{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF htfpp #-} module Main where import BasePrelude hiding (assert) import Test.Framework import Test.QuickCheck.Instances import Data.Time import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC import qualified Data.Scientific as Scientific import qualified Data.UUID as UUID import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ import qualified PostgreSQLBinary.PTI as PTI import qualified PostgreSQLBinary.Encoder as Encoder import qualified PostgreSQLBinary.Decoder as Decoder import qualified PostgreSQLBinary.Array as Array type Text = T.Text type LazyText = TL.Text type ByteString = B.ByteString type LazyByteString = BL.ByteString type Scientific = Scientific.Scientific main = htfMain $ htf_thisModulesTests floatEqProp :: RealFrac a => Show a => a -> a -> Property floatEqProp a b = counterexample (show a ++ " /~ " ++ show b) $ a + error >= b && a - error <= b where error = max (abs a) 1 / 10^3 mappingP :: (Show a, Eq a) => Word32 -> (a -> Maybe ByteString) -> (Maybe ByteString -> Either Text a) -> a -> Property mappingP oid encode decode v = Right v === do unsafePerformIO $ do c <- connect initConnection c result <- let param = (,,) <$> pure (PQ.Oid $ fromIntegral oid) <*> encode v <*> pure PQ.Binary in PQ.execParams c "SELECT $1" [param] PQ.Binary case result of Just result -> do binaryResult <- PQ.getvalue result 0 0 PQ.finish c return $ decode binaryResult Nothing -> do m <- PQ.errorMessage c fail $ maybe "Fatal PQ error" (\m -> "Fatal PQ error: " <> show m) m mappingTextP :: (Show a, Eq a) => Word32 -> (a -> Maybe ByteString) -> (a -> Maybe ByteString) -> a -> Property mappingTextP oid encode render value = render value === do unsafePerformIO $ checkText oid (encode value) checkText :: Word32 -> Maybe ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString) checkText oid v = do c <- connect initConnection c Just result <- let param = (,,) <$> pure (PQ.Oid $ fromIntegral oid) <*> v <*> pure PQ.Binary in PQ.execParams c "SELECT $1" [param] PQ.Text encodedResult <- PQ.getvalue result 0 0 PQ.finish c return $ encodedResult query :: ByteString -> [Maybe (PQ.Oid, ByteString, PQ.Format)] -> PQ.Format -> IO (Maybe ByteString) query statement params outFormat = do connection <- connect initConnection connection Just result <- PQ.execParams connection statement params outFormat encodedResult <- PQ.getvalue result 0 0 PQ.finish connection return $ encodedResult connect :: IO PQ.Connection connect = PQ.connectdb bs where bs = B.intercalate " " components where components = [ "host=" <> host, "port=" <> (fromString . show) port, "user=" <> user, "password=" <> password, "dbname=" <> db ] where host = "localhost" port = 5432 user = "postgres" password = "" db = "postgres" initConnection :: PQ.Connection -> IO () initConnection c = void $ PQ.exec c $ mconcat $ map (<> ";") $ [ "SET client_min_messages TO WARNING", "SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'", "SET intervalstyle = 'postgres'" ] getIntegerDatetimes :: PQ.Connection -> IO Bool getIntegerDatetimes c = fmap parseResult $ PQ.parameterStatus c "integer_datetimes" where parseResult = \case Just "on" -> True _ -> False nonNullParser p = fromMaybe (Left "Unexpected NULL") . fmap p nonNullRenderer r = return . r -- * Generators ------------------------- scientificGen :: Gen Scientific scientificGen = Scientific.scientific <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary microsTimeOfDayGen :: Gen TimeOfDay microsTimeOfDayGen = fmap timeToTimeOfDay $ fmap picosecondsToDiffTime $ fmap (* (10^6)) $ choose (0, (10^6)*24*60*60) microsLocalTimeGen :: Gen LocalTime microsLocalTimeGen = LocalTime <$> arbitrary <*> microsTimeOfDayGen microsUTCTimeGen :: Gen UTCTime microsUTCTimeGen = localTimeToUTC <$> timeZoneGen <*> microsLocalTimeGen intervalDiffTimeGen :: Gen DiffTime intervalDiffTimeGen = do unsafeCoerce ((* (10^6)) <$> choose (uMin, uMax) :: Gen Integer) where uMin = unsafeCoerce minInterval `div` 10^6 uMax = unsafeCoerce maxInterval `div` 10^6 timeZoneGen :: Gen TimeZone timeZoneGen = minutesToTimeZone <$> choose (- 60 * 12 + 1, 60 * 12) uuidGen :: Gen UUID.UUID uuidGen = UUID.fromWords <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary arrayGen :: Gen (Word32, Array.Data) arrayGen = do ndims <- choose (1, 4) dims <- replicateM ndims dimGen (valueGen', oid, arrayOID) <- valueGen values <- replicateM (dimsToNValues dims) valueGen' let nulls = elem Nothing values return (arrayOID, (dims, values, nulls, oid)) where dimGen = (,) <$> choose (1, 7) <*> pure 1 valueGen = do (pti, gen) <- elements [(PTI.int8, mkGen (Encoder.int8 . Left)), (PTI.bool, mkGen Encoder.bool), (PTI.date, mkGen Encoder.date), (PTI.text, mkGen Encoder.text), (PTI.bytea, mkGen Encoder.bytea)] return (gen, PTI.oidOf pti, fromJust $ PTI.arrayOIDOf pti) where mkGen renderer = fmap (fmap renderer) arbitrary dimsToNValues = product . map dimensionWidth where dimensionWidth (x, _) = fromIntegral x -- * Constants ------------------------- maxInterval :: DiffTime = unsafeCoerce $ (truncate (1780000 * 365.2425 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 10 ^ 12 :: Rational) :: Integer) minInterval :: DiffTime = negate maxInterval integerDatetimes :: Bool integerDatetimes = unsafePerformIO $ do connection <- connect initConnection connection integerDatetimes <- getIntegerDatetimes connection PQ.finish connection return integerDatetimes -- * Misc ------------------------- timestamptzApxRep (UTCTime d d') = (d, picoApxRep (unsafeCoerce d')) timestampApxRep (LocalTime d t) = (d, timeApxRep t) timetzApxRep (t, tz) = (timeApxRep t, tz) timeApxRep (TimeOfDay h m s) = (h, m, picoApxRep s) picoApxRep :: Pico -> Integer picoApxRep s = let p = unsafeCoerce s :: Integer in round (p % 10^6) -- * Tests ------------------------- -- | This is a dummy, the sole point of which is to output the value of 'integer_datetimes' test_integerDatetimes = do connection <- connect initConnection connection x <- getIntegerDatetimes connection putStrLn $ "'integer_datetimes' is " <> show x PQ.finish connection prop_uuid = forAll uuidGen $ mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.uuid) (nonNullRenderer Encoder.uuid) (nonNullParser Decoder.uuid) test_uuidParsing = assertEqual (Right (read "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000" :: UUID.UUID)) =<< do fmap (Decoder.uuid . fromJust) $ query "SELECT '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000' :: uuid" [] PQ.Binary prop_interval = forAll intervalDiffTimeGen $ mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.interval) (nonNullRenderer Encoder.interval) (nonNullParser Decoder.interval) test_maxInterval = let x = maxInterval in assertEqual (Just (Right x)) =<< do let p = (,,) (PQ.Oid (fromIntegral (PTI.oidOf PTI.interval))) (Encoder.interval x) (PQ.Binary) (fmap . fmap) Decoder.interval $ query "SELECT $1" [Just p] PQ.Binary test_minInterval = let x = minInterval in assertEqual (Just (Right x)) =<< do let p = (,,) (PQ.Oid (fromIntegral (PTI.oidOf PTI.interval))) (Encoder.interval x) (PQ.Binary) (fmap . fmap) Decoder.interval $ query "SELECT $1" [Just p] PQ.Binary prop_timestamp = forAll microsLocalTimeGen $ \x -> Just (Right (timestampApxRep x)) === do unsafePerformIO $ do let p = (,,) (PQ.Oid $ fromIntegral $ PTI.oidOf PTI.timestamp) (Encoder.timestamp integerDatetimes x) (PQ.Binary) in (fmap . fmap) (fmap timestampApxRep . Decoder.timestamp integerDatetimes) (query "SELECT $1" [Just p] PQ.Binary) test_timestampParsing1 = assertEqual (Right (read "2000-01-19 10:41:06" :: LocalTime)) =<< do fmap (Decoder.timestamp integerDatetimes . fromJust) $ query "SELECT '2000-01-19 10:41:06' :: timestamp" [] PQ.Binary test_timestamptzOffset = do c <- connect initConnection c PQ.exec c "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS a" PQ.exec c "CREATE TABLE a (b TIMESTAMPTZ)" PQ.exec c "set timezone to 'America/Los_Angeles'" let p = (,,) (PQ.Oid $ fromIntegral o) (Encoder.timestamptz integerDatetimes x) (PQ.Binary) o = PTI.oidOf PTI.timestamptz x = read "2011-09-28 00:17:25" PQ.execParams c "insert into a (b) values ($1)" [Just p] PQ.Text PQ.exec c "set timezone to 'Europe/Stockholm'" assertEqual (Just "2011-09-28 02:17:25+02") =<< singleResult =<< PQ.execParams c "SELECT * FROM a" [] PQ.Text assertEqual (Just (Right x)) =<< return . fmap (Decoder.timestamptz integerDatetimes) =<< singleResult =<< PQ.execParams