module Database.PostgreSQL.Query.Entity.Internal ( -- * Entity functions entityFields , entityFieldsId , selectEntity , selectEntitiesBy , insertEntity , insertManyEntities , entityToMR ) where import Database.PostgreSQL.Query.Entity.Class import Database.PostgreSQL.Query.Import import Database.PostgreSQL.Query.Internal import Database.PostgreSQL.Query.SqlBuilder ( SqlBuilder, ToSqlBuilder(..), mkValue ) import Database.PostgreSQL.Query.TH ( sqlExp ) import Database.PostgreSQL.Query.Types ( FN(..), MarkedRow(..), ToMarkedRow(..), mrToBuilder ) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToRow ( ToRow(..) ) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NL import qualified Data.List as L {- $setup >>> import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple >>> import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField >>> import Database.PostgreSQL.Query.SqlBuilder >>> con <- connect defaultConnectInfo >>> run b = fmap fst $ runSqlBuilder con defaultLogMasker b -} {- | Build entity fields >>> data Foo = Foo { fName :: Text, fSize :: Int } >>> instance Entity Foo where {newtype EntityId Foo = FooId Int ; fieldNames _ = ["name", "size"] ; tableName _ = "foo"} >>> run $ entityFields id id (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) "\"name\", \"size\"" >>> run $ entityFields ("id":) id (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) "\"id\", \"name\", \"size\"" >>> run $ entityFields (\l -> ("id":l) ++ ["created"]) id (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) "\"id\", \"name\", \"size\", \"created\"" >>> run $ entityFields id ("f"<>) (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) "\"f\".\"name\", \"f\".\"size\"" >>> run $ entityFields ("":) ("f"<>) (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) "\"f\".\"id\", \"f\".\"name\", \"f\".\"size\"" -} entityFields :: (Entity a) => ([FN] -> [FN]) -- ^ modify list of fields. Applied second -> (FN -> FN) -- ^ modify each field name, -- e.g. prepend each field with -- prefix, like ("t"<>). Applied first -> Proxy a -> SqlBuilder entityFields xpref fpref p = buildFields $ xpref $ map fpref $ fieldNames p {- | Same as 'entityFields' but prefixes list of names with __id__ field. This is shorthand function for often usage. >>> data Foo = Foo { fName :: Text, fSize :: Int } >>> instance Entity Foo where {newtype EntityId Foo = FooId Int ; fieldNames _ = ["name", "size"] ; tableName _ = "foo"} >>> run $ entityFieldsId id (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) "\"id\", \"name\", \"size\"" >>> run $ entityFieldsId ("f"<>) (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) "\"f\".\"id\", \"f\".\"name\", \"f\".\"size\"" -} entityFieldsId :: (Entity a) => (FN -> FN) -> Proxy a -> SqlBuilder entityFieldsId fpref p = let xpref = ((fpref "id"):) in entityFields xpref fpref p {- | Generate SELECT query string for entity >>> data Foo = Foo { fName :: Text, fSize :: Int } >>> instance Entity Foo where {newtype EntityId Foo = FooId Int ; fieldNames _ = ["name", "size"] ; tableName _ = "foo"} >>> run $ selectEntity (entityFieldsId id) (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) "SELECT \"id\", \"name\", \"size\" FROM \"foo\"" >>> run $ selectEntity (entityFieldsId ("f"<>)) (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) "SELECT \"f\".\"id\", \"f\".\"name\", \"f\".