{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, DataKinds, DeriveDataTypeable, TypeFamilies, PatternGuards, StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -Wincomplete-uni-patterns #-} --{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-splices #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Exception (try) import Control.Monad (unless) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC import Data.Char (isDigit, toUpper) import Data.Int (Int32) import qualified Data.Time as Time import Data.Word (Word8) import System.Exit (exitSuccess, exitFailure) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as Q import Test.QuickCheck.Test (isSuccess) import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Types import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Protocol import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Array () import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Range as Range import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Enum import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Inet import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.SQLToken import Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.Relation import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Typed.ErrCodes as PGErr import Connect assert :: Bool -> IO () assert False = exitFailure assert True = return () useTPGDatabase db -- This runs at compile-time: [pgSQL|!CREATE TYPE myenum AS enum ('abc', 'DEF', 'XX_ye')|] [pgSQL|!CREATE TABLE myfoo (id serial primary key, adx myenum, bar char(4))|] dataPGEnum "MyEnum" "myenum" ("MyEnum_" ++) deriving instance Show MyEnum dataPGRelation "MyFoo" "myfoo" (\(c:s) -> "foo" ++ toUpper c : s) _fooRow :: MyFoo _fooRow = MyFoo{ fooId = 1, fooAdx = Just MyEnum_DEF, fooBar = Just "abcd" } instance Q.Arbitrary MyEnum where arbitrary = Q.arbitraryBoundedEnum instance Q.Arbitrary Time.Day where arbitrary = Time.ModifiedJulianDay <$> Q.arbitrary instance Q.Arbitrary Time.DiffTime where arbitrary = Time.picosecondsToDiffTime . (1000000 *) <$> Q.arbitrary instance Q.Arbitrary Time.UTCTime where arbitrary = Time.UTCTime <$> Q.arbitrary <*> ((Time.picosecondsToDiffTime . (1000000 *)) <$> Q.choose (0,86399999999)) instance Q.Arbitrary Time.LocalTime where arbitrary = Time.utcToLocalTime Time.utc <$> Q.arbitrary instance Q.Arbitrary a => Q.Arbitrary (Range.Bound a) where arbitrary = do u <- Q.arbitrary if u then return $ Range.Unbounded else Range.Bounded <$> Q.arbitrary <*> Q.arbitrary instance (Ord a, Q.Arbitrary a) => Q.Arbitrary (Range.Range a) where arbitrary = Range.range <$> Q.arbitrary <*> Q.arbitrary instance Q.Arbitrary PGInet where arbitrary = do v6 <- Q.arbitrary if v6 then PGInet6 <$> Q.arbitrary <*> ((`mod` 129) <$> Q.arbitrary) else PGInet <$> Q.arbitrary <*> ((`mod` 33) <$> Q.arbitrary) instance Q.Arbitrary SQLToken where arbitrary = Q.oneof [ SQLToken <$> Q.arbitrary , SQLParam <$> Q.arbitrary , SQLExpr <$> Q.arbitrary , SQLQMark <$> Q.arbitrary ] newtype Str = Str { strString :: [Char] } deriving (Eq, Show) strByte :: Str -> BS.ByteString strByte = BSC.pack . strString byteStr :: BS.ByteString -> Str byteStr = Str . BSC.unpack instance Q.Arbitrary Str where arbitrary = Str <$> Q.listOf (Q.choose (' ', '~')) simple :: PGConnection -> OID -> IO [String] simple c t = pgQuery c [pgSQL|SELECT typname FROM pg_catalog.pg_type WHERE oid = ${t} AND oid = $1|] simpleApply :: PGConnection -> OID -> IO [Maybe String] simpleApply c = pgQuery c . [pgSQL|?SELECT typname FROM pg_catalog.pg_type WHERE oid = $1|] prepared :: PGConnection -> OID -> String -> IO [Maybe String] prepared c t = pgQuery c . [pgSQL|?