{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} -- | utility methods for Predicate / methods for displaying the evaluation tree module Predicate.Util ( -- ** Val Val(..) , _Fail , _Val , _True , _False , _ValEither , val2P , val2PBool -- ** TT typed tree , TT(..) , ttVal , ttValBool , ttString , ttForest -- ** PE untyped tree , PE(..) , peValP , peString -- ** ValP , ValP(..) , _FailP , _TrueP , _FalseP , _ValP -- ** create tree , mkNode , mkNodeB , mkNodeCopy -- ** tree manipulation , getValAndPE , getValLRFromTT , getValueLR , Inline (..) , prefixNumberToTT , prefixMsg , splitAndAlign , verboseList , fixTTBool , topMessage , hasNoTree -- ** options , POpts , Debug(..) , Disp(..) , Color(..) , isVerbose , colorValBool , colorValP , Long(..) , setOtherEffects , type Color1 , type Color2 , type Color3 , type Color4 , type Color5 , type Other1 , type Other2 , type OZ , type OL , type OA , type OAB , type OAN , type OAV , type OANV , type OU , type OUB , type OUN , type OUV , type OUNV , HOpts(..) , Opt(..) , OptC , type OptT , getOpt , subopts , _DVerbose , _Debug , defOpts -- ** formatting functions , show3 , show3' , lit3 , litVerbose , showVerbose , showL , litL , litBL , litBS -- ** printing methods , prtTreePure , formatOMsg , prtTree -- ** MonadEval , MonadEval(..) -- ** miscellaneous , hh , chkSize , chkSize2 , badLength ) where import Predicate.Misc import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol, Nat, KnownSymbol, KnownNat) import Control.Lens import Control.Arrow (Arrow((&&&)), ArrowChoice(left)) import Data.List (intercalate, isInfixOf) import Data.Tree (drawTree, Forest, Tree(Node)) import Data.Tree.Lens (root) import System.Console.Pretty (Color(..)) import qualified System.Console.Pretty as C import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, ($!!)) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as N import Data.Either (partitionEithers) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import Data.Monoid (Last(Last)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Coerce (coerce) import Data.Foldable (toList) import qualified Safe (initSafe, fromJustNote) import Control.Monad (ap) import Data.Bool (bool) import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1) -- $setup -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XTypeOperators -- >>> :m + Control.Arrow -- | contains the untyped result from evaluating an expression data ValP = FailP !String -- ^ evaluation failed | FalseP -- ^ False predicate | TrueP -- ^ True predicate | ValP -- ^ Any value deriving stock (Show, Ord, Eq, Read, Generic) makePrisms ''ValP -- | untyped child node for 'TT' data PE = PE { _peValP :: !ValP -- ^ holds the result of running the predicate , _peString :: !String -- ^ optional strings to include in the results } deriving stock (Show, Read, Eq, Generic) makeLenses ''PE instance Monoid PE where mempty = PE mempty mempty -- | concatenate two strings with delimiter -- -- >>> jamSS "xyz" "abc" -- "xyz | abc" -- -- >>> jamSS "" "abc" -- "abc" -- -- >>> jamSS "xyz" "" -- "xyz" -- -- >>> jamSS "" "" -- "" -- jamSS :: String -> String -> String jamSS s s1 = s <> (if null s || null s1 then "" else " | ") <> s1 instance Semigroup PE where PE b s <> PE b1 s1 = PE (b <> b1) (jamSS s s1) -- | semigroup for ValP -- -- >>> TrueP <> FalseP <> ValP -- ValP -- -- >>> ValP <> TrueP <> FalseP -- FalseP -- -- >>> FailP "abc" <> (TrueP <> FalseP) <> FailP "def" -- FailP "abc | def" -- -- >>> (FailP "abc" <> TrueP) <> (FalseP <> FailP "def") -- FailP "abc | def" -- -- >>> FailP "" <> (TrueP <> FalseP) <> FailP "def" -- FailP "def" -- -- >>> FailP "abc" <> FailP "" <> FailP "def" -- FailP "abc | def" -- -- >>> FailP "abc" <> FailP "xyz" <> FailP "def" -- FailP "abc | xyz | def" -- instance Semigroup ValP where FailP s <> FailP s1 = FailP (jamSS s s1) FailP s <> _ = FailP s _ <> FailP s = FailP s _ <> ValP = ValP _ <> TrueP = TrueP _ <> FalseP = FalseP instance Monoid ValP where mempty = ValP -- | contains the typed result from evaluating an expression data Val a = Fail !String | Val !a deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, Generic1) makePrisms ''Val instance Applicative Val where pure = Val (<*>) = ap instance Monad Val where return = pure Val a >>= amb = amb a Fail s >>= _ = Fail s -- | semigroup instance for 'Val' -- -- >>> Val 123 <> (Val 456 <> Val 789) == (Val 123 <> Val 456) <> Val 789 -- True -- -- >>> Val True <> Val False -- Val False -- -- >>> Val True <> Val True -- Val True -- -- >>> Fail "abc" <> (Val True <> Val False) <> Fail "def" -- Fail "abc | def" -- -- >>> (Fail "abc" <> Val True) <> (Val False <> Fail "def") -- Fail "abc | def" -- -- >>> Fail "" <> (Val True <> Val False) <> Fail "def" -- Fail "def" -- -- >>> Fail "abc" <> Fail "" <> Fail "def" -- Fail "abc | def" -- -- >>> Val False <> (Val True <> Val False) == (Val False <> Val True) <> Val False -- True -- instance Semigroup (Val a) where Fail s <> Fail s1 = Fail (jamSS s s1) Fail s <> _ = Fail s _ <> Fail s = Fail s Val _ <> Val b = Val b -- | monoid instance for 'Val' -- -- >>> mempty :: Val (Maybe [Int]) -- Val Nothing -- -- >>> import qualified Data.Semigroup as SG -- >>> mempty :: SG.Sum Int -- Sum {getSum = 0} -- instance Monoid a => Monoid (Val a) where mempty = Val mempty -- | 'Read' instance for Val -- -- >>> reads @(Val Int) "Val 123" -- [(Val 123,"")] -- -- >>> reads @(Val Bool) "Val False abc" -- [(Val False," abc")] -- -- >>> reads @(Val Bool) "Fail \"some error message\"" -- [(Fail "some error message","")] -- -- >>> reads @(Val Double) "Fail \"some error message\"" -- [(Fail "some error message","")] -- -- | typed tree holding the results of evaluating a type level expression data TT a = TT { _ttValP :: !ValP -- ^ display value , _ttVal :: !(Val a) -- ^ the value at this root node , _ttString :: !String -- ^ detailed information eg input and output and text , _ttForest :: !(Forest PE) -- ^ the child nodes } deriving stock (Functor, Read, Show, Eq, Foldable, Traversable, Generic, Generic1) makeLensesFor [("_ttString","ttString"),("_ttForest","ttForest")] ''TT instance Semigroup (TT a) where TT bp bt ss ts <> TT bp1 bt1 ss1 ts1 = TT (bp <> bp1) (bt <> bt1) (jamSS ss ss1) (ts <> ts1) instance Monoid a => Monoid (TT a) where mempty = TT mempty mempty mempty mempty instance Applicative TT where pure a = TT ValP (pure a) "" [] (<*>) = ap instance Monad TT where return = pure z@(TT _ bt ss ts) >>= amb = case bt of Val a -> amb a & ttString %~ jamSS ss & ttForest %~ (ts <>) Fail e -> z & ttVal .~ Fail e -- | creates a Node for the evaluation tree mkNodeCopy :: POpts -> TT a -> String -> [Tree PE] -> TT a mkNodeCopy opts = mkNodeImpl opts . (_ttValP &&& _ttVal) -- | creates a Node for the evaluation tree mkNode :: POpts -> Val a -> String -> [Tree PE] -> TT a mkNode opts = mkNodeImpl opts . (view val2P &&& id) -- | creates a Node for the evaluation tree mkNodeImpl :: POpts -> (ValP, Val a) -> String -> [Tree PE] -> TT a mkNodeImpl opts (bp',bt) ss hs = let bp = validateValP bp' bt in case oDebug opts of DZero -> TT bp bt "" [] DLite -> -- keeps the last string so we can use the root to give more details on failure (especially for Refined* types) -- also holds onto any failures let zs = filter (has (root . peValP . _FailP)) hs in TT bp bt ss zs _ -> TT bp bt ss hs -- | check that 'ValP' value is consistent with 'Val' a validateValP :: ValP -> Val a -> ValP validateValP bp bt = case bt of Val _a -> case bp of FailP e -> errorInProgram $ "validateValP: found FailP for Val in Val e=" ++ e _ -> bp Fail e -> case bp of FailP e1 | e==e1 -> bp | otherwise -> errorInProgram $ "validateValP: found Fail but message mismatch in ValP " ++ show (e,e1) _ -> errorInProgram $ "validateValP: found " ++ show bp ++ " expected FailP e=" ++ e -- | fix the 'ValP' value for the Bool case: ie use 'TrueP' and 'FalseP' -- -- >>> fixTTBool (TT ValP (Val True) "x" []) == TT TrueP (Val True) "x" [] -- True -- -- >>> fixTTBool (TT FalseP (Fail "abc") "x" []) == TT (FailP "abc") (Fail "abc") "x" [] -- True -- fixTTBool :: TT Bool -> TT Bool fixTTBool = over ttValBool id -- | creates a Boolean node for a predicate type mkNodeB :: POpts -> Bool -> String -> [Tree PE] -> TT Bool mkNodeB opts = mkNodeImpl opts . (bool FalseP TrueP &&& Val) -- | convenience method to pull parts out of 'TT' getValAndPE :: TT a -> (Either String a, Tree PE) getValAndPE = getValLRFromTT &&& hh -- | convenience method to pull out the return value from 'TT' getValLRFromTT :: TT a -> Either String a getValLRFromTT = view (ttVal . _ValEither) -- | converts a typed tree to an untyped tree for display hh :: TT a -> Tree PE hh (TT bp bt ss tt) = Node (PE (validateValP bp bt) ss) tt data Inline = Inline | NoInline deriving (Show, Eq) -- | decorate the tree with more detail when there are errors but inline the error node getValueLR :: Inline -> POpts -> String -> TT a -> [Tree PE] -> Either (TT x) a getValueLR inline opts msg0 tt hs = -- hack: if infix ... let ts = if _ttString tt `isInfixOf` msg0 then "" else _ttString tt xs = ts <> (if null ts || null msg0 then "" else " | ") <> msg0 tts = case inline of Inline -> hs <> _ttForest tt NoInline -> hs <> [hh tt] in left (\e -> mkNode opts (Fail e) xs tts) (getValLRFromTT tt) -- | elide the 'Identity' wrapper so it acts like a normal ADT type family HKD f a where HKD Identity a = a HKD f a = f a -- | final set of options using Identity type POpts = HOpts Identity -- | customizable options for running a typelevel expression data HOpts f = HOpts { oWidth :: !(HKD f Int) -- ^ length of data to display for 'showLitImpl' , oDebug :: !(HKD f Debug) -- ^ debug level , oDisp :: !(HKD f Disp) -- ^ display the tree using the normal tree or unicode , oColor :: !(HKD f (String, PColor)) -- ^ color palette used , oMsg :: ![String] -- ^ messages associated with type , oRecursion :: !(HKD f Int) -- ^ max recursion , oOther :: !(HKD f (Bool, SColor, SColor)) -- ^ other message effects , oNoColor :: !(HKD f Bool) -- ^ no colors } -- | the color palette for displaying the expression tree newtype PColor = PColor (ValP -> String -> String) instance Show PColor where show PColor {} = "PColor " deriving stock instance ( Show (HKD f Int) , Show (HKD f Debug) , Show (HKD f Disp) , Show (HKD f (String, PColor)) , Show (HKD f Bool) , Show (HKD f (Bool, SColor, SColor)) ) => Show (HOpts f) -- | combine options ala monoid reifyOpts :: HOpts Last -> HOpts Identity reifyOpts h = HOpts (fromMaybe (oWidth defOpts) (coerce (oWidth h))) (fromMaybe (oDebug defOpts) (coerce (oDebug h))) (fromMaybe (oDisp defOpts) (coerce (oDisp h))) (if fromMaybe (oNoColor defOpts) (coerce (oNoColor h)) then nocolor else fromMaybe (oColor defOpts) (coerce (oColor h)) ) (oMsg defOpts <> oMsg h) (fromMaybe (oRecursion defOpts) (coerce (oRecursion h))) (if fromMaybe (oNoColor defOpts) (coerce (oNoColor h)) then otherDef else fromMaybe (oOther defOpts) (coerce (oOther h)) ) (fromMaybe (oNoColor defOpts) (coerce (oNoColor h))) -- | set maximum display width of expressions setWidth :: Int -> HOpts Last setWidth i = mempty { oWidth = pure i } -- | set title message for the display tree setMessage :: String -> HOpts Last setMessage s = mempty { oMsg = pure s } -- | set maximum recursion eg when running regex setRecursion :: Int -> HOpts Last setRecursion i = mempty { oRecursion = pure i } -- | set color of title message setOther :: Bool -> Color -> Color -> HOpts Last setOther b c1 c2 = mempty { oOther = pure $ coerce (b, c1, c2) } -- | turn on/off colors setNoColor :: Bool -> HOpts Last setNoColor b = mempty { oNoColor = pure b } -- | display type eg 'Unicode' or 'Ansi' setDisp :: Disp -> HOpts Last setDisp d = mempty { oDisp = pure d } -- | create color palette for the expression tree setCreateColor :: String -> Color -> Color -> Color -> Color -> Color -> Color -> Color -> Color -> HOpts Last setCreateColor s c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 = let pc = \case FailP {} -> C.color c1 . C.bgColor c2 FalseP -> C.color c3 . C.bgColor c4 TrueP -> C.color c5 . C.bgColor c6 ValP -> C.color c7 . C.bgColor c8 in mempty { oColor = pure (s,PColor pc) } -- | set debug mode setDebug :: Debug -> HOpts Last setDebug d = mempty { oDebug = pure d } -- | monoid opts instance Monoid (HOpts Last) where mempty = HOpts mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty instance Semigroup (HOpts Last) where HOpts a b c d e f g h <> HOpts a' b' c' d' e' f' g' h' = HOpts (a <> a') (b <> b') (c <> c') (d <> d') (e <> e') (f <> f') (g <> g') (h <> h') --seqPOptsM :: HOpts Last -> Maybe (HOpts Identity) --seqPOptsM h = coerce (HOpts <$> oWidth h <*> oDebug h <*> oDisp h <*> oColor h) -- | display format for the tree data Disp = Ansi -- ^ draw normal tree | Unicode -- ^ use unicode deriving stock (Show, Eq, Read, Bounded, Enum) -- | default options defOpts :: POpts defOpts = HOpts { oWidth = 100 , oDebug = DNormal , oDisp = Ansi , oColor = colorDef , oMsg = mempty , oRecursion = 100 , oOther = otherDef , oNoColor = False } -- | default title message color and boundaries between multipart refine messages otherDef :: (Bool, SColor, SColor) otherDef = coerce (True, Default, Default) nocolor, colorDef :: (String, PColor) nocolor = ("nocolor", PColor $ flip const) colorDef = Safe.fromJustNote "colorDef" $ coerce $ oColor $ getOptC @Color5 -- | how much detail to show in the expression tree data Debug = DZero -- ^ one line summary used mainly for testing | DLite -- ^ one line summary with additional context from the top of the evaluation tree | DNormal -- ^ outputs the evaluation tree but skips noisy subtrees | DVerbose -- ^ outputs the entire evaluation tree deriving stock (Read, Ord, Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded) -- | verbose debug flag isVerbose :: POpts -> Bool isVerbose = (DVerbose==) . oDebug -- | color palettes type Color1 = 'OColor "color1" 'Default 'Blue 'Default 'Red 'Black 'Cyan 'Black 'Yellow type Color2 = 'OColor "color2" 'Default 'Magenta 'Default 'Red 'Black 'White 'Black 'Yellow type Color3 = 'OColor "color3" 'Default 'Blue 'Red 'Default 'White 'Default 'Black 'Yellow type Color4 = 'OColor "color4" 'Default 'Red 'Red 'Default 'Green 'Default 'Black 'Yellow type Color5 = 'OColor "color5" 'Blue 'Default 'Red 'Default 'Cyan 'Default 'Yellow 'Default type Other1 = 'OOther 'True 'Yellow 'Default type Other2 = 'OOther 'True 'Default 'Default show3 :: (Show a1, Show a2) => POpts -> String -> a1 -> a2 -> String show3 opts msg0 ret = lit3 opts msg0 ret "" . show show3' :: (Show a1, Show a2) => POpts -> String -> a1 -> String -> a2 -> String show3' opts msg0 ret fmt = lit3 opts msg0 ret fmt . show lit3 :: Show a1 => POpts -> String -> a1 -> String -> String -> String lit3 opts msg0 ret fmt as | null fmt && null as = msg0 | otherwise = msg0 <> (if null msg0 then "" else " ") <> showL opts ret <> litVerbose opts (" | " <> take 100 fmt) as -- | more restrictive: only display data in verbose debug mode litVerbose :: POpts -> String -> String -> String litVerbose o = showLitImpl o DVerbose showLitImpl :: POpts -> Debug -> String -> String -> String showLitImpl o i s a = if oDebug o >= i || oDebug o == DLite then take 100 s <> litL o a else "" showVerbose :: Show a => POpts -> String -> a -> String showVerbose o = showAImpl o DVerbose showAImpl :: Show a => POpts -> Debug -> String -> a -> String showAImpl o i s a = showLitImpl o i (take 100 s) (show a) showL :: Show a => POpts -> a -> String showL o = litL o . show litL :: POpts -> String -> String litL = litL' . oWidth litL' :: Int -> String -> String litL' i s = let z = take i s in z ++ if length z >= i then "..." else "" litBL :: POpts -> BL8.ByteString -> String litBL o s = let i = oWidth o in litL' i (BL8.unpack (BL8.take (fromIntegral i) s)) litBS :: POpts -> BS8.ByteString -> String litBS o s = let i = oWidth o in litL' i (BS8.unpack (BS8.take i s)) -- | extract values