module Main.Gen where import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Text as Text import Hedgehog (Gen, MonadGen) import Hedgehog.Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import PostgresqlSyntax.Ast import qualified PostgresqlSyntax.KeywordSet as KeywordSet import qualified PostgresqlSyntax.Validation as Validation import Prelude hiding (bit, bool, filter, fromList, maybe, sortBy) -- * Generic inSet _set = filter (flip HashSet.member _set) notInSet _set = filter (not . flip HashSet.member _set) -- * Statements preparableStmt = choice [ SelectPreparableStmt <$> selectStmt, InsertPreparableStmt <$> insertStmt, UpdatePreparableStmt <$> updateStmt, DeletePreparableStmt <$> deleteStmt ] -- * Insert insertStmt = InsertStmt <$> maybe withClause <*> insertTarget <*> insertRest <*> maybe onConflict <*> maybe returningClause insertTarget = InsertTarget <$> qualifiedName <*> maybe colId insertRest = choice [ SelectInsertRest <$> maybe insertColumnList <*> maybe overrideKind <*> selectStmt, pure DefaultValuesInsertRest ] overrideKind = enumBounded insertColumnList = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 7) insertColumnItem insertColumnItem = InsertColumnItem <$> colId <*> maybe indirection onConflict = OnConflict <$> maybe confExpr <*> onConflictDo onConflictDo = choice [ UpdateOnConflictDo <$> setClauseList <*> maybe whereClause, pure NothingOnConflictDo ] confExpr = choice [ WhereConfExpr <$> indexParams <*> maybe whereClause, ConstraintConfExpr <$> name ] returningClause = targetList -- * Update updateStmt = UpdateStmt <$> maybe withClause <*> relationExprOptAlias <*> setClauseList <*> maybe fromClause <*> maybe whereOrCurrentClause <*> maybe returningClause setClauseList = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 10) setClause setClause = choice [ TargetSetClause <$> setTarget <*> aExpr, TargetListSetClause <$> setTargetList <*> aExpr ] setTarget = SetTarget <$> colId <*> maybe indirection setTargetList = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 10) setTarget -- * Delete deleteStmt = DeleteStmt <$> maybe withClause <*> relationExprOptAlias <*> maybe usingClause <*> maybe whereOrCurrentClause <*> maybe returningClause usingClause = fromList -- * Select selectStmt = Left <$> selectNoParens -- ** selectNoParens selectNoParens = frequency [ (90, SelectNoParens <$> maybe withClause <*> (Left <$> simpleSelect) <*> maybe sortClause <*> maybe selectLimit <*> maybe forLockingClause), (10, SelectNoParens <$> fmap Just withClause <*> selectClause <*> fmap Just sortClause <*> fmap Just selectLimit <*> fmap Just forLockingClause) ] terminalSelectNoParens = SelectNoParens <$> pure Nothing <*> (Left <$> terminalSimpleSelect) <*> pure Nothing <*> pure Nothing <*> pure Nothing -- ** selectWithParens selectWithParens = sized $ \_size -> if _size <= 1 then discard else frequency [ (95, NoParensSelectWithParens <$> selectNoParens), (5, WithParensSelectWithParens <$> selectWithParens) ] terminalSelectWithParens = NoParensSelectWithParens <$> terminalSelectNoParens -- ** selectClause selectClause = choice [ Left <$> simpleSelect, Right <$> small selectWithParens ] nonTrailingSelectClause = Left <$> nonTrailingSimpleSelect -- ** simpleSelect simpleSelect = choice [ normalSimpleSelect, tableSimpleSelect, valuesSimpleSelect, small nonTrailingSelectClause >>= binSimpleSelect ] nonTrailingSimpleSelect = choice [normalSimpleSelect, valuesSimpleSelect, tableSimpleSelect] normalSimpleSelect = NormalSimpleSelect <$> maybe targeting <*> maybe intoClause <*> maybe fromClause <*> maybe whereClause <*> maybe groupClause <*> maybe havingClause <*> maybe windowClause tableSimpleSelect = TableSimpleSelect <$> relationExpr valuesSimpleSelect = ValuesSimpleSelect <$> valuesClause binSimpleSelect _leftSelect = BinSimpleSelect <$> selectBinOp <*> pure _leftSelect <*> maybe allOrDistinct <*> small selectClause terminalSimpleSelect = pure (NormalSimpleSelect Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing) -- * Targeting targeting = choice [ NormalTargeting <$> targetList, AllTargeting <$> maybe targetList, DistinctTargeting <$> maybe (nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) aExpr) <*> targetList ] targetList = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) targetEl targetEl = choice [ pure AsteriskTargetEl, AliasedExprTargetEl <$> aExpr <*> colLabel, ImplicitlyAliasedExprTargetEl <$> prefixAExpr <*> ident, ExprTargetEl <$> aExpr ] -- * BinSimpleSelect selectBinOp = element [UnionSelectBinOp, IntersectSelectBinOp, ExceptSelectBinOp] -- * With Clause withClause = WithClause <$> bool <*> nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 7) commonTableExpr commonTableExpr = CommonTableExpr <$> name <*> maybe (nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) name) <*> maybe bool <*> small preparableStmt -- * Into Clause intoClause = optTempTableName optTempTableName = choice [ TemporaryOptTempTableName <$> bool <*> qualifiedName, TempOptTempTableName <$> bool <*> qualifiedName, LocalTemporaryOptTempTableName <$> bool <*> qualifiedName, LocalTempOptTempTableName <$> bool <*> qualifiedName, GlobalTemporaryOptTempTableName <$> bool <*> qualifiedName, GlobalTempOptTempTableName <$> bool <*> qualifiedName, UnloggedOptTempTableName <$> bool <*> qualifiedName, TableOptTempTableName <$> qualifiedName, QualifedOptTempTableName <$> qualifiedName ] -- * From Clause fromList = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) tableRef fromClause = fromList tableRef = choice [relationExprTableRef, selectTableRef, joinTableRef] relationExprTableRef = RelationExprTableRef <$> relationExpr <*> maybe aliasClause <*> maybe tablesampleClause funcTableRef = FuncTableRef <$> bool <*> funcTable <*> maybe funcAliasClause selectTableRef = SelectTableRef <$> bool <*> small selectWithParens <*> maybe aliasClause joinTableRef = JoinTableRef <$> joinedTable <*> maybe aliasClause relationExpr = choice [ SimpleRelationExpr <$> qualifiedName <*> bool, OnlyRelationExpr <$> qualifiedName <*> bool ] relationExprOptAlias = RelationExprOptAlias <$> relationExpr <*> maybe ((,) <$> bool <*> colId) tablesampleClause = TablesampleClause <$> funcName <*> exprList <*> maybe repeatableClause repeatableClause = aExpr funcTable = choice [ FuncExprFuncTable <$> funcExprWindowless <*> optOrdinality, RowsFromFuncTable <$> rowsfromList <*> optOrdinality ] rowsfromItem = RowsfromItem <$> funcExprWindowless <*> maybe colDefList rowsfromList = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) rowsfromItem colDefList = tableFuncElementList optOrdinality = bool tableFuncElementList = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 7) tableFuncElement tableFuncElement = TableFuncElement <$> colId <*> typename <*> maybe collateClause collateClause = anyName aliasClause = AliasClause <$> bool <*> name <*> maybe (nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) name) funcAliasClause = choice [ AliasFuncAliasClause <$> aliasClause, AsFuncAliasClause <$> tableFuncElementList, AsColIdFuncAliasClause <$> colId <*> tableFuncElementList, ColIdFuncAliasClause <$> colId <*> tableFuncElementList ] joinedTable = frequency [ (5,) $ InParensJoinedTable <$> joinedTable, (95,) $ MethJoinedTable <$> joinMeth <*> tableRef <*> choice [relationExprTableRef, selectTableRef, funcTableRef] ] joinMeth = choice [ pure CrossJoinMeth, QualJoinMeth <$> maybe joinType <*> joinQual, NaturalJoinMeth <$> maybe joinType ] joinType = choice [ FullJoinType <$> bool, LeftJoinType <$> bool, RightJoinType <$> bool, pure InnerJoinType ] joinQual = choice [ UsingJoinQual <$> nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) name, OnJoinQual <$> aExpr ] -- * Group Clause groupClause = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) groupByItem groupByItem = choice [ ExprGroupByItem <$> aExpr, pure EmptyGroupingSetGroupByItem, RollupGroupByItem <$> nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) aExpr, CubeGroupByItem <$> nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) aExpr, GroupingSetsGroupByItem <$> nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 3) groupByItem ] -- * Having Clause havingClause = aExpr -- * Where Clause whereClause = aExpr whereOrCurrentClause = choice [ ExprWhereOrCurrentClause <$> aExpr, CursorWhereOrCurrentClause <$> cursorName ] -- * Window Clause windowClause = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) windowDefinition windowDefinition = WindowDefinition <$> name <*> windowSpecification windowSpecification = WindowSpecification <$> maybe name <*> maybe (nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) nonSuffixOpAExpr) <*> maybe sortClause <*> maybe frameClause frameClause = FrameClause <$> frameClauseMode <*> frameExtent <*> maybe windowExclusionClause frameClauseMode = element [RangeFrameClauseMode, RowsFrameClauseMode, GroupsFrameClauseMode] frameExtent = choice [ SingularFrameExtent <$> frameBound, BetweenFrameExtent <$> frameBound <*> frameBound ] frameBound = choice [ pure UnboundedPrecedingFrameBound, pure UnboundedFollowingFrameBound, pure CurrentRowFrameBound, PrecedingFrameBound <$> prefixAExpr, FollowingFrameBound <$> prefixAExpr ] windowExclusionClause = element [CurrentRowWindowExclusionClause, GroupWindowExclusionClause, TiesWindowExclusionClause, NoOthersWindowExclusionClause] -- * Values Clause valuesClause = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) (nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) aExpr) -- * Sort Clause sortClause = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) sortBy sortBy = choice [ UsingSortBy <$> nonSuffixOpAExpr <*> qualAllOp <*> maybe nullsOrder, AscDescSortBy <$> nonSuffixOpAExpr <*> maybe ascDesc <*> maybe nullsOrder ] -- * All or distinct allOrDistinct = bool -- * Limit selectLimit = choice [ LimitOffsetSelectLimit <$> limitClause <*> offsetClause, OffsetLimitSelectLimit <$> offsetClause <*> limitClause, LimitSelectLimit <$> limitClause, OffsetSelectLimit <$> offsetClause ] limitClause = choice [ LimitLimitClause <$> selectLimitValue <*> maybe aExpr, FetchOnlyLimitClause <$> bool <*> maybe selectFetchFirstValue <*> bool ] selectFetchFirstValue = choice [ ExprSelectFetchFirstValue <$> cExpr, NumSelectFetchFirstValue <$> bool <*> iconstOrFconst ] selectLimitValue = choice [ ExprSelectLimitValue <$> aExpr, pure AllSelectLimitValue ] offsetClause = choice [ ExprOffsetClause <$> aExpr, FetchFirstOffsetClause <$> selectFetchFirstValue <*> bool ] -- * For Locking forLockingClause = choice [ ItemsForLockingClause <$> nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) forLockingItem, pure ReadOnlyForLockingClause ] forLockingItem = ForLockingItem <$> forLockingStrength <*> maybe (nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) qualifiedName) <*> maybe bool forLockingStrength = element [ UpdateForLockingStrength, NoKeyUpdateForLockingStrength, ShareForLockingStrength, KeyForLockingStrength ] -- * Expressions exprList = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 7) aExpr aExpr = recursive choice [ CExprAExpr <$> cExpr, pure DefaultAExpr ] [ TypecastAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> typename, CollateAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> anyName, AtTimeZoneAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> aExpr, PlusAExpr <$> aExpr, MinusAExpr <$> aExpr, SymbolicBinOpAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> symbolicExprBinOp <*> aExpr, PrefixQualOpAExpr <$> qualOp <*> aExpr, SuffixQualOpAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> qualOp, AndAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> aExpr, OrAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> aExpr, NotAExpr <$> aExpr, VerbalExprBinOpAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> bool <*> verbalExprBinOp <*> prefixAExpr <*> maybe aExpr, ReversableOpAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> bool <*> aExprReversableOp, IsnullAExpr <$> prefixAExpr, NotnullAExpr <$> prefixAExpr, OverlapsAExpr <$> row <*> row, SubqueryAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> subqueryOp <*> subType <*> choice [Left <$> selectWithParens, Right <$> nonSelectAExpr], UniqueAExpr <$> selectWithParens ] prefixAExpr = choice [ CExprAExpr <$> cExpr, pure DefaultAExpr, UniqueAExpr <$> selectWithParens ] nonSuffixOpAExpr = recursive choice [ CExprAExpr <$> cExpr, pure DefaultAExpr ] [ TypecastAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> typename, CollateAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> anyName, AtTimeZoneAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> nonSuffixOpAExpr, PlusAExpr <$> nonSuffixOpAExpr, MinusAExpr <$> nonSuffixOpAExpr, SymbolicBinOpAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> symbolicExprBinOp <*> nonSuffixOpAExpr, PrefixQualOpAExpr <$> qualOp <*> nonSuffixOpAExpr, AndAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> nonSuffixOpAExpr, OrAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> nonSuffixOpAExpr, NotAExpr <$> nonSuffixOpAExpr, VerbalExprBinOpAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> bool <*> verbalExprBinOp <*> prefixAExpr <*> maybe nonSuffixOpAExpr, IsnullAExpr <$> prefixAExpr, NotnullAExpr <$> prefixAExpr, UniqueAExpr <$> selectWithParens ] nonSelectAExpr = choice [ TypecastAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> typename, CollateAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> anyName, AtTimeZoneAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> aExpr, PlusAExpr <$> aExpr, MinusAExpr <$> aExpr, SymbolicBinOpAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> symbolicExprBinOp <*> aExpr, PrefixQualOpAExpr <$> qualOp <*> aExpr, SuffixQualOpAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> qualOp, AndAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> aExpr, OrAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> aExpr, NotAExpr <$> aExpr, VerbalExprBinOpAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> bool <*> verbalExprBinOp <*> prefixAExpr <*> maybe aExpr, ReversableOpAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> bool <*> aExprReversableOp, IsnullAExpr <$> prefixAExpr, NotnullAExpr <$> prefixAExpr, OverlapsAExpr <$> row <*> row, SubqueryAExpr <$> prefixAExpr <*> subqueryOp <*> subType <*> choice [Left <$> selectWithParens, Right <$> nonSelectAExpr], UniqueAExpr <$> selectWithParens ] bExpr = recursive choice [ CExprBExpr <$> cExpr ] [ TypecastBExpr <$> prefixBExpr <*> typename, PlusBExpr <$> bExpr, MinusBExpr <$> bExpr, SymbolicBinOpBExpr <$> prefixBExpr <*> symbolicExprBinOp <*> bExpr, QualOpBExpr <$> qualOp <*> bExpr, IsOpBExpr <$> prefixBExpr <*> bool <*> bExprIsOp ] prefixBExpr = choice [ CExprBExpr <$> cExpr ] cExpr = recursive choice [ ColumnrefCExpr <$> columnref ] [ AexprConstCExpr <$> aexprConst, ParamCExpr <$> integral (Range.linear 1 19) <*> maybe indirection, InParensCExpr <$> nonSelectAExpr <*> maybe indirection, CaseCExpr <$> caseExpr, FuncCExpr <$> funcExpr, SelectWithParensCExpr <$> selectWithParens <*> maybe indirection, ExistsCExpr <$> selectWithParens, ArrayCExpr <$> choice [Left <$> selectWithParens, Right <$> arrayExpr], ExplicitRowCExpr <$> explicitRow, ImplicitRowCExpr <$> implicitRow, GroupingCExpr <$> exprList ] -- ** caseExpr = CaseExpr <$> maybe aExpr <*> whenClauseList <*> maybe aExpr whenClauseList = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 7) whenClause whenClause = WhenClause <$> small aExpr <*> small aExpr inExpr = choice [ SelectInExpr <$> NoParensSelectWithParens <$> selectNoParens, ExprListInExpr <$> exprList ] arrayExpr = small $ choice [ ExprListArrayExpr <$> exprList, ArrayExprListArrayExpr <$> arrayExprList, pure EmptyArrayExpr ] arrayExprList = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 4) arrayExpr row = choice [ ExplicitRowRow <$> explicitRow, ImplicitRowRow <$> implicitRow ] explicitRow = maybe exprList implicitRow = ImplicitRow <$> exprList <*> aExpr -- ** FuncExpr funcExpr = choice [ ApplicationFuncExpr <$> funcApplication <*> maybe withinGroupClause <*> maybe filterClause <*> maybe overClause, SubexprFuncExpr <$> funcExprCommonSubexpr ] funcExprWindowless = choice [ ApplicationFuncExprWindowless <$> funcApplication, CommonSubexprFuncExprWindowless <$> funcExprCommonSubexpr ] funcApplication = FuncApplication <$> funcName <*> maybe funcApplicationParams funcApplicationParams = choice [ NormalFuncApplicationParams <$> maybe allOrDistinct <*> nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) funcArgExpr <*> maybe sortClause, VariadicFuncApplicationParams <$> maybe (nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 8) funcArgExpr) <*> funcArgExpr <*> maybe sortClause, pure StarFuncApplicationParams ] funcArgExpr = choice [ ExprFuncArgExpr <$> small aExpr, ColonEqualsFuncArgExpr <$> name <*> small aExpr, EqualsGreaterFuncArgExpr <$> name <*> small aExpr ] withinGroupClause = sortClause filterClause = aExpr overClause = choice [WindowOverClause <$> windowSpecification, ColIdOverClause <$> colId] funcExprCommonSubexpr = choice [ CollationForFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> aExpr, pure CurrentDateFuncExprCommonSubexpr, CurrentTimeFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> maybe iconst, CurrentTimestampFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> maybe iconst, LocalTimeFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> maybe iconst, LocalTimestampFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> maybe iconst, pure CurrentRoleFuncExprCommonSubexpr, pure CurrentUserFuncExprCommonSubexpr, pure SessionUserFuncExprCommonSubexpr, pure UserFuncExprCommonSubexpr, pure CurrentCatalogFuncExprCommonSubexpr, pure CurrentSchemaFuncExprCommonSubexpr, CastFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> aExpr <*> typename, ExtractFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> maybe extractList, OverlayFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> overlayList, PositionFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> maybe positionList, SubstringFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> maybe substrList, TreatFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> aExpr <*> typename, TrimFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> maybe trimModifier <*> trimList, NullIfFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> aExpr <*> aExpr, CoalesceFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> exprList, GreatestFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> exprList, LeastFuncExprCommonSubexpr <$> exprList ] extractList = ExtractList <$> extractArg <*> aExpr extractArg = choice [ IdentExtractArg <$> ident, pure YearExtractArg, pure