{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wcompat #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wincomplete-record-updates #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wincomplete-uni-patterns #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wno-type-defaults #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wno-redundant-constraints #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoOverloadedLists #-} -- overloaded lists breaks some predicates {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module TestRefined3 where import TastyExtras import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Predicate import TestRefined hiding (namedTests,unnamedTests,allProps) import Predicate.Refined import Predicate.Refined3 import Predicate.Refined3Helper import Predicate.Util_TH import Predicate.TH_Orphans () -- need this else refined*TH' fails for dates import Data.Ratio import Data.Typeable import Control.Lens import Data.Time import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Data.Aeson import Control.Monad.Cont import Text.Show.Functions () import Data.Tree import Test.QuickCheck ((===)) import qualified Data.Semigroup as SG import GHC.TypeLits (Nat) suite :: IO () suite = defaultMain $ testGroup "TestRefined3" (namedTests <> orderTests unnamedTests <> allProps) namedTests :: [TestTree] namedTests = [ testCase "ip9" $ (@?=) ($$(refined3TH "") :: MakeR3 Ip9) (unsafeRefined3 [121,0,12,13] "") , testCase "luhn check" $ (@?=) ($$(refined3TH "12345678903") :: MakeR3 CC11) (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,3] "1234-5678-903") , testCase "datetime utctime" $ (@?=) ($$(refined3TH "2019-01-04 23:00:59") :: MakeR3 (DateTime1 UTCTime)) (unsafeRefined3 (read "2019-01-04 23:00:59 UTC") "2019-01-04 23:00:59") , testCase "datetime localtime" $ (@?=) ($$(refined3TH "2019-01-04 09:12:30") :: MakeR3 (DateTime1 LocalTime)) (unsafeRefined3 (read "2019-01-04 09:12:30") "2019-01-04 09:12:30") , testCase "hms" $ (@?=) ($$(refined3TH "12:0:59") :: MakeR3 Hms) (unsafeRefined3 [12,0,59] "12:00:59") , testCase "between5and9" $ (@?=) ($$(refined3TH "7") :: Refined3 (ReadP Int Id) (Between 5 9) (PrintF "%03d" Id) String) (unsafeRefined3 7 "007") , testCase "ssn" $ (@?=) ($$(refined3TH "123-45-6789") :: MakeR3 Ssn) (unsafeRefined3 [123,45,6789] "123-45-6789") , testCase "base16" $ (@?=) ($$(refined3TH "12f") :: MakeR3 (BaseN 16)) (unsafeRefined3 303 "12f") , testCase "daten1" $ (@?=) ($$(refined3TH "June 25 1900") :: MakeR3 DateN) (unsafeRefined3 (read "1900-06-25") "1900-06-25") , testCase "daten2" $ (@?=) ($$(refined3TH "12/02/99") :: MakeR3 DateN) (unsafeRefined3 (read "1999-12-02") "1999-12-02") , testCase "daten3" $ (@?=) ($$(refined3TH "2011-12-02") :: MakeR3 DateN) (unsafeRefined3 (read "2011-12-02") "2011-12-02") , testCase "ccn123" $ (@?=) ($$(refined3TH "123455") :: MakeR3 (Ccn '[1,2,3])) (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4,5,5] "1-23-455") , testCase "readshow" $ (@?=) ($$(refined3TH "12 % 5") :: ReadShowR Rational) (unsafeRefined3 (12 % 5) "12 % 5") ] unnamedTests :: [IO ()] unnamedTests = [ (@?=) [(unsafeRefined3 255 "ff", "")] (reads @(Refined3 (ReadBase Int 16 Id) (Between 0 255) (ShowBase 16 Id) String) "Refined3 {r3In = 255, r3Out = \"ff\"}") -- escape quotes cos read instance for String , (@?=) [] (reads @(Refined3 (ReadBase Int 16 Id) (Between 0 255) (ShowBase 16 Id) String) "Refined3 {r3In = 256, r3Out = \"100\"}") , (@?