{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDeriving #-} -- | promoted functions for proxies module Predicate.Data.Proxy ( -- ** create a proxy from a type ProxyT , Proxy1T , Proxy2T , Proxify -- ** simple proxy application , Pop0 -- ** needs kind signatures on @p@ , Pop1 , Pop2 , Pop1' , Pop2' , PApp , PApp2 ) where import Predicate.Core import Predicate.Misc import Predicate.Util import qualified GHC.TypeLits as GL import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Typeable -- $setup -- >>> :set -XDataKinds -- >>> :set -XTypeApplications -- >>> :set -XTypeOperators -- >>> import Predicate.Prelude -- >>> import Control.Lens -- >>> import Control.Lens.Action -- >>> import qualified Data.Semigroup as SG -- >>> :m + Text.Show.Functions -- >>> :m + Data.Ratio -- | makes a proxy from a simple type: similar to the P instance for 'Proxy but requires a show instance -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy FromInteger) ProxyT 123) (4 % 0) -- Val (123 % 1) -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy MEmptyT) ProxyT ()) (SG.Product 4) -- Val (Product {getProduct = 1}) -- -- >>> pz @((Id $$ 44) >> Pop1' (Proxy MEmptyT) ProxyT ()) SG.Product -- Val (Product {getProduct = 1}) -- -- >>> pz @((ProxyT << Fst) >> FMap Head) ([True],13) ^!? acts . _Val . to typeRep -- Proxify is easier -- Just Bool -- data ProxyT deriving Show instance Show x => P ProxyT x where type PP ProxyT x = Proxy x eval _ opts x = let b = Proxy @x in pure $ mkNode opts (Val b) ("ProxyT" <> showVerbose opts " | " x) [] -- | makes a proxy from a one parameter container -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy EmptyT) Proxy1T 123) Nothing -- Val Nothing -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy EmptyT) Proxy1T 123) (Just 10) -- Val Nothing -- -- >>> pz @((Id $$ ()) >> Pop1' (Proxy EmptyT) Proxy1T 123) Just -- Val Nothing -- data Proxy1T deriving Show instance P Proxy1T x where type PP Proxy1T x = Proxy (ExtractTFromTA x) eval _ opts _ = let b = Proxy @(ExtractTFromTA x) in pure $ mkNode opts (Val b) "Proxy1T" [] -- | makes a proxy from a two parameter container -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy EmptyT) Proxy2T 123) (Left "ASf") -- Val (Left "") -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy EmptyT) Proxy2T 123) (Right 1) -- Val (Left "") -- -- >>> pz @((Id $$ "asdf") >> Pop1' (Proxy EmptyT) Proxy2T 123) Left -- Val (Left "") -- -- >>> pz @((Id $$ "asdf") >> Pop1' (Proxy EmptyT) Proxy2T 123) Right -- Val (Left "") -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy EmptyT) ((Id $$ "ss") >> Proxy2T) 123) Right -- Val (Left "") -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy EmptyT) ((Id $$ "ss") >> Proxy2T) 123) Left -- Val (Left "") -- data Proxy2T deriving Show instance P Proxy2T x where type PP Proxy2T x = Proxy (Proxy2TT x) eval _ opts _ = let b = Proxy @(Proxy2TT x) in pure $ mkNode opts (Val b) "Proxy2T" [] type family Proxy2TT (x :: Type) :: (Type -> Type) where Proxy2TT (t a _) = t a -- | run the proxy @p@ in the environment pointed to by @q@ -- -- >>> pl @(Pop0 (Proxy '(Head,Len)) "abcdef") () -- Present ('a',6) (Pop0 | '('a',6)) -- Val ('a',6) -- -- >>> pz @(Pop0 Id "abcdef") (Proxy @'(Head,Len)) -- Val ('a',6) -- -- >>> pl @(Pop0 Fst Snd) (Proxy @Snd,("dd","ee")) -- Present "ee" (Pop0 | Snd "ee" | ("dd","ee")) -- Val "ee" -- -- >>> pz @(Pop0 Fst L22) (Proxy @(Fst <> Snd),(True,("dd","ee"))) -- Val "ddee" -- -- >>> pz @(Pop0 Id () <> "def") (Proxy @"abc") -- Proxy works for any kind! -- Val "abcdef" -- -- >>> pz @(Pop0 Id () <> "def") (Nothing @(W "abc")) -- Proxy works for any kind! -- Val "abcdef" -- -- >>> pz @(Pop0 Id (C "A")) (Proxy @Succ) -- Val 'B' -- -- >>> pz @(Pop0 Fst Snd) (Proxy @(All1 Even),[1,5,2,3,4]) -- Val False -- -- >>> pz @(Pop0 Fst Snd) (Proxy @(Partition Even Snd),(True,[8,1,5,2,3,4,6])) -- Val ([8,2,4,6],[1,5,3]) -- -- >>> pl @(Proxy Snd >> Pop0 Id '( 'True,2)) () -- Present 2 ((>>) 2 | {Pop0 | Snd 2 | (True,2)}) -- Val 2 -- -- >>> pl @(Proxy (Fst <> Snd) >> Pop0 Id '("aa","bb")) () -- Present "aabb" ((>>) "aabb" | {Pop0 | "aa" <> "bb" = "aabb"}) -- Val "aabb" -- -- >>> pz @(Pop0 Fst Snd) (Proxy @Succ,EQ) -- Val GT -- -- >>> pz @(Pop0 Fst Snd) (Proxy @(FMap Succ),Just 23) -- Val (Just 24) -- -- >>> pz @(Pop0 Id (1 ... 