MonthExtractArg, pure DayExtractArg, pure HourExtractArg, pure MinuteExtractArg, pure SecondExtractArg, SconstExtractArg <$> sconst ] overlayList = OverlayList <$> aExpr <*> overlayPlacing <*> substrFrom <*> maybe substrFor overlayPlacing = aExpr positionList = PositionList <$> bExpr <*> bExpr substrList = choice [ ExprSubstrList <$> aExpr <*> substrListFromFor, ExprListSubstrList <$> exprList ] substrListFromFor = choice [ FromForSubstrListFromFor <$> substrFrom <*> substrFor, ForFromSubstrListFromFor <$> substrFor <*> substrFrom, FromSubstrListFromFor <$> substrFrom, ForSubstrListFromFor <$> substrFor ] substrFrom = aExpr substrFor = aExpr trimModifier = enumBounded trimList = choice [ ExprFromExprListTrimList <$> aExpr <*> exprList, FromExprListTrimList <$> exprList, ExprListTrimList <$> exprList ] -- * Operators qualOp = choice [OpQualOp <$> op, OperatorQualOp <$> anyOperator] qualAllOp = choice [ AllQualAllOp <$> allOp, AnyQualAllOp <$> anyOperator ] op = do a <- text (Range.exponential 1 7) (element "+-*/<>=~!@#%^&|`?") case Validation.op a of Nothing -> return a _ -> discard anyOperator = recursive choice [ AllOpAnyOperator <$> allOp ] [ QualifiedAnyOperator <$> colId <*> anyOperator ] allOp = choice [OpAllOp <$> op, MathAllOp <$> mathOp] mathOp = enumBounded symbolicExprBinOp = choice [ MathSymbolicExprBinOp <$> mathOp, QualSymbolicExprBinOp <$> qualOp ] binOp = element (toList KeywordSet.symbolicBinOp <> ["AND", "OR", "IS DISTINCT FROM", "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM"]) verbalExprBinOp = enumBounded aExprReversableOp = choice [ pure NullAExprReversableOp, pure TrueAExprReversableOp, pure FalseAExprReversableOp, pure UnknownAExprReversableOp, DistinctFromAExprReversableOp <$> aExpr, OfAExprReversableOp <$> typeList, BetweenAExprReversableOp <$> bool <*> bExpr <*> aExpr, BetweenSymmetricAExprReversableOp <$> bExpr <*> aExpr, InAExprReversableOp <$> inExpr, pure DocumentAExprReversableOp ] bExprIsOp = choice [ DistinctFromBExprIsOp <$> bExpr, OfBExprIsOp <$> typeList, pure DocumentBExprIsOp ] subqueryOp = choice [ AllSubqueryOp <$> allOp, AnySubqueryOp <$> anyOperator, LikeSubqueryOp <$> bool, IlikeSubqueryOp <$> bool ] -- * Constants aexprConst = choice [ IAexprConst <$> iconst, FAexprConst <$> fconst, SAexprConst <$> sconst, BAexprConst <$> text (Range.exponential 1 100) (element "01"), XAexprConst <$> text (Range.exponential 1 100) (element "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"), FuncAexprConst <$> funcName <*> maybe funcConstArgs <*> sconst, ConstTypenameAexprConst <$> constTypename <*> sconst, StringIntervalAexprConst <$> sconst <*> maybe interval, IntIntervalAexprConst <$> integral (Range.exponential 0 2309482309483029) <*> sconst, BoolAexprConst <$> bool, pure NullAexprConst ] funcConstArgs = FuncConstArgs <$> nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 7) funcArgExpr <*> maybe sortClause constTypename = choice [ NumericConstTypename <$> numeric, ConstBitConstTypename <$> constBit, ConstCharacterConstTypename <$> constCharacter, ConstDatetimeConstTypename <$> constDatetime ] numeric = choice [ pure IntNumeric, pure IntegerNumeric, pure SmallintNumeric, pure BigintNumeric, pure RealNumeric, FloatNumeric <$> maybe iconst, pure DoublePrecisionNumeric, DecimalNumeric <$> maybe (nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 7) (small aExpr)), DecNumeric <$> maybe (nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 7) (small aExpr)), NumericNumeric <$> maybe (nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 7) (small aExpr)), pure BooleanNumeric ] bit = Bit <$> bool <*> maybe (nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 7) (small aExpr)) constBit = bit constCharacter = ConstCharacter <$> character <*> maybe iconst character = choice [ CharacterCharacter <$> bool, CharCharacter <$> bool, pure VarcharCharacter, NationalCharacterCharacter <$> bool, NationalCharCharacter <$> bool, NcharCharacter <$> bool ] constDatetime = choice [ TimestampConstDatetime <$> maybe iconst <*> maybe bool, TimeConstDatetime <$> maybe iconst <*> maybe bool ] interval = choice [ pure YearInterval, pure MonthInterval, pure DayInterval, pure HourInterval, pure MinuteInterval, SecondInterval <$> intervalSecond, pure YearToMonthInterval, pure DayToHourInterval, pure DayToMinuteInterval, DayToSecondInterval <$> intervalSecond, pure HourToMinuteInterval, HourToSecondInterval <$> intervalSecond, MinuteToSecondInterval <$> intervalSecond ] intervalSecond = maybe iconst sconst = text (Range.exponential 0 1000) unicode iconstOrFconst = choice [Left <$> iconst <|> Right <$> fconst] fconst = filter (\a -> fromIntegral (round a) /= a) $ realFrac_ (Range.exponentialFloat 0 309457394857984375983475943) iconst = integral (Range.exponential 0 maxBound) -- * Types nullable = pure False arrayDimensionsAmount = int (Range.exponential 0 4) -- ** Typename typename = Typename <$> bool <*> simpleTypename <*> pure False <*> maybe ((,) <$> typenameArrayDimensions <*> pure False) typenameArrayDimensions = choice [ BoundsTypenameArrayDimensions <$> arrayBounds, ExplicitTypenameArrayDimensions <$> maybe iconst ] arrayBounds = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 4) (maybe iconst) simpleTypename = choice [ GenericTypeSimpleTypename <$> genericType, NumericSimpleTypename <$> numeric, BitSimpleTypename <$> bit, CharacterSimpleTypename <$> character, ConstDatetimeSimpleTypename <$> constDatetime, ConstIntervalSimpleTypename <$> choice [Left <$> maybe interval, Right <$> iconst] ] genericType = GenericType <$> typeFunctionName <*> maybe attrs <*> maybe typeModifiers attrs = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 10) attrName typeModifiers = exprList typeList = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 7) typename subType = enumBounded -- * Names columnref = Columnref <$> colId <*> maybe indirection keywordNotInSet = \set -> notInSet set $ do a <- element startList b <- text (Range.linear 1 29) (element contList) return (Text.cons a b) where startList = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_" <> List.filter isLower (enumFromTo '\200' '\377') contList = startList <> "0123456789$" ident = identWithSet mempty typeName = identWithSet KeywordSet.typeFunctionName name = identWithSet KeywordSet.colId cursorName = name identWithSet set = frequency [ (95,) $ UnquotedIdent <$> (keywordNotInSet . HashSet.difference KeywordSet.keyword) set, (5,) $ QuotedIdent <$> text (Range.linear 1 30) quotedChar ] qualifiedName = choice [ SimpleQualifiedName <$> name, IndirectedQualifiedName <$> name <*> indirection ] indirection = nonEmpty (Range.linear 1 3) indirectionEl indirectionEl = choice [ AttrNameIndirectionEl <$> name, pure AllIndirectionEl, ExprIndirectionEl <$> (small aExpr), SliceIndirectionEl <$> maybe (small aExpr) <*> maybe (small aExpr) ] quotedChar = filter (not . isControl) unicode colId = name colLabel = name attrName = colLabel typeFunctionName = name funcName = choice [ TypeFuncName <$> typeFunctionName, IndirectedFuncName <$> colId <*> indirection ] anyName = AnyName <$> colId <*> maybe attrs -- * Indexes indexParams = nonEmpty (Range.exponential 1 5) indexElem indexElem = IndexElem <$> indexElemDef <*> maybe collate <*> maybe class_ <*> maybe ascDesc <*> maybe nullsOrder indexElemDef = choice [ IdIndexElemDef <$> colId, FuncIndexElemDef <$> funcExprWindowless, ExprIndexElemDef <$> aExpr ] collate = anyName class_ = anyName ascDesc = enumBounded nullsOrder = enumBounded