=) [(unsafeRefined3 (-1234) "-4d2", "")] (reads @(Refined3 (ReadBase Int 16 Id) (Id < 0) (ShowBase 16 Id) String) "Refined3 {r3In = -1234, r3Out = \"-4d2\"}") , (@?=) (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "") ($$(refined3TH "") :: MakeR3 Ip) , expectJ (Right (G4 (unsafeRefined3 12 "12") (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] ""))) (toFrom $ G4 (unsafeRefined3 12 "12") (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "")) , expectJ (Left ["Error in $.g4Ip", "False Boolean Check"]) (toFrom $ G4 (unsafeRefined3 12 "12") (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "")) , expectJ (Left ["Error in $.g4Ip", "ReadP Int (3x)"]) (toFrom $ G4 (unsafeRefined3 12 "12") (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "1.2.3x.4")) , expectJ (Left ["Error in $.g4Age", "False Boolean Check"]) (toFrom $ G4 (unsafeRefined3 (-2) "-2") (unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "")) , expectRight (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Ccn '[4,4,3])) ol "123-45-6---789-03-") , expectLeft (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Ccn '[4,4,3])) ol "123-45-6---789-04-") , expectRight (testRefined3P (Proxy @Hms) ol "1:2:33") , expectLeft (testRefined3P (Proxy @Hms) ol "1:2:61") , expectRight (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Ccn '[4,4,3])) ol "6433-1000-006") , expectRight (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Ccn '[4,4,3])) ol "6433-10000-06") , expectLeft (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Ccn '[4,4,3])) ol "6433-1000-000") , expectRight (testRefined3P (Proxy @(Ccn '[1,2,1])) ol "1-23-0") , expect3 (Left $ XF "Regex no results") $ eval3 @(Rescan Ip4RE Id >> HeadFail "failedn" Id >> Map (ReadP Int Id) (Snd Id)) @((Len == 4) && All (Between 0 255) Id) @(PrintL 4 "%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d" Id) ol "1.21.x31.4" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [1,21,31,4] "") $ eval3 @(Rescan Ip4RE Id >> HeadFail "failedn" Id >> Map (ReadP Int Id) (Snd Id)) @((Len == 4) && All (Between 0 255) Id) @(PrintL 4 "%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d" Id) ol "" , expect3 (Left $ XTFalse (-6.3)) $ eval3 @(ReadP Double Id) @(Cmp 'Cgt (ToRational Id) (7 %- 3)) @(PrintF "%5.3f" Id) ol "-6.3" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 4.123 "") $ eval3 @(ReadP Double Id) @(Cmp 'Cgt (ToRational Id) (7 %- 3)) @"" ol "4.123" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 4.123 (4123 % 1000)) $ eval3 @Id @(Gt (7 %- 3)) @(4123 % 1000) ol 4.123 , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "") $ eval3 @(Map (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\." Id)) @(All (Between 0 255) Id && (Len == 4)) @"" ol "" , expect3 (Left $ XTF [291,1048319,4387,17,1] "out of bounds") $ eval3 @Ip6A @Ip6B @"" ol "123:Ffeff:1123:11:1" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [12,2,0,255] "abc") $ eval3 @Ip4A @Ip4B @"abc" ol "" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [123,45,6789] "def") $ eval3 @(Rescan "^(\\d{3})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{4})$" Id >> OneP >> Map (ReadBaseInt 10 Id) (Snd Id)) @(Guard "expected 3" (Len == 3) >> Guard "3 digits" (Ix' 0 >> Between 0 999) >> Guard "2 digits" (Ix' 1 >> Between 0 99) >> Guard "4 digits" (Ix' 2 >> Between 0 9999) >> 'True ) @"def" ol "123-45-6789" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [123,45,6789] "xyz") $ eval3 @(Rescan "^(\\d{3})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{4})$" Id >> OneP >> Map (ReadBaseInt 10 Id) (Snd Id)) @(GuardsQuick (PrintT "guard(%d) %d is out of range" Id) '[Between 0 999, Between 0 99, Between 0 9999] >> 'True) @"xyz" ol "123-45-6789" , expect3 (Left $ XTF [0,0,0,291,1048319,4387,17,1] "out of bounds") $ eval3 @Ip6A'' @Ip6B' @"xyz" ol "123:Ffeff:1123:11:1" , expect3 (Left $ XTFalse [0,0,0,291,1048319,4387,17,1]) $ eval3 @Ip6A'' @Ip6B'' @"xyz" ol "123:Ffeff:1123:11:1" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [0,0,0,291,65535,4387,17,1] "xyz") $ eval3 @Ip6A'' @Ip6B' @"xyz" ol "123:Ffff:1123:11:1" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [0,0,291,0,65535,0,0,17] "xyz") $ eval3 @Ip6A'' @Ip6B' @"xyz" ol "123::Ffff:::11" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [0,0,291,0,65535,0,0,17] "xyz") $ eval3 @Ip6A'' @Ip6B'' @"xyz" ol "123::Ffff:::11" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [31,11,1999] "xyz") $ eval3 @(Rescan DdmmyyyyRE Id >> OneP >> Map (ReadBaseInt 10 Id) (Snd Id)) @(Ddmmyyyyval >> 'True) @"xyz" ol "31-11-1999" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [123,45,6789] "xyz") $ eval3 @(Rescan "^(\\d{3})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{4})$" Id >> OneP >> Map (ReadBaseInt 10 Id) (Snd Id)) @(GuardsQuick (PrintT "guard(%d) %d is out of range" Id) '[Between 0 999, Between 0 99, Between 0 9999] >> 'True) @"xyz" ol "123-45-6789" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4] "") $ eval3P ip4 ol "" , expect3 (Left $ XF "invalid base 10") $ eval3P ip4 ol "1.2.3x.4" , expect3 (Left $ XTF [1,2,3,4,5] "expected 4 numbers") $ eval3P ip4 ol "" , expect3 (Left $ XTF [1,2,300,4] "each number must be between 0 and 255") $ eval3P ip4 ol "1.2.300.4" , expect3 (Left $ XTFalse [1,2,300,4]) $ eval3P ip4' ol "1.2.300.4" , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,3] "1234-5678-903") $ eval3P cc ol "12345678903" , expect3 (Left $ XTFalse [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1]) $ eval3P cc ol "12345678901" -- , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 True ["T","r","ue","Tr","ue"]) $ eval3P (Proxy @'(Id, Id, Do '[ShowP Id, Dup, Sapa, SplitAts '[1,1,2,2]], Bool)) True , expect3 (Right $ unsafeRefined3 ([12,13,14],TimeOfDay 12 13 14) "12:13:14") $ eval3P hms2E ol "12:13:14" , expect3 (Left (XTF ([12,13,99], TimeOfDay 12 13 99) "guard(2) 99 secs is out of range")) $ eval3P hms2E ol "12:13:99" ] allProps :: [TestTree] allProps = [ testProperty "base16" $ forAll (arbRefined3 (mkProxy3 @'(ReadBase Int 16 Id, 'True, ShowBase 16 Id, String))) (\r -> evalQuick @(ReadBase Int 16 Id) (r3Out r) === Right (r3In r)) , testProperty "readshow" $ forAll (arbRefined3 Proxy :: Gen HexLtR3) (\r -> read @HexLtR3 (show r) === r) , testProperty "jsonroundtrip" $ forAll (arbRefined3 Proxy :: Gen HexLtR3) (\r -> testRefined3PJ Proxy ol (r3Out r) === Right r) ] type HexLtR3 = Refined3 (ReadBase Int 16 Id) (Id < 500) (ShowBase 16 Id) String type IntLtR3 = Refined3 (ReadP Int Id) (Id < 10) (ShowP Id) String -- printf breaks with negative numbers! type Tst1 = '(ReadP Int Id, Between 1 7, PrintF "someval val=%03d" Id, String) yy1, yy2, yy3, yy4 :: RefinedT Identity (MakeR3 Tst1) yy1 = newRefined3TP @Identity (Proxy @Tst1) o2 "4" yy2 = newRefined3TP @Identity (Proxy @Tst1) o2 "3" yy3 = rapply3 o2 (*) yy1 yy2 -- fails yy4 = rapply3 o2 (+) yy1 yy2 -- pure () type Ip4T = '(Ip4A, Ip4B, Ip4C, String) -- guards type Ip4T' = '(Ip4A, Ip4B', Ip4C, String) -- boolean predicates ip4 :: Proxy Ip4T ip4 = mkProxy3' ip4' :: Proxy Ip4T' ip4' = mkProxy3' ip4expands :: Proxy '(Ip4A, Ip4B, Ip4C, String) ip4expands = mkProxy3 -- this works but ParseTimeP is easier type DdmmyyyyRE = "^(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{4})$" type Ddmmyyyyval' = GuardsQuick (PrintT "guard(%d) %d is out of range" Id) '[Between 1 31, Between 1 12, Between 1990 2050] type Ddmmyyyyval = Guards '[ '(PrintT "guard(%d) day %d is out of range" Id, Between 1 31) , '(PrintT "guard(%d) month %d is out of range" Id, Between 1 12) , '(PrintT "guard(%d) year %d is out of range" Id, Between 1990 2050) ] cc :: Proxy CC11 cc = mkProxy3 -- need to add 'True to make it a predicate -- guards checks also that there are exactly 3 entries! type Hmsconv = Do '[Rescan HmsRE Id, Head Id, (Snd Id), Map (ReadBaseInt 10 Id) Id] type Hmsz1 = '(Hmsconv &&& ParseTimeP TimeOfDay "%H:%M:%S" Id , Fst Id >> Hmsop , Snd Id , String) -- better error messages cos doesnt do a strict regex match type Hmsz2 = '(Hmsip &&& ParseTimeP TimeOfDay "%H:%M:%S" Id , Fst Id >> Hmsop , Snd Id , String) type Hmsip2 = Hmsip &&& ParseTimeP TimeOfDay "%H:%M:%S" Id type Hmsop2 = Fst Id >> Hmsop -- >mkProxy3 @Hmsip2 @Hmsop2 @((Snd Id) >> FormatTimeP "%F %T" Id) @String hms2E :: Proxy '(Hmsip2, Hmsop2, (Snd Id) >> FormatTimeP "%T" Id, String) hms2E = mkProxy3 -- better to use Guard for op boolean check cos we get better errormessages -- 1. packaged up as a promoted tuple type Tst3 = '(Map (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\." Id), (Len == 4) && All (Between 0 255) Id, ConcatMap (PrintF "%03d" Id) Id, String) www1, www2 :: String -> Either Msg3 (MakeR3 Tst3) www1 = prtEval3P (mkProxy3 @Tst3) o2 www2 = prtEval3P tst3 o2 -- just pass in an ipaddress as a string: eg or (invalid) (invalid) -- 2. packaged as a proxy tst3 :: Proxy '(Map (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\." Id) ,(Len == 4) && All (Between 0 255) Id ,ConcatMap (PrintF "%03d" Id) Id ,String) tst3 = mkProxy3 -- 3. direct ww3 :: String -> Either Msg3 (Refined3 (Map (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\." Id)) ((Len == 4) && All (Between 0 255) Id) (ConcatMap (PrintF "%03d" Id) Id) String) ww3 = prtEval3 o2 {- ww3 = prtEval3 @(Map (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\." Id)) @((Len == 4) && All (Between 0 255)) @(ConcatMap (PrintF "%03d" Id) Id) o2 -} data G4 = G4 { g4Age :: MakeR3 Age , g4Ip :: MakeR3 Ip9 } deriving (Show,Generic,Eq) type MyAge = Refined3 (ReadP Int Id) (Gt 4) (ShowP Id) String type Age = '(ReadP Int Id, Gt 4, ShowP Id, String) type Ip9 = '( Map (ReadP Int Id) (Resplit "\\." Id) -- split String on "." then convert to [Int] ,(Len == 4) && All (Between 0 255) Id -- process [Int] and make sure length==4 and each octet is between 0 and 255 ,PrintL 4 "%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d" Id -- printf [Int] ,String -- input type is string which is also the output type ) instance FromJSON G4 instance ToJSON G4 {- ol= summary vs o2 = detail prtEval3P daten ol "June 25 1900" prtEval3P daten o2 "12/02/19" prtEval3P (Proxy @(Ccn '[1,1,1,1])) ol "1230" prtEval3P (Proxy @(Ccn '[1,2,3])) ol "123455" -- succeeds -} -- prtRefinedT tst1a tst1a :: Monad m => POpts -> RefinedT m ((Int,String),(Int,String)) tst1a opts = withRefined3T @(ReadBase Int 16 Id) @(Between 100 200) @(ShowBase 16 Id) @String opts "a3" $ \r1 -> withRefined3T @(ReadP Int Id) @'True @(ShowP Id) @String opts "12" $ \r2 -> return ((r3In r1, r3Out r1), (r3In r2, r3Out r2)) -- prtRefinedTIO tst2a tst2a :: MonadIO m => POpts -> RefinedT m ((Int,String),(Int,String)) tst2a opts = withRefined3TIO @(ReadBase Int 16 Id) @(Stderr "start" |> Between 100 200 >| Stdout "end") @(ShowBase 16 Id) @String opts "a3" $ \r1 -> withRefined3TIO @(ReadP Int Id) @'True @(ShowP Id) @String opts "12" $ \r2 -> return ((r3In r1, r3Out r1), (r3In r2, r3Out r2)) -- have to use 'i' as we dont hold onto the input testRefined3PJ :: forall ip op fmt i proxy . (ToJSON (PP fmt (PP ip i)) , Show (PP ip i) , Show (PP fmt (PP ip i)) , Refined3C ip op fmt i , FromJSON i) => proxy '(ip,op,fmt,i) -> POpts -> i -> Either String (Refined3 ip op fmt i) testRefined3PJ _ opts i = let (ret,mr) = eval3 @ip @op @fmt opts i m3 = prt3Impl opts ret in case mr of Just r -> eitherDecode @(Refined3 ip op fmt i) $ encode r Nothing -> Left $ show m3 -- test that roundtripping holds ie i ~ PP fmt (PP ip i) testRefined3P :: forall ip op fmt i proxy . (Show (PP ip i) , Show (PP fmt (PP ip i)) , Refined3C ip op fmt i , Eq i , Eq (PP ip i)) => proxy '(ip,op,fmt,i) -> POpts -> i -> Either (String,String) (Refined3 ip op fmt i, Refined3 ip op fmt i) testRefined3P _ opts i = let (ret,mr) = eval3 @ip @op @fmt opts i m3 = prt3Impl opts ret in case mr of Just r -> let (ret1,mr1) = eval3 @ip @op @fmt opts (r3Out r) m3a = prt3Impl opts ret1 in case mr1 of Nothing -> Left ("testRefined3P(2): round trip failed: old(" ++ show i ++ ") new(" ++ show (r3Out r) ++ ")", show m3a) Just r1 -> if r /= r1 then Left ("testRefined3P(3): round trip pure () but values dont match: old(" ++ show i ++ ") new(" ++ show (r3Out r) ++ ")", show (r,r1)) else Right (r,r1) Nothing -> Left ("testRefined3P(1): bad initial predicate i=" ++ show i, show m3) testRefined3PIO :: forall ip op fmt i proxy . (Show (PP ip i), Show (PP fmt (PP ip i)), Refined3C ip op fmt i, Eq i, Eq (PP ip i)) => proxy '(ip,op,fmt,i) -> POpts -> i -> IO (Either String (Refined3 ip op fmt i, Refined3 ip op fmt i)) testRefined3PIO p opts i = case testRefined3P p opts i of Right (r,r1) -> return $ Right (r,r1) Left (msg, e) -> putStrLn e >> return (Left msg) getTTs3 :: RResults a b -> [Tree PE] getTTs3 = \case RF _ t1 -> [t1] RTF _ t1 _ t2 -> [t1,t2] RTFalse _ t1 t2 -> [t1,t2] RTTrueF _ t1 t2 _ t3 -> [t1,t2,t3] RTTrueT _ t1 t2 _ t3 -> [t1,t2,t3] toRResults3 :: RResults a b -> Results a b toRResults3 = \case RF e _ -> XF e RTF a _ e _ -> XTF a e RTFalse a _ _ -> XTFalse a RTTrueF a _ _ e _ -> XTTrueF a e RTTrueT a _ _ b _ -> XTTrueT a b expect3 :: (HasCallStack, Show i, Show r, Eq i, Eq r, Eq j, Show j) => Either (Results i j) r -> (RResults i j, Maybe r) -> IO () expect3 lhs (rhs,mr) = do (@?=) lhs $ maybe (Left $ toRResults3 rhs) Right mr type LuhnR' (n :: Nat) = MakeR3 (LuhnX n) type LuhnX (n :: Nat) = '(Map (ReadP Int Id) (Ones Id) , Luhn'' n >> 'True , ConcatMap (ShowP Id) Id , String) type Luhn'' (n :: Nat) = Guard (PrintT "incorrect number of digits found %d but expected %d in [%s]" '(Len, n, ShowP Id)) (Len == n) >> Do '[ Reverse ,Zip (Cycle n [1,2]) Id ,Map (Fst Id * Snd Id >> If (Id >= 10) (Id - 9) Id) Id ,FoldMap (SG.Sum Int) Id ] >> Guard (PrintT "expected %d mod 10 = 0 but found %d" '(Id, Id `Mod` 10)) (Mod Id 10 == 0) type Luhn' (n :: Nat) = Msg "Luhn'" (Do '[Guard (PrintT "incorrect number of digits found %d but expected %d in [%s]" '(Len, n, Id)) (Len == n) ,Do '[Ones Id ,Map (ReadP Int Id) Id ,Reverse ,Zip (Cycle n [1,2]) Id ,Map (Fst Id * Snd Id >> If (Id >= 10) (Id - 9) Id) Id ,FoldMap (SG.Sum Int) Id ] ,Guard (PrintT "expected %d mod 10 = 0 but found %d" '(Id, Id `Mod` 10)) (Mod Id 10 == 0) ])