{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module PostgREST.App (app, sqlError, isSqlError, contentTypeForAccept) where import Control.Monad (join) import Control.Arrow ((***), second) import Control.Applicative import Data.Text hiding (map, find) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe, isJust, isNothing) import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~)) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Ranged.Ranges (emptyRange) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import Data.String.Conversions (cs) import Data.CaseInsensitive (original) import Data.List (sortBy, find) import Data.Functor.Identity import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as BB import qualified Data.Csv as CSV import Network.HTTP.Types.Status import Network.HTTP.Types.Header import Network.HTTP.Types.URI (parseSimpleQuery) import Network.HTTP.Base (urlEncodeVars) import Network.Wai import Network.Wai.Parse (parseHttpAccept) import Network.Wai.Internal (Response(..)) import Data.Aeson import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Hasql as H import qualified Hasql.Backend as B import qualified Hasql.Postgres as P import PostgREST.Config (AppConfig(..)) import PostgREST.Auth import PostgREST.PgQuery import PostgREST.RangeQuery import PostgREST.PgStructure import Prelude app :: AppConfig -> BL.ByteString -> Request -> H.Tx P.Postgres s Response app conf reqBody req = case (path, verb) of ([], _) -> do body <- encode <$> tables (cs schema) return $ responseLBS status200 [jsonH] $ cs body ([table], "OPTIONS") -> do let qt = qualify table cols <- columns qt pkey <- map cs <$> primaryKeyColumns qt return $ responseLBS status200 [jsonH, allOrigins] $ encode (TableOptions cols pkey) ([table], "GET") -> if range == Just emptyRange then return $ responseLBS status416 [] "HTTP Range error" else do let qt = qualify table from = fromMaybe 0 $ rangeOffset <$> range select = B.Stmt "select " V.empty True <> parentheticT ( whereT qt qq $ countRows qt ) <> commaq <> ( bodyForAccept contentType qt . limitT range . orderT (orderParse qq) . whereT qt qq $ selectStar qt ) row <- H.maybeEx select let (tableTotal, queryTotal, body) = fromMaybe (0, 0, Just "" :: Maybe Text) row to = from+queryTotal-1 contentRange = contentRangeH from to tableTotal status = rangeStatus from to tableTotal canonical = urlEncodeVars . sortBy (comparing fst) . map (join (***) cs) . parseSimpleQuery $ rawQueryString req return $ responseLBS status [contentTypeH, contentRange, ("Content-Location", "/" <> cs table <> if Prelude.null canonical then "" else "?" <> cs canonical ) ] (cs $ fromMaybe "[]" body) (["postgrest", "users"], "POST") -> do let user = decode reqBody :: Maybe AuthUser case user of Nothing -> return $ responseLBS status400 [jsonH] $ encode . object $ [("message", String "Failed to parse user.")] Just u -> do _ <- addUser (cs $ userId u) (cs $ userPass u) (cs $ userRole u) return $ responseLBS status201 [ jsonH , (hLocation, "/postgrest/users?id=eq." <> cs (userId u)) ] "" (["postgrest", "tokens"], "POST") -> case jwtSecret of "secret" -> return $ responseLBS status500 [jsonH] $ encode . object $ [("message", String "JWT Secret is set as \"secret\" which is an unsafe default.")] _ -> do let user = decode reqBody :: Maybe AuthUser case user of Nothing -> return $ responseLBS status400 [jsonH] $ encode . object $ [("message", String "Failed to parse user.")] Just u -> do setRole authenticator login <- signInRole (cs $ userId u) (cs $ userPass u) case login of LoginSuccess role uid -> return $ responseLBS status201 [ jsonH ] $ encode . object $ [("token", String $ tokenJWT jwtSecret uid role)] _ -> return $ responseLBS