c "SELECT * FROM a" [] PQ.Binary where singleResult r = PQ.getvalue (fromJust r) 0 0 prop_timestamptz = forAll microsUTCTimeGen $ \x -> Just (Right (timestamptzApxRep x)) === do unsafePerformIO $ do let p = (,,) (PQ.Oid $ fromIntegral $ PTI.oidOf PTI.timestamptz) (Encoder.timestamptz integerDatetimes x) (PQ.Binary) in (fmap . fmap) (fmap timestamptzApxRep . Decoder.timestamptz integerDatetimes) (query "SELECT $1" [Just p] PQ.Binary) prop_timetz = forAll ((,) <$> microsTimeOfDayGen <*> timeZoneGen) $ \x -> Just (Right (timetzApxRep x)) === do unsafePerformIO $ do let p = (,,) (PQ.Oid $ fromIntegral $ PTI.oidOf PTI.timetz) (Encoder.timetz integerDatetimes x) (PQ.Binary) in (fmap . fmap) (fmap timetzApxRep . Decoder.timetz integerDatetimes) (query "SELECT $1" [Just p] PQ.Binary) test_timetzParsing = assertEqual (Right $ timetzApxRep (read "(10:41:06.002897, +0500)" :: (TimeOfDay, TimeZone))) =<< do connection <- connect initConnection connection integerDatetimes <- getIntegerDatetimes connection Just result <- PQ.execParams connection "SELECT '10:41:06.002897+05' :: timetz" [] PQ.Binary encodedResult <- PQ.getvalue result 0 0 PQ.finish connection return $ fmap timetzApxRep $ Decoder.timetz integerDatetimes (fromJust encodedResult) prop_timeFromIntegerIsomorphism = forAll microsTimeOfDayGen $ \x -> Right x === Decoder.time True (Encoder.time True x) prop_timeFromDoubleIsomorphism = forAll microsTimeOfDayGen $ \x -> let Right x' = Decoder.time False (Encoder.time False x) in floatEqProp (toFloat x) (toFloat x') where toFloat (TimeOfDay h m s) = s + fromIntegral (60 * (m + 60 * h)) prop_time = forAll microsTimeOfDayGen $ \x -> Right (timeApxRep x) === do unsafePerformIO $ do connection <- connect initConnection connection integerDatetimes <- getIntegerDatetimes connection Just result <- let params = [Just (PQ.Oid $ fromIntegral $ PTI.oidOf PTI.time, Encoder.time integerDatetimes x, PQ.Binary)] in PQ.execParams connection "SELECT $1" params PQ.Binary encodedResult <- PQ.getvalue result 0 0 PQ.finish connection return $ fmap timeApxRep $ Decoder.time integerDatetimes (fromJust encodedResult) prop_timeParsing = forAll microsTimeOfDayGen $ \x -> Right (timeApxRep x) === do unsafePerformIO $ do connection <- connect initConnection connection integerDatetimes <- getIntegerDatetimes connection Just result <- let params = [Just (PQ.Oid $ fromIntegral $ PTI.oidOf PTI.time, (fromString . show) x, PQ.Text)] in PQ.execParams connection "SELECT $1" params PQ.Binary encodedResult <- PQ.getvalue result 0 0 PQ.finish connection return $ fmap timeApxRep $ Decoder.time integerDatetimes (fromJust encodedResult) prop_scientific (c, e) = let x = Scientific.scientific c e in mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.numeric) (nonNullRenderer Encoder.numeric) (nonNullParser Decoder.numeric) (x) test_scientificParsing1 = assertEqual (Right (read "-1234560.789" :: Scientific)) =<< do fmap (Decoder.numeric . fromJust) $ query "SELECT -1234560.789 :: numeric" [] PQ.Binary test_scientificParsing2 = assertEqual (Right (read "-0.0789" :: Scientific)) =<< do fmap (Decoder.numeric . fromJust) $ query "SELECT -0.0789 :: numeric" [] PQ.Binary test_scientificParsing3 = assertEqual (Right (read "10000" :: Scientific)) =<< do fmap (Decoder.numeric . fromJust) $ query "SELECT 10000 :: numeric" [] PQ.Binary prop_scientificParsing (c, e) = let x = Scientific.scientific c e in Right x === do unsafePerformIO $ fmap (Decoder.numeric . fromJust) $ query "SELECT $1 :: numeric" [Just (PQ.Oid $ fromIntegral $ PTI.oidOf PTI.numeric, (fromString . show) x, PQ.Text)] PQ.Binary prop_float = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.float4) (nonNullRenderer Encoder.float4) (nonNullParser Decoder.float4) prop_floatText = \x -> floatEqProp x $ do fromJust $ unsafePerformIO $ (fmap . fmap) reader $ checkText (PTI.oidOf pti) (encoder x) where pti = PTI.float4 reader = read . BC.unpack encoder = nonNullRenderer Encoder.float4 prop_double = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.float8) (nonNullRenderer Encoder.float8) (nonNullParser Decoder.float8) prop_doubleText = \x -> floatEqProp x $ do fromJust $ unsafePerformIO $ (fmap . fmap) reader $ checkText (PTI.oidOf