16) String) "Refined3 255 \"ff\"") -- escape quotes cos read instance for String , (@?=) [] (reads @(Refined3 OAN (ReadBase Int 16) (Between 0 255 Id) (ShowBase 16) String) "Refined3 256 \"100\"") , (@?=) [(unsafeRefined3 (-1234) "-4d2", "")] (reads @(Refined3 OAN (ReadBase Int 16) (Id < 0) (ShowBase 16) String) "Refined3 (-1234) \"-4d2\"") , (@?=) (Right (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "")) (newRefined3 "" :: Either Msg3 (Ip4R OAN)) , expectJ (Right (G4 (unsafeRefined3 12 "12") (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] ""))) (toFrom $ G4 (unsafeRefined3 12 "12") (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "")) , expectJ (Left ["Error in $.g4Ip", "False Boolean Check"]) (toFrom $ G4 (unsafeRefined3 12 "12") (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "")) , expectJ (Left ["Error in $.g4Ip", "ReadP Int (3x)"]) (toFrom $ G4 (unsafeRefined3 12 "12") (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "1.2.3x.4")) , expectJ (Left ["Error in $.g4Age", "False Boolean Check"]) (toFrom $ G4 (unsafeRefined3 (-2) "-2") (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "")) , expectRight (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Luhn OAN '[4,4,3])) "123-45-6---789-03-") , expectLeft (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Luhn OAN '[4,4,3])) "123-45-6---789-04-") , expectRight (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Hms OAN)) "1:2:33") , expectLeft (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Hms OAN)) "1:2:61") , expectRight (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Luhn OAN '[4,4,3])) "6433-1000-006") , expectRight (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Luhn OAN '[4,4,3])) "6433-10000-06") , expectLeft (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Luhn OAN '[4,4,3])) "6433-1000-000") , expectRight (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Luhn OAN '[1,2,1])) "1-23-0") , expect3 (Left $ XF "Regex no results") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @(Rescan Ip4RE >> HeadFail "failedn" Id >> Map' (ReadP Int Id) Snd) @((Len == 4) && All (Between 0 255 Id)) @(PrintL 4 "%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d" Id) "1.21.x31.4" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [1,21,31,4] "") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @(Rescan Ip4RE >> HeadFail "failedn" Id >> Map' (ReadP Int Id) Snd) @((Len == 4) && All (Between 0 255 Id)) @(PrintL 4 "%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d" Id) "" , expect3 (Left $ XTFalse (-6.5) "(-13) % 2 > (-7) % 3") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @(ReadP Double Id) @(ToRational Id > 7 -% 3) @(PrintF "%5.3f" Id) "-6.5" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 4.123 "") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @(ReadP Double Id) @(ToRational Id > 7 -% 3) @"" "4.123" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 4.123 (4123 % 1000)) $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @Id @(Gt (7 -% 3)) @(4123 % 1000) 4.123 , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @(Map' (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\.")) @(All (Between 0 255 Id) && (Len == 4)) @"" "" , expect3 (Left $ XTFalse [0,0,0,291,1048319,4387,17,1] "True && False | (out of bounds: All(8) i=4 (1048319 <= 65535))") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @Ip6ip @Ip6op @"" "123:Ffeff:1123:11:1" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [12,2,0,255] "abc") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @Ip4ip @Ip4op' @"abc" "" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [123,45,6789] "def") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @(Rescan "^(\\d{3})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{4})$" >> OneP >> Map' (ReadBase Int 10) Snd) @(GuardBool "expected 3" (Len == 3) && GuardBool "3 digits" (Between 0 999 (Ix' 0)) && GuardBool "2 digits" (Between 0 99 (Ix' 1)) && GuardBool "4 digits" (Between 0 9999 (Ix' 2)) ) @"def" "123-45-6789" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [123,45,6789] "xyz") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @(Rescan "^(\\d{3})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{4})$" >> OneP >> Map' (ReadBase Int 10) Snd) @(GuardsQuick (PrintT "guard(%d) %d is out of range" Id) '[Between 0 999 Id, Between 0 99 Id, Between 0 9999 Id] >> 'True) @"xyz" "123-45-6789" , expect3 (Left $ XTFalse [0,0,0,291,1048319,4387,17,1] "True && False | (out of bounds: All(8) i=4 (1048319 <= 65535))") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @Ip6ip @Ip6op @"xyz" "123:Ffeff:1123:11:1" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [0,0,0,291,65535,4387,17,1] "xyz") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @Ip6ip @Ip6op @"xyz" "123:Ffff:1123:11:1" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [0,0,291,0,65535,0,0,17] "xyz") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @Ip6ip @Ip6op @"xyz" "123::Ffff:::11" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [0,0,291,0,65535,0,0,17] "xyz") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @Ip6ip @Ip6op @"xyz" "123::Ffff:::11" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [31,11,1999] "xyz") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @(Rescan DdmmyyyyRE >> OneP >> Map' (ReadBase Int 10) Snd) @Ddmmyyyyop @"xyz" "31-11-1999" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [123,45,6789] "xyz") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @(Rescan "^(\\d{3})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{4})$" >> OneP >> Map' (ReadBase Int 10) Snd) @(GuardsQuick (PrintT "guard(%d) %d is out of range" Id) '[Between 0 999 Id, Between 0 99 Id, Between 0 9999 Id] >> 'True) @"xyz" "123-45-6789" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "") $ runIdentity $ eval3P (ip4 @OZ) "" , expect3 (Left $ XF "ReadP Int (3x)") $ runIdentity $ eval3P (ip4 @OZ) "1.2.3x.4" , expect3 (Left $ XTF [1,2,3,4,5] "Guards:invalid length(5) expected 4") $ runIdentity $ eval3P (ip4 @OZ) "" , expect3 (Left $ XTF [1,2,300,4] "octet 2 out of range 0-255 found 300") $ runIdentity $ eval3P (ip4 @OZ) "1.2.300.4" , expect3 (Left $ XTF [1,2,3,4,5] "Bools:invalid length(5) expected 4") $ runIdentity $ eval3P (ip4' @OZ) "" , expect3 (Left $ XTF [1,2,300,4] "Bool(2) [octet 2 out of range 0-255 found 300]") $ runIdentity $ eval3P (ip4' @OZ) "1.2.300.4" , expect3 (Left (XTF [1,2,300,4] "Bool(2) [octet 2 out of range 0-255 found 300] (300 <= 255)")) $ runIdentity $ eval3P (ip4' @OL) "1.2.300.4" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,3] "1234-5678-903") $ runIdentity $ eval3P (luhn11 @OAN) "12345678903" , expect3 (Left $ XTF [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1] "invalid checkdigit") $ runIdentity $ eval3P (luhn11 @OZ) "12345678901" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 ([12,13,14],TimeOfDay 12 13 14) "12:13:14") $ runIdentity $ eval3P hms2E "12:13:14" , expect3 (Right (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "")) $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @Ip4ip @Ip4op' @(ParaN 4 (PrintF "%03d" Id) >> Intercalate '["."] Id >> Concat) "" , expect3 (Right (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "abc__002__3__zzz")) $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @Ip4ip @Ip4op' @(Para '[W "abc",PrintF "%03d" Id,PrintF "%d" Id,W "zzz"] >> Intercalate '["__"] Id >> Concat) "" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 ("", [1,2,3,4]) "") $ runIdentity $ eval3M @OAN @(Id &&& Ip4ip) @(Snd >> Ip4op') @(Snd >> ParaN 4 (PrintF "%03d" Id) >> Intercalate '["."] Id >> Concat) "" , Right (unsafeRefined3 4 "someval val=004") @=? newRefined3P (Proxy @Tst1) "4" , Left FalseP @=? left m3ValP (newRefined3P (Proxy @Tst1) "255") ] allProps :: [TestTree] allProps = [ testProperty "base16" $ forAll (genRefined3P (mkProxy3 @'(OAN, ReadBase Int 16, 'True, ShowBase 16, String)) arbitrary) (\r -> evalQuick @OL @(ReadBase Int 16) (r3Out r) === Right (r3In r)) , testProperty "readshow" $ forAll (genRefined3 arbitrary :: Gen (HexLtR3 OAN)) (\r -> Safe.readNote @(HexLtR3 OAN) "testrefined3: readshow" (show r) === r) , testProperty "jsonroundtrip1" $ forAll (genRefined3 arbitrary :: Gen (HexLtR3 OAN)) (\r -> testRefined3PJ Proxy (r3Out r) === Right r) ] type HexLtR3 (opts :: Opt) = Refined3 opts (ReadBase Int 16) (Id < 500) (ShowBase 16) String type Tst1 = '(OAN, ReadP Int Id, Between 1 7 Id, PrintF "someval val=%03d" Id, String) hms2E :: Proxy '(OAN, Hmsip2, Hmsop2, Hmsfmt2, String) hms2E = mkProxy3 type Hmsip2 = Hmsip &&& ParseTimeP TimeOfDay "%H:%M:%S" type Hmsop2 = Fst >> Hmsop type Hmsfmt2 = FormatTimeP' "%T" Snd -- use GuardBool for op boolean check to get better errormessages -- 1. packaged up as a promoted tuple type Tst3 = '(OAN, Map' (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\."), (Len == 4) && All (Between 0 255 Id), Lift Concat $ Intercalate '["."] $ Map (PrintF "%03d" Id), String) www1, www2 :: String -> Either Msg3 (MakeR3 Tst3) www1 = newRefined3P (mkProxy3 @Tst3) www2 = newRefined3P tst3 -- just pass in an ipaddress as a string: eg or (invalid) (invalid) -- 2. packaged as a proxy tst3 :: Proxy '(OAN, Map' (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\.") ,(Len == 4) && All (Between 0 255 Id) ,Lift Concat $ Intercalate '["."] $ Map (PrintF "%03d" Id) ,String) tst3 = mkProxy3 -- 3. direct www3, www3' :: String -> Either Msg3 (Refined3 OAN (Map' (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\.")) ((Len == 4) && All (Between 0 255 Id)) (Lift Concat $ Intercalate '["."] $ Map (PrintF "%03d" Id)) String) www3 = newRefined3 www3' = newRefined3 @OAN @(Map' (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\.")) @((Len == 4) && All (Between 0 255 Id)) @(Lift Concat $ Intercalate '["."] $ Map (PrintF "%03d" Id)) data G4 = G4 { g4Age :: !(MakeR3 Age) , g4Ip :: !(MakeR3 Ip9) } deriving (Show,Generic,Eq) --type MyAge = Refined3 OAN (ReadP Int Id) (Gt 4) (ShowP Id) String type Age = '(OAN, ReadP Int Id, Gt 4, ShowP Id, String) type Ip9 = '( OAN ,Map' (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\.") -- split String on "." then convert to [Int] ,Len == 4 && All (Between 0 255 Id) -- process [Int] and make sure length==4 and each octet is between 0 and 255 ,PrintL 4 "%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d" Id -- printf [Int] ,String -- input type is string which is also the output type ) instance FromJSON G4 instance ToJSON G4 tstextras :: [Assertion] tstextras = [ newRefined3P (daten @OAN) "June 25 1900" @?= Right (unsafeRefined3 (fromGregorian 1900 6 25) "1900-06-25") , newRefined3P (daten @OAN) "12/02/19" @?= Right (unsafeRefined3 (fromGregorian 2019 12 2) "2019-12-02") , newRefined3P (Proxy @(Luhn OAN '[1,1,1,1])) "1230" @?= Right (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,0] "1-2-3-0") , newRefined3P (Proxy @(Luhn OAN '[1,2,3])) "123455" @?= Right (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4,5,5] "1-23-455") -- , runIdentity (unRavelTValP $ tst1a @OAN @Identity) @?= Right ((163,"a3"),(12,"12")) -- , runIdentity (unRavelTValP yy1) ^? _Right @?