from the trees or if there are errors return a tree with context splitAndAlign :: Show x => POpts -> String -> [((Int, x), TT a)] -> Either (TT w) [(a, (Int, x), TT a)] splitAndAlign opts msgs ts = case partitionEithers (map partitionTTExtended ts) of (excs@(e:_), _) -> Left $ mkNode opts (Fail (groupErrors (map snd excs))) (msgs <> (formatList opts [fst e] <> " excnt=" <> show (length excs))) (map (hh . snd) ts) ([], tfs) -> Right tfs groupErrors :: [String] -> String groupErrors = intercalate " | " . map (\xs@(x :| _) -> x <> (if length xs > 1 then "(" <> show (length xs) <> ")" else "")) . N.group partitionTTExtended :: (w, TT a) -> Either ((w, TT x), String) (a, w, TT a) partitionTTExtended (s, t) = case _ttVal t of Fail e -> Left ((s, t & ttVal .~ Fail e), e) Val a -> Right (a,s,t) formatList :: forall x z . Show x => POpts -> [((Int, x), z)] -> String formatList opts = unwords . map (\((i, a), _) -> "(i=" <> show i <> showAImpl opts DLite ", a=" a <> ")") -- | pretty print a tree toNodeString :: POpts -> PE -> String toNodeString opts bpe = if hasNoTree opts then errorInProgram $ "shouldnt be calling this if we are dropping details: toNodeString " <> show (oDebug opts) <> " " <> show bpe else colorValP Long opts (_peValP bpe) <> " " <> _peString bpe hasNoTree :: POpts -> Bool hasNoTree opts = case oDebug opts of DZero -> True DLite -> True DNormal -> False DVerbose -> False -- | render 'ValP' value with colors colorValP :: Long -> POpts -> ValP -> String colorValP long o bp = case bp of FailP e -> case long of Long -> "[" <> f "Error" <> nullSpace e <> "]" Short -> f "Failed" FalseP -> f "False" TrueP -> f "True" ValP -> f "P" where f = colorMe o bp data Long = Long | Short deriving (Show, Eq) -- | render 'Val' value with colors colorValLite :: Show a => POpts -> (Val a, ValP) -> String colorValLite o (bt,bp') = let f = colorMe o bp bp = validateValP bp' bt in case bt of Fail e -> f "Error" <> " " <> e Val a -> case bp of FalseP -> f "False" TrueP -> f "True" ValP -> f "Present" <> " " <> show a FailP {} -> errorInProgram $ "colorValLite: unexpected FailP " ++ show (bt,bp) colorValBool :: POpts -> Val Bool -> String colorValBool o r = let f = colorMe o (r ^. val2PBool) in case r of Fail e -> f "Fail" <> " " <> e Val False -> f "False" Val True -> f "True" -- | colors the result of the predicate based on the current color palette colorMe :: POpts -> ValP -> String -> String colorMe o b s = let (_, f) | oNoColor o = nocolor | otherwise = oColor o in coerce f b s -- | display tree prtTreePure :: POpts -> Tree PE -> String prtTreePure opts t | hasNoTree opts = colorValP Long opts (t ^. root . peValP) | otherwise = showTreeImpl opts $ fmap (toNodeString opts) t showTreeImpl :: POpts -> Tree String -> String showTreeImpl o = case oDisp o of Unicode -> drawTreeU Ansi -> Safe.initSafe . drawTree -- to drop the last newline else we have to make sure that everywhere else has that newline -- | extract message part from tree topMessage :: TT a -> String topMessage pp = let s = _ttString pp in unlessNull s $ "(" <> s <> ")" -- | render numbered tree prefixNumberToTT :: ((Int, x), TT a) -> TT a prefixNumberToTT ((i, _), t) = prefixMsg ("i=" <> show i <> ": ") t -- | prefix text in front of ttString prefixMsg :: String -> TT a -> TT a prefixMsg msg = ttString %~ (msg <>) -- | a typeclass for choosing which monad to run in -- -- >>> hasIO @IO -- True -- -- >>> hasIO @Identity -- False -- class Monad m => MonadEval m where runIO :: IO a -> m (Maybe a) catchit :: a -> m (Either String a) catchitNF :: NFData a => a -> m (Either String a) liftEval :: m a -> IO a hasIO :: Bool hasIO = False -- | 'Identity' instance for evaluating the expression instance MonadEval Identity where runIO _ = Identity Nothing catchit = catchitIdentityUnsafe catchitNF = catchitNFIdentityUnsafe liftEval = return . runIdentity {-# NOINLINE catchitIdentityUnsafe #-} catchitIdentityUnsafe :: a -> Identity (Either String a) catchitIdentityUnsafe