pti) (encoder x) where pti = PTI.float8 reader = read . BC.unpack encoder = nonNullRenderer Encoder.float8 prop_char x = (x /= '\NUL') ==> mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.text) (nonNullRenderer Encoder.char) (nonNullParser Decoder.char) (x) prop_charText x = (x /= '\NUL') ==> mappingTextP (PTI.oidOf PTI.text) (nonNullRenderer Encoder.char) (Just . TE.encodeUtf8 . T.singleton) (x) test_emptyArrayElements = assertEqual [] (Array.elements ([], [], False, 0)) test_arrayElements = assertEqual result (Array.elements arrayData) where arrayData = ([(3, 1)], [Just "1", Just "2", Just "3"], False, 0) result = [([], [Just "1"], False, 0), ([], [Just "2"], False, 0), ([], [Just "3"], False, 0)] prop_arrayDataFromAndToListIsomporphism = forAll arrayGen $ \(oid, x) -> x === (Array.fromListUnsafe . Array.elements) x prop_byteString = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.bytea) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.bytea . Left)) (nonNullParser Decoder.bytea) prop_lazyByteString = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.bytea) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.bytea . Right)) (nonNullParser (fmap BL.fromStrict . Decoder.bytea)) prop_text v = (isNothing $ T.find (== '\NUL') v) ==> mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.text) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.text . Left)) (nonNullParser Decoder.text) (v) prop_lazyText v = (isNothing $ TL.find (== '\NUL') v) ==> mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.text) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.text . Right)) (nonNullParser (fmap TL.fromStrict . Decoder.text)) (v) prop_bool = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.bool) (nonNullRenderer Encoder.bool) (nonNullParser Decoder.bool) prop_int = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.int8) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.int8 . Left) . (fromIntegral :: Int -> Int64)) (nonNullParser Decoder.int) prop_int8 = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.int2) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.int2 . Left) . (fromIntegral :: Int8 -> Int16)) (nonNullParser Decoder.int) prop_int16 = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.int2) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.int2 . Left)) (nonNullParser Decoder.int) prop_int32 = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.int4) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.int4 . Left)) (nonNullParser Decoder.int) prop_int64 = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.int8) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.int8 . Left)) (nonNullParser Decoder.int) prop_int64Text = mappingTextP (PTI.oidOf PTI.int8) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.int8 . Left)) (Just . fromString . show) prop_word = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.int8) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.int8 . Right) . (fromIntegral :: Word -> Word64)) (nonNullParser Decoder.int) prop_word8 = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.int2) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.int2 . Right) . (fromIntegral :: Word8 -> Word16)) (nonNullParser Decoder.int) prop_word16 = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.int2) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.int2 . Right)) (nonNullParser Decoder.int) prop_word32 = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.int4) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.int4 . Right)) (nonNullParser Decoder.int) prop_word64 = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.int8) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.int8 . Right)) (nonNullParser Decoder.int) prop_word64Text = mappingTextP (PTI.oidOf PTI.int8) (nonNullRenderer (Encoder.int8 . Right)) (Just . fromString . show) prop_day = mappingP (PTI.oidOf PTI.date) (nonNullRenderer Encoder.date) (nonNullParser Decoder.date) prop_dayText = mappingTextP (PTI.oidOf PTI.date) (nonNullRenderer Encoder.date) (Just . fromString . show) prop_arrayData = forAll arrayGen $ uncurry $ \oid -> mappingP (oid) (nonNullRenderer Encoder.array) (nonNullParser Decoder.array)