{-| Module : Database.PostgreSQL.Replicant.Types.Lsn Description : Types and parsers for LSNs Copyright : (c) James King, 2020, 2021 License : BSD3 Maintainer : james@agentultra.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX /Log Sequence Number/ or LSN is a pointer to a place inside of a WAL log file. It contains the file name and an offset in bytes encoded in two parts. LSNs can be serialized into 64-bit big-endian numbers in the binary protocol but are also represented textually in query results and other places. This module follows a similar convention to many containers libraries and should probably be imported qualified to avoid name clashes if needed. See: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/datatype-pg-lsn.html -} module Database.PostgreSQL.Replicant.Types.Lsn where import Data.Aeson import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 import Data.Bits import Data.Bits.Extras import Data.ByteString (ByteString ()) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as Builder import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder.ASCII (word32Hex) import Data.Serialize import Data.Word import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import GHC.Int data LSN = LSN { filepart :: !Int32 -- ^ Filepart , offset :: !Int32 -- ^ Offset } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Ord LSN where compare (LSN l0 r0) (LSN l1 r1) = compare l0 l1 <> compare r0 r1 instance Serialize LSN where put = putInt64be . toInt64 get = fromInt64 <$> getInt64be instance ToJSON LSN where toJSON = String . T.toUpper . T.decodeUtf8 . toByteString instance FromJSON LSN where parseJSON = withText "LSN" $ \txt -> case fromByteString . T.encodeUtf8 $ txt of Left err -> fail err Right lsn -> pure lsn -- | Convert an LSN to a 64-bit integer toInt64 :: LSN -> Int64 toInt64 (LSN filePart offSet) = let r = w64 filePart `shiftL` 32 in fromIntegral $ r .|. fromIntegral offSet -- | Convert a 64-bit integer to an LSN fromInt64 :: Int64 -> LSN fromInt64 x = let mask = w64 $ maxBound @Word32 offSet = fromIntegral . w32 $ mask .&. fromIntegral x filePart = fromIntegral $ x `shiftR` 32 in LSN filePart offSet lsnParser :: Parser LSN lsnParser = LSN <$> (hexadecimal <* char '/') <*> hexadecimal fromByteString :: ByteString -> Either String LSN fromByteString = parseOnly lsnParser -- | Note that as of bytestring ~ we don't have upper-case -- hex encoders but the patch to add them has been merged and when -- available we should switch to them toByteString :: LSN -> ByteString toByteString (LSN filepart off) = BL.toStrict $ Builder.toLazyByteString ( word32Hex (fromIntegral filepart) <> Builder.char7 '/' <> word32Hex (fromIntegral off) ) -- | Add a number of bytes to an LSN add :: LSN -> Int64 -> LSN add lsn bytes = fromInt64 . (+ bytes) . toInt64 $ lsn -- | Subtract a number of bytes from an LSN sub :: LSN -> Int64 -> LSN sub lsn bytes = fromInt64 . flip (-) bytes . toInt64 $ lsn -- | Subtract two LSN's to calculate the difference of bytes between -- them. subLsn :: LSN -> LSN -> Int64 subLsn lsn1 lsn2 = toInt64 lsn1 - toInt64 lsn2