\"size\" FROM \"foo\"" >>> run $ selectEntity (entityFields id id) (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) "SELECT \"name\", \"size\" FROM \"foo\"" -} selectEntity :: (Entity a) => (Proxy a -> SqlBuilder) -- ^ build fields part from proxy -> Proxy a -> SqlBuilder selectEntity bld p = [sqlExp|SELECT ^{bld p} FROM ^{tableName p}|] {- | Generates SELECT FROM WHERE query with most used conditions >>> data Foo = Foo { fName :: Text, fSize :: Int } >>> instance Entity Foo where {newtype EntityId Foo = FooId Int ; fieldNames _ = ["name", "size"] ; tableName _ = "foo"} >>> run $ selectEntitiesBy id (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) $ MR [] "SELECT \"name\", \"size\" FROM \"foo\"" >>> run $ selectEntitiesBy id (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) $ MR [("name", mkValue "fooname")] "SELECT \"name\", \"size\" FROM \"foo\" WHERE \"name\" = 'fooname' " >>> run $ selectEntitiesBy id (Proxy :: Proxy Foo) $ MR [("name", mkValue "fooname"), ("size", mkValue 10)] "SELECT \"name\", \"size\" FROM \"foo\" WHERE \"name\" = 'fooname' AND \"size\" = 10 " -} selectEntitiesBy :: (Entity a, ToMarkedRow b) => ([FN] -> [FN]) -> Proxy a -> b -> SqlBuilder selectEntitiesBy xpref p b = let mr = toMarkedRow b cond = if L.null $ unMR mr then mempty else [sqlExp| WHERE ^{mrToBuilder "AND" mr}|] q = selectEntity (entityFields xpref id) p in q <> cond {- | Convert entity instance to marked row to perform inserts updates and same stuff >>> data Foo = Foo { fName :: Text, fSize :: Int } >>> instance Entity Foo where {newtype EntityId Foo = FooId Int ; fieldNames _ = ["name", "size"] ; tableName _ = "foo"} >>> instance ToRow Foo where { toRow Foo{..} = [toField fName, toField fSize] } >>> run $ mrToBuilder ", " $ entityToMR $ Foo "Enterprise" 610 " \"name\" = 'Enterprise' , \"size\" = 610 " -} entityToMR :: forall a. (Entity a, ToRow a) => a -> MarkedRow entityToMR a = let p = Proxy :: Proxy a names = fieldNames p values = map mkValue $ toRow a in MR $ zip names values {- | Generates __INSERT INTO__ query for any instance of 'Entity' and 'ToRow' >>> data Foo = Foo { fName :: Text, fSize :: Int } >>> instance Entity Foo where {newtype EntityId Foo = FooId Int ; fieldNames _ = ["name", "size"] ; tableName _ = "foo"} >>> instance ToRow Foo where { toRow Foo{..} = [toField fName, toField fSize] } >>> run $ insertEntity $ Foo "Enterprise" 910 "INSERT INTO \"foo\" (\"name\", \"size\") VALUES ('Enterprise', 910)" -} insertEntity :: forall a. (Entity a, ToRow a) => a -> SqlBuilder insertEntity a = let p = Proxy :: Proxy a mr = entityToMR a in insertInto (tableName p) mr {- | Same as 'insertEntity' but generates query to insert many queries at same time >>> import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField >>> import Database.PostgreSQL.Query.SqlBuilder.Builder >>> data Foo = Foo { fName :: Text, fSize :: Int } >>> instance Entity Foo where {newtype EntityId Foo = FooId Int ; fieldNames _ = ["name", "size"] ; tableName _ = "foo"} >>> instance ToRow Foo where { toRow Foo{..} = [toField fName, toField fSize] } >>> run $ insertManyEntities $ NL.fromList [Foo "meter" 1, Foo "table" 2, Foo "earth" 151930000000] "INSERT INTO \"foo\" (\"name\",\"size\") VALUES ('meter',1),('table',2),('earth',151930000000)" -} insertManyEntities :: forall a. (Entity a, ToRow a) => NonEmpty a -> SqlBuilder insertManyEntities rows = let p = Proxy :: Proxy a names = mconcat $ L.intersperse "," $ map toSqlBuilder $ fieldNames p values = mconcat $ L.intersperse "," $ map rValue $ NL.toList rows in [sqlExp|INSERT INTO ^{tableName p} (^{names}) VALUES ^{values}|] where rValue :: a -> SqlBuilder rValue row = let values = mconcat $ L.intersperse "," $ map mkValue $ toRow row in [sqlExp|(^{values})|]