$SELECT typname FROM pg_catalog.pg_type WHERE oid = ${t} AND typname = $2|] preparedApply :: PGConnection -> Int32 -> IO [String] preparedApply c = pgQuery c . [pgSQL|$(integer)SELECT typname FROM pg_catalog.pg_type WHERE oid = $1|] selectProp :: PGConnection -> Bool -> Word8 -> Int32 -> Float -> Time.LocalTime -> Time.UTCTime -> Time.Day -> Time.DiffTime -> Str -> [Maybe Str] -> Range.Range Int32 -> MyEnum -> PGInet -> Q.Property selectProp pgc b c i f t z d p s l r e a = Q.ioProperty $ do [(Just b', Just c', Just i', Just f', Just s', Just d', Just t', Just z', Just p', Just l', Just r', Just e', Just a')] <- pgQuery pgc [pgSQL|$SELECT ${b}::bool, ${c}::"char", ${Just i}::int, ${f}::float4, ${strString s}::varchar, ${Just d}::date, ${t}::timestamp, ${z}::timestamptz, ${p}::interval, ${map (fmap strByte) l}::text[], ${r}::int4range, ${e}::myenum, ${a}::inet|] return $ Q.conjoin [ i Q.=== i' , c Q.=== c' , b Q.=== b' , strString s Q.=== s' , f Q.=== f' , d Q.=== d' , t Q.=== t' , z Q.=== z' , p Q.=== p' , l Q.=== map (fmap byteStr) l' , Range.normalize' r Q.=== r' , e Q.=== e' , a Q.=== a' ] tokenProp :: String -> Q.Property tokenProp s = not (has0 s) Q.==> s Q.=== show (sqlTokens s) where has0 ('$':'0':c:_) | isDigit c = True has0 (_:r) = has0 r has0 [] = False main :: IO () main = do c <- pgConnect db r <- Q.quickCheckResult $ selectProp c Q..&&. tokenProp Q..&&. [pgSQL|#abc ${3.14::Float} def $f$ $$ ${1} $f$${2::Int32}|] Q.=== "abc 3.14::real def $f$ $$ ${1} $f$2::integer" Q..&&. pgEnumValues Q.=== [(MyEnum_abc, "abc"), (MyEnum_DEF, "DEF"), (MyEnum_XX_ye, "XX_ye")] Q..&&. Q.conjoin (map (\(s, t) -> sqlTokens s Q.=== t) [ ("", []) , ( "SELECT a from b WHERE c = ?" , ["SELECT a from b WHERE c = ", SQLQMark False]) , ( "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (?,?)" , ["INSERT INTO foo VALUES (", SQLQMark False, ",", SQLQMark False, ")"]) , ( "INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('?','''?')" , ["INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('?','''?')"]) , ( "-- really?\n-- yes'?\nINSERT INTO ? VALUES ('', ?, \"?asd\", e'?\\'?', '?''?', /* foo? */ /* foo /* bar */ ? */ ?)" , ["-- really?\n-- yes'?\nINSERT INTO ", SQLQMark False, " VALUES ('', ", SQLQMark False, ", \"?asd\", e'?\\'?', '?''?', /* foo? */ /* foo /* bar */ ? */ ", SQLQMark False, ")"]) , ( "some ${things? {don't}} change$1 $1\\?" , ["some ", SQLExpr "things? {don't}", " change$1 ", SQLParam 1, SQLQMark True]) ]) assert $ isSuccess r ["box"] <- simple c 603 [Just "box"] <- simpleApply c 603 [Just "box"] <- prepared c 603 "box" ["box"] <- preparedApply c 603 [Just "line"] <- prepared c 628 "line" ["line"] <- preparedApply c 628 pgSimpleQueries_ c "LISTEN channame; NOTIFY channame, 'oh hello'; SELECT pg_notify('channame', 'there')" PGNotification _ "channame" "oh hello" <- pgGetNotification c (-1, []) <- pgSimpleQuery c "NOTIFY channame" pgTransaction c $ do (1, [[PGTextValue "1"]]) <- pgSimpleQuery c "SELECT 1" (-1, []) <- pgSimpleQuery c "NOTIFY channame, 'nope'" Left e1 <- try $ pgSimpleQuery c "SYNTAX_ERROR" assert $ pgErrorCode e1 == PGErr.syntax_error Left e2 <- try $ pgSimpleQuery c "SELECT 1" assert $ pgErrorCode e2 == PGErr.in_failed_sql_transaction unless (pgSupportsTls c) $ do [PGNotification _ "channame" "there", PGNotification _ "channame" ""] <- pgGetNotifications c [] <- pgGetNotifications c pure () pgDisconnect c exitSuccess