status401 [jsonH] $ encode . object $ [("message", String "Failed authentication.")] ([table], "POST") -> do let qt = qualify table echoRequested = lookupHeader "Prefer" == Just "return=representation" parsed :: Either String (V.Vector Text, V.Vector (V.Vector Value)) parsed = if lookupHeader "Content-Type" == Just csvMT then do rows <- CSV.decode CSV.NoHeader reqBody if V.null rows then Left "CSV requires header" else Right (V.head rows, (V.map $ V.map $ parseCsvCell . cs) (V.tail rows)) else eitherDecode reqBody >>= \val -> case val of Object obj -> Right . second V.singleton . V.unzip . V.fromList $ M.toList obj _ -> Left "Expecting single JSON object or CSV rows" case parsed of Left err -> return $ responseLBS status400 [] $ encode . object $ [("message", String $ "Failed to parse JSON payload. " <> cs err)] Right toBeInserted -> do rows :: [Identity Text] <- H.listEx $ uncurry (insertInto qt) toBeInserted let inserted :: [Object] = mapMaybe (decode . cs . runIdentity) rows primaryKeys <- primaryKeyColumns qt let responses = flip map inserted $ \obj -> do let primaries = if Prelude.null primaryKeys then obj else M.filterWithKey (const . (`elem` primaryKeys)) obj let params = urlEncodeVars $ map (\t -> (cs $ fst t, cs (paramFilter $ snd t))) $ sortBy (comparing fst) $ M.toList primaries responseLBS status201 [ jsonH , (hLocation, "/" <> cs table <> "?" <> cs params) ] $ if echoRequested then encode obj else "" return $ multipart status201 responses (["rpc", proc], "POST") -> do let qi = QualifiedIdentifier schema (cs proc) exists <- doesProcExist schema proc if exists then do let call = B.Stmt "select " V.empty True <> asJson (callProc qi $ fromMaybe M.empty (decode reqBody)) body :: Maybe (Identity Text) <- H.maybeEx call return $ responseLBS status200 [jsonH] (cs $ fromMaybe "[]" $ runIdentity <$> body) else return $ responseLBS status404 [] "" -- check that proc exists -- check that arg names are all specified -- select * from "1".proc(a := "foo"::undefined) where whereT limit limitT ([table], "PUT") -> handleJsonObj reqBody $ \obj -> do let qt = qualify table primaryKeys <- primaryKeyColumns qt let specifiedKeys = map (cs . fst) qq if S.fromList primaryKeys /= S.fromList specifiedKeys then return $ responseLBS status405 [] "You must speficy all and only primary keys as params" else do tableCols <- map (cs . colName) <$> columns qt let cols = map cs $ M.keys obj if S.fromList tableCols == S.fromList cols then do let vals = M.elems obj H.unitEx $ iffNotT (whereT qt qq $ update qt cols vals) (insertSelect qt cols vals) return $ responseLBS status204 [ jsonH ] "" else return $ if Prelude.null tableCols then responseLBS status404 [] "" else responseLBS status400 [] "You must specify all columns in PUT request" ([table], "PATCH") -> handleJsonObj reqBody $ \obj -> do let qt = qualify table up = returningStarT . whereT qt qq $ update qt (map cs $ M.keys obj) (M.elems obj) patch = withT up "t" $ B.Stmt "select count(t), array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(t)))::character varying" V.empty True row <- H.maybeEx patch let (queryTotal, body) = fromMaybe (0 :: Int, Just "" :: Maybe Text) row r = contentRangeH 0 (queryTotal-1) queryTotal echoRequested = lookupHeader "Prefer" == Just "return=representation" s = case () of _ | queryTotal == 0 -> status404 | echoRequested -> status200 | otherwise -> status204 return $ responseLBS s [ jsonH, r ] $ if echoRequested then cs $ fromMaybe "[]" body else "" ([table], "DELETE") -> do let qt = qualify table del = countT . returningStarT . whereT qt qq $ deleteFrom qt row <- H.maybeEx del let (Identity deletedCount) = fromMaybe (Identity 0 :: Identity Int) row return $ if deletedCount == 0 