{-| Module : Config Description : Manages PostgRESTWS configuration options. This module provides a helper function to read the command line arguments using the optparse-applicative and the AppConfig type to store them. It also can be used to define other middleware configuration that may be delegated to some sort of external configuration. It currently includes a hardcoded CORS policy but this could easly be turned in configurable behaviour if needed. Other hardcoded options such as the minimum version number also belong here. -} module Config ( prettyVersion , readOptions , minimumPgVersion , PgVersion (..) , AppConfig (..) ) where import System.IO.Error (IOError) import Control.Applicative import qualified Data.Configurator as C import qualified Data.Configurator.Types as C import Data.Monoid import Data.Text (intercalate, lines) import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Data.Version (versionBranch) import Options.Applicative hiding (str) import Paths_postgrest_ws (version) import Text.Heredoc import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<>), (<$>)) import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as L import Protolude hiding (intercalate, (<>)) -- | Config file settings for the server data AppConfig = AppConfig { configDatabase :: Text , configPath :: Text , configHost :: Text , configPort :: Int , configAuditChannel :: Maybe Text , configJwtSecret :: ByteString , configJwtSecretIsBase64 :: Bool , configPool :: Int } -- | User friendly version number prettyVersion :: Text prettyVersion = intercalate "." $ map show $ versionBranch version -- | Function to read and parse options from the command line readOptions :: IO AppConfig readOptions = do -- First read the config file path from command line cfgPath <- customExecParser parserPrefs opts -- Now read the actual config file conf <- catch (C.load [C.Required cfgPath]) configNotfoundHint handle missingKeyHint $ do -- db ---------------- cDbUri <- C.require conf "db-uri" cPool <- C.lookupDefault 10 conf "db-pool" -- server ------------ cPath <- C.require conf "server-root" cHost <- C.lookupDefault "*4" conf "server-host" cPort <- C.lookupDefault 3000 conf "server-port" cAuditC <- C.lookup conf "audit-channel" -- jwt --------------- cJwtSec <- C.require conf "jwt-secret" cJwtB64 <- C.lookupDefault False conf "secret-is-base64" return $ AppConfig cDbUri cPath cHost cPort cAuditC (encodeUtf8 cJwtSec) cJwtB64 cPool where opts = info (helper <*> pathParser) $ fullDesc <> progDesc ( "PostgREST " <> toS prettyVersion <> " / create a REST API to an existing Postgres database" ) <> footerDoc (Just $ text "Example Config File:" L.<> nest 2 (hardline L.<> exampleCfg) ) parserPrefs = prefs showHelpOnError configNotfoundHint :: IOError -> IO a configNotfoundHint e = die $ "Cannot open config file:\n\t" <> show e missingKeyHint :: C.KeyError -> IO a missingKeyHint (C.KeyError n) = die $ "Required config parameter \"" <> n <> "\" is missing or of wrong type.\n" <> "Documentation for configuration options available at\n" <> "\thttp://postgrest.com/en/v0.4/admin.html#configuration\n\n" <> "Try the --example-config option to see how to configure PostgREST." exampleCfg :: Doc exampleCfg = vsep . map (text . toS) . lines $ [str|db-uri = "postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/dbname" |db-pool = 10 | |server-root = "./client-example" |server-host = "*4" |server-port = 3000 | |## choose a secret to enable JWT auth |## (use "@filename" to load from separate file) |# jwt-secret = "foo" |# secret-is-base64 = false |] pathParser :: Parser FilePath pathParser = strArgument $ metavar "FILENAME" <> help "Path to configuration file" data PgVersion = PgVersion { pgvNum :: Int32 , pgvName :: Text } -- | Tells the minimum PostgreSQL version required by this version of PostgRESTWS minimumPgVersion :: PgVersion minimumPgVersion = PgVersion 90300 "9.3"