= Just (unsafeRefined3 4 "someval val=004") -- , runIdentity (unRavelTValP yy2) ^? _Right @?= Just (unsafeRefined3 3 "someval val=003") -- , runIdentity (unRavelTString yy3) ^? _Left @?= Just "Step 2. False Boolean Check(op) | {12 <= 7}" -- , runIdentity (unRavelTValP yy4) ^? _Right @?= Just (unsafeRefined3 7 "someval val=007") , www1 "" @?= Right (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "") , www2 "" @?= Right (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "") , www3 "" @?= Right (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "") , www3' "" @?= Right (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "") , tst1a @'OAN @=? Right ((163,"a3"),(12,"12")) ] tst1a :: forall (opts :: Opt) . OptC opts => Either Msg3 ((Int,String),(Int,String)) tst1a = do r1 <- newRefined3 @opts @(ReadBase Int 16) @(Between 100 200 Id) @(ShowBase 16) @String "a3" r2 <- newRefined3 @opts @(ReadP Int Id) @'True @(ShowP Id) @String "12" return ((r3In r1, r3Out r1), (r3In r2, r3Out r2)) -- have to use 'i' as we dont hold onto the input testRefined3PJ :: forall opts ip op fmt i proxy . (ToJSON (PP fmt (PP ip i)) , Show (PP ip i) , Refined3C opts ip op fmt i , FromJSON i ) => proxy '(opts,ip,op,fmt,i) -> i -> Either String (Refined3 opts ip op fmt i) testRefined3PJ _ i = case newRefined3 @opts @ip @op @fmt i of Right r -> eitherDecode @(Refined3 opts ip op fmt i) $ encode r Left e -> Left $ show e -- test that roundtripping holds ie i ~ PP fmt (PP ip i) testRefined3P :: forall opts ip op fmt i proxy . ( Show (PP ip i) , Show (PP fmt (PP ip i)) , Refined3C opts ip op fmt i , Eq i , Eq (PP ip i) ) => proxy '(opts,ip,op,fmt,i) -> i -> Either (String,String) (Refined3 opts ip op fmt i, Refined3 opts ip op fmt i) testRefined3P _ i = case newRefined3 @opts @ip @op @fmt i of Right r -> case newRefined3 @opts @ip @op @fmt (r3Out r) of Left e -> Left ("testRefined3P(2): round trip failed: old(" ++ show i ++ ") new(" ++ show (r3Out r) ++ ")", show e) Right r1 -> if r /= r1 then Left ("testRefined3P(3): round trip pure () but values dont match: old(" ++ show i ++ ") new(" ++ show (r3Out r) ++ ")", show (r,r1)) else Right (r,r1) Left e -> Left ("testRefined3P(1): bad initial predicate i=" ++ show i, show e) data Results3 a = XF !String -- Left e | XTF !a !String -- Right a + Left e | XTFalse !a !String -- Right a + Right False | XTTrueF !a !String -- Right a + Right True + Left e | XTTrueT !a -- Right a + Right True + Right b deriving (Show,Eq) toRResults3 :: RResults3 a -> Results3 a toRResults3 = \case RF e _ -> XF e RTF a _ e _ -> XTF a e RTFalse a _ t2 -> XTFalse a (t2 ^. root . peString) RTTrueF a _ _ e _ -> XTTrueF a e RTTrueT a _ _ _ -> XTTrueT a expect3 :: (HasCallStack, Show i, Show r, Eq i, Eq r) => Either (Results3 i) r -> (RResults3 i, Maybe r) -> IO () expect3 lhs (rhs,mr) = (@?=) (maybe (Left $ toRResults3 rhs) Right mr) lhs testKindSignature3A :: Either Msg3 (Refined3 OU Id (PApp (Proxy (Lift "abc" :: Type -> Type)) (Proxy ()) >> 'True) Id ()) testKindSignature3A = newRefined3 () testKindSignature3B :: Either Msg3 (Refined3 OU Id (Pop1' (Proxy (Lift "abc" :: GL.Nat -> Type)) (Proxy 4) () >> 'True) Id ()) testKindSignature3B = newRefined3 () testKindSignature3C :: Either Msg3 (Refined3 OU Id (Pop2' (Proxy ('(,) :: Type -> Bool -> (Type,Bool))) (Proxy (W "bbb")) Fst Snd >> Snd) Id (Proxy 'True, Int)) testKindSignature3C = newRefined3 (Proxy @'True,1234) testKindSignature3D :: Either Msg3 (Refined3 OU (Second (ReadP Int Id)) (PApp2 (Proxy ('(,) :: GL.Symbol -> Bool -> (GL.Symbol,Bool))) (Proxy "bbb") Fst >> Pop0 Id () >> Snd) (Second (ShowP Id)) (Proxy 'True, String)) testKindSignature3D = newRefined3 (Proxy @'True,"1234")