v = Identity $ unsafePerformIO $ catchit @IO v {-# NOINLINE catchitNFIdentityUnsafe #-} catchitNFIdentityUnsafe :: NFData a => a -> Identity (Either String a) catchitNFIdentityUnsafe v = Identity $ unsafePerformIO $ catchitNF @IO v -- | 'IO' instance for evaluating the expression instance MonadEval IO where runIO ioa = Just <$> ioa catchit v = E.evaluate (Right $! v) `E.catch` (\(E.SomeException e) -> pure $ Left ("IO e=" <> show e)) catchitNF v = E.evaluate (Right $!! v) `E.catch` (\(E.SomeException e) -> pure $ Left ("IO e=" <> show e)) liftEval = id hasIO = True -- composite types are used instead of type synonyms as showT (typeRep) unrolls the definition -- eg sqlhandler.encode/decode and parsejson* etc -- | Display options data Opt = OEmpty -- ^ mempty | OWidth !Nat -- ^ set display width | OMsg !Symbol -- ^ set text to add context to a failure message for refined types | ORecursion !Nat -- ^ set recursion limit eg for regex | OOther -- ^ set effects for messages !Bool -- ^ set underline !Color -- ^ set foreground color !Color -- ^ set background color | !Opt :# !Opt -- ^ mappend | OColor -- ^ set color palette !Symbol -- ^ name of color palette !Color -- ^ Fail foreground color !Color -- ^ Fail background color !Color -- ^ False foreground color !Color -- ^ False background color !Color -- ^ True foreground color !Color -- ^ True background color !Color -- ^ Present foreground color !Color -- ^ Present background color | OColorOn -- ^ turn on colors | OColorOff -- ^ turn off colors | OAnsi -- ^ ansi display | OUnicode -- ^ unicode display | OZero -- ^ debug mode return nothing | OLite -- ^ debug mode return one line | ONormal -- ^ debug mode normal | OVerbose -- ^ debug mode verbose | OZ -- ^ composite: no messages | OL -- ^ composite: lite version | OA -- ^ composite: ansi + colors | OAB -- ^ composite: ansi + colors + background | OAN -- ^ composite: ansi + no colors | OAV -- ^ composite: ansi + colors + verbose | OANV -- ^ composite: ansi + no colors + verbose | OU -- ^ composite: unicode + colors | OUB -- ^ composite: unicode + colors + background | OUN -- ^ composite: unicode + no colors | OUV -- ^ composite: unicode + colors + verbose | OUNV -- ^ composite: unicode + no colors + verbose infixr 6 :# -- | extract options from the typelevel class OptC (k :: Opt) where getOptC :: HOpts Last instance KnownNat n => OptC ('OWidth n) where getOptC = setWidth (nat @n) instance KnownSymbol s => OptC ('OMsg s) where getOptC = setMessage (symb @s) instance KnownNat n => OptC ('ORecursion n) where getOptC = setRecursion (nat @n) instance ( GetBool b , GetColor c1 , GetColor c2 ) => OptC ('OOther b c1 c2) where getOptC = setOther (getBool @b) (getColor @c1) (getColor @c2) instance OptC 'OEmpty where getOptC = mempty instance ( OptC a , OptC b ) => OptC (a ':# b) where getOptC = getOptC @a <> getOptC @b instance ( KnownSymbol s , GetColor c1 , GetColor c2 , GetColor c3 , GetColor c4 , GetColor c5 , GetColor c6 , GetColor c7 , GetColor c8) => OptC ('OColor s c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8) where getOptC = setCreateColor (symb @s) (getColor @c1) (getColor @c2) (getColor @c3) (getColor @c4) (getColor @c5) (getColor @c6) (getColor @c7) (getColor @c8) instance OptC 'OColorOn where getOptC = setNoColor False instance OptC 'OColorOff where getOptC = setNoColor True instance OptC 'OAnsi where getOptC = setDisp Ansi instance OptC 'OUnicode where getOptC = setDisp Unicode instance OptC 'OZero where getOptC = setDebug DZero instance OptC 'OLite where getOptC = setDebug DLite instance OptC 'ONormal where getOptC = setDebug DNormal instance OptC 'OVerbose where getOptC = setDebug DVerbose instance OptC 'OZ where getOptC = setDisp Ansi <> setNoColor True <> setDebug DZero instance OptC 'OL where getOptC = setDisp Ansi <> setNoColor True <> setDebug DLite <> setWidth 200 instance OptC 'OA where getOptC = setDisp Ansi <> getOptC @Color5 <> setDebug DNormal <> getOptC @Other2 <> setWidth 100 