module PostgreSQL.Binary.Decoder ( Decoder, run, -- * Primitive int, float4, float8, bool, bytea_strict, bytea_lazy, -- * Textual text_strict, text_lazy, char, -- * Misc fn, numeric, uuid, json_ast, json_bytes, jsonb_ast, jsonb_bytes, -- * Time date, time_int, time_float, timetz_int, timetz_float, timestamp_int, timestamp_float, timestamptz_int, timestamptz_float, interval_int, interval_float, -- * Exotic -- ** Array ArrayDecoder, array, arrayDimension, arrayValue, arrayNonNullValue, -- ** Composite CompositeDecoder, composite, compositeValue, compositeNonNullValue, -- ** HStore hstore, -- ** enum, ) where import PostgreSQL.Binary.Prelude hiding (take, bool, drop, state, fail, failure) import BinaryParser import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Data as Data import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Integral as Integral import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Interval as Interval import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Numeric as Numeric import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Time as Time import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyByteString import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as Text import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LazyText import qualified Data.UUID as UUID import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson type Decoder = BinaryParser -- * Helpers ------------------------- -- | -- Any int number of a limited byte-size. {-# INLINE intOfSize #-} intOfSize :: (Integral a, Bits a) => Int -> Decoder a intOfSize x = fmap Integral.pack (bytesOfSize x) {-# INLINABLE onContent #-} onContent :: Decoder a -> Decoder ( Maybe a ) onContent decoder = intOfSize 4 >>= \case (-1) -> pure Nothing n -> fmap Just (sized n decoder) {-# INLINABLE content #-} content :: Decoder (Maybe ByteString) content = intOfSize 4 >>= \case (-1) -> pure Nothing n -> fmap Just (bytesOfSize n) {-# INLINE nonNull #-} nonNull :: Maybe a -> Decoder a nonNull = maybe (failure "Unexpected NULL") return -- * Primitive ------------------------- -- | -- Lifts a custom decoder implementation. {-# INLINE fn #-} fn :: (ByteString -> Either Text a) -> Decoder a fn fn = BinaryParser.remainders >>= either BinaryParser.failure return . fn {-# INLINE int #-} int :: (Integral a, Bits a) => Decoder a int = fmap Integral.pack remainders float4 :: Decoder Float float4 = unsafeCoerce (int :: Decoder Int32) float8 :: Decoder Double float8 = unsafeCoerce (int :: Decoder Int64) {-# INLINE bool #-} bool :: Decoder Bool bool = fmap (== 1) byte {-# NOINLINE numeric #-} numeric :: Decoder Scientific numeric = do componentsAmount <- intOfSize 2 pointIndex <- intOfSize 2 signCode <- intOfSize 2 unitOfSize 2 components <- Vector.replicateM componentsAmount (intOfSize 2) either failure return (Numeric.scientific pointIndex signCode components) {-# INLINABLE uuid #-} uuid :: Decoder UUID uuid = UUID.fromWords <$> intOfSize 4 <*> intOfSize 4 <*> intOfSize 4 <*> intOfSize 4 {-# INLINABLE json_ast #-} json_ast :: Decoder Aeson.Value json_ast = bytea_strict >>= either (BinaryParser.failure . fromString) pure . Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict' -- | -- Given a function, which parses a plain UTF-8 JSON string encoded as a byte-array, -- produces a decoder. {-# INLINABLE json_bytes #-} json_bytes :: (ByteString -> Either Text a) -> Decoder a json_bytes cont = getAllBytes >>= parseJSON where getAllBytes = BinaryParser.remainders parseJSON = either BinaryParser.failure return . cont {-# INLINABLE jsonb_ast #-} jsonb_ast :: Decoder Aeson.Value jsonb_ast = jsonb_bytes $ mapLeft fromString . Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict' -- | -- Given a function, which parses a plain UTF-8 JSON string encoded as a byte-array, -- produces a decoder. -- -- For those wondering, yes, -- JSONB is encoded as plain JSON string in the binary format of Postgres. -- Sad, but true. {-# INLINABLE jsonb_bytes #-} jsonb_bytes :: (ByteString -> Either Text a) -> Decoder a jsonb_bytes cont = getAllBytes >>= trimBytes >>= parseJSON where getAllBytes = BinaryParser.remainders trimBytes = maybe (BinaryParser.failure "Empty input") return . fmap snd . ByteString.uncons parseJSON = either BinaryParser.failure return . cont -- ** Textual ------------------------- -- | -- A