then responseLBS status404 [] "" else responseLBS status204 [("Content-Range", "*/"<> cs (show deletedCount))] "" (_, _) -> return $ responseLBS status404 [] "" where path = pathInfo req verb = requestMethod req qq = queryString req qualify = QualifiedIdentifier schema hdrs = requestHeaders req lookupHeader = flip lookup hdrs accept = lookupHeader hAccept schema = requestedSchema (cs $ configV1Schema conf) accept authenticator = cs $ configDbUser conf jwtSecret = cs $ configJwtSecret conf range = rangeRequested hdrs allOrigins = ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*") :: Header contentType = fromMaybe "application/json" $ contentTypeForAccept accept contentTypeH = (hContentType, contentType) sqlError :: t sqlError = undefined isSqlError :: t isSqlError = undefined rangeStatus :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Status rangeStatus from to total | from > total = status416 | (1 + to - from) < total = status206 | otherwise = status200 contentRangeH :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Header contentRangeH from to total = ("Content-Range", if total == 0 || from > total then "*/" <> cs (show total) else cs (show from) <> "-" <> cs (show to) <> "/" <> cs (show total) ) requestedSchema :: Text -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> Text requestedSchema v1schema accept = case verStr of Just [[_, ver]] -> if ver == "1" then v1schema else cs ver _ -> v1schema where verRegex = "version[ ]*=[ ]*([0-9]+)" :: BS.ByteString verStr = (=~ verRegex) <$> accept :: Maybe [[BS.ByteString]] jsonMT :: BS.ByteString jsonMT = "application/json" csvMT :: BS.ByteString csvMT = "text/csv" allMT :: BS.ByteString allMT = "*/*" jsonH :: Header jsonH = (hContentType, jsonMT) contentTypeForAccept :: Maybe BS.ByteString -> Maybe BS.ByteString contentTypeForAccept accept | isNothing accept || has allMT || has jsonMT = Just jsonMT | has csvMT = Just csvMT | otherwise = Nothing where Just acceptH = accept findInAccept = flip find $ parseHttpAccept acceptH has = isJust . findInAccept . BS.isPrefixOf bodyForAccept :: BS.ByteString -> QualifiedIdentifier -> StatementT bodyForAccept contentType table | contentType == csvMT = asCsvWithCount table | otherwise = asJsonWithCount -- defaults to JSON handleJsonObj :: BL.ByteString -> (Object -> H.Tx P.Postgres s Response) -> H.Tx P.Postgres s Response handleJsonObj reqBody handler = do let p = eitherDecode reqBody case p of Left err -> return $ responseLBS status400 [jsonH] jErr where jErr = encode . object $ [("message", String $ "Failed to parse JSON payload. " <> cs err)] Right (Object o) -> handler o Right _ -> return $ responseLBS status400 [jsonH] jErr where jErr = encode . object $ [("message", String "Expecting a JSON object")] parseCsvCell :: BL.ByteString -> Value parseCsvCell s = if s == "NULL" then Null else String $ cs s multipart :: Status -> [Response] -> Response multipart _ [] = responseLBS status204 [] "" multipart _ [r] = r multipart s rs = responseLBS s [(hContentType, "multipart/mixed; boundary=\"postgrest_boundary\"")] $ BL.intercalate "\n--postgrest_boundary\n" (map renderResponseBody rs) where renderHeader :: Header -> BL.ByteString renderHeader (k, v) = cs (original k) <> ": " <> cs v renderResponseBody :: Response -> BL.ByteString renderResponseBody (ResponseBuilder _ headers b) = BL.intercalate "\n" (map renderHeader headers) <> "\n\n" <> BB.toLazyByteString b renderResponseBody _ = error "Unable to create multipart response from non-ResponseBuilder" data TableOptions = TableOptions { tblOptcolumns :: [Column] , tblOptpkey :: [Text] } instance ToJSON TableOptions where toJSON t = object [ "columns" .= tblOptcolumns t , "pkey" .= tblOptpkey t ]