12)) (Proxy @(FMap Succ)) -- Val [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13] -- -- >>> pz @(Pop0 Id '( 'True, MkJust 12)) (Proxy @(FMap $ FMap Succ)) -- Val (True,Just 13) -- -- >>> pz @('(Id, PApp (Proxy '(,)) (Proxy 4)) >> Second (PApp Id (Proxy Fst)) >> Pop0 Snd Fst) ("abc",True) -- Val (4,"abc") -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1 (Proxy Proxy) "abc" () >> Pop0 Id ()) () -- Val "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(Proxy (Proxy (Proxy "asdff")) >> Pop0 Id () >> Pop0 Id () >> Pop0 Id ()) () -- Val "asdff" -- data Pop0 p q deriving Show instance ( P q x , PP p x ~ proxy z , P z (PP q x) ) => P (Pop0 p q) x where type PP (Pop0 p q) x = Pop0T (PP p x) (PP q x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Pop0" qq <- eval (Proxy @q) opts x case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 qq [] of Left e -> pure e Right q -> do zz <- eval (Proxy @z) opts q pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 zz [hh qq] of Left e -> e Right _z -> mkNodeCopy opts zz (msg0 <> nullIf " | " (_ttString zz)) [hh qq,hh zz] -- the key is to pass all the vars into the type family so ghc can figure stuff out type family Pop0T (p :: Type) (q :: Type) :: Type where Pop0T (Proxy z) q = PP z q Pop0T (_proxy z) q = PP z q Pop0T p q = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "Pop0T: requires 'Proxy z' and 'q' get applied to each other" 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " p = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType p 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " q = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType q ) -- | applies Proxy @p@ to @q@ in the environment pointed to by @r@ : needs kind signatures on @p@ -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1 Fst L22 Snd) (Proxy @Length,(False,('x',"abcdef"))) -- Val 6 -- -- >>> pz @(Proxy Length >> Pop1 IdT Snd '(1,'[1,2,3,4])) () -- Val 4 -- -- >>> pz @(LiftA2 (Pop1 Fst Snd Id) (MkJust (Proxy (Lift Succ))) (MkJust 1)) () -- Val (Just 2) -- -- >>> pz @(LiftA2 (Pop1 Fst Snd Id) (MkJust (Proxy ((*) 4))) (MkJust 3)) () -- Val (Just 12) -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1 Fst Snd Id <$> MkJust (Proxy ((*) 4)) <:> MkJust 3) () -- Val (Just 12) -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1 Fst Snd Id <$> Fst <:> Snd) (Just (Proxy @((*) 4)), Just 3) -- Val (Just 12) -- -- >>> pz @(Proxy (Lift "asdf") >> Pop1 Id 123 Id) () -- Val "asdf" -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1 Id "abc" ()) (Proxy @(K 99)) -- Val 99 -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1 Id "abc" ()) (Proxy @(Flip K 99)) -- Val "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1 (Proxy ('(,) 'True)) Len "abc") () -- Val (True,3) data Pop1 p q r deriving Show instance ( P r x , PP p x ~ Proxy (z :: k -> k1) , P (z q) (PP r x) ) => P (Pop1 p q r) x where type PP (Pop1 p q r) x = Pop1T (PP p x) q (PP r x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Pop1" rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 rr [] of Left e -> pure e Right r -> do -- zz <- eval (Proxy @(Pop1T (PP p x) q)) opts r zz <- eval (Proxy @(z q)) opts r pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 zz [hh rr] of Left e -> e Right _z -> mkNodeCopy opts zz (msg0 <> nullIf " | " (_ttString zz)) [hh rr,hh zz] type family Pop1T (p :: Type) (q :: k) (r :: Type) :: Type where Pop1T (Proxy z) q r = PP (z q) r -- Pop1T (Proxy (z :: k -> k1)) (q :: k) r = PP (z q :: k1) r Pop1T p q r = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "Pop1T: requires 'Proxy z' and z must be a function requiring one parameter!!" 