UTF-8-decoded char. {-# INLINABLE char #-} char :: Decoder Char char = fmap Text.uncons text_strict >>= \case Just (c, "") -> return c Nothing -> failure "Empty input" _ -> failure "Consumed too much" -- | -- Any of the variable-length character types: -- BPCHAR, VARCHAR, NAME and TEXT. {-# INLINABLE text_strict #-} text_strict :: Decoder Text text_strict = remainders >>= either (failure . exception) return . Text.decodeUtf8' where exception = \case Text.DecodeError message byte -> fromString message _ -> $bug "Unexpected unicode exception" -- | -- Any of the variable-length character types: -- BPCHAR, VARCHAR, NAME and TEXT. {-# INLINABLE text_lazy #-} text_lazy :: Decoder LazyText text_lazy = bytea_lazy >>= either (failure . exception) return . LazyText.decodeUtf8' where exception = \case Text.DecodeError message byte -> fromString message _ -> $bug "Unexpected unicode exception" -- | -- BYTEA or any other type in its undecoded form. {-# INLINE bytea_strict #-} bytea_strict :: Decoder ByteString bytea_strict = remainders -- | -- BYTEA or any other type in its undecoded form. {-# INLINE bytea_lazy #-} bytea_lazy :: Decoder LazyByteString bytea_lazy = fmap LazyByteString.fromStrict remainders -- * Date and Time ------------------------- -- | -- @DATE@ values decoding. date :: Decoder Day date = fmap (Time.postgresJulianToDay . fromIntegral) (int :: Decoder Int32) -- | -- @TIME@ values decoding for servers, which have @integer_datetimes@ enabled. time_int :: Decoder TimeOfDay time_int = fmap Time.microsToTimeOfDay int -- | -- @TIME@ values decoding for servers, which don't have @integer_datetimes@ enabled. time_float :: Decoder TimeOfDay time_float = fmap Time.secsToTimeOfDay float8 -- | -- @TIMETZ@ values decoding for servers, which have @integer_datetimes@ enabled. timetz_int :: Decoder (TimeOfDay, TimeZone) timetz_int = (,) <$> sized 8 time_int <*> tz -- | -- @TIMETZ@ values decoding for servers, which don't have @integer_datetimes@ enabled. timetz_float :: Decoder (TimeOfDay, TimeZone) timetz_float = (,) <$> sized 8 time_float <*> tz {-# INLINE tz #-} tz :: Decoder TimeZone tz = fmap (minutesToTimeZone . negate . (flip div 60) . fromIntegral) (int :: Decoder Int32) -- | -- @TIMESTAMP@ values decoding for servers, which have @integer_datetimes@ enabled. timestamp_int :: Decoder LocalTime timestamp_int = fmap Time.microsToLocalTime int -- | -- @TIMESTAMP@ values decoding for servers, which don't have @integer_datetimes@ enabled. timestamp_float :: Decoder LocalTime timestamp_float = fmap Time.secsToLocalTime float8 -- | -- @TIMESTAMP@ values decoding for servers, which have @integer_datetimes@ enabled. timestamptz_int :: Decoder UTCTime timestamptz_int = fmap Time.microsToUTC int -- | -- @TIMESTAMP@ values decoding for servers, which don't have @integer_datetimes@ enabled. timestamptz_float :: Decoder UTCTime timestamptz_float = fmap Time.secsToUTC float8 -- | -- @INTERVAL@ values decoding for servers, which don't have @integer_datetimes@ enabled. interval_int :: Decoder DiffTime interval_int = do u <- sized 8 int d <- sized 4 int m <- int return $ Interval.toDiffTime $ Interval.Interval u d m -- | -- @INTERVAL@ values decoding for servers, which have @integer_datetimes@ enabled. interval_float :: Decoder DiffTime interval_float = do u <- sized 8 (fmap (round . (*(10^6)) . toRational) float8) d <- sized 4 int m <- int return $ Interval.toDiffTime $ Interval.Interval u d m -- * Exotic ------------------------- -- | -- A lower-level array data parser, -- which aggregates the intermediate data representation as per the Postgres format. -- -- Only use this if 'array' doesn't fit your case. {-# INLINABLE arrayRep #-} arrayRep :: Decoder Data.Array arrayRep = do dimensionsAmount <- intOfSize 4 nullsValue <- nulls oid <- intOfSize 4 dimensions <- Vector.replicateM dimensionsAmount dimension let valuesAmount = (Vector.product . fst) dimensions values <- Vector.replicateM (fromIntegral valuesAmount) content return (dimensions, values, nullsValue, oid) where dimension = (,) <$> intOfSize 4 <*> intOfSize 4 nulls = intOfSize 4 >>= \(x :: Word32) -> case x of 0 -> return False 1 -> return True w -> failure $ "Invalid value: " <> (fromString . show) w {-# INLINABLE compositeRep #-} compositeRep :: Decoder Data.Composite compositeRep = do componentsAmount <- intOfSize 4 Vector.replicateM componentsAmount