instance OptC 'OAB where getOptC = setDisp Ansi <> getOptC @Color1 <> setDebug DNormal <> getOptC @Other1 <> setWidth 100 instance OptC 'OAN where getOptC = setDisp Ansi <> setNoColor True <> setDebug DNormal <> setWidth 100 instance OptC 'OAV where getOptC = getOptC @('OA ':# 'OVerbose ':# 'OWidth 200) instance OptC 'OANV where getOptC = setDisp Ansi <> setNoColor True <> setDebug DVerbose <> setWidth 200 instance OptC 'OU where getOptC = getOptC @('OA ':# 'OUnicode) instance OptC 'OUB where getOptC = getOptC @('OAB ':# 'OUnicode) instance OptC 'OUN where getOptC = getOptC @('OAN ':# 'OUnicode) instance OptC 'OUV where getOptC = getOptC @('OAV ':# 'OUnicode) instance OptC 'OUNV where getOptC = getOptC @('OANV ':# 'OUnicode) -- | option synonyms to save a keystroke type OZ = 'OZ -- 'OAnsi ':# 'OColorOff ':# 'OZero type OL = 'OL -- 'OAnsi ':# 'OColorOff ':# 'OLite ':# 'OWidth 200 type OA = 'OA -- 'OAnsi ':# Color5 ':# 'ONormal ':# Other2 ':# 'OWidth 100 type OAB = 'OAB -- 'OAnsi ':# Color1 ':# 'ONormal ':# Other1 ':# 'OWidth 100 type OAN = 'OAN -- 'OAnsi ':# 'OColorOff ':# 'ONormal ':# 'OWidth 100 type OAV = 'OAV -- 'OAnsi ':# Color5 ':# 'OVerbose ':# Other2 ':# 'OWidth 200 type OANV = 'OANV -- 'OAnsi ':# 'OColorOff ':# 'OVerbose ':# 'OWidth 200 type OU = 'OU -- 'OUnicode ':# Color5 ':# 'ONormal ':# Other2 ':# 'OWidth 100 type OUB = 'OUB -- 'OUnicode ':# Color1 ':# 'ONormal ':# Other1 ':# 'OWidth 100 type OUN = 'OUN -- 'OUnicode ':# 'OColorOff ':# 'OWidth 200 type OUV = 'OUV -- 'OUnicode ':# Color5 ':# 'OVerbose ':# Other2 ':# 'OWidth 200 type OUNV = 'OUNV -- 'OUnicode ':# 'OColorOff ':# 'OVerbose ':# 'OWidth 200 _Debug :: Lens' POpts Debug _Debug afb opts = (\d -> opts { oDebug = d }) <$> afb (oDebug opts) _DVerboseI :: Prism' Debug () _DVerboseI = prism' (const DVerbose) $ \case DVerbose -> Just () _ -> Nothing -- | traversal for DVerbose -- -- >>> has _DVerbose (getOpt @OU) -- False -- -- >>> has _DVerbose (getOpt @OUV) -- True -- _DVerbose :: Traversal' POpts () _DVerbose = _Debug . _DVerboseI -- | convert typelevel options to 'POpts' -- -- >>> (oDisp &&& fst . oColor &&& oWidth) (getOpt @(OA ':# OU ':# OA ':# 'OWidth 321 ':# Color4 ':# 'OMsg "test message")) -- (Ansi,("color4",321)) -- -- >>> oMsg (getOpt @('OMsg "abc" ':# 'OMsg "def")) -- ["abc","def"] -- -- >>> oOther (getOpt @('OOther 'False 'Red 'White ':# 'OOther 'True 'Red 'Black)) -- (True,Red,Black) -- -- >>> a = show (getOpt @('OEmpty ':# OU)) -- >>> b = show (getOpt @(OU ':# 'OEmpty)); -- >>> c = show (getOpt @OU) -- >>> a==b && b==c -- True -- getOpt :: forall o . OptC o => POpts getOpt = reifyOpts (getOptC @o) -- | deal with possible recursion on a list chkSize :: Foldable t => POpts -> String -> t a -> [Tree PE] -> Either (TT x) [a] chkSize opts msg0 xs hhs = let mx = oRecursion opts in case splitAt mx (toList xs) of (zs,[]) -> Right zs (_,_:_) -> Left $ mkNode opts (Fail (msg0 <> " list size exceeded")) ("max is " ++ show mx) hhs -- | deal with possible recursion on two lists chkSize2 :: (Foldable t, Foldable u) => POpts -> String -> t a -> u b -> [Tree PE] -> Either (TT x) ([a],[b]) chkSize2 opts msg0 xs ys hhs = (,) <$> chkSize opts msg0 xs hhs <*> chkSize opts msg0 ys hhs -- | pretty print a message formatOMsg :: POpts -> String -> String formatOMsg o suffix = case oMsg o of [] -> mempty s@(_:_) -> intercalate " | " (map (setOtherEffects o) s) <> suffix -- | override options for 'DZero' so we dont lose error information subopts :: POpts -> POpts subopts opts = case oDebug opts of DZero -> opts { oDebug = DLite } _ -> opts -- | render a string for messages using optional color and underline setOtherEffects :: POpts -> String -> String setOtherEffects o = if oNoColor o then id else case coerce (oOther o) of (False, Default, Default) -> id (b, c1, c2) -> (if b then C.style C.Underline else id) . C.color c1 . C.bgColor c2 -- | mconcat 'Opt' options at the type level -- -- >>> x = getOpt @(OptT '[ 'OMsg "test", 'ORecursion 123, OU, OL, 'OMsg "field2"]) -- >>> oMsg x -- ["test","field2"] -- >>> oRecursion x -- 123 -- type family OptT (xs :: [Opt]) where OptT '[] = 'OEmpty OptT (x ': xs) = x ':# OptT xs -- | message to display when the length of a foldable is exceeded badLength :: Foldable t => t a -> Int -> String badLength as n = ":invalid length(" <> show (length as) <> ") expected " ++ show n prtTree :: Show x => POpts -> TT x -> String prtTree opts tt = case oDebug opts of DZero -> "" DLite -> formatOMsg opts " >>> " <> colorValLite opts ((_ttVal &&& _ttValP) tt) <> " " <> topMessage tt _ -> formatOMsg opts "" <> prtTreePure opts (hh tt) verboseList :: POpts -> TT a -> [Tree PE] verboseList o tt | isVerbose o = [hh tt] | otherwise = [] -- | prism for Val True -- -- >>> Val True ^? _True -- Just () -- -- >>> Val False ^? _True -- Nothing -- _True :: a ~ Bool => Prism' (Val a) () _True = prism' (const (Val True)) $ \case Val True -> Just () Val False -> Nothing Fail {} -> Nothing -- | prism for Val False -- -- >>> (_True # ()) ^? _True -- Just () -- -- >>> (_False # ()) ^? _False -- Just () -- -- >>> Val False ^? _False -- Just () -- -- >>> Val True ^? _False -- Nothing -- _False :: a ~ Bool => Prism' (Val a) () _False = prism' (const (Val False)) $ \case Val False -> Just () Val True -> Nothing Fail {} -> Nothing -- | iso for 'Val' -- -- >>> Val 123 ^. _ValEither -- Right 123 -- -- >>> Val 123 & _ValEither %~ right' (show . succ) -- Val "124" -- -- >>> Fail "abc" & _ValEither %~ ((<>"def") +++ (show . succ)) -- Fail "abcdef" -- -- >>> Right 1.2 & from _ValEither %~ fmap (show . (*10)) -- Right "12.0" -- -- >>> Val True ^. _ValEither -- Right True -- -- >>> Fail "abc" ^. _ValEither -- Left "abc" -- -- >>> Left "abc" ^. from _ValEither -- Fail "abc" -- -- >>> _ValEither # Right False -- Val False -- -- >>> [Just (Val 'x')] ^. mapping (mapping _ValEither) -- [Just (Right 'x')] -- -- >>> Just (Fail "abcd") ^. mapping _ValEither -- Just (Left "abcd") -- _ValEither :: Iso (Val a) (Val b) (Either String a) (Either String b) _ValEither = iso fw bw where fw = \case Val a -> Right a Fail e -> Left e bw = either Fail Val -- | a lens from typed 'Val' to the untyped 'ValP' -- -- >>> Val True ^. val2P -- ValP -- -- >>> Val 123 ^. val2P -- ValP -- -- >>> Fail "abc" ^. val2P -- FailP "abc" -- val2P :: Lens' (Val a) ValP val2P afb bt = bt <$ afb r where r = case bt of Fail e -> FailP e Val {} -> ValP -- | a lens from typed 'Val' Bool to the untyped 'ValP' -- -- >>> Val True ^. val2PBool -- TrueP -- -- >>> Val False ^. val2PBool -- FalseP -- -- >>> Fail "abc" ^. val2PBool -- FailP "abc" -- val2PBool :: a ~ Bool => Lens' (Val a) ValP val2PBool afb bt = bt <$ afb r where r = case bt of Fail e -> FailP e Val True -> TrueP Val False -> FalseP -- | lens that keeps ValP in sync with Val for TT Bool -- -- >>> (TT ValP (Val True) "xxx" [] & ttValBool %~ \b -> fmap not b) == TT FalseP (Val False) "xxx" [] -- True -- -- >>> (TT ValP (Val True) "xxx" [] & ttValBool .~ Fail "abc") == TT (FailP "abc") (Fail "abc") "xxx" [] -- True -- -- >>> (TT ValP (Val True) "xxx" [] & ttValBool %~ id) == TT TrueP (Val True) "xxx" [] -- True -- -- >>> (TT FalseP (Val True) "xxx" [] & ttValBool %~ id) == TT TrueP (Val True) "xxx" [] -- True -- ttValBool :: a ~ Bool => Lens' (TT a) (Val Bool) ttValBool afb tt = (\b -> tt { _ttValP = f b, _ttVal = b }) <$> afb (_ttVal tt) where f = \case Fail e -> FailP e Val True -> TrueP Val False -> FalseP -- | lens from TT to Val that also keeps ValP in sync with Val -- -- >>> (TT FalseP (Val True) "xxx" [] & ttVal %~ id) == TT ValP (Val True) "xxx" [] -- True -- -- >>> (TT FalseP (Val 123) "xxx" [] & ttVal .~ Fail "aa") == TT (FailP "aa") (Fail "aa") "xxx" [] -- True -- -- >>> (TT (FailP "sdf") (Val 123) "xxx" [] & ttVal %~ fmap show) == TT ValP (Val "123") "xxx" [] -- True -- ttVal :: Lens (TT a) (TT b) (Val a) (Val b) ttVal afb tt = (\b -> tt { _ttValP = f b, _ttVal = b }) <$> afb (_ttVal tt) where f = \case Fail e -> FailP e Val {} -> ValP