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " p = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType p 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " q = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType q 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " r = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType r ) -- | apply Proxy @p@ to Proxy @q@ and run in the environment pointed to by @r@ : needs kind signatures on @p@ -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy ((<>) Snd)) (Proxy Fst) Id) ("abc","def") -- Val "defabc" -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy ((>>) Snd)) (Proxy (Resplit "\\." >> Map (ReadP Int Id))) Id) (1,"123.33.5") -- Val [123,33,5] -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy (Lift Snd)) (Proxy Fst) Id) ((True,2),("abc",1 % 4)) -- Val 2 -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' Fst Snd Thd) (Proxy @(Lift Snd), Proxy @Fst,((True,2),("abc",1 % 4))) -- Val 2 -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' Fst Snd '( '( 'True,2),'("abc",1 % 4))) (Proxy @(Lift Snd), Proxy @Fst) -- Val 2 -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy MEmptyT) (Proxy (SG.Sum _)) ()) () -- Val (Sum {getSum = 0}) -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy MEmptyT) (PApp (Proxy SG.Sum) (Proxy Float)) ()) () -- Val (Sum {getSum = 0.0}) -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy Proxy) (Proxy Fst) () >> Pop0 Id '("abc",1234)) () -- Val "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy ToEnum) 'Proxy 100) 'a' -- Val 'd' -- -- >>> pz @(Pop1' (Proxy ToEnum) 'Proxy 120) (undefined :: Char) -- Val 'x' -- data Pop1' p q r deriving Show instance ( P r x , PP p x ~ Proxy (z :: k -> k1) , PP q x ~ Proxy (w :: k) , P (z w) (PP r x) ) => P (Pop1' p q r) x where type PP (Pop1' p q r) x = Pop1'T (PP p x) (PP q x) (PP r x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Pop1'" rr <- eval (Proxy @r) opts x case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 rr [] of Left e -> pure e Right r -> do zz <- eval (Proxy @(z w)) opts r pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 zz [hh rr] of Left e -> e Right _z -> mkNodeCopy opts zz (msg0 <> nullIf " | " (_ttString zz)) [hh rr,hh zz] type family Pop1'T (p :: Type) (q :: Type) (r :: Type) :: Type where Pop1'T (Proxy z) (Proxy w) r = PP (z w) r -- Pop1'T (Proxy (z :: k -> k1)) (Proxy (w :: k)) r = PP (z w :: k1) r Pop1'T p q r = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "Pop1'T: requires 'Proxy z' and z must be a function requiring one parameter!!" 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " p = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType p 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " q = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType q 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " r = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType r ) -- | apply Proxy @p@ to @q@ and @r@ then run in the environment pointed to by @s@ : needs kind signatures on @p@ -- -- >>> pz @(Pop2 (Proxy '(,)) Fst 14 Id) ([1..4],'True) -- Val ([1,2,3,4],14) -- -- >>> pz @(Pop2' (Proxy Pure) (Proxy SG.Sum) (Proxy Id) Id) 123 -- Val (Sum {getSum = 123}) -- data Pop2 p q r s deriving Show instance ( P s x , PP p x ~ Proxy (z :: k -> k1 -> k2) , P (z q r) (PP s x) ) => P (Pop2 p q r s) x where type PP (Pop2 p q r s) x = Pop2T (PP p x) q r (PP s x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Pop2" ss <- eval (Proxy @s) opts x case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 ss [] of Left e -> pure e Right s -> do zz <- eval (Proxy @(z q r)) opts s pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 zz [hh ss] of Left e -> e Right _z -> mkNodeCopy opts zz (msg0 <> nullIf " | " (_ttString zz)) [hh ss,hh zz] -- pass all the arguments in!!! else ghc gets confused type family Pop2T (p :: Type) (q :: k) (r :: k1) (s :: Type) :: Type where Pop2T (Proxy z) q r s = PP (z q r) s -- Pop2T (Proxy (z :: k -> k1 -> k2)) (q :: k) (r :: k1) s = PP (z q r :: k2) s Pop2T p q r s = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "Pop2T: requires 'Proxy z' and z must be a function requiring one parameter!!" 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " p = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType p 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " q = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType q 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " r = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType r 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " s = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType s ) -- | Applies Proxy @p@ to Proxy @q@ and Proxy @r@ and runs in the environment pointed to by @s@ : needs kind signatures on @p@ -- -- >>> pz @(Pop2' (Proxy '(,)) (Proxy 1) (Proxy "sss") ()) () -- Val (1,"sss") -- -- >>> pz @(Pop2' (Proxy '(,)) (Proxy L31) (Proxy (Fst % Snd)) '(11,99,'("ss",3))) () -- Val ("ss",1 % 9) -- -- >>> pz @(Pop2' Fst Snd Thd (L4 Id)) (Proxy @'(,), Proxy @L31, Proxy @(Fst % Snd), (11,99,("ss",3))) -- Val ("ss",1 % 9) -- data Pop2' p q r s deriving Show instance ( P s x , PP p x ~ Proxy (z :: k -> k1 -> k2) , PP q x ~ Proxy (w :: k) , PP r x ~ Proxy (v :: k1) , P (z w v) (PP s x) ) => P (Pop2' p q r s) x where type PP (Pop2' p q r s) x = Pop2'T (PP p x) (PP q x) (PP r x) (PP s x) eval _ opts x = do let msg0 = "Pop2'" ss <- eval (Proxy @s) opts x case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 ss [] of Left e -> pure e Right s -> do zz <- eval (Proxy @(z w v)) opts s pure $ case getValueLR NoInline opts msg0 zz [hh ss] of Left e -> e Right _z -> mkNodeCopy opts zz (msg0 <> nullIf " | " (_ttString zz)) [hh ss,hh zz] -- pass in all the arguments otherwise ghc gets confused type family Pop2'T (p :: Type) (q :: Type) (r :: Type) (s :: Type) :: Type where Pop2'T (Proxy z) (Proxy w) (Proxy v) s = PP (z w v) s -- Pop2'T (Proxy (z :: k -> k1 -> k2)) (Proxy (w :: k)) (Proxy (v :: k1)) s = PP (z w v :: k2) s Pop2'T p q r s = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "Pop2'T: requires 'Proxy z' and z must be a function requiring one parameter!!" 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " p = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType p 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " q = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType q 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " r = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType r 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " s = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType s ) -- | applies Proxy @p@ to Proxy @q@ and returns a Proxy: needs kind signatures on @p@ -- -- >>> pz @(PApp Fst Snd >> Pop0 Id '("abcdef",99)) (Proxy @('(,) (Fst >> Len)), Proxy @16) -- Val (6,16) -- -- >>> pz @('(Id,PApp (Proxy ('(,) (Fst >> Len))) (Proxy 16)) >> Pop0 Snd Fst) ("abcdefg",101) -- Val (7,16) -- -- >>> pz @('(Id,PApp (Proxy '(,)) (Proxy (Fst >> Len))) >> Second (PApp Id (Proxy 16)) >> Pop0 Snd Fst) ("abcdefg",101) -- or can call PApp2 -- Val (7,16) -- -- >>> pz @(PApp (PApp (Proxy ('(,) :: GL.Nat -> GL.Symbol -> (GL.Nat,GL.Symbol))) (Proxy 1)) (Proxy "abc")) () ^!? acts . _Val . to typeRep -- Just ('(,) Nat Symbol 1 "abc") -- -- >>> pz @(PApp (Proxy '(,)) (Proxy 4) >> PApp Id (Proxy Fst) >> Pop0 Id (W '(1,2))) () -- Val (4,1) -- -- >>> pz @(PApp (Proxy '(,)) (Proxy 4) >> PApp Id (Proxy Fst) >> Pop0 Id '( 'True,"hello")) () -- Val (4,True) -- -- >>> pan @(PApp (Proxy (MsgI "hello ")) Fst >> Pop0 Id '(1,2,3)) (Proxy @"there",()) -- P (>>) "there" -- | -- +- P PApp -- | -- `- P Pop0 | hello '"there" -- | -- +- P '(,,) -- | | -- | +- P '1 -- | | -- | +- P '2 -- | | -- | `- P '3 -- | -- `- P hello '"there" -- Val "there" -- -- >>> pz @(PApp (Proxy Proxy) (Proxy "abc") >> Pop0 Id () >> Pop0 Id () ) () -- Val "abc" -- -- >>> pz @(PApp (Proxy '(,,)) (Proxy 10) >> PApp Id (Proxy "ss") >> PApp Id (Proxy Fst) >> Pop0 Id '(13 % 44,C "x")) () -- Val (10,"ss",13 % 44) -- -- >>> pz @('(Id,PApp (Proxy '(,,)) (Proxy 10) >> PApp Id (Proxy "ss") >> PApp Id (Proxy Fst)) >> Pop0 Snd Fst) (13 % 44,'x') -- Val (10,"ss",13 % 44) -- data PApp p q deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ Proxy (z :: k -> k1) , PP q x ~ Proxy (w :: k) ) => P (PApp p q) x where type PP (PApp p q) x = PAppT (PP p x) (PP q x) eval _ opts _ = pure $ mkNode opts (Val Proxy) "PApp" [] type family PAppT (p :: Type) (q :: Type) :: Type where PAppT (Proxy z) (Proxy w) = Proxy (z w) -- PAppT (Proxy (z :: k -> k1)) (Proxy (w :: k)) = Proxy (z w :: k1) PAppT p q = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "PAppT: requires 'Proxy z' and 'Proxy w' get applied to each other" 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " p = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType p 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " q = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType q ) -- | applies Proxy @p@ to Proxy @q@ and Proxy @r@ and returns a Proxy: needs kind signatures on @p@ -- -- >>> pz @(PApp2 (Proxy '(,)) (Proxy 2) (Proxy 'True) >> Pop0 Id ()) () -- Val (2,True) -- -- >>> pz @('(Snd, PApp2 (Proxy (+)) L11 L12) >> Pop0 Snd Fst) ((Proxy @Fst,Proxy @(Length Snd)),(5,"abcdef")) -- Val 11 -- -- >>> pz @(PApp2 (Proxy (+)) Fst Snd >> Pop0 Id ()) (Proxy @(W 3),Proxy @(W 7)) -- Val 10 -- -- >>> pz @(PApp2 Fst Snd Thd >> Pop0 Id ()) (Proxy @(&&&), Proxy @(W "abc"), Proxy @(W 13)) -- Val ("abc",13) -- data PApp2 p q r deriving Show instance ( PP p x ~ Proxy (z :: k -> k1 -> k2) , PP q x ~ Proxy (w :: k) , PP r x ~ Proxy (v :: k1) ) => P (PApp2 p q r) x where type PP (PApp2 p q r) x = PApp2T (PP p x) (PP q x) (PP r x) eval _ opts _ = pure $ mkNode opts (Val Proxy) "PApp2" [] type family PApp2T (p :: Type) (q :: Type) (r :: Type) :: Type where PApp2T (Proxy z) (Proxy w) (Proxy v) = Proxy (z w v) --PApp2T (Proxy (z :: k -> k1 -> k2)) (Proxy (w :: k)) (Proxy (v :: k1)) = Proxy (z w v :: k2) PApp2T p q r = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "PApp2T: requires 'Proxy z', 'Proxy w' and 'Proxy v': z is applied to w and v" 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " p = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType p 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " q = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType q 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " r = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType r ) -- | create a Proxy z from proxy z where z is the expression pointed to by @p@ : Proxify alway returns Val (Proxy @z) -- -- >>> pz @(Proxify Fst) ([True],13) ^!? acts . _Val . only (Proxy @Bool) -- Just () -- -- >>> pz @(Proxify (MkJust 1)) () ^!? acts . _Val . to typeRep -- Just Int -- -- >>> pz @(Proxify (FailT [Double] "abc")) () ^!? acts . _Val . to typeRep -- Just Double -- -- >>> pz @(Proxify "abc") () ^!? acts . _Val . to typeRep -- Just Char -- -- >>> eval (Proxy @(Proxify Id)) defOpts ([] @Double) ^!? acts . ttVal . _Val . to typeRep -- Just Double -- -- >>> eval (Proxy @(Proxify Id)) defOpts ([] @Int) ^? _Id . ttVal . _Val == Just (Proxy @Int) -- True -- -- >>> eval (Proxy @(Proxify Id)) defOpts ([] @Int) ^? _Wrapped @(Identity _) . ttVal . _Val == Just (Proxy @Int) -- True -- -- >>> eval (Proxy @(Proxify Id)) defOpts ([] @Int) ^? folded @Identity . ttVal . _Val == Just (Proxy @Int) -- True -- data Proxify p deriving Show instance PP p x ~ proxy (z :: k) => P (Proxify p) x where type PP (Proxify p) x = ProxifyT (PP p x) eval _ opts _ = pure $ mkNode opts (Val Proxy) "Proxify" [] type family ProxifyT p where ProxifyT (_proxy z) = Proxy z ProxifyT p = GL.TypeError ( 'GL.Text "ProxifyT: requires any 'proxy z'" 'GL.:$$: 'GL.Text " p = " 'GL.:<>: 'GL.ShowType p )