component where component = (,) <$> intOfSize 4 <*> content -- | -- A function for generic in place parsing of an HStore value. -- -- Accepts: -- -- * An implementation of the @replicateM@ function -- (@Control.Monad.'Control.Monad.replicateM'@, @Data.Vector.'Data.Vector.replicateM'@), -- which determines how to produce the final datastructure from the rows. -- -- * A decoder for keys. -- -- * A decoder for values. -- -- Here's how you can use it to produce a parser to list: -- -- @ -- hstoreAsList :: Decoder [ ( Text , Maybe Text ) ] -- hstoreAsList = -- hstore replicateM text text -- @ -- {-# INLINABLE hstore #-} hstore :: ( forall m. Monad m => Int -> m ( k , Maybe v ) -> m r ) -> Decoder k -> Decoder v -> Decoder r hstore replicateM keyContent valueContent = do componentsAmount <- intOfSize 4 replicateM componentsAmount component where component = (,) <$> key <*> value where key = onContent keyContent >>= nonNull value = onContent valueContent {-# INLINABLE hstoreRep #-} hstoreRep :: Decoder Data.HStore hstoreRep = do componentsAmount <- intOfSize 4 Vector.replicateM componentsAmount component where component = (,) <$> key <*> content where key = intOfSize 4 >>= bytesOfSize -- * Composite ------------------------- newtype CompositeDecoder a = CompositeDecoder ( Decoder a ) deriving ( Functor , Applicative , Monad ) -- | -- Unlift a 'CompositeDecoder' to a value 'Decoder'. {-# INLINE composite #-} composite :: CompositeDecoder a -> Decoder a composite (CompositeDecoder decoder) = unitOfSize 4 *> decoder -- | -- Lift a value 'Decoder' into 'CompositeDecoder'. {-# INLINE compositeValue #-} compositeValue :: Decoder a -> CompositeDecoder ( Maybe a ) compositeValue = CompositeDecoder . onContent -- | -- Lift a non-nullable value 'Decoder' into 'CompositeDecoder'. {-# INLINE compositeNonNullValue #-} compositeNonNullValue :: Decoder a -> CompositeDecoder a compositeNonNullValue = CompositeDecoder . join . fmap (maybe (failure "Unexpected NULL") return) . onContent -- * Array ------------------------- -- | -- An efficient generic array decoder, -- which constructs the result value in place while parsing. -- -- Here's how you can use it to produce a specific array value decoder: -- -- @ -- x :: Decoder [ [ Text ] ] -- x = -- array (arrayDimension replicateM (fmap catMaybes (arrayDimension replicateM (arrayValue text)))) -- @ -- newtype ArrayDecoder a = ArrayDecoder ( [ Word32 ] -> Decoder a ) deriving ( Functor ) -- | -- Unlift an 'ArrayDecoder' to a value 'Decoder'. {-# INLINE array #-} array :: ArrayDecoder a -> Decoder a array (ArrayDecoder decoder) = do dimensionsAmount <- intOfSize 4 unitOfSize (4 + 4) dimensionSizes <- replicateM dimensionsAmount dimensionSize decoder dimensionSizes where dimensionSize = intOfSize 4 <* unitOfSize 4 -- | -- A function for parsing a dimension of an array. -- Provides support for multi-dimensional arrays. -- -- Accepts: -- -- * An implementation of the @replicateM@ function -- (@Control.Monad.'Control.Monad.replicateM'@, @Data.Vector.'Data.Vector.replicateM'@), -- which determines the output value. -- -- * A decoder of its components, which can be either another 'arrayDimension' or 'arrayValue'. -- {-# INLINE arrayDimension #-} arrayDimension :: ( forall m. Monad m => Int -> m a -> m b ) -> ArrayDecoder a -> ArrayDecoder b arrayDimension replicateM (ArrayDecoder component) = ArrayDecoder $ \case head : tail -> replicateM (fromIntegral head) (component tail) _ -> failure "A missing dimension length" -- | -- Lift a value 'Decoder' into 'ArrayDecoder' for parsing of nullable leaf values. {-# INLINE arrayValue #-} arrayValue :: Decoder a -> ArrayDecoder ( Maybe a ) arrayValue = ArrayDecoder . const . onContent -- | -- Lift a value 'Decoder' into 'ArrayDecoder' for parsing of non-nullable leaf values. {-# INLINE arrayNonNullValue #-} arrayNonNullValue :: Decoder a -> ArrayDecoder a arrayNonNullValue = ArrayDecoder . const . join . fmap (maybe (failure "Unexpected NULL") return) . onContent -- * Enum ------------------------- -- | -- Given a partial mapping from text to value, -- produces a decoder of that value. {-# INLINE enum #-} enum :: (Text -> Maybe a) -> Decoder a enum mapping = text_strict >>= onText where onText text = maybe onNothing onJust (mapping text) where onNothing = failure ("No mapping for text \"